// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // This file contains the implementation of a Github Action. Github uses // Node.js v12.x to run actions, so this is Node code and not Deno code. const { spawn } = require("child_process"); const fs = require("fs"); const { utimes, mkdir, readFile, writeFile } = require("fs/promises"); const { dirname, resolve } = require("path"); const { StringDecoder } = require("string_decoder"); process.on("unhandledRejection", abort); main().catch(abort); async function main() { const startTime = getTime(); const checkCleanPromise = checkClean(); const cacheFile = getCacheFile(); const oldCache = await loadCache(cacheFile); const newCache = Object.create(null); await checkCleanPromise; const counters = { restored: 0, added: 0, stale: 0, invalid: 0, }; for await (const { key, path } of ls()) { let mtime = oldCache[key]; if (mtime === undefined) { mtime = startTime; counters.added++; } else if (!mtime || mtime > startTime) { mtime = startTime; counters.invalid++; } else { counters.restored++; } await utimes(path, startTime, mtime); newCache[key] = mtime; } for (const key of Object.keys(oldCache)) { if (!(key in newCache)) counters.stale++; } await saveCache(cacheFile, newCache); const stats = { ...counters, "cache file": cacheFile, "time spent": (getTime() - startTime).toFixed(3) + "s", }; console.log( [ "mtime cache statistics", ...Object.entries(stats).map(([k, v]) => `* ${k}: ${v}`), ].join("\n"), ); } function abort(err) { console.error(err); process.exit(1); } function getTime() { return Date.now() / 1000; } function getCacheFile() { const cachePath = process.env["INPUT_CACHE-PATH"]; if (cachePath == null) { throw new Error("required input 'cache_path' not provided"); } const cacheFile = resolve(cachePath, ".mtime-cache-db.json"); return cacheFile; } async function loadCache(cacheFile) { try { const json = await readFile(cacheFile, { encoding: "utf8" }); return JSON.parse(json); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== "ENOENT") { console.warn(`failed to load mtime cache from '${cacheFile}': ${err}`); } return Object.create(null); } } async function saveCache(cacheFile, cacheData) { const cacheDir = dirname(cacheFile); await mkdir(cacheDir, { recursive: true }); const json = JSON.stringify(cacheData, null, 2); await writeFile(cacheFile, json, { encoding: "utf8" }); } async function checkClean() { let output = run( "git", [ "status", "--porcelain=v1", "--ignore-submodules=untracked", "--untracked-files=no", ], { stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "inherit"] }, ); output = decode(output, "utf8"); output = split(output, "\n"); output = filter(output, Boolean); output = await collect(output); if (output.length > 0) { throw new Error( ["git work dir dirty", ...output.map((f) => ` ${f}`)].join("\n"), ); } } async function* ls(dir = "") { let output = run( "git", ["-C", dir || ".", "ls-files", "--stage", "--eol", "--full-name", "-z"], { stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "inherit"] }, ); output = decode(output, "utf8"); output = split(output, "\0"); output = filter(output, Boolean); for await (const entry of output) { const pat = /^(?<mode>\d{6}) (?<hash>[0-9a-f]{40}) 0\t(?<eol>[^\t]*?)[ ]*\t(?<name>.*)$/; const { mode, hash, eol, name } = pat.exec(entry).groups; const path = dir ? `${dir}/${name}` : name; switch (mode) { case "120000": // Symbolic link. break; case "160000": // Git submodule. // sometimes we don't checkout all submodules if (fs.existsSync(path)) { yield* ls(path); } break; default: { // Regular file. const key = [mode, hash, eol, path].join("\0"); yield { key, path }; } } } } async function* run(cmd, args, options) { const child = spawn(cmd, args, options); const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { child.on("close", (code, signal) => { if (code === 0 && signal === null) { resolve(); } else { const command = [cmd, ...args].join(" "); const how = signal === null ? `exit code ${code}` : `signal ${signal}`; const error = new Error(`Command '${command}' failed: ${how}`); reject(error); } }); child.on("error", reject); }); yield* child.stdout; await promise; } async function collect(stream) { const array = []; for await (const item of stream) { array.push(item); } return array; } async function* decode(stream, encoding) { const decoder = new StringDecoder(encoding); for await (const chunk of stream) { yield decoder.write(chunk); } yield decoder.end(); } async function* filter(stream, fn) { for await (const item of stream) { if (fn(item)) yield item; } } async function* split(stream, separator) { let buf = ""; for await (const chunk of stream) { const parts = (buf + chunk).split(separator); buf = parts.pop(); yield* parts.values(); } yield buf; }