// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg, ArgMatches, SubCommand}; use deno::v8_set_flags; // Creates vector of strings, Vec #[cfg(test)] macro_rules! svec { ($($x:expr),*) => (vec![$($x.to_string()),*]); } #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(stutter))] #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Default)] pub struct DenoFlags { pub log_debug: bool, pub version: bool, pub reload: bool, pub allow_read: bool, pub allow_write: bool, pub allow_net: bool, pub allow_env: bool, pub allow_run: bool, pub no_prompts: bool, pub types: bool, pub prefetch: bool, pub info: bool, pub fmt: bool, } impl<'a> From> for DenoFlags { fn from(matches: ArgMatches) -> DenoFlags { let mut flags = DenoFlags::default(); if matches.is_present("log-debug") { flags.log_debug = true; } if matches.is_present("version") { flags.version = true; } if matches.is_present("reload") { flags.reload = true; } if matches.is_present("allow-read") { flags.allow_read = true; } if matches.is_present("allow-write") { flags.allow_write = true; } if matches.is_present("allow-net") { flags.allow_net = true; } if matches.is_present("allow-env") { flags.allow_env = true; } if matches.is_present("allow-run") { flags.allow_run = true; } if matches.is_present("allow-all") { flags.allow_read = true; flags.allow_env = true; flags.allow_net = true; flags.allow_run = true; flags.allow_read = true; flags.allow_write = true; } if matches.is_present("no-prompt") { flags.no_prompts = true; } if matches.is_present("types") { flags.types = true; } if matches.is_present("prefetch") { flags.prefetch = true; } if matches.is_present("info") { flags.info = true; } if matches.is_present("fmt") { flags.fmt = true; } flags } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(stutter))] pub fn set_flags( args: Vec, ) -> Result<(DenoFlags, Vec), String> { let app_settings: Vec = vec![ AppSettings::AllowExternalSubcommands, AppSettings::DisableHelpSubcommand, ]; let env_variables_help = "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES: DENO_DIR Set deno's base directory NO_COLOR Set to disable color"; let clap_app = App::new("deno") .global_settings(&vec![AppSettings::ColorNever]) .settings(&app_settings[..]) .after_help(env_variables_help) .arg( Arg::with_name("version") .short("v") .long("version") .help("Print the version"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("allow-read") .long("allow-read") .help("Allow file system read access"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("allow-write") .long("allow-write") .help("Allow file system write access"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("allow-net") .long("allow-net") .help("Allow network access"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("allow-env") .long("allow-env") .help("Allow environment access"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("allow-run") .long("allow-run") .help("Allow running subprocesses"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("allow-all") .short("A") .long("allow-all") .help("Allow all permissions"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("no-prompt") .long("no-prompt") .help("Do not use prompts"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("log-debug") .short("D") .long("log-debug") .help("Log debug output"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("reload") .short("r") .long("reload") .help("Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript)"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("v8-options") .long("v8-options") .help("Print V8 command line options"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("v8-flags") .long("v8-flags") .takes_value(true) .require_equals(true) .help("Set V8 command line options"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("types") .long("types") .help("Print runtime TypeScript declarations"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("prefetch") .long("prefetch") .help("Prefetch the dependencies"), ).subcommand( // TODO(bartlomieju): version is not handled properly SubCommand::with_name("info") .about("Show source file related info") .arg(Arg::with_name("file").takes_value(true).required(true)), ).subcommand( // TODO(bartlomieju): version is not handled properly SubCommand::with_name("fmt").about("Format files").arg( Arg::with_name("files") .takes_value(true) .multiple(true) .required(true), ), ).subcommand( // this is a fake subcommand - it's used in conjunction with // AppSettings:AllowExternalSubcommand to treat it as an // entry point script SubCommand::with_name("