// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { isTypedArray } from "./util"; import { TypedArray } from "./types"; import { TextEncoder } from "./text_encoding"; import { File, stdout } from "./files"; import { cliTable } from "./console_table"; import { formatError } from "./format_error"; import { libdeno } from "./libdeno"; type ConsoleContext = Set; type ConsoleOptions = Partial<{ showHidden: boolean; depth: number; colors: boolean; indentLevel: number; collapsedAt: number | null; }>; // Default depth of logging nested objects const DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH = 4; // Char codes const CHAR_PERCENT = 37; /* % */ const CHAR_LOWERCASE_S = 115; /* s */ const CHAR_LOWERCASE_D = 100; /* d */ const CHAR_LOWERCASE_I = 105; /* i */ const CHAR_LOWERCASE_F = 102; /* f */ const CHAR_LOWERCASE_O = 111; /* o */ const CHAR_UPPERCASE_O = 79; /* O */ const CHAR_LOWERCASE_C = 99; /* c */ export class CSI { static kClear = "\x1b[1;1H"; static kClearScreenDown = "\x1b[0J"; } function cursorTo(stream: File, x: number, y?: number) { const uint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(CSI.kClear); stream.write(uint8); } function clearScreenDown(stream: File) { const uint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(CSI.kClearScreenDown); stream.write(uint8); } function getClassInstanceName(instance: unknown): string { if (typeof instance !== "object") { return ""; } if (instance) { const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(instance); if (proto && proto.constructor) { return proto.constructor.name; // could be "Object" or "Array" } } return ""; } function createFunctionString(value: Function, ctx: ConsoleContext): string { // Might be Function/AsyncFunction/GeneratorFunction const cstrName = Object.getPrototypeOf(value).constructor.name; if (value.name && value.name !== "anonymous") { // from MDN spec return `[${cstrName}: ${value.name}]`; } return `[${cstrName}]`; } interface IterablePrintConfig { typeName: string; displayName: string; delims: [string, string]; entryHandler: ( entry: T, ctx: ConsoleContext, level: number, maxLevel: number ) => string; } function createIterableString( value: Iterable, ctx: ConsoleContext, level: number, maxLevel: number, config: IterablePrintConfig ): string { if (level >= maxLevel) { return `[${config.typeName}]`; } ctx.add(value); const entries: string[] = []; // In cases e.g. Uint8Array.prototype try { for (const el of value) { entries.push(config.entryHandler(el, ctx, level + 1, maxLevel)); } } catch (e) {} ctx.delete(value); const iPrefix = `${config.displayName ? config.displayName + " " : ""}`; const iContent = entries.length === 0 ? "" : ` ${entries.join(", ")} `; return `${iPrefix}${config.delims[0]}${iContent}${config.delims[1]}`; } function createArrayString( value: Array, ctx: ConsoleContext, level: number, maxLevel: number ): string { const printConfig: IterablePrintConfig = { typeName: "Array", displayName: "", delims: ["[", "]"], entryHandler: (el, ctx, level, maxLevel) => stringifyWithQuotes(el, ctx, level + 1, maxLevel) }; return createIterableString(value, ctx, level, maxLevel, printConfig); } function createTypedArrayString( typedArrayName: string, value: TypedArray, ctx: ConsoleContext, level: number, maxLevel: number ): string { const printConfig: IterablePrintConfig = { typeName: typedArrayName, displayName: typedArrayName, delims: ["[", "]"], entryHandler: (el, ctx, level, maxLevel) => stringifyWithQuotes(el, ctx, level + 1, maxLevel) }; return createIterableString(value, ctx, level, maxLevel, printConfig); } function createSetString( value: Set, ctx: ConsoleContext, level: number, maxLevel: number ): string { const printConfig: IterablePrintConfig = { typeName: "Set", displayName: "Set", delims: ["{", "}"], entryHandler: (el, ctx, level, maxLevel) => stringifyWithQuotes(el, ctx, level + 1, maxLevel) }; return createIterableString(value, ctx, level, maxLevel, printConfig); } function createMapString( value: Map, ctx: ConsoleContext, level: number, maxLevel: number ): string { const printConfig: IterablePrintConfig<[unknown, unknown]> = { typeName: "Map", displayName: "Map", delims: ["{", "}"], entryHandler: (el, ctx, level, maxLevel) => { const [key, val] = el; return `${stringifyWithQuotes( key, ctx, level + 1, maxLevel )} => ${stringifyWithQuotes(val, ctx, level + 1, maxLevel)}`; } }; return createIterableString(value, ctx, level, maxLevel, printConfig); } function createWeakSetString(): string { return "WeakSet { [items unknown] }"; // as seen in Node } function createWeakMapString(): string { return "WeakMap { [items unknown] }"; // as seen in Node } function createDateString(value: Date) { // without quotes, ISO format return value.toISOString(); } function createRegExpString(value: RegExp) { return value.toString(); } // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types function createStringWrapperString(value: String) { return `[String: "${value.toString()}"]`; } // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types function createBooleanWrapperString(value: Boolean) { return `[Boolean: ${value.toString()}]`; } // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types function createNumberWrapperString(value: Number) { return `[Number: ${value.toString()}]`; } // TODO: Promise, requires v8 bindings to get info // TODO: Proxy function createRawObjectString( value: { [key: string]: unknown }, ctx: ConsoleContext, level: number, maxLevel: number ): string { if (level >= maxLevel) { return "[Object]"; } ctx.add(value); const entries: string[] = []; let baseString = ""; const className = getClassInstanceName(value); let shouldShowClassName = false; if (className && className !== "Object" && className !== "anonymous") { shouldShowClassName = true; } for (const key of Object.keys(value)) { entries.push( `${key}: ${stringifyWithQuotes(value[key], ctx, level + 1, maxLevel)}` ); } ctx.delete(value); if (entries.length === 0) { baseString = "{}"; } else { baseString = `{ ${entries.join(", ")} }`; } if (shouldShowClassName) { baseString = `${className} ${baseString}`; } return baseString; } function createObjectString( value: {}, ...args: [ConsoleContext, number, number] ): string { if (value instanceof Error) { const errorJSON = libdeno.errorToJSON(value); return formatError(errorJSON); } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { return createArrayString(value, ...args); } else if (value instanceof Number) { // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types return createNumberWrapperString(value as Number); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types return createBooleanWrapperString(value as Boolean); } else if (value instanceof String) { // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types return createStringWrapperString(value as String); } else if (value instanceof RegExp) { return createRegExpString(value as RegExp); } else if (value instanceof Date) { return createDateString(value as Date); } else if (value instanceof Set) { return createSetString(value as Set, ...args); } else if (value instanceof Map) { return createMapString(value as Map, ...args); } else if (value instanceof WeakSet) { return createWeakSetString(); } else if (value instanceof WeakMap) { return createWeakMapString(); } else if (isTypedArray(value)) { return createTypedArrayString( Object.getPrototypeOf(value).constructor.name, value, ...args ); } else { // Otherwise, default object formatting return createRawObjectString(value, ...args); } } function stringify( value: unknown, ctx: ConsoleContext, level: number, maxLevel: number ): string { switch (typeof value) { case "string": return value; case "number": case "boolean": case "undefined": case "symbol": return String(value); case "bigint": return `${value}n`; case "function": return createFunctionString(value as Function, ctx); case "object": if (value === null) { return "null"; } if (ctx.has(value)) { return "[Circular]"; } return createObjectString(value, ctx, level, maxLevel); default: return "[Not Implemented]"; } } // Print strings when they are inside of arrays or objects with quotes function stringifyWithQuotes( value: unknown, ctx: ConsoleContext, level: number, maxLevel: number ): string { switch (typeof value) { case "string": return `"${value}"`; default: return stringify(value, ctx, level, maxLevel); } } // Returns true when the console is collapsed. function isCollapsed( collapsedAt: number | null | undefined, indentLevel: number | null | undefined ) { if (collapsedAt == null || indentLevel == null) { return false; } return collapsedAt <= indentLevel; } /** TODO Do not expose this from "deno" namespace. * @internal */ export function stringifyArgs( args: Array, options: ConsoleOptions = {} ): string { const first = args[0]; let a = 0; let str = ""; let join = ""; if (typeof first === "string") { let tempStr: string; let lastPos = 0; for (let i = 0; i < first.length - 1; i++) { if (first.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_PERCENT) { const nextChar = first.charCodeAt(++i); if (a + 1 !== args.length) { switch (nextChar) { case CHAR_LOWERCASE_S: // format as a string tempStr = String(args[++a]); break; case CHAR_LOWERCASE_D: case CHAR_LOWERCASE_I: // format as an integer const tempInteger = args[++a]; if (typeof tempInteger === "bigint") { tempStr = `${tempInteger}n`; } else if (typeof tempInteger === "symbol") { tempStr = "NaN"; } else { tempStr = `${parseInt(String(tempInteger), 10)}`; } break; case CHAR_LOWERCASE_F: // format as a floating point value const tempFloat = args[++a]; if (typeof tempFloat === "symbol") { tempStr = "NaN"; } else { tempStr = `${parseFloat(String(tempFloat))}`; } break; case CHAR_LOWERCASE_O: case CHAR_UPPERCASE_O: // format as an object tempStr = stringify( args[++a], new Set(), 0, // tslint:disable-next-line:triple-equals options.depth != undefined ? options.depth : DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH ); break; case CHAR_PERCENT: str += first.slice(lastPos, i); lastPos = i + 1; continue; case CHAR_LOWERCASE_C: // TODO: applies CSS style rules to the output string as specified continue; default: // any other character is not a correct placeholder continue; } if (lastPos !== i - 1) { str += first.slice(lastPos, i - 1); } str += tempStr; lastPos = i + 1; } else if (nextChar === CHAR_PERCENT) { str += first.slice(lastPos, i); lastPos = i + 1; } } } if (lastPos !== 0) { a++; join = " "; if (lastPos < first.length) { str += first.slice(lastPos); } } } while (a < args.length) { const value = args[a]; str += join; if (typeof value === "string") { str += value; } else { // use default maximum depth for null or undefined argument str += stringify( value, new Set(), 0, // tslint:disable-next-line:triple-equals options.depth != undefined ? options.depth : DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH ); } join = " "; a++; } const { collapsedAt, indentLevel } = options; if ( !isCollapsed(collapsedAt, indentLevel) && indentLevel != null && indentLevel > 0 ) { const groupIndent = " ".repeat(indentLevel); if (str.indexOf("\n") !== -1) { str = str.replace(/\n/g, `\n${groupIndent}`); } str = groupIndent + str; } return str; } type PrintFunc = (x: string, isErr?: boolean, printsNewline?: boolean) => void; const countMap = new Map(); const timerMap = new Map(); export class Console { indentLevel: number; collapsedAt: number | null; /** @internal */ constructor(private printFunc: PrintFunc) { this.indentLevel = 0; this.collapsedAt = null; } /** Writes the arguments to stdout */ log = (...args: Array): void => { this.printFunc( stringifyArgs(args, { indentLevel: this.indentLevel, collapsedAt: this.collapsedAt }), false, !isCollapsed(this.collapsedAt, this.indentLevel) ); }; /** Writes the arguments to stdout */ debug = this.log; /** Writes the arguments to stdout */ info = this.log; /** Writes the properties of the supplied `obj` to stdout */ dir = (obj: unknown, options: ConsoleOptions = {}) => { this.log(stringifyArgs([obj], options)); }; /** Writes the arguments to stdout */ warn = (...args: Array): void => { this.printFunc( stringifyArgs(args, { indentLevel: this.indentLevel, collapsedAt: this.collapsedAt }), true, !isCollapsed(this.collapsedAt, this.indentLevel) ); }; /** Writes the arguments to stdout */ error = this.warn; /** Writes an error message to stdout if the assertion is `false`. If the * assertion is `true`, nothing happens. * * ref: https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#assert */ assert = (condition = false, ...args: Array): void => { if (condition) { return; } if (args.length === 0) { this.error("Assertion failed"); return; } const [first, ...rest] = args; if (typeof first === "string") { this.error(`Assertion failed: ${first}`, ...rest); return; } this.error(`Assertion failed:`, ...args); }; count = (label = "default"): void => { label = String(label); if (countMap.has(label)) { const current = countMap.get(label) || 0; countMap.set(label, current + 1); } else { countMap.set(label, 1); } this.info(`${label}: ${countMap.get(label)}`); }; countReset = (label = "default"): void => { label = String(label); if (countMap.has(label)) { countMap.set(label, 0); } else { this.warn(`Count for '${label}' does not exist`); } }; table = (data: unknown, properties?: string[]): void => { if (properties !== undefined && !Array.isArray(properties)) { throw new Error( "The 'properties' argument must be of type Array\ . Received type string" ); } if (data === null || typeof data !== "object") { return this.log(data); } const objectValues: { [key: string]: string[] } = {}; const indexKeys: string[] = []; const values: string[] = []; const stringifyValue = (value: unknown) => stringifyWithQuotes(value, new Set(), 0, 1); const toTable = (header: string[], body: string[][]) => this.log(cliTable(header, body)); const createColumn = (value: unknown, shift?: number): string[] => [ ...(shift ? [...new Array(shift)].map(() => "") : []), stringifyValue(value) ]; let resultData: { [key: string]: unknown }; const isSet = data instanceof Set; const isMap = data instanceof Map; const valuesKey = "Values"; const indexKey = isSet || isMap ? "(iteration index)" : "(index)"; if (data instanceof Set) { resultData = [...data]; } else if (data instanceof Map) { let idx = 0; resultData = {}; data.forEach((k: unknown, v: unknown) => { resultData[idx] = { Key: k, Values: v }; idx++; }); } else { resultData = data!; } Object.keys(resultData).forEach((k, idx) => { const value: unknown = resultData[k]!; if (value !== null && typeof value === "object") { Object.entries(value as { [key: string]: unknown }).forEach( ([k, v]) => { if (properties && !properties.includes(k)) { return; } if (objectValues[k]) { objectValues[k].push(stringifyValue(v)); } else { objectValues[k] = createColumn(v, idx); } } ); values.push(""); } else { values.push(stringifyValue(value)); } indexKeys.push(k); }); const headerKeys = Object.keys(objectValues); const bodyValues = Object.values(objectValues); const header = [ indexKey, ...(properties || [ ...headerKeys, !isMap && values.length > 0 && valuesKey ]) ].filter(Boolean) as string[]; const body = [indexKeys, ...bodyValues, values]; toTable(header, body); }; time = (label = "default"): void => { label = String(label); if (timerMap.has(label)) { this.warn(`Timer '${label}' already exists`); return; } timerMap.set(label, Date.now()); }; timeLog = (label = "default", ...args: Array): void => { label = String(label); if (!timerMap.has(label)) { this.warn(`Timer '${label}' does not exists`); return; } const startTime = timerMap.get(label) as number; const duration = Date.now() - startTime; this.info(`${label}: ${duration}ms`, ...args); }; timeEnd = (label = "default"): void => { label = String(label); if (!timerMap.has(label)) { this.warn(`Timer '${label}' does not exists`); return; } const startTime = timerMap.get(label) as number; timerMap.delete(label); const duration = Date.now() - startTime; this.info(`${label}: ${duration}ms`); }; group = (...label: Array): void => { if (label.length > 0) { this.log(...label); } this.indentLevel += 2; }; groupCollapsed = (...label: Array): void => { if (this.collapsedAt == null) { this.collapsedAt = this.indentLevel; } this.group(...label); }; groupEnd = (): void => { if (this.indentLevel > 0) { this.indentLevel -= 2; } if (this.collapsedAt != null && this.collapsedAt >= this.indentLevel) { this.collapsedAt = null; this.log(); // When the collapsed state ended, outputs a sinle new line. } }; clear = (): void => { this.indentLevel = 0; cursorTo(stdout, 0, 0); clearScreenDown(stdout); }; } /** * inspect() converts input into string that has the same format * as printed by console.log(...); */ export function inspect(value: unknown, options?: ConsoleOptions) { const opts = options || {}; if (typeof value === "string") { return value; } else { return stringify( value, new Set(), 0, // tslint:disable-next-line:triple-equals opts.depth != undefined ? opts.depth : DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH ); } }