// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // @ts-check /// <reference path="../webidl/internal.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../web/internal.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../web/lib.deno_web.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="./internal.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../web/06_streams_types.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="./lib.deno_fetch.d.ts" /> /// <reference lib="esnext" /> import { primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; const { ArrayIsArray, ArrayPrototypePush, ArrayPrototypeSort, ArrayPrototypeJoin, ArrayPrototypeSplice, ObjectFromEntries, ObjectHasOwn, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, RegExpPrototypeTest, Symbol, SymbolFor, SymbolIterator, StringPrototypeReplaceAll, StringPrototypeCharCodeAt, TypeError, } = primordials; import * as webidl from "ext:deno_webidl/00_webidl.js"; import { byteLowerCase, collectHttpQuotedString, collectSequenceOfCodepoints, HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE_PREFIX_RE, HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE_SUFFIX_RE, HTTP_TOKEN_CODE_POINT_RE, httpTrim, } from "ext:deno_web/00_infra.js"; const _headerList = Symbol("header list"); const _iterableHeaders = Symbol("iterable headers"); const _iterableHeadersCache = Symbol("iterable headers cache"); const _guard = Symbol("guard"); const _brand = webidl.brand; /** * @typedef Header * @type {[string, string]} */ /** * @typedef HeaderList * @type {Header[]} */ /** * @param {string} potentialValue * @returns {string} */ function normalizeHeaderValue(potentialValue) { return httpTrim(potentialValue); } /** * @param {Headers} headers * @param {HeadersInit} object */ function fillHeaders(headers, object) { if (ArrayIsArray(object)) { for (let i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) { const header = object[i]; if (header.length !== 2) { throw new TypeError( `Invalid header. Length must be 2, but is ${header.length}`, ); } appendHeader(headers, header[0], header[1]); } } else { for (const key in object) { if (!ObjectHasOwn(object, key)) { continue; } appendHeader(headers, key, object[key]); } } } function checkForInvalidValueChars(value) { for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { const c = StringPrototypeCharCodeAt(value, i); if (c === 0x0a || c === 0x0d || c === 0x00) { return false; } } return true; } let HEADER_NAME_CACHE = { __proto__: null }; let HEADER_CACHE_SIZE = 0; const HEADER_NAME_CACHE_SIZE_BOUNDARY = 4096; function checkHeaderNameForHttpTokenCodePoint(name) { const fromCache = HEADER_NAME_CACHE[name]; if (fromCache !== undefined) { return fromCache; } const valid = RegExpPrototypeTest(HTTP_TOKEN_CODE_POINT_RE, name); if (HEADER_CACHE_SIZE > HEADER_NAME_CACHE_SIZE_BOUNDARY) { HEADER_NAME_CACHE = { __proto__: null }; HEADER_CACHE_SIZE = 0; } HEADER_CACHE_SIZE++; HEADER_NAME_CACHE[name] = valid; return valid; } /** * https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-headers-append * @param {Headers} headers * @param {string} name * @param {string} value */ function appendHeader(headers, name, value) { // 1. value = normalizeHeaderValue(value); // 2. if (!checkHeaderNameForHttpTokenCodePoint(name)) { throw new TypeError("Header name is not valid."); } if (!checkForInvalidValueChars(value)) { throw new TypeError("Header value is not valid."); } // 3. if (headers[_guard] == "immutable") { throw new TypeError("Headers are immutable."); } // 7. const list = headers[_headerList]; const lowercaseName = byteLowerCase(name); for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (byteLowerCase(list[i][0]) === lowercaseName) { name = list[i][0]; break; } } ArrayPrototypePush(list, [name, value]); } /** * https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-header-list-get * @param {HeaderList} list * @param {string} name */ function getHeader(list, name) { const lowercaseName = byteLowerCase(name); const entries = []; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (byteLowerCase(list[i][0]) === lowercaseName) { ArrayPrototypePush(entries, list[i][1]); } } if (entries.length === 0) { return null; } else { return ArrayPrototypeJoin(entries, "\x2C\x20"); } } /** * https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-header-list-get-decode-split * @param {HeaderList} list * @param {string} name * @returns {string[] | null} */ function getDecodeSplitHeader(list, name) { const initialValue = getHeader(list, name); if (initialValue === null) return null; const input = initialValue; let position = 0; const values = []; let value = ""; while (position < initialValue.length) { // 7.1. collect up to " or , const res = collectSequenceOfCodepoints( initialValue, position, (c) => c !== "\u0022" && c !== "\u002C", ); value += res.result; position = res.position; if (position < initialValue.length) { if (input[position] === "\u0022") { const res = collectHttpQuotedString(input, position, false); value += res.result; position = res.position; if (position < initialValue.length) { continue; } } else { if (input[position] !== "\u002C") throw new TypeError("Unreachable"); position += 1; } } value = StringPrototypeReplaceAll(value, HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE_PREFIX_RE, ""); value = StringPrototypeReplaceAll(value, HTTP_TAB_OR_SPACE_SUFFIX_RE, ""); ArrayPrototypePush(values, value); value = ""; } return values; } class Headers { /** @type {HeaderList} */ [_headerList] = []; /** @type {"immutable" | "request" | "request-no-cors" | "response" | "none"} */ [_guard]; get [_iterableHeaders]() { const list = this[_headerList]; if ( this[_guard] === "immutable" && this[_iterableHeadersCache] !== undefined ) { return this[_iterableHeadersCache]; } // The order of steps are not similar to the ones suggested by the // spec but produce the same result. const seenHeaders = { __proto__: null }; const entries = []; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { const entry = list[i]; const name = byteLowerCase(entry[0]); const value = entry[1]; if (value === null) throw new TypeError("Unreachable"); // The following if statement is not spec compliant. // `set-cookie` is the only header that can not be concatenated, // so must be given to the user as multiple headers. // The else block of the if statement is spec compliant again. if (name === "set-cookie") { ArrayPrototypePush(entries, [name, value]); } else { // The following code has the same behaviour as getHeader() // at the end of loop. But it avoids looping through the entire // list to combine multiple values with same header name. It // instead gradually combines them as they are found. const seenHeaderIndex = seenHeaders[name]; if (seenHeaderIndex !== undefined) { const entryValue = entries[seenHeaderIndex][1]; entries[seenHeaderIndex][1] = entryValue.length > 0 ? entryValue + "\x2C\x20" + value : value; } else { seenHeaders[name] = entries.length; // store header index in entries array ArrayPrototypePush(entries, [name, value]); } } } ArrayPrototypeSort( entries, (a, b) => { const akey = a[0]; const bkey = b[0]; if (akey > bkey) return 1; if (akey < bkey) return -1; return 0; }, ); this[_iterableHeadersCache] = entries; return entries; } /** @param {HeadersInit} [init] */ constructor(init = undefined) { if (init === _brand) { this[_brand] = _brand; return; } const prefix = "Failed to construct 'Headers'"; if (init !== undefined) { init = webidl.converters["HeadersInit"](init, prefix, "Argument 1"); } this[_brand] = _brand; this[_guard] = "none"; if (init !== undefined) { fillHeaders(this, init); } } /** * @param {string} name * @param {string} value */ append(name, value) { webidl.assertBranded(this, HeadersPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'append' on 'Headers'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, prefix); name = webidl.converters["ByteString"](name, prefix, "Argument 1"); value = webidl.converters["ByteString"](value, prefix, "Argument 2"); appendHeader(this, name, value); } /** * @param {string} name */ delete(name) { webidl.assertBranded(this, HeadersPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'delete' on 'Headers'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, prefix); name = webidl.converters["ByteString"](name, prefix, "Argument 1"); if (!checkHeaderNameForHttpTokenCodePoint(name)) { throw new TypeError("Header name is not valid."); } if (this[_guard] == "immutable") { throw new TypeError("Headers are immutable."); } const list = this[_headerList]; const lowercaseName = byteLowerCase(name); for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (byteLowerCase(list[i][0]) === lowercaseName) { ArrayPrototypeSplice(list, i, 1); i--; } } } /** * @param {string} name */ get(name) { webidl.assertBranded(this, HeadersPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'get' on 'Headers'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, prefix); name = webidl.converters["ByteString"](name, prefix, "Argument 1"); if (!checkHeaderNameForHttpTokenCodePoint(name)) { throw new TypeError("Header name is not valid."); } const list = this[_headerList]; return getHeader(list, name); } getSetCookie() { webidl.assertBranded(this, HeadersPrototype); const list = this[_headerList]; const entries = []; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (byteLowerCase(list[i][0]) === "set-cookie") { ArrayPrototypePush(entries, list[i][1]); } } return entries; } /** * @param {string} name */ has(name) { webidl.assertBranded(this, HeadersPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'has' on 'Headers'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, prefix); name = webidl.converters["ByteString"](name, prefix, "Argument 1"); if (!checkHeaderNameForHttpTokenCodePoint(name)) { throw new TypeError("Header name is not valid."); } const list = this[_headerList]; const lowercaseName = byteLowerCase(name); for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (byteLowerCase(list[i][0]) === lowercaseName) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param {string} name * @param {string} value */ set(name, value) { webidl.assertBranded(this, HeadersPrototype); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'set' on 'Headers'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, prefix); name = webidl.converters["ByteString"](name, prefix, "Argument 1"); value = webidl.converters["ByteString"](value, prefix, "Argument 2"); value = normalizeHeaderValue(value); // 2. if (!checkHeaderNameForHttpTokenCodePoint(name)) { throw new TypeError("Header name is not valid."); } if (!checkForInvalidValueChars(value)) { throw new TypeError("Header value is not valid."); } if (this[_guard] == "immutable") { throw new TypeError("Headers are immutable."); } const list = this[_headerList]; const lowercaseName = byteLowerCase(name); let added = false; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (byteLowerCase(list[i][0]) === lowercaseName) { if (!added) { list[i][1] = value; added = true; } else { ArrayPrototypeSplice(list, i, 1); i--; } } } if (!added) { ArrayPrototypePush(list, [name, value]); } } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect, inspectOptions) { if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(HeadersPrototype, this)) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect(ObjectFromEntries(this), inspectOptions) }`; } else { return `${this.constructor.name} ${inspect({}, inspectOptions)}`; } } } webidl.mixinPairIterable("Headers", Headers, _iterableHeaders, 0, 1); webidl.configureInterface(Headers); const HeadersPrototype = Headers.prototype; webidl.converters["HeadersInit"] = (V, prefix, context, opts) => { // Union for (sequence<sequence<ByteString>> or record<ByteString, ByteString>) if (webidl.type(V) === "Object" && V !== null) { if (V[SymbolIterator] !== undefined) { return webidl.converters["sequence<sequence<ByteString>>"]( V, prefix, context, opts, ); } return webidl.converters["record<ByteString, ByteString>"]( V, prefix, context, opts, ); } throw webidl.makeException( TypeError, "The provided value is not of type '(sequence<sequence<ByteString>> or record<ByteString, ByteString>)'", prefix, context, ); }; webidl.converters["Headers"] = webidl.createInterfaceConverter( "Headers", Headers.prototype, ); /** * @param {HeaderList} list * @param {"immutable" | "request" | "request-no-cors" | "response" | "none"} guard * @returns {Headers} */ function headersFromHeaderList(list, guard) { const headers = new Headers(_brand); headers[_headerList] = list; headers[_guard] = guard; return headers; } /** * @param {Headers} headers * @returns {HeaderList} */ function headerListFromHeaders(headers) { return headers[_headerList]; } /** * @param {Headers} headers * @returns {"immutable" | "request" | "request-no-cors" | "response" | "none"} */ function guardFromHeaders(headers) { return headers[_guard]; } /** * @param {Headers} headers * @returns {[string, string][]} */ function headersEntries(headers) { return headers[_iterableHeaders]; } export { fillHeaders, getDecodeSplitHeader, getHeader, guardFromHeaders, headerListFromHeaders, Headers, headersEntries, headersFromHeaderList, };