# Hello World ## Concepts - Deno can run JavaScript or TypeScript out of the box with no additional tools or config required ## Overview Deno is a secure runtime for both JavaScript and TypeScript. As the hello world examples below highlight the same functionality can be created in JavaScript or TypeScript, and Deno will execute both. ## JavaScript In this JavaScript example the message `Hello [name]` is printed to the console and the code ensures the name provided is capitalized. **Command:** `deno run hello-world.js` ```js /** * hello-world.js */ function capitalize(word) { return word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1); } function hello(name) { return "Hello " + capitalize(name); } console.log(hello("john")); console.log(hello("Sarah")); console.log(hello("kai")); /** * Output: * * Hello John * Hello Sarah * Hello Kai **/ ``` ## TypeScript This TypeScript example is exactly the same as the JavaScript example above, the code just has the additional type information which TypeScript supports. The `deno run` command is exactly the same, it just references a `*.ts` file rather than a `*.js` file. **Command:** `deno run hello-world.ts` ```ts /** * hello-world.ts */ function capitalize(word: string): string { return word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1); } function hello(name: string): string { return "Hello " + capitalize(name); } console.log(hello("john")); console.log(hello("Sarah")); console.log(hello("kai")); /** * Output: * * Hello John * Hello Sarah * Hello Kai **/ ```