// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. mod ast; mod auth_tokens; mod cache; mod checksum; mod compat; mod config_file; mod deno_dir; mod diagnostics; mod diff; mod disk_cache; mod emit; mod errors; mod file_fetcher; mod file_watcher; mod flags; mod flags_allow_net; mod fmt_errors; mod fs_util; mod http_cache; mod http_util; mod lockfile; mod logger; mod lsp; mod module_loader; mod ops; mod proc_state; mod resolver; mod source_maps; mod standalone; mod text_encoding; mod tokio_util; mod tools; mod tsc; mod unix_util; mod version; mod windows_util; use crate::file_fetcher::File; use crate::file_watcher::ResolutionResult; use crate::flags::BundleFlags; use crate::flags::CacheFlags; use crate::flags::CompileFlags; use crate::flags::CompletionsFlags; use crate::flags::CoverageFlags; use crate::flags::DenoSubcommand; use crate::flags::DocFlags; use crate::flags::EvalFlags; use crate::flags::Flags; use crate::flags::FmtFlags; use crate::flags::InfoFlags; use crate::flags::InstallFlags; use crate::flags::LintFlags; use crate::flags::ReplFlags; use crate::flags::RunFlags; use crate::flags::TestFlags; use crate::flags::UninstallFlags; use crate::flags::UpgradeFlags; use crate::fmt_errors::PrettyJsError; use crate::module_loader::CliModuleLoader; use crate::proc_state::ProcState; use crate::resolver::ImportMapResolver; use crate::source_maps::apply_source_map; use crate::tools::installer::infer_name_from_url; use deno_ast::MediaType; use deno_core::error::generic_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::future::FutureExt; use deno_core::futures::Future; use deno_core::located_script_name; use deno_core::resolve_url_or_path; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::v8_set_flags; use deno_core::JsRuntime; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_runtime::colors; use deno_runtime::ops::worker_host::CreateWebWorkerCb; use deno_runtime::permissions::Permissions; use deno_runtime::web_worker::WebWorker; use deno_runtime::web_worker::WebWorkerOptions; use deno_runtime::worker::MainWorker; use deno_runtime::worker::WorkerOptions; use deno_runtime::BootstrapOptions; use log::debug; use log::info; use std::env; use std::io::Read; use std::io::Write; use std::iter::once; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::pin::Pin; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; fn create_web_worker_callback(ps: ProcState) -> Arc<CreateWebWorkerCb> { Arc::new(move |args| { let global_state_ = ps.clone(); let js_error_create_fn = Rc::new(move |core_js_error| { let source_mapped_error = apply_source_map(&core_js_error, global_state_.clone()); PrettyJsError::create(source_mapped_error) }); let maybe_inspector_server = ps.maybe_inspector_server.clone(); let module_loader = CliModuleLoader::new_for_worker( ps.clone(), args.parent_permissions.clone(), ); let create_web_worker_cb = create_web_worker_callback(ps.clone()); let options = WebWorkerOptions { bootstrap: BootstrapOptions { args: ps.flags.argv.clone(), apply_source_maps: true, cpu_count: num_cpus::get(), debug_flag: ps .flags .log_level .map_or(false, |l| l == log::Level::Debug), enable_testing_features: ps.flags.enable_testing_features, location: Some(args.main_module.clone()), no_color: !colors::use_color(), runtime_version: version::deno(), ts_version: version::TYPESCRIPT.to_string(), unstable: ps.flags.unstable, }, extensions: vec![], unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors: ps .flags .unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors .clone(), root_cert_store: ps.root_cert_store.clone(), user_agent: version::get_user_agent(), seed: ps.flags.seed, module_loader, create_web_worker_cb, js_error_create_fn: Some(js_error_create_fn), use_deno_namespace: args.use_deno_namespace, worker_type: args.worker_type, maybe_inspector_server, get_error_class_fn: Some(&crate::errors::get_error_class_name), blob_store: ps.blob_store.clone(), broadcast_channel: ps.broadcast_channel.clone(), shared_array_buffer_store: Some(ps.shared_array_buffer_store.clone()), compiled_wasm_module_store: Some(ps.compiled_wasm_module_store.clone()), }; let bootstrap_options = options.bootstrap.clone(); // TODO(@AaronO): switch to bootstrap_from_options() once ops below are an extension // since it uses sync_ops_cache() which currently depends on the Deno namespace // which can be nuked when bootstrapping workers (use_deno_namespace: false) let (mut worker, external_handle) = WebWorker::from_options( args.name, args.permissions, args.main_module, args.worker_id, options, ); // TODO(@AaronO): move to a JsRuntime Extension passed into options // This block registers additional ops and state that // are only available in the CLI { let js_runtime = &mut worker.js_runtime; js_runtime .op_state() .borrow_mut() .put::<ProcState>(ps.clone()); // Applies source maps - works in conjuction with `js_error_create_fn` // above ops::errors::init(js_runtime); if args.use_deno_namespace { ops::runtime_compiler::init(js_runtime); } js_runtime.sync_ops_cache(); } worker.bootstrap(&bootstrap_options); (worker, external_handle) }) } pub fn create_main_worker( ps: &ProcState, main_module: ModuleSpecifier, permissions: Permissions, maybe_op_init: Option<&dyn Fn(&mut JsRuntime)>, ) -> MainWorker { let module_loader = CliModuleLoader::new(ps.clone()); let global_state_ = ps.clone(); let js_error_create_fn = Rc::new(move |core_js_error| { let source_mapped_error = apply_source_map(&core_js_error, global_state_.clone()); PrettyJsError::create(source_mapped_error) }); let maybe_inspector_server = ps.maybe_inspector_server.clone(); let should_break_on_first_statement = ps.flags.inspect_brk.is_some(); let create_web_worker_cb = create_web_worker_callback(ps.clone()); let maybe_storage_key = if let Some(location) = &ps.flags.location { // if a location is set, then the ascii serialization of the location is // used, unless the origin is opaque, and then no storage origin is set, as // we can't expect the origin to be reproducible let storage_origin = location.origin().ascii_serialization(); if storage_origin == "null" { None } else { Some(storage_origin) } } else if let Some(config_file) = &ps.maybe_config_file { // otherwise we will use the path to the config file config_file.path.to_str().map(|s| s.to_string()) } else { // otherwise we will use the path to the main module Some(main_module.to_string()) }; let origin_storage_dir = maybe_storage_key.map(|key| { ps.dir .root // TODO(@crowlKats): change to origin_data for 2.0 .join("location_data") .join(checksum::gen(&[key.as_bytes()])) }); let options = WorkerOptions { bootstrap: BootstrapOptions { apply_source_maps: true, args: ps.flags.argv.clone(), cpu_count: num_cpus::get(), debug_flag: ps.flags.log_level.map_or(false, |l| l == log::Level::Debug), enable_testing_features: ps.flags.enable_testing_features, location: ps.flags.location.clone(), no_color: !colors::use_color(), runtime_version: version::deno(), ts_version: version::TYPESCRIPT.to_string(), unstable: ps.flags.unstable, }, extensions: vec![], unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors: ps .flags .unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors .clone(), root_cert_store: ps.root_cert_store.clone(), user_agent: version::get_user_agent(), seed: ps.flags.seed, js_error_create_fn: Some(js_error_create_fn), create_web_worker_cb, maybe_inspector_server, should_break_on_first_statement, module_loader, get_error_class_fn: Some(&crate::errors::get_error_class_name), origin_storage_dir, blob_store: ps.blob_store.clone(), broadcast_channel: ps.broadcast_channel.clone(), shared_array_buffer_store: Some(ps.shared_array_buffer_store.clone()), compiled_wasm_module_store: Some(ps.compiled_wasm_module_store.clone()), }; let mut worker = MainWorker::bootstrap_from_options(main_module, permissions, options); // TODO(@AaronO): move to a JsRuntime Extension passed into options // This block registers additional ops and state that // are only available in the CLI { let js_runtime = &mut worker.js_runtime; js_runtime .op_state() .borrow_mut() .put::<ProcState>(ps.clone()); // Applies source maps - works in conjuction with `js_error_create_fn` // above ops::errors::init(js_runtime); ops::runtime_compiler::init(js_runtime); if let Some(op_init) = maybe_op_init { op_init(js_runtime); } js_runtime.sync_ops_cache(); } worker } pub fn write_to_stdout_ignore_sigpipe( bytes: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { use std::io::ErrorKind; match std::io::stdout().write_all(bytes) { Ok(()) => Ok(()), Err(e) => match e.kind() { ErrorKind::BrokenPipe => Ok(()), _ => Err(e), }, } } pub fn write_json_to_stdout<T>(value: &T) -> Result<(), AnyError> where T: ?Sized + serde::ser::Serialize, { let mut writer = std::io::BufWriter::new(std::io::stdout()); serde_json::to_writer_pretty(&mut writer, value)?; writeln!(&mut writer)?; Ok(()) } fn print_cache_info( state: &ProcState, json: bool, location: Option<&deno_core::url::Url>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let deno_dir = &state.dir.root; let modules_cache = &state.file_fetcher.get_http_cache_location(); let typescript_cache = &state.dir.gen_cache.location; let registry_cache = &state.dir.root.join(lsp::language_server::REGISTRIES_PATH); let mut origin_dir = state.dir.root.join("location_data"); if let Some(location) = &location { origin_dir = origin_dir.join(&checksum::gen(&[location.to_string().as_bytes()])); } if json { let mut output = json!({ "denoDir": deno_dir, "modulesCache": modules_cache, "typescriptCache": typescript_cache, "registryCache": registry_cache, "originStorage": origin_dir, }); if location.is_some() { output["localStorage"] = serde_json::to_value(origin_dir.join("local_storage"))?; } write_json_to_stdout(&output) } else { println!("{} {:?}", colors::bold("DENO_DIR location:"), deno_dir); println!( "{} {:?}", colors::bold("Remote modules cache:"), modules_cache ); println!( "{} {:?}", colors::bold("Emitted modules cache:"), typescript_cache ); println!( "{} {:?}", colors::bold("Language server registries cache:"), registry_cache, ); println!("{} {:?}", colors::bold("Origin storage:"), origin_dir); if location.is_some() { println!( "{} {:?}", colors::bold("Local Storage:"), origin_dir.join("local_storage"), ); } Ok(()) } } pub fn get_types(unstable: bool) -> String { let mut types = vec![ crate::tsc::DENO_NS_LIB, crate::tsc::DENO_CONSOLE_LIB, crate::tsc::DENO_URL_LIB, crate::tsc::DENO_WEB_LIB, crate::tsc::DENO_FETCH_LIB, crate::tsc::DENO_WEBGPU_LIB, crate::tsc::DENO_WEBSOCKET_LIB, crate::tsc::DENO_WEBSTORAGE_LIB, crate::tsc::DENO_CRYPTO_LIB, crate::tsc::DENO_BROADCAST_CHANNEL_LIB, crate::tsc::DENO_NET_LIB, crate::tsc::SHARED_GLOBALS_LIB, crate::tsc::WINDOW_LIB, ]; if unstable { types.push(crate::tsc::UNSTABLE_NS_LIB); } types.join("\n") } async fn compile_command( flags: Flags, compile_flags: CompileFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let debug = flags.log_level == Some(log::Level::Debug); let run_flags = tools::standalone::compile_to_runtime_flags( flags.clone(), compile_flags.args, )?; let module_specifier = resolve_url_or_path(&compile_flags.source_file)?; let ps = ProcState::build(flags.clone()).await?; let deno_dir = &ps.dir; let output = compile_flags.output.or_else(|| { infer_name_from_url(&module_specifier).map(PathBuf::from) }).ok_or_else(|| generic_error( "An executable name was not provided. One could not be inferred from the URL. Aborting.", ))?; let graph = create_graph_and_maybe_check(module_specifier.clone(), &ps, debug).await?; let (bundle_str, _) = bundle_module_graph(graph.as_ref(), &ps, &flags)?; info!( "{} {}", colors::green("Compile"), module_specifier.to_string() ); // Select base binary based on target let original_binary = tools::standalone::get_base_binary(deno_dir, compile_flags.target.clone()) .await?; let final_bin = tools::standalone::create_standalone_binary( original_binary, bundle_str, run_flags, )?; info!("{} {}", colors::green("Emit"), output.display()); tools::standalone::write_standalone_binary( output.clone(), compile_flags.target, final_bin, ) .await?; Ok(()) } async fn info_command( flags: Flags, info_flags: InfoFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let ps = ProcState::build(flags).await?; if let Some(specifier) = info_flags.file { let specifier = resolve_url_or_path(&specifier)?; let mut cache = cache::FetchCacher::new( ps.dir.gen_cache.clone(), ps.file_fetcher.clone(), Permissions::allow_all(), Permissions::allow_all(), ); let maybe_locker = lockfile::as_maybe_locker(ps.lockfile.clone()); let maybe_resolver = ps.maybe_import_map.as_ref().map(ImportMapResolver::new); let graph = deno_graph::create_graph( vec![specifier], false, None, &mut cache, maybe_resolver.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_resolver()), maybe_locker, None, ) .await; if info_flags.json { write_json_to_stdout(&json!(graph)) } else { write_to_stdout_ignore_sigpipe(graph.to_string().as_bytes()) .map_err(|err| err.into()) } } else { // If it was just "deno info" print location of caches and exit print_cache_info(&ps, info_flags.json, ps.flags.location.as_ref()) } } async fn install_command( flags: Flags, install_flags: InstallFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mut preload_flags = flags.clone(); preload_flags.inspect = None; preload_flags.inspect_brk = None; let permissions = Permissions::from_options(&preload_flags.clone().into()); let ps = ProcState::build(preload_flags).await?; let main_module = resolve_url_or_path(&install_flags.module_url)?; let mut worker = create_main_worker(&ps, main_module.clone(), permissions, None); // First, fetch and compile the module; this step ensures that the module exists. worker.preload_module(&main_module, true).await?; tools::installer::install( flags, &install_flags.module_url, install_flags.args, install_flags.name, install_flags.root, install_flags.force, ) } async fn uninstall_command( uninstall_flags: UninstallFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { tools::installer::uninstall(uninstall_flags.name, uninstall_flags.root) } async fn lsp_command() -> Result<(), AnyError> { lsp::start().await } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] async fn lint_command( flags: Flags, lint_flags: LintFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if lint_flags.rules { tools::lint::print_rules_list(lint_flags.json); return Ok(()); } let ps = ProcState::build(flags.clone()).await?; let maybe_lint_config = if let Some(config_file) = &ps.maybe_config_file { config_file.to_lint_config()? } else { None }; tools::lint::lint(maybe_lint_config, lint_flags, flags.watch).await } async fn cache_command( flags: Flags, cache_flags: CacheFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let lib = if flags.unstable { emit::TypeLib::UnstableDenoWindow } else { emit::TypeLib::DenoWindow }; let ps = ProcState::build(flags).await?; for file in cache_flags.files { let specifier = resolve_url_or_path(&file)?; ps.prepare_module_load( vec![specifier], false, lib.clone(), Permissions::allow_all(), Permissions::allow_all(), ) .await?; if let Some(graph_error) = ps.take_graph_error() { return Err(graph_error.into()); } } Ok(()) } async fn eval_command( flags: Flags, eval_flags: EvalFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { // deno_graph works off of extensions for local files to determine the media // type, and so our "fake" specifier needs to have the proper extension. let main_module = resolve_url_or_path(&format!("./$deno$eval.{}", eval_flags.ext)).unwrap(); let permissions = Permissions::from_options(&flags.clone().into()); let ps = ProcState::build(flags.clone()).await?; let mut worker = create_main_worker(&ps, main_module.clone(), permissions, None); // Create a dummy source file. let source_code = if eval_flags.print { format!("console.log({})", eval_flags.code) } else { eval_flags.code } .into_bytes(); let file = File { local: main_module.clone().to_file_path().unwrap(), maybe_types: None, media_type: MediaType::Unknown, source: Arc::new(String::from_utf8(source_code)?), specifier: main_module.clone(), maybe_headers: None, }; // Save our fake file into file fetcher cache // to allow module access by TS compiler. ps.file_fetcher.insert_cached(file); debug!("main_module {}", &main_module); if flags.compat { worker.execute_side_module(&compat::GLOBAL_URL).await?; } worker.execute_main_module(&main_module).await?; worker.execute_script( &located_script_name!(), "window.dispatchEvent(new Event('load'))", )?; worker.run_event_loop(false).await?; worker.execute_script( &located_script_name!(), "window.dispatchEvent(new Event('unload'))", )?; Ok(()) } async fn create_graph_and_maybe_check( root: ModuleSpecifier, ps: &ProcState, debug: bool, ) -> Result<Arc<deno_graph::ModuleGraph>, AnyError> { let mut cache = cache::FetchCacher::new( ps.dir.gen_cache.clone(), ps.file_fetcher.clone(), Permissions::allow_all(), Permissions::allow_all(), ); let maybe_locker = lockfile::as_maybe_locker(ps.lockfile.clone()); let maybe_imports = ps .maybe_config_file .as_ref() .map(|cf| cf.to_maybe_imports()) .flatten(); let maybe_resolver = ps.maybe_import_map.as_ref().map(ImportMapResolver::new); let graph = Arc::new( deno_graph::create_graph( vec![root], false, maybe_imports, &mut cache, maybe_resolver.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_resolver()), maybe_locker, None, ) .await, ); // Ensure that all non-dynamic, non-type only imports are properly loaded and // if not, error with the first issue encountered. graph.valid().map_err(emit::GraphError::from)?; // If there was a locker, validate the integrity of all the modules in the // locker. emit::lock(graph.as_ref()); if !ps.flags.no_check { graph.valid_types_only().map_err(emit::GraphError::from)?; let lib = if ps.flags.unstable { emit::TypeLib::UnstableDenoWindow } else { emit::TypeLib::DenoWindow }; let (ts_config, maybe_ignored_options) = emit::get_ts_config( emit::ConfigType::Check { tsc_emit: false, lib, }, ps.maybe_config_file.as_ref(), None, )?; log::info!("{} {}", colors::green("Check"), graph.roots[0]); if let Some(ignored_options) = maybe_ignored_options { eprintln!("{}", ignored_options); } let maybe_config_specifier = ps .maybe_config_file .as_ref() .map(|cf| ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(&cf.path).unwrap()); let check_result = emit::check_and_maybe_emit( graph.clone(), &mut cache, emit::CheckOptions { debug, emit_with_diagnostics: false, maybe_config_specifier, ts_config, }, )?; debug!("{}", check_result.stats); if !check_result.diagnostics.is_empty() { return Err(check_result.diagnostics.into()); } } Ok(graph) } fn bundle_module_graph( graph: &deno_graph::ModuleGraph, ps: &ProcState, flags: &Flags, ) -> Result<(String, Option<String>), AnyError> { info!("{} {}", colors::green("Bundle"), graph.roots[0]); let (ts_config, maybe_ignored_options) = emit::get_ts_config( emit::ConfigType::Bundle, ps.maybe_config_file.as_ref(), None, )?; if flags.no_check { if let Some(ignored_options) = maybe_ignored_options { eprintln!("{}", ignored_options); } } emit::bundle( graph, emit::BundleOptions { bundle_type: emit::BundleType::Module, ts_config, }, ) } /// A function that converts a float to a string the represents a human /// readable version of that number. fn human_size(size: f64) -> String { let negative = if size.is_sign_positive() { "" } else { "-" }; let size = size.abs(); let units = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"]; if size < 1_f64 { return format!("{}{}{}", negative, size, "B"); } let delimiter = 1024_f64; let exponent = std::cmp::min( (size.ln() / delimiter.ln()).floor() as i32, (units.len() - 1) as i32, ); let pretty_bytes = format!("{:.2}", size / delimiter.powi(exponent)) .parse::<f64>() .unwrap() * 1_f64; let unit = units[exponent as usize]; format!("{}{}{}", negative, pretty_bytes, unit) } async fn bundle_command( flags: Flags, bundle_flags: BundleFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let debug = flags.log_level == Some(log::Level::Debug); let resolver = |_| { let flags = flags.clone(); let source_file1 = bundle_flags.source_file.clone(); let source_file2 = bundle_flags.source_file.clone(); async move { let module_specifier = resolve_url_or_path(&source_file1)?; debug!(">>>>> bundle START"); let ps = ProcState::build(flags.clone()).await?; let graph = create_graph_and_maybe_check(module_specifier, &ps, debug).await?; let mut paths_to_watch: Vec<PathBuf> = graph .specifiers() .iter() .filter_map(|(_, r)| { r.as_ref() .ok() .map(|(s, _)| s.to_file_path().ok()) .flatten() }) .collect(); if let Some(import_map) = ps.flags.import_map_path.as_ref() { paths_to_watch .push(fs_util::resolve_from_cwd(std::path::Path::new(import_map))?); } Ok((paths_to_watch, graph, ps)) } .map(move |result| match result { Ok((paths_to_watch, graph, ps)) => ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch, result: Ok((ps, graph)), }, Err(e) => ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch: vec![PathBuf::from(source_file2)], result: Err(e), }, }) }; let operation = |(ps, graph): (ProcState, Arc<deno_graph::ModuleGraph>)| { let flags = flags.clone(); let out_file = bundle_flags.out_file.clone(); async move { let (bundle_emit, maybe_bundle_map) = bundle_module_graph(graph.as_ref(), &ps, &flags)?; debug!(">>>>> bundle END"); if let Some(out_file) = out_file.as_ref() { let output_bytes = bundle_emit.as_bytes(); let output_len = output_bytes.len(); fs_util::write_file(out_file, output_bytes, 0o644)?; info!( "{} {:?} ({})", colors::green("Emit"), out_file, colors::gray(human_size(output_len as f64)) ); if let Some(bundle_map) = maybe_bundle_map { let map_bytes = bundle_map.as_bytes(); let map_len = map_bytes.len(); let ext = if let Some(curr_ext) = out_file.extension() { format!("{}.map", curr_ext.to_string_lossy()) } else { "map".to_string() }; let map_out_file = out_file.with_extension(ext); fs_util::write_file(&map_out_file, map_bytes, 0o644)?; info!( "{} {:?} ({})", colors::green("Emit"), map_out_file, colors::gray(human_size(map_len as f64)) ); } } else { println!("{}", bundle_emit); } Ok(()) } }; if flags.watch { file_watcher::watch_func(resolver, operation, "Bundle").await?; } else { let module_graph = if let ResolutionResult::Restart { result, .. } = resolver(None).await { result? } else { unreachable!(); }; operation(module_graph).await?; } Ok(()) } async fn doc_command( flags: Flags, doc_flags: DocFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { tools::doc::print_docs( flags, doc_flags.source_file, doc_flags.json, doc_flags.filter, doc_flags.private, ) .await } async fn format_command( flags: Flags, fmt_flags: FmtFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let ps = ProcState::build(flags.clone()).await?; let maybe_fmt_config = if let Some(config_file) = &ps.maybe_config_file { config_file.to_fmt_config()? } else { None }; if fmt_flags.files.len() == 1 && fmt_flags.files[0].to_string_lossy() == "-" { return tools::fmt::format_stdin( fmt_flags, maybe_fmt_config.map(|c| c.options).unwrap_or_default(), ); } tools::fmt::format(fmt_flags, flags.watch, maybe_fmt_config).await?; Ok(()) } async fn run_repl(flags: Flags, repl_flags: ReplFlags) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let main_module = resolve_url_or_path("./$deno$repl.ts").unwrap(); let permissions = Permissions::from_options(&flags.clone().into()); let ps = ProcState::build(flags.clone()).await?; let mut worker = create_main_worker(&ps, main_module.clone(), permissions, None); if flags.compat { worker.execute_side_module(&compat::GLOBAL_URL).await?; } worker.run_event_loop(false).await?; tools::repl::run(&ps, worker, repl_flags.eval).await } async fn run_from_stdin(flags: Flags) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let ps = ProcState::build(flags.clone()).await?; let permissions = Permissions::from_options(&flags.clone().into()); let main_module = resolve_url_or_path("./$deno$stdin.ts").unwrap(); let mut worker = create_main_worker(&ps.clone(), main_module.clone(), permissions, None); let mut source = Vec::new(); std::io::stdin().read_to_end(&mut source)?; // Create a dummy source file. let source_file = File { local: main_module.clone().to_file_path().unwrap(), maybe_types: None, media_type: MediaType::TypeScript, source: Arc::new(String::from_utf8(source)?), specifier: main_module.clone(), maybe_headers: None, }; // Save our fake file into file fetcher cache // to allow module access by TS compiler ps.file_fetcher.insert_cached(source_file); debug!("main_module {}", main_module); if flags.compat { worker.execute_side_module(&compat::GLOBAL_URL).await?; } worker.execute_main_module(&main_module).await?; worker.execute_script( &located_script_name!(), "window.dispatchEvent(new Event('load'))", )?; worker.run_event_loop(false).await?; worker.execute_script( &located_script_name!(), "window.dispatchEvent(new Event('unload'))", )?; Ok(()) } async fn run_with_watch(flags: Flags, script: String) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let resolver = |_| { let script1 = script.clone(); let script2 = script.clone(); let flags = flags.clone(); async move { let main_module = resolve_url_or_path(&script1)?; let ps = ProcState::build(flags).await?; let mut cache = cache::FetchCacher::new( ps.dir.gen_cache.clone(), ps.file_fetcher.clone(), Permissions::allow_all(), Permissions::allow_all(), ); let maybe_locker = lockfile::as_maybe_locker(ps.lockfile.clone()); let maybe_imports = ps .maybe_config_file .as_ref() .map(|cf| cf.to_maybe_imports()) .flatten(); let maybe_resolver = ps.maybe_import_map.as_ref().map(ImportMapResolver::new); let graph = deno_graph::create_graph( vec![main_module.clone()], false, maybe_imports, &mut cache, maybe_resolver.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_resolver()), maybe_locker, None, ) .await; graph.valid()?; // Find all local files in graph let mut paths_to_watch: Vec<PathBuf> = graph .specifiers() .iter() .filter_map(|(_, r)| { r.as_ref() .ok() .map(|(s, _)| s.to_file_path().ok()) .flatten() }) .collect(); if let Some(import_map) = ps.flags.import_map_path.as_ref() { paths_to_watch .push(fs_util::resolve_from_cwd(std::path::Path::new(import_map))?); } Ok((paths_to_watch, main_module, ps)) } .map(move |result| match result { Ok((paths_to_watch, module_info, ps)) => ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch, result: Ok((ps, module_info)), }, Err(e) => ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch: vec![PathBuf::from(script2)], result: Err(e), }, }) }; /// The FileWatcherModuleExecutor provides module execution with safe dispatching of life-cycle events by tracking the /// state of any pending events and emitting accordingly on drop in the case of a future /// cancellation. struct FileWatcherModuleExecutor { worker: MainWorker, pending_unload: bool, compat: bool, } impl FileWatcherModuleExecutor { pub fn new(worker: MainWorker, compat: bool) -> FileWatcherModuleExecutor { FileWatcherModuleExecutor { worker, pending_unload: false, compat, } } /// Execute the given main module emitting load and unload events before and after execution /// respectively. pub async fn execute( &mut self, main_module: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if self.compat { self.worker.execute_side_module(&compat::GLOBAL_URL).await?; } self.worker.execute_main_module(main_module).await?; self.worker.execute_script( &located_script_name!(), "window.dispatchEvent(new Event('load'))", )?; self.pending_unload = true; let result = self.worker.run_event_loop(false).await; self.pending_unload = false; if let Err(err) = result { return Err(err); } self.worker.execute_script( &located_script_name!(), "window.dispatchEvent(new Event('unload'))", )?; Ok(()) } } impl Drop for FileWatcherModuleExecutor { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.pending_unload { self .worker .execute_script( &located_script_name!(), "window.dispatchEvent(new Event('unload'))", ) .unwrap(); } } } let operation = |(ps, main_module): (ProcState, ModuleSpecifier)| { let flags = flags.clone(); let permissions = Permissions::from_options(&flags.clone().into()); async move { // We make use an module executor guard to ensure that unload is always fired when an // operation is called. let mut executor = FileWatcherModuleExecutor::new( create_main_worker(&ps, main_module.clone(), permissions, None), flags.compat, ); executor.execute(&main_module).await?; Ok(()) } }; file_watcher::watch_func(resolver, operation, "Process").await } async fn run_command( flags: Flags, run_flags: RunFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { // Read script content from stdin if run_flags.script == "-" { return run_from_stdin(flags).await; } if flags.watch { return run_with_watch(flags, run_flags.script).await; } // TODO(bartlomieju): it should not be resolved here if we're in compat mode // because it might be a bare specifier // TODO(bartlomieju): actually I think it will also fail if there's an import // map specified and bare specifier is used on the command line - this should // probably call `ProcState::resolve` instead let main_module = resolve_url_or_path(&run_flags.script)?; let ps = ProcState::build(flags.clone()).await?; let permissions = Permissions::from_options(&flags.clone().into()); let mut worker = create_main_worker(&ps, main_module.clone(), permissions, None); let mut maybe_coverage_collector = if let Some(ref coverage_dir) = ps.coverage_dir { let session = worker.create_inspector_session().await; let coverage_dir = PathBuf::from(coverage_dir); let mut coverage_collector = tools::coverage::CoverageCollector::new(coverage_dir, session); worker .with_event_loop(coverage_collector.start_collecting().boxed_local()) .await?; Some(coverage_collector) } else { None }; debug!("main_module {}", main_module); if flags.compat { // TODO(bartlomieju): fix me assert_eq!(main_module.scheme(), "file"); // Set up Node globals worker.execute_side_module(&compat::GLOBAL_URL).await?; // And `module` module that we'll use for checking which // loader to use and potentially load CJS module with. // This allows to skip permission check for `--allow-net` // which would otherwise be requested by dynamically importing // this file. worker.execute_side_module(&compat::MODULE_URL).await?; let use_esm_loader = compat::check_if_should_use_esm_loader( &mut worker.js_runtime, &main_module.to_file_path().unwrap().display().to_string(), ) .await?; if use_esm_loader { // ES module execution in Node compatiblity mode worker.execute_main_module(&main_module).await?; } else { // CJS module execution in Node compatiblity mode compat::load_cjs_module( &mut worker.js_runtime, &main_module.to_file_path().unwrap().display().to_string(), )?; } } else { // Regular ES module execution worker.execute_main_module(&main_module).await?; } worker.execute_script( &located_script_name!(), "window.dispatchEvent(new Event('load'))", )?; worker .run_event_loop(maybe_coverage_collector.is_none()) .await?; worker.execute_script( &located_script_name!(), "window.dispatchEvent(new Event('unload'))", )?; if let Some(coverage_collector) = maybe_coverage_collector.as_mut() { worker .with_event_loop(coverage_collector.stop_collecting().boxed_local()) .await?; } Ok(()) } async fn coverage_command( flags: Flags, coverage_flags: CoverageFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if coverage_flags.files.is_empty() { return Err(generic_error("No matching coverage profiles found")); } tools::coverage::cover_files( flags.clone(), coverage_flags.files, coverage_flags.ignore, coverage_flags.include, coverage_flags.exclude, coverage_flags.lcov, ) .await } async fn test_command( flags: Flags, test_flags: TestFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if let Some(ref coverage_dir) = flags.coverage_dir { std::fs::create_dir_all(&coverage_dir)?; env::set_var( "DENO_UNSTABLE_COVERAGE_DIR", PathBuf::from(coverage_dir).canonicalize()?, ); } if flags.watch { tools::test::run_tests_with_watch( flags, test_flags.include, test_flags.ignore, test_flags.doc, test_flags.no_run, test_flags.fail_fast, test_flags.filter, test_flags.shuffle, test_flags.concurrent_jobs, ) .await?; return Ok(()); } tools::test::run_tests( flags, test_flags.include, test_flags.ignore, test_flags.doc, test_flags.no_run, test_flags.fail_fast, test_flags.allow_none, test_flags.filter, test_flags.shuffle, test_flags.concurrent_jobs, ) .await?; Ok(()) } fn init_v8_flags(v8_flags: &[String]) { let v8_flags_includes_help = v8_flags .iter() .any(|flag| flag == "-help" || flag == "--help"); // Keep in sync with `standalone.rs`. let v8_flags = once("UNUSED_BUT_NECESSARY_ARG0".to_owned()) .chain(v8_flags.iter().cloned()) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let unrecognized_v8_flags = v8_set_flags(v8_flags) .into_iter() .skip(1) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); if !unrecognized_v8_flags.is_empty() { for f in unrecognized_v8_flags { eprintln!("error: V8 did not recognize flag '{}'", f); } eprintln!("\nFor a list of V8 flags, use '--v8-flags=--help'"); std::process::exit(1); } if v8_flags_includes_help { std::process::exit(0); } } fn get_subcommand( flags: Flags, ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(), AnyError>>>> { match flags.clone().subcommand { DenoSubcommand::Bundle(bundle_flags) => { bundle_command(flags, bundle_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Doc(doc_flags) => { doc_command(flags, doc_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Eval(eval_flags) => { eval_command(flags, eval_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Cache(cache_flags) => { cache_command(flags, cache_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Compile(compile_flags) => { compile_command(flags, compile_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Coverage(coverage_flags) => { coverage_command(flags, coverage_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Fmt(fmt_flags) => { format_command(flags, fmt_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Info(info_flags) => { info_command(flags, info_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Install(install_flags) => { install_command(flags, install_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Uninstall(uninstall_flags) => { uninstall_command(uninstall_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Lsp => lsp_command().boxed_local(), DenoSubcommand::Lint(lint_flags) => { lint_command(flags, lint_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Repl(repl_flags) => { run_repl(flags, repl_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Run(run_flags) => { run_command(flags, run_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Test(test_flags) => { test_command(flags, test_flags).boxed_local() } DenoSubcommand::Completions(CompletionsFlags { buf }) => { if let Err(e) = write_to_stdout_ignore_sigpipe(&buf) { eprintln!("{}", e); std::process::exit(1); } std::process::exit(0); } DenoSubcommand::Types => { let types = get_types(flags.unstable); if let Err(e) = write_to_stdout_ignore_sigpipe(types.as_bytes()) { eprintln!("{}", e); std::process::exit(1); } std::process::exit(0); } DenoSubcommand::Upgrade(upgrade_flags) => { let UpgradeFlags { force, dry_run, canary, version, output, ca_file, } = upgrade_flags; tools::upgrade::upgrade_command( dry_run, force, canary, version, output, ca_file, ) .boxed_local() } } } fn setup_exit_process_panic_hook() { // tokio does not exit the process when a task panics, so we // define a custom panic hook to implement this behaviour let orig_hook = std::panic::take_hook(); std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic_info| { orig_hook(panic_info); std::process::exit(1); })); } fn unwrap_or_exit<T>(result: Result<T, AnyError>) -> T { match result { Ok(value) => value, Err(error) => { eprintln!("{}: {:?}", colors::red_bold("error"), error); std::process::exit(1); } } } pub fn main() { setup_exit_process_panic_hook(); unix_util::raise_fd_limit(); windows_util::ensure_stdio_open(); #[cfg(windows)] colors::enable_ansi(); // For Windows 10 let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect(); let standalone_res = match standalone::extract_standalone(args.clone()) { Ok(Some((metadata, bundle))) => { tokio_util::run_basic(standalone::run(bundle, metadata)) } Ok(None) => Ok(()), Err(err) => Err(err), }; if let Err(err) = standalone_res { eprintln!("{}: {}", colors::red_bold("error"), err.to_string()); std::process::exit(1); } let flags = match flags::flags_from_vec(args) { Ok(flags) => flags, Err(err @ clap::Error { .. }) if err.kind == clap::ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed || err.kind == clap::ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed => { err.write_to(&mut std::io::stdout()).unwrap(); std::io::stdout().write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); std::process::exit(0); } Err(err) => unwrap_or_exit(Err(AnyError::from(err))), }; if !flags.v8_flags.is_empty() { init_v8_flags(&*flags.v8_flags); } logger::init(flags.log_level); unwrap_or_exit(tokio_util::run_basic(get_subcommand(flags))); }