import { splitSelectors } from "./40_lint_selector.js"; import { compileSelector, MatchCtx, MatcherFn, parseSelector, } from "./40_lint_selector.js"; import { expect } from "@std/expect"; /** * TS eslint selector Examples * * ```js * ForOfStatement[await=true] * VariableDeclaration[kind="await using"] * MethodDefinition[kind="constructor"] ThisExpression * PropertyDefinition > ArrowFunctionExpression.value * PropertyDefinition > *.key * ThisExpression, Super * VariableDeclarator,PropertyDefinition,:matches(FunctionDeclaration,FunctionExpression) > AssignmentPattern * ImportDeclaration[importKind = "type"] * ImportSpecifier[importKind = "type"] * ExportNamedDeclaration:not([source]) * UnaryExpression[operator="delete"] * AssignmentExpression[operator = "+="], BinaryExpression[operator = "+"] * CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee > Identifier[name = "join"].property * CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee > Identifier[name = /^(toLocaleString|toString)$/].property * ImportDeclaration[importKind!="type"] * UnaryExpression[operator="void"] * UnaryExpression[operator="!"] * LogicalExpression[operator = "??"] > TSNonNullExpression.left * CallExpression["require"] * :not(ArrowFunctionExpression) > TSTypeParameterDeclaration > TSTypeParameter[constraint] * ArrowFunctionExpression > TSTypeParameterDeclaration > TSTypeParameter[constraint] * PropertyDefinition[value != null] * :not(ObjectPattern) > Property * CallExpression > *.callee * TaggedTemplateExpression > *.tag * BinaryExpression[operator=/^[<>!=]?={0,2}$/] * :matches(ClassDeclaration, ClassExpression) * MethodDefinition[kind="constructor"] * MemberExpression[computed=true] * TSTypeLiteral[members.length = 1] * CallExpression[arguments.length=1] > MemberExpression.callee["test"][computed=false] * CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee * CallExpression[arguments.length=1] > MemberExpression * CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee["test"][computed=false] * :matches(MethodDefinition, TSMethodSignature)[kind=get] * ArrowFunctionExpression[async = true] > :not(BlockStatement, AwaitExpression) * ``` */ const AstNodes: Record = { Foo: 1, Bar: 2, Baz: 3, Foobar: 4, }; const AstAttrs: Record = { _empty: 0, key: 1, value: 2, attr: 3, attr2: 4, children: 5, msg: 6, }; const toElem = (value: string) => AstNodes[value]; const toAttr = (value: string) => AstAttrs[value]; export interface TestNode { type: keyof typeof AstNodes; children?: TestNode[]; [key: string]: number | boolean | string | TestNode | TestNode[] | undefined; } export interface FakeProp { propId: number; name: string; value: unknown; } export interface FakeNode { type: number; name: string; parentId: number; props: FakeProp[]; original: TestNode; } function isFakeNode(x: unknown): x is FakeNode { return x !== null && typeof x === "object" && "type" in x && typeof x.type === "number" && "original" in x; } class FakeContext implements MatchCtx { ids = new Map(); idByNode = new Map(); id = 0; getAttrPathValue(id: number, props: number[]) { const node = this.ids.get(id); if (node === undefined) return undefined; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any let tmp: any = node; for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const prop = props[i]; if (isFakeNode(tmp)) { const found = tmp.props.find((node) => node.propId === prop); if (!found) return undefined; tmp = found.value; continue; } const name = AstAttrs[prop]; if (!(name in tmp)) return undefined; tmp = tmp[name]; } return tmp; } hasAttrPath(id: number, propId: number[]): boolean { return this.getAttrPathValue(id, propId) !== undefined; } getType(id: number): number { const node = this.ids.get(id); if (node === undefined) return -1; return node.type; } getFirstChild(id: number): number { const node = this.ids.get(id); if (node === undefined) return -1; let first = -1; // First check if there is an array prop for (const prop of node.props) { if (Array.isArray(prop.value)) { if (prop.value.length === 0) return -1; return prop.value[0]; } else if ( first === -1 && prop.value !== null && typeof prop.value === "object" ) { // @ts-ignore loosely typed first = prop.value; } } return first; } getLastChild(id: number): number { const node = this.ids.get(id); if (node === undefined) return -1; let last = -1; // First check if there is an array prop for (const prop of node.props) { if (Array.isArray(prop.value)) { if (prop.value.length === 0) return -1; return; } else if (prop.value !== null && typeof prop.value !== "object") { // @ts-ignore loosely typed last = prop.value; } } return last; } getParent(id: number): number { const node = this.ids.get(id); if (node === undefined) return -1; return node.parentId; } getSiblings(id: number): number[] { const parent = this.getParent(id); const node = this.ids.get(parent); if (node === undefined) return []; for (const prop of node.props) { if (Array.isArray(prop.value)) { if (prop.value.includes(id)) { return prop.value; } } } return []; } } function fakeSerializeAst(node: TestNode): FakeContext { const ctx = new FakeContext(); serializeFakeNode(ctx, node, -1); return ctx; } function serializeFakeNode( ctx: FakeContext, node: TestNode, parentId: number, ): number { const id =;; const type = AstNodes[node.type]; const props: FakeProp[] = []; const fake: FakeNode = { type, name: node.type, parentId, props, get original() { return node; }, }; ctx.ids.set(id, fake); ctx.idByNode.set(fake, id); for (const [k, value] of Object.entries(node)) { if (k === "type") continue; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const propId = (AstAttrs as any)[k] as number; const prop: FakeProp = { propId: propId, name: k, value: null, }; props.push(prop); if (value !== null && typeof value === "object") { if (Array.isArray(value)) { prop.value = => serializeFakeNode(ctx, v, id)); } else { prop.value = serializeFakeNode(ctx, value, id); } } else { prop.value = value; } } return id; } function visit( ctx: FakeContext, selector: MatcherFn, id: number, ): unknown { const node = ctx.ids.get(id)!; // console.log("visit", { node }); const res = selector(ctx, id); if (res) { // console.log("<-- MATCHED"); return node.original; } for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) { const prop = node.props[i]; const value = prop.value; if (Array.isArray(value)) { for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { const res = visit(ctx, selector, value[i]); if (res) { return res; } } } else if (isFakeNode(value)) { const id = ctx.idByNode.get(value)!; const res = visit(ctx, selector, id); if (res) { return res; } } } } function testSelector( ast: TestNode, selector: string, ): unknown { const ctx = fakeSerializeAst(ast); const raw = parseSelector(selector, toElem, toAttr)[0]; const sel = compileSelector(raw); return visit(ctx, sel, 0); } Deno.test("select descendant: A B", () => { const ast: TestNode = { type: "Foo", children: [{ type: "Bar" }, { type: "Baz" }], }; expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo")).toEqual(ast); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo Bar")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo Baz")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); // Not matching expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo Foo")).toEqual(undefined); }); Deno.test("select child: A > B", () => { const ast: TestNode = { type: "Foo", foo: "fail", children: [{ type: "Bar", children: [{ type: "Foo" }] }, { type: "Foo", }], }; expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo > Foo")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo>Foo")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); expect(testSelector(ast, "* > Foo")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); expect(testSelector(ast, "*> Foo")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); expect(testSelector(ast, "* > *> Foo")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); }); Deno.test("select child: A > B #2", () => { const ast: TestNode = { type: "Foo", foo: "fail", children: [{ type: "Bar", children: [{ type: "Foo" }] }], }; expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo > Foo")).toEqual(undefined); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo>Foo")).toEqual(undefined); }); Deno.test("select child: A + B", () => { const ast: TestNode = { type: "Foo", children: [ { type: "Bar", msg: "FAIL" }, { type: "Bar", msg: "FAIL" }, { type: "Baz" }, { type: "Baz", msg: "FAIL" }, { type: "Foo", msg: "FAIL" }, { type: "Baz", msg: "FAIL" }, ], }; expect(testSelector(ast, "Bar + Baz")).toEqual(ast.children![2]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Bar+Baz")).toEqual(ast.children![2]); }); Deno.test("select child: A ~ B", () => { const ast: TestNode = { type: "Foo", children: [ { type: "Bar", msg: "FAIL" }, { type: "Bar", msg: "FAIL" }, { type: "Foo", msg: "FAIL" }, { type: "Baz", msg: "ok #1" }, ], }; expect(testSelector(ast, "Bar ~ Baz")).toEqual(ast.children![3]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Bar~Baz")).toEqual(ast.children![3]); }); Deno.test("select child: A[attr]", () => { const ast: TestNode = { type: "Foo", children: [ { type: "Foo", msg: "a" }, { type: "Bar", msg: "b" }, { type: "Baz" }, ], }; expect(testSelector(ast, "[msg]")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg]")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg=a]")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg = a]")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg='a']")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg = 'a']")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, 'Foo[msg="a"]')).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, 'Foo[msg = "a"]')).toEqual(ast.children![0]); }); Deno.test("select child: A[attr value]", () => { const ast: TestNode = { type: "Foo", children: [ { type: "Foo", msg: false }, { type: "Foo", msg: true }, { type: "Foo", msg: 1 }, { type: "Foo", msg: 2 }, ], }; expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg=true]")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg = true]")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg=false]")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg = false]")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg=1]")).toEqual(ast.children![2]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg = 1]")).toEqual(ast.children![2]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg!=true]")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg != true]")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg!=false]")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg != false]")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg<2]")).toEqual(ast.children![2]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg < 2]")).toEqual(ast.children![2]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg<=1]")).toEqual(ast.children![2]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg <= 1]")).toEqual(ast.children![2]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg>1]")).toEqual(ast.children![3]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg > 1]")).toEqual(ast.children![3]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg>=1]")).toEqual(ast.children![2]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[msg >= 1]")).toEqual(ast.children![2]); }); Deno.test("select child: A:first-child", () => { const ast: TestNode = { type: "Foo", children: [ { type: "Foo", msg: "a" }, { type: "Foo", msg: "b" }, { type: "Foo", msg: "c" }, { type: "Foo", msg: "d" }, ], }; expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo:first-child")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo:last-child")).toEqual(ast.children!.at(-1)); }); Deno.test("select child: A:nth-child", () => { const ast: TestNode = { type: "Bar", children: [ { type: "Foo", msg: "a" }, { type: "Foo", msg: "b" }, { type: "Foo", msg: "c" }, { type: "Foo", msg: "d" }, ], }; expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo:nth-child(2)")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo:nth-child(2n)")).toEqual(ast.children![1]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo:nth-child(2n + 3)")).toEqual(ast.children![2]); expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo:nth-child(2n - 1)")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); expect(testSelector(ast, ":nth-child(2n + 2 of Foo)")).toEqual( ast.children![1], ); }); Deno.test("splitSelectors", () => { expect(splitSelectors("foo")).toEqual(["foo"]); expect(splitSelectors("foo, bar")).toEqual(["foo", "bar"]); expect(splitSelectors("foo:f(bar, baz)")).toEqual(["foo:f(bar, baz)"]); expect(splitSelectors("foo:f(bar, baz), foobar")).toEqual([ "foo:f(bar, baz)", "foobar", ]); }); Deno.test("mixed", () => { const ast: TestNode = { type: "Foo", attr: true, children: [ { type: "Foo", msg: "a" }, { type: "Foo", msg: "b" }, { type: "Foo", msg: "c" }, { type: "Foo", msg: "d" }, ], }; expect(testSelector(ast, "Foo[attr=true] Foo")).toEqual(ast.children![0]); });