// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { core, internals, primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; import { op_create_worker, op_host_post_message, op_host_recv_ctrl, op_host_recv_message, op_host_terminate_worker, op_require_read_closest_package_json, } from "ext:core/ops"; import { BroadcastChannel } from "ext:deno_broadcast_channel/01_broadcast_channel.js"; import { deserializeJsMessageData, MessageChannel, MessagePort, serializeJsMessageData, } from "ext:deno_web/13_message_port.js"; import * as webidl from "ext:deno_webidl/00_webidl.js"; import { log } from "ext:runtime/06_util.js"; import { notImplemented } from "ext:deno_node/_utils.ts"; import { EventEmitter, once } from "node:events"; import { isAbsolute, resolve } from "node:path"; const { Error, Symbol, SymbolFor, SymbolIterator, StringPrototypeEndsWith, StringPrototypeReplace, StringPrototypeMatch, StringPrototypeReplaceAll, StringPrototypeToString, SafeWeakMap, SafeRegExp, SafeMap, TypeError, PromisePrototypeThen, } = primordials; export interface WorkerOptions { // only for typings argv?: unknown[]; env?: Record; execArgv?: string[]; stdin?: boolean; stdout?: boolean; stderr?: boolean; trackUnmanagedFds?: boolean; resourceLimits?: { maxYoungGenerationSizeMb?: number; maxOldGenerationSizeMb?: number; codeRangeSizeMb?: number; stackSizeMb?: number; }; // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials eval?: boolean; transferList?: Transferable[]; workerData?: unknown; name?: string; } const WHITESPACE_ENCODINGS: Record = { "\u0009": "%09", "\u000A": "%0A", "\u000B": "%0B", "\u000C": "%0C", "\u000D": "%0D", "\u0020": "%20", }; function encodeWhitespace(string: string): string { return StringPrototypeReplaceAll(string, new SafeRegExp(/[\s]/g), (c) => { return WHITESPACE_ENCODINGS[c] ?? c; }); } function toFileUrlPosix(path: string): URL { if (!isAbsolute(path)) { throw new TypeError("Must be an absolute path."); } const url = new URL("file:///"); url.pathname = encodeWhitespace( StringPrototypeReplace( StringPrototypeReplace(path, new SafeRegExp(/%/g), "%25"), new SafeRegExp(/\\/g), "%5C", ), ); return url; } function toFileUrlWin32(path: string): URL { if (!isAbsolute(path)) { throw new TypeError("Must be an absolute path."); } const { 0: _, 1: hostname, 2: pathname } = StringPrototypeMatch( path, new SafeRegExp(/^(?:[/\\]{2}([^/\\]+)(?=[/\\](?:[^/\\]|$)))?(.*)/), ); const url = new URL("file:///"); url.pathname = encodeWhitespace( StringPrototypeReplace(pathname, new SafeRegExp(/%/g), "%25"), ); if (hostname != null && hostname != "localhost") { url.hostname = hostname; if (!url.hostname) { throw new TypeError("Invalid hostname."); } } return url; } /** * Converts a path string to a file URL. * * ```ts * toFileUrl("/home/foo"); // new URL("file:///home/foo") * toFileUrl("\\home\\foo"); // new URL("file:///home/foo") * toFileUrl("C:\\Users\\foo"); // new URL("file:///C:/Users/foo") * toFileUrl("\\\\\\home\\foo"); // new URL("file://") * ``` * @param path to convert to file URL */ function toFileUrl(path: string): URL { return core.build.os == "windows" ? toFileUrlWin32(path) : toFileUrlPosix(path); } let threads = 0; const privateWorkerRef = Symbol("privateWorkerRef"); const PRIVATE_WORKER_THREAD_NAME = "$DENO_STD_NODE_WORKER_THREAD"; class NodeWorker extends EventEmitter { #id = 0; // TODO(satyarohith): remove after https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/22785 lands #name = PRIVATE_WORKER_THREAD_NAME; #refCount = 1; #messagePromise = undefined; #controlPromise = undefined; // "RUNNING" | "CLOSED" | "TERMINATED" // "TERMINATED" means that any controls or messages received will be // discarded. "CLOSED" means that we have received a control // indicating that the worker is no longer running, but there might // still be messages left to receive. #status = "RUNNING"; // https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#workerthreadid threadId = this.#id; // https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#workerresourcelimits resourceLimits: Required< NonNullable > = { maxYoungGenerationSizeMb: -1, maxOldGenerationSizeMb: -1, codeRangeSizeMb: -1, stackSizeMb: 4, }; constructor(specifier: URL | string, options?: WorkerOptions) { super(); if (options?.eval === true) { specifier = `data:text/javascript,${specifier}`; } else if (typeof specifier === "string") { specifier = resolve(specifier); let pkg; try { pkg = op_require_read_closest_package_json(specifier); } catch (_) { // empty catch block when package json might not be present } if ( !(StringPrototypeEndsWith( StringPrototypeToString(specifier), ".mjs", )) || (pkg && pkg.exists && pkg.typ == "module") ) { const cwdFileUrl = toFileUrl(Deno.cwd()); specifier = `data:text/javascript,(async function() {const { createRequire } = await import("node:module");const require = createRequire("${cwdFileUrl}");require("${specifier}");})();`; } else { specifier = toFileUrl(specifier as string); } } const id = op_create_worker( { // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials specifier: specifier.toString(), hasSourceCode: false, sourceCode: "", permissions: null, name: this.#name, workerType: "module", }, ); this.#id = id; this.#pollControl(); this.#pollMessages(); this.postMessage({ environmentData, threadId: (this.threadId = ++threads), workerData: options?.workerData, }, options?.transferList || []); // https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#event-online this.emit("online"); } [privateWorkerRef](ref) { if (ref) { this.#refCount++; } else { this.#refCount--; } if (!ref && this.#refCount == 0) { if (this.#controlPromise) { core.unrefOpPromise(this.#controlPromise); } if (this.#messagePromise) { core.unrefOpPromise(this.#messagePromise); } } else if (ref && this.#refCount == 1) { if (this.#controlPromise) { core.refOpPromise(this.#controlPromise); } if (this.#messagePromise) { core.refOpPromise(this.#messagePromise); } } } #handleError(err) { this.emit("error", err); } #pollControl = async () => { while (this.#status === "RUNNING") { this.#controlPromise = op_host_recv_ctrl(this.#id); if (this.#refCount < 1) { core.unrefOpPromise(this.#controlPromise); } const { 0: type, 1: data } = await this.#controlPromise; // If terminate was called then we ignore all messages if (this.#status === "TERMINATED") { return; } switch (type) { case 1: { // TerminalError this.#status = "CLOSED"; } /* falls through */ case 2: { // Error this.#handleError(data); break; } case 3: { // Close log(`Host got "close" message from worker: ${this.#name}`); this.#status = "CLOSED"; return; } default: { throw new Error(`Unknown worker event: "${type}"`); } } } }; #pollMessages = async () => { while (this.#status !== "TERMINATED") { this.#messagePromise = op_host_recv_message(this.#id); if (this.#refCount < 1) { core.unrefOpPromise(this.#messagePromise); } const data = await this.#messagePromise; if (this.#status === "TERMINATED" || data === null) { return; } let message, _transferables; try { const v = deserializeJsMessageData(data); message = v[0]; _transferables = v[1]; } catch (err) { this.emit("messageerror", err); return; } this.emit("message", message); } }; postMessage(message, transferOrOptions = {}) { const prefix = "Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'MessagePort'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, prefix); message = webidl.converters.any(message); let options; if ( webidl.type(transferOrOptions) === "Object" && transferOrOptions !== undefined && transferOrOptions[SymbolIterator] !== undefined ) { const transfer = webidl.converters["sequence"]( transferOrOptions, prefix, "Argument 2", ); options = { transfer }; } else { options = webidl.converters.StructuredSerializeOptions( transferOrOptions, prefix, "Argument 2", ); } const { transfer } = options; const data = serializeJsMessageData(message, transfer); if (this.#status === "RUNNING") { op_host_post_message(this.#id, data); } } // https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#workerterminate terminate() { if (this.#status !== "TERMINATED") { this.#status = "TERMINATED"; op_host_terminate_worker(this.#id); } this.emit("exit", 1); } ref() { this[privateWorkerRef](true); } unref() { this[privateWorkerRef](false); } readonly getHeapSnapshot = () => notImplemented("Worker.prototype.getHeapSnapshot"); // fake performance readonly performance = globalThis.performance; } export let isMainThread; export let resourceLimits; let threadId = 0; let workerData: unknown = null; let environmentData = new SafeMap(); // Like https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/48655e17e1d84ba5021d7a94b4b88823f7c9c6cf/lib/internal/event_target.js#L611 interface NodeEventTarget extends Pick< EventEmitter, "eventNames" | "listenerCount" | "emit" | "removeAllListeners" > { setMaxListeners(n: number): void; getMaxListeners(): number; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any off(eventName: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): NodeEventTarget; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any on(eventName: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): NodeEventTarget; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any once(eventName: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): NodeEventTarget; addListener: NodeEventTarget["on"]; removeListener: NodeEventTarget["off"]; } type ParentPort = typeof self & NodeEventTarget; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any let parentPort: ParentPort = null as any; internals.__initWorkerThreads = () => { isMainThread = // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (globalThis as any).name !== PRIVATE_WORKER_THREAD_NAME; defaultExport.isMainThread = isMainThread; // fake resourceLimits resourceLimits = isMainThread ? {} : { maxYoungGenerationSizeMb: 48, maxOldGenerationSizeMb: 2048, codeRangeSizeMb: 0, stackSizeMb: 4, }; defaultExport.resourceLimits = resourceLimits; if (!isMainThread) { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any delete (globalThis as any).name; const listeners = new SafeWeakMap< // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (...args: any[]) => void, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (ev: any) => any >(); parentPort = self as ParentPort; const initPromise = PromisePrototypeThen( once( parentPort, "message", ), (result) => { // TODO(kt3k): The below values are set asynchronously // using the first message from the parent. // This should be done synchronously. threadId = result[0].data.threadId; workerData = result[0].data.workerData; environmentData = result[0].data.environmentData; defaultExport.threadId = threadId; defaultExport.workerData = workerData; }, ); parentPort.off = parentPort.removeListener = function ( this: ParentPort, name, listener, ) { this.removeEventListener(name, listeners.get(listener)!); listeners.delete(listener); return this; }; parentPort.on = parentPort.addListener = function ( this: ParentPort, name, listener, ) { PromisePrototypeThen(initPromise, () => { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const _listener = (ev: any) => listener(ev.data); listeners.set(listener, _listener); this.addEventListener(name, _listener); }); return this; }; parentPort.once = function (this: ParentPort, name, listener) { PromisePrototypeThen(initPromise, () => { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const _listener = (ev: any) => listener(ev.data); listeners.set(listener, _listener); this.addEventListener(name, _listener); }); return this; }; // mocks parentPort.setMaxListeners = () => {}; parentPort.getMaxListeners = () => Infinity; parentPort.eventNames = () => [""]; parentPort.listenerCount = () => 0; parentPort.emit = () => notImplemented("parentPort.emit"); parentPort.removeAllListeners = () => notImplemented("parentPort.removeAllListeners"); parentPort.addEventListener("offline", () => { parentPort.emit("close"); }); } }; export function getEnvironmentData(key: unknown) { return environmentData.get(key); } export function setEnvironmentData(key: unknown, value?: unknown) { if (value === undefined) { environmentData.delete(key); } else { environmentData.set(key, value); } } export const SHARE_ENV = SymbolFor("nodejs.worker_threads.SHARE_ENV"); export function markAsUntransferable() { notImplemented("markAsUntransferable"); } export function moveMessagePortToContext() { notImplemented("moveMessagePortToContext"); } export function receiveMessageOnPort() { notImplemented("receiveMessageOnPort"); } export { BroadcastChannel, MessageChannel, MessagePort, NodeWorker as Worker, parentPort, threadId, workerData, }; const defaultExport = { markAsUntransferable, moveMessagePortToContext, receiveMessageOnPort, MessagePort, MessageChannel, BroadcastChannel, Worker: NodeWorker, getEnvironmentData, setEnvironmentData, SHARE_ENV, threadId, workerData, resourceLimits, parentPort, isMainThread, }; export default defaultExport;