// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // @ts-ignore internal api const { AsyncGeneratorPrototype, BigIntPrototypeToString, ObjectFreeze, ObjectGetPrototypeOf, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, StringPrototypeReplace, SymbolFor, SymbolToStringTag, Uint8ArrayPrototype, } = globalThis.__bootstrap.primordials; const core = Deno.core; const ops = core.ops; const encodeCursor: ( selector: [Deno.KvKey | null, Deno.KvKey | null, Deno.KvKey | null], boundaryKey: Deno.KvKey, ) => string = (selector, boundaryKey) => ops.op_kv_encode_cursor(selector, boundaryKey); async function openKv(path: string) { const rid = await core.opAsync("op_kv_database_open", path); return new Kv(rid, kvSymbol); } const millisecondsInOneWeek = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; function validateQueueDelay(delay: number) { if (delay < 0) { throw new TypeError("delay cannot be negative"); } if (delay > millisecondsInOneWeek) { throw new TypeError("delay cannot be greater than one week"); } if (isNaN(delay)) { throw new TypeError("delay cannot be NaN"); } } interface RawKvEntry { key: Deno.KvKey; value: RawValue; versionstamp: string; } type RawValue = { kind: "v8"; value: Uint8Array; } | { kind: "bytes"; value: Uint8Array; } | { kind: "u64"; value: bigint; }; const kvSymbol = Symbol("KvRid"); class Kv { #rid: number; #closed: boolean; constructor(rid: number = undefined, symbol: symbol = undefined) { if (kvSymbol !== symbol) { throw new TypeError( "Deno.Kv can not be constructed, use Deno.openKv instead.", ); } this.#rid = rid; this.#closed = false; } atomic() { return new AtomicOperation(this.#rid); } async get(key: Deno.KvKey, opts?: { consistency?: Deno.KvConsistencyLevel }) { const [entries]: [RawKvEntry[]] = await core.opAsync( "op_kv_snapshot_read", this.#rid, [[ null, key, null, 1, false, null, ]], opts?.consistency ?? "strong", ); if (!entries.length) { return { key, value: null, versionstamp: null, }; } return deserializeValue(entries[0]); } async getMany( keys: Deno.KvKey[], opts?: { consistency?: Deno.KvConsistencyLevel }, ): Promise<Deno.KvEntry<unknown>[]> { const ranges: RawKvEntry[][] = await core.opAsync( "op_kv_snapshot_read", this.#rid, keys.map((key) => [ null, key, null, 1, false, null, ]), opts?.consistency ?? "strong", ); return ranges.map((entries, i) => { if (!entries.length) { return { key: keys[i], value: null, versionstamp: null, }; } return deserializeValue(entries[0]); }); } async set(key: Deno.KvKey, value: unknown, options?: { expireIn?: number }) { value = serializeValue(value); const checks: Deno.AtomicCheck[] = []; const expireAt = typeof options?.expireIn === "number" ? Date.now() + options.expireIn : undefined; const mutations = [ [key, "set", value, expireAt], ]; const versionstamp = await core.opAsync( "op_kv_atomic_write", this.#rid, checks, mutations, [], ); if (versionstamp === null) throw new TypeError("Failed to set value"); return { ok: true, versionstamp }; } async delete(key: Deno.KvKey) { const checks: Deno.AtomicCheck[] = []; const mutations = [ [key, "delete", null, undefined], ]; const result = await core.opAsync( "op_kv_atomic_write", this.#rid, checks, mutations, [], ); if (!result) throw new TypeError("Failed to set value"); } list( selector: Deno.KvListSelector, options: { limit?: number; batchSize?: number; cursor?: string; reverse?: boolean; consistency?: Deno.KvConsistencyLevel; } = {}, ): KvListIterator { if (options.limit !== undefined && options.limit <= 0) { throw new Error("limit must be positive"); } let batchSize = options.batchSize ?? (options.limit ?? 100); if (batchSize <= 0) throw new Error("batchSize must be positive"); if (options.batchSize === undefined && batchSize > 500) batchSize = 500; return new KvListIterator({ limit: options.limit, selector, cursor: options.cursor, reverse: options.reverse ?? false, consistency: options.consistency ?? "strong", batchSize, pullBatch: this.#pullBatch(batchSize), }); } #pullBatch(batchSize: number): ( selector: Deno.KvListSelector, cursor: string | undefined, reverse: boolean, consistency: Deno.KvConsistencyLevel, ) => Promise<Deno.KvEntry<unknown>[]> { return async (selector, cursor, reverse, consistency) => { const [entries]: [RawKvEntry[]] = await core.opAsync( "op_kv_snapshot_read", this.#rid, [[ "prefix" in selector ? selector.prefix : null, "start" in selector ? selector.start : null, "end" in selector ? selector.end : null, batchSize, reverse, cursor, ]], consistency, ); return entries.map(deserializeValue); }; } async enqueue( message: unknown, opts?: { delay?: number; keysIfUndelivered?: Deno.KvKey[] }, ) { if (opts?.delay !== undefined) { validateQueueDelay(opts?.delay); } const enqueues = [ [ core.serialize(message, { forStorage: true }), opts?.delay ?? 0, opts?.keysIfUndelivered ?? [], null, ], ]; const versionstamp = await core.opAsync( "op_kv_atomic_write", this.#rid, [], [], enqueues, ); if (versionstamp === null) throw new TypeError("Failed to enqueue value"); return { ok: true, versionstamp }; } async listenQueue( handler: (message: unknown) => Promise<void> | void, ): Promise<void> { const finishMessageOps = new Map<number, Promise<void>>(); while (!this.#closed) { // Wait for the next message. let next: { 0: Uint8Array; 1: number }; try { next = await core.opAsync( "op_kv_dequeue_next_message", this.#rid, ); } catch (error) { if (this.#closed) { break; } else { throw error; } } // Deserialize the payload. const { 0: payload, 1: handleId } = next; const deserializedPayload = core.deserialize(payload, { forStorage: true, }); // Dispatch the payload. (async () => { let success = false; try { const result = handler(deserializedPayload); const _res = result instanceof Promise ? (await result) : result; success = true; } catch (error) { console.error("Exception in queue handler", error); } finally { if (this.#closed) { core.close(handleId); } else { const promise: Promise<void> = core.opAsync( "op_kv_finish_dequeued_message", handleId, success, ); finishMessageOps.set(handleId, promise); try { await promise; } finally { finishMessageOps.delete(handleId); } } } })(); } for (const promise of finishMessageOps.values()) { await promise; } finishMessageOps.clear(); } close() { core.close(this.#rid); this.#closed = true; } } class AtomicOperation { #rid: number; #checks: [Deno.KvKey, string | null][] = []; #mutations: [Deno.KvKey, string, RawValue | null, number | undefined][] = []; #enqueues: [Uint8Array, number, Deno.KvKey[], number[] | null][] = []; constructor(rid: number) { this.#rid = rid; } check(...checks: Deno.AtomicCheck[]): this { for (const check of checks) { this.#checks.push([check.key, check.versionstamp]); } return this; } mutate(...mutations: Deno.KvMutation[]): this { for (const mutation of mutations) { const key = mutation.key; let type: string; let value: RawValue | null; let expireAt: number | undefined = undefined; switch (mutation.type) { case "delete": type = "delete"; if (mutation.value) { throw new TypeError("invalid mutation 'delete' with value"); } break; case "set": if (typeof mutation.expireIn === "number") { expireAt = Date.now() + mutation.expireIn; } /* falls through */ case "sum": case "min": case "max": type = mutation.type; if (!("value" in mutation)) { throw new TypeError(`invalid mutation '${type}' without value`); } value = serializeValue(mutation.value); break; default: throw new TypeError("Invalid mutation type"); } this.#mutations.push([key, type, value, expireAt]); } return this; } sum(key: Deno.KvKey, n: bigint): this { this.#mutations.push([key, "sum", serializeValue(new KvU64(n)), undefined]); return this; } min(key: Deno.KvKey, n: bigint): this { this.#mutations.push([key, "min", serializeValue(new KvU64(n)), undefined]); return this; } max(key: Deno.KvKey, n: bigint): this { this.#mutations.push([key, "max", serializeValue(new KvU64(n)), undefined]); return this; } set( key: Deno.KvKey, value: unknown, options?: { expireIn?: number }, ): this { const expireAt = typeof options?.expireIn === "number" ? Date.now() + options.expireIn : undefined; this.#mutations.push([key, "set", serializeValue(value), expireAt]); return this; } delete(key: Deno.KvKey): this { this.#mutations.push([key, "delete", null, undefined]); return this; } enqueue( message: unknown, opts?: { delay?: number; keysIfUndelivered?: Deno.KvKey[] }, ): this { if (opts?.delay !== undefined) { validateQueueDelay(opts?.delay); } this.#enqueues.push([ core.serialize(message, { forStorage: true }), opts?.delay ?? 0, opts?.keysIfUndelivered ?? [], null, ]); return this; } async commit(): Promise<Deno.KvCommitResult | Deno.KvCommitError> { const versionstamp = await core.opAsync( "op_kv_atomic_write", this.#rid, this.#checks, this.#mutations, this.#enqueues, ); if (versionstamp === null) return { ok: false }; return { ok: true, versionstamp }; } then() { throw new TypeError( "`Deno.AtomicOperation` is not a promise. Did you forget to call `commit()`?", ); } } const MIN_U64 = BigInt("0"); const MAX_U64 = BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"); class KvU64 { value: bigint; constructor(value: bigint) { if (typeof value !== "bigint") { throw new TypeError("value must be a bigint"); } if (value < MIN_U64) { throw new RangeError("value must be a positive bigint"); } if (value > MAX_U64) { throw new RangeError("value must fit in a 64-bit unsigned integer"); } this.value = value; Object.freeze(this); } valueOf() { return this.value; } toString() { return BigIntPrototypeToString(this.value); } get [SymbolToStringTag]() { return "Deno.KvU64"; } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect, inspectOptions) { return StringPrototypeReplace( inspect(Object(this.value), inspectOptions), "BigInt", "Deno.KvU64", ); } } function deserializeValue(entry: RawKvEntry): Deno.KvEntry<unknown> { const { kind, value } = entry.value; switch (kind) { case "v8": return { ...entry, value: core.deserialize(value, { forStorage: true }), }; case "bytes": return { ...entry, value, }; case "u64": return { ...entry, value: new KvU64(value), }; default: throw new TypeError("Invalid value type"); } } function serializeValue(value: unknown): RawValue { if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Uint8ArrayPrototype, value)) { return { kind: "bytes", value, }; } else if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(KvU64.prototype, value)) { return { kind: "u64", value: value.valueOf(), }; } else { return { kind: "v8", value: core.serialize(value, { forStorage: true }), }; } } // This gets the %AsyncIteratorPrototype% object (which exists but is not a // global). We extend the KvListIterator iterator from, so that we immediately // support async iterator helpers once they land. The %AsyncIterator% does not // yet actually exist however, so right now the AsyncIterator binding refers to // %Object%. I know. // Once AsyncIterator is a global, we can just use it (from primordials), rather // than doing this here. const AsyncIteratorPrototype = ObjectGetPrototypeOf(AsyncGeneratorPrototype); const AsyncIterator = AsyncIteratorPrototype.constructor; class KvListIterator extends AsyncIterator implements AsyncIterator<Deno.KvEntry<unknown>> { #selector: Deno.KvListSelector; #entries: Deno.KvEntry<unknown>[] | null = null; #cursorGen: (() => string) | null = null; #done = false; #lastBatch = false; #pullBatch: ( selector: Deno.KvListSelector, cursor: string | undefined, reverse: boolean, consistency: Deno.KvConsistencyLevel, ) => Promise<Deno.KvEntry<unknown>[]>; #limit: number | undefined; #count = 0; #reverse: boolean; #batchSize: number; #consistency: Deno.KvConsistencyLevel; constructor( { limit, selector, cursor, reverse, consistency, batchSize, pullBatch }: { limit?: number; selector: Deno.KvListSelector; cursor?: string; reverse: boolean; batchSize: number; consistency: Deno.KvConsistencyLevel; pullBatch: ( selector: Deno.KvListSelector, cursor: string | undefined, reverse: boolean, consistency: Deno.KvConsistencyLevel, ) => Promise<Deno.KvEntry<unknown>[]>; }, ) { super(); let prefix: Deno.KvKey | undefined; let start: Deno.KvKey | undefined; let end: Deno.KvKey | undefined; if ("prefix" in selector && selector.prefix !== undefined) { prefix = ObjectFreeze([...selector.prefix]); } if ("start" in selector && selector.start !== undefined) { start = ObjectFreeze([...selector.start]); } if ("end" in selector && selector.end !== undefined) { end = ObjectFreeze([...selector.end]); } if (prefix) { if (start && end) { throw new TypeError( "Selector can not specify both 'start' and 'end' key when specifying 'prefix'.", ); } if (start) { this.#selector = { prefix, start }; } else if (end) { this.#selector = { prefix, end }; } else { this.#selector = { prefix }; } } else { if (start && end) { this.#selector = { start, end }; } else { throw new TypeError( "Selector must specify either 'prefix' or both 'start' and 'end' key.", ); } } Object.freeze(this.#selector); this.#pullBatch = pullBatch; this.#limit = limit; this.#reverse = reverse; this.#consistency = consistency; this.#batchSize = batchSize; this.#cursorGen = cursor ? () => cursor : null; } get cursor(): string { if (this.#cursorGen === null) { throw new Error("Cannot get cursor before first iteration"); } return this.#cursorGen(); } async next(): Promise<IteratorResult<Deno.KvEntry<unknown>>> { // Fused or limit exceeded if ( this.#done || (this.#limit !== undefined && this.#count >= this.#limit) ) { return { done: true, value: undefined }; } // Attempt to fill the buffer if (!this.#entries?.length && !this.#lastBatch) { const batch = await this.#pullBatch( this.#selector, this.#cursorGen ? this.#cursorGen() : undefined, this.#reverse, this.#consistency, ); // Reverse the batch so we can pop from the end batch.reverse(); this.#entries = batch; // Last batch, do not attempt to pull more if (batch.length < this.#batchSize) { this.#lastBatch = true; } } const entry = this.#entries?.pop(); if (!entry) { this.#done = true; this.#cursorGen = () => ""; return { done: true, value: undefined }; } this.#cursorGen = () => { const selector = this.#selector; return encodeCursor([ "prefix" in selector ? selector.prefix : null, "start" in selector ? selector.start : null, "end" in selector ? selector.end : null, ], entry.key); }; this.#count++; return { done: false, value: entry, }; } [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterator<Deno.KvEntry<unknown>> { return this; } } export { AtomicOperation, Kv, KvListIterator, KvU64, openKv };