/** * Ported and modified from: https://github.com/jshttp/mime-types and licensed as: * * (The MIT License) * * Copyright (c) 2011 T. Jameson Little * Copyright (c) 2019 Jun Kato * Copyright (c) 2019 the Deno authors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ import { MultiReader } from "../io/readers.ts"; import { BufReader } from "../io/bufio.ts"; const recordSize = 512; const ustar = "ustar\u000000"; /** * Simple file reader */ export class FileReader implements Deno.Reader { private file?: Deno.File; constructor(private filePath: string, private mode: Deno.OpenMode = "r") {} public async read(p: Uint8Array): Promise { if (!this.file) { this.file = await Deno.open(this.filePath, this.mode); } const res = await Deno.read(this.file.rid, p); if (res.eof) { await Deno.close(this.file.rid); this.file = undefined; } return res; } } /** * Simple file writer (call FileWriter.dispose() after use) */ export class FileWriter implements Deno.Writer { private file?: Deno.File; constructor(private filePath: string, private mode: Deno.OpenMode = "w") {} public async write(p: Uint8Array): Promise { if (!this.file) { this.file = await Deno.open(this.filePath, this.mode); } return Deno.write(this.file.rid, p); } public dispose(): void { if (!this.file) return; Deno.close(this.file.rid); this.file = undefined; } } /** * Remove the trailing null codes * @param buffer */ function trim(buffer: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const index = buffer.findIndex((v): boolean => v === 0); if (index < 0) return buffer; return buffer.subarray(0, index); } /** * Initialize Uint8Array of the specified length filled with 0 * @param length */ function clean(length: number): Uint8Array { const buffer = new Uint8Array(length); buffer.fill(0, 0, length - 1); return buffer; } function pad(num: number, bytes: number, base?: number): string { var numString = num.toString(base || 8); return "000000000000".substr(numString.length + 12 - bytes) + numString; } /* struct posix_header { // byte offset char name[100]; // 0 char mode[8]; // 100 char uid[8]; // 108 char gid[8]; // 116 char size[12]; // 124 char mtime[12]; // 136 char chksum[8]; // 148 char typeflag; // 156 char linkname[100]; // 157 char magic[6]; // 257 char version[2]; // 263 char uname[32]; // 265 char gname[32]; // 297 char devmajor[8]; // 329 char devminor[8]; // 337 char prefix[155]; // 345 // 500 }; */ const ustarStructure: Array<{ field: string; length: number }> = [ { field: "fileName", length: 100 }, { field: "fileMode", length: 8 }, { field: "uid", length: 8 }, { field: "gid", length: 8 }, { field: "fileSize", length: 12 }, { field: "mtime", length: 12 }, { field: "checksum", length: 8 }, { field: "type", length: 1 }, { field: "linkName", length: 100 }, { field: "ustar", length: 8 }, { field: "owner", length: 32 }, { field: "group", length: 32 }, { field: "majorNumber", length: 8 }, { field: "minorNumber", length: 8 }, { field: "fileNamePrefix", length: 155 }, { field: "padding", length: 12 } ]; /** * Create header for a file in a tar archive */ function formatHeader(data: TarData): Uint8Array { const encoder = new TextEncoder(), buffer = clean(512); let offset = 0; ustarStructure.forEach(function(value): void { const entry = encoder.encode(data[value.field as keyof TarData] || ""); buffer.set(entry, offset); offset += value.length; // space it out with nulls }); return buffer; } /** * Parse file header in a tar archive * @param length */ function parseHeader(buffer: Uint8Array): { [key: string]: Uint8Array } { const data: { [key: string]: Uint8Array } = {}; let offset = 0; ustarStructure.forEach(function(value): void { const arr = buffer.subarray(offset, offset + value.length); data[value.field] = arr; offset += value.length; }); return data; } export interface TarData { fileName?: string; fileNamePrefix?: string; fileMode?: string; uid?: string; gid?: string; fileSize?: string; mtime?: string; checksum?: string; type?: string; ustar?: string; owner?: string; group?: string; } export interface TarDataWithSource extends TarData { /** * file to read */ filePath?: string; /** * buffer to read */ reader?: Deno.Reader; } export interface TarInfo { fileMode?: number; mtime?: number; uid?: number; gid?: number; owner?: string; group?: string; } export interface TarOptions extends TarInfo { /** * append file */ filePath?: string; /** * append any arbitrary content */ reader?: Deno.Reader; /** * size of the content to be appended */ contentSize?: number; } export interface UntarOptions extends TarInfo { fileName: string; } /** * A class to create a tar archive */ export class Tar { data: TarDataWithSource[]; written: number; out: Uint8Array; private blockSize: number; constructor(recordsPerBlock?: number) { this.data = []; this.written = 0; this.blockSize = (recordsPerBlock || 20) * recordSize; this.out = clean(this.blockSize); } /** * Append a file to this tar archive * @param fileName file name (e.g., test.txt; use slash for directory separators) * @param opts options */ async append(fileName: string, opts: TarOptions): Promise { if (typeof fileName !== "string") throw new Error("file name not specified"); // separate file name into two parts if needed let fileNamePrefix: string; if (fileName.length > 100) { let i = fileName.length; while (i >= 0) { i = fileName.lastIndexOf("/", i); if (i <= 155) { fileNamePrefix = fileName.substr(0, i); fileName = fileName.substr(i + 1); break; } i--; } if (i < 0 || fileName.length > 100 || fileNamePrefix!.length > 155) { throw new Error( "ustar format does not allow a long file name (length of [file name prefix] + / + [file name] must be shorter than 256 bytes)" ); } } fileNamePrefix = fileNamePrefix!; opts = opts || {}; // set meta data const info = opts.filePath && (await Deno.stat(opts.filePath)); let mode = opts.fileMode || (info && info.mode) || parseInt("777", 8) & 0xfff, mtime = opts.mtime || (info && info.modified) || Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000), uid = opts.uid || 0, gid = opts.gid || 0; if (typeof opts.owner === "string" && opts.owner.length >= 32) { throw new Error( "ustar format does not allow owner name length >= 32 bytes" ); } if (typeof opts.group === "string" && opts.group.length >= 32) { throw new Error( "ustar format does not allow group name length >= 32 bytes" ); } const tarData: TarDataWithSource = { fileName, fileNamePrefix, fileMode: pad(mode, 7), uid: pad(uid, 7), gid: pad(gid, 7), fileSize: pad((info ? info.len : opts.contentSize)!, 11), mtime: pad(mtime, 11), checksum: " ", type: "0", // just a file ustar, owner: opts.owner || "", group: opts.group || "", filePath: opts.filePath, reader: opts.reader }; // calculate the checksum let checksum = 0; const encoder = new TextEncoder(); Object.keys(tarData) .filter((key): boolean => ["filePath", "reader"].indexOf(key) < 0) .forEach(function(key): void { checksum += encoder .encode(tarData[key as keyof TarData]) .reduce((p, c): number => p + c, 0); }); tarData.checksum = pad(checksum, 6) + "\u0000 "; this.data.push(tarData); } /** * Get a Reader instance for this tar data */ getReader(): Deno.Reader { const readers: Deno.Reader[] = []; this.data.forEach( (tarData): void => { let { filePath, reader } = tarData, headerArr = formatHeader(tarData); readers.push(new Deno.Buffer(headerArr)); if (!reader) { reader = new FileReader(filePath!); } readers.push(reader); // to the nearest multiple of recordSize readers.push( new Deno.Buffer( clean( recordSize - (parseInt(tarData.fileSize!, 8) % recordSize || recordSize) ) ) ); } ); // append 2 empty records readers.push(new Deno.Buffer(clean(recordSize * 2))); return new MultiReader(...readers); } } /** * A class to create a tar archive */ export class Untar { reader: BufReader; block: Uint8Array; constructor(reader: Deno.Reader) { this.reader = new BufReader(reader); this.block = new Uint8Array(recordSize); } async extract(writer: Deno.Writer): Promise { await this.reader.readFull(this.block); const header = parseHeader(this.block); // calculate the checksum let checksum = 0; const encoder = new TextEncoder(), decoder = new TextDecoder("ascii"); Object.keys(header) .filter((key): boolean => key !== "checksum") .forEach(function(key): void { checksum += header[key].reduce((p, c): number => p + c, 0); }); checksum += encoder.encode(" ").reduce((p, c): number => p + c, 0); if (parseInt(decoder.decode(header.checksum), 8) !== checksum) { throw new Error("checksum error"); } const magic = decoder.decode(header.ustar); if (magic !== ustar) { throw new Error(`unsupported archive format: ${magic}`); } // get meta data const meta: UntarOptions = { fileName: decoder.decode(trim(header.fileName)) }; const fileNamePrefix = trim(header.fileNamePrefix); if (fileNamePrefix.byteLength > 0) { meta.fileName = decoder.decode(fileNamePrefix) + "/" + meta.fileName; } (["fileMode", "mtime", "uid", "gid"] as [ "fileMode", "mtime", "uid", "gid" ]).forEach( (key): void => { const arr = trim(header[key]); if (arr.byteLength > 0) { meta[key] = parseInt(decoder.decode(arr), 8); } } ); (["owner", "group"] as ["owner", "group"]).forEach( (key): void => { const arr = trim(header[key]); if (arr.byteLength > 0) { meta[key] = decoder.decode(arr); } } ); // read the file content const len = parseInt(decoder.decode(header.fileSize), 8); let rest = len; while (rest > 0) { await this.reader.readFull(this.block); const arr = rest < recordSize ? this.block.subarray(0, rest) : this.block; await Deno.copy(writer, new Deno.Buffer(arr)); rest -= recordSize; } return meta; } }