// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import * as msg from "gen/cli/msg_generated"; import { core } from "./core"; import { handleAsyncMsgFromRust, sendSync } from "./dispatch"; import * as flatbuffers from "./flatbuffers"; import { assert } from "./util"; import * as util from "./util"; import { window } from "./window"; /** The current process id of the runtime. */ export let pid: number; /** Reflects the NO_COLOR environment variable: https://no-color.org/ */ export let noColor: boolean; /** Path to the current deno process's executable file. */ export let execPath: string; function setGlobals(pid_: number, noColor_: boolean, execPath_: string): void { assert(!pid); pid = pid_; noColor = noColor_; execPath = execPath_; } /** Check if running in terminal. * * console.log(Deno.isTTY().stdout); */ export function isTTY(): { stdin: boolean; stdout: boolean; stderr: boolean } { const builder = flatbuffers.createBuilder(); const inner = msg.IsTTY.createIsTTY(builder); const baseRes = sendSync(builder, msg.Any.IsTTY, inner)!; assert(msg.Any.IsTTYRes === baseRes.innerType()); const res = new msg.IsTTYRes(); assert(baseRes.inner(res) != null); return { stdin: res.stdin(), stdout: res.stdout(), stderr: res.stderr() }; } /** Exit the Deno process with optional exit code. */ export function exit(exitCode = 0): never { const builder = flatbuffers.createBuilder(); const inner = msg.Exit.createExit(builder, exitCode); sendSync(builder, msg.Any.Exit, inner); return util.unreachable(); } function setEnv(key: string, value: string): void { const builder = flatbuffers.createBuilder(); const key_ = builder.createString(key); const value_ = builder.createString(value); const inner = msg.SetEnv.createSetEnv(builder, key_, value_); sendSync(builder, msg.Any.SetEnv, inner); } function createEnv(inner: msg.EnvironRes): { [index: string]: string } { const env: { [index: string]: string } = {}; for (let i = 0; i < inner.mapLength(); i++) { const item = inner.map(i)!; env[item.key()!] = item.value()!; } return new Proxy(env, { set(obj, prop: string, value: string): boolean { setEnv(prop, value); return Reflect.set(obj, prop, value); } }); } /** Returns a snapshot of the environment variables at invocation. Mutating a * property in the object will set that variable in the environment for * the process. The environment object will only accept `string`s * as values. * * const myEnv = Deno.env(); * console.log(myEnv.SHELL); * myEnv.TEST_VAR = "HELLO"; * const newEnv = Deno.env(); * console.log(myEnv.TEST_VAR == newEnv.TEST_VAR); */ export function env(): { [index: string]: string } { /* Ideally we could write const res = sendSync({ command: msg.Command.ENV, }); */ const builder = flatbuffers.createBuilder(); const inner = msg.Environ.createEnviron(builder); const baseRes = sendSync(builder, msg.Any.Environ, inner)!; assert(msg.Any.EnvironRes === baseRes.innerType()); const res = new msg.EnvironRes(); assert(baseRes.inner(res) != null); // TypeScript cannot track assertion above, therefore not null assertion return createEnv(res); } /** Send to the privileged side that we have setup and are ready. */ function sendStart(): msg.StartRes { const builder = flatbuffers.createBuilder(); const startOffset = msg.Start.createStart(builder, 0 /* unused */); const baseRes = sendSync(builder, msg.Any.Start, startOffset); assert(baseRes != null); assert(msg.Any.StartRes === baseRes!.innerType()); const startResMsg = new msg.StartRes(); assert(baseRes!.inner(startResMsg) != null); return startResMsg; } // This function bootstraps an environment within Deno, it is shared both by // the runtime and the compiler environments. // @internal export function start( preserveDenoNamespace = true, source?: string ): msg.StartRes { core.setAsyncHandler(handleAsyncMsgFromRust); // First we send an empty `Start` message to let the privileged side know we // are ready. The response should be a `StartRes` message containing the CLI // args and other info. const startResMsg = sendStart(); util.setLogDebug(startResMsg.debugFlag(), source); setGlobals(startResMsg.pid(), startResMsg.noColor(), startResMsg.execPath()!); if (preserveDenoNamespace) { util.immutableDefine(window, "Deno", window.Deno); // Deno.core could ONLY be safely frozen here (not in globals.ts) // since shared_queue.js will modify core properties. Object.freeze(window.Deno.core); // core.sharedQueue is an object so we should also freeze it. Object.freeze(window.Deno.core.sharedQueue); } else { // Remove window.Deno delete window.Deno; assert(window.Deno === undefined); } return startResMsg; } /** * Returns the current user's home directory. * Does not require elevated privileges. */ export function homeDir(): string { const builder = flatbuffers.createBuilder(); const inner = msg.HomeDir.createHomeDir(builder); const baseRes = sendSync(builder, msg.Any.HomeDir, inner)!; assert(msg.Any.HomeDirRes === baseRes.innerType()); const res = new msg.HomeDirRes(); assert(baseRes.inner(res) != null); const path = res.path(); if (!path) { throw new Error("Could not get home directory."); } return path; }