// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. "use strict"; // @ts-check /// <reference path="../../core/internal.d.ts" /> ((window) => { const webidl = window.__bootstrap.webidl; const { Event, setIsTrusted, defineEventHandler } = window.__bootstrap.event; const { EventTarget, listenerCount } = window.__bootstrap.eventTarget; const { Set, SetPrototypeAdd, SetPrototypeDelete, Symbol, TypeError, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; const { setTimeout, refTimer, unrefTimer } = window.__bootstrap.timers; const add = Symbol("[[add]]"); const signalAbort = Symbol("[[signalAbort]]"); const remove = Symbol("[[remove]]"); const abortReason = Symbol("[[abortReason]]"); const abortAlgos = Symbol("[[abortAlgos]]"); const signal = Symbol("[[signal]]"); const timerId = Symbol("[[timerId]]"); const illegalConstructorKey = Symbol("illegalConstructorKey"); class AbortSignal extends EventTarget { static abort(reason = undefined) { if (reason !== undefined) { reason = webidl.converters.any(reason); } const signal = new AbortSignal(illegalConstructorKey); signal[signalAbort](reason); return signal; } static timeout(millis) { const prefix = "Failed to call 'AbortSignal.timeout'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); millis = webidl.converters["unsigned long long"](millis, { enforceRange: true, }); const signal = new AbortSignal(illegalConstructorKey); signal[timerId] = setTimeout( () => { signal[timerId] = null; signal[signalAbort]( new DOMException("Signal timed out.", "TimeoutError"), ); }, millis, ); unrefTimer(signal[timerId]); return signal; } [add](algorithm) { if (this.aborted) { return; } if (this[abortAlgos] === null) { this[abortAlgos] = new Set(); } SetPrototypeAdd(this[abortAlgos], algorithm); } [signalAbort]( reason = new DOMException("The signal has been aborted", "AbortError"), ) { if (this.aborted) { return; } this[abortReason] = reason; if (this[abortAlgos] !== null) { for (const algorithm of this[abortAlgos]) { algorithm(); } this[abortAlgos] = null; } const event = new Event("abort"); setIsTrusted(event, true); this.dispatchEvent(event); } [remove](algorithm) { this[abortAlgos] && SetPrototypeDelete(this[abortAlgos], algorithm); } constructor(key = null) { if (key != illegalConstructorKey) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor."); } super(); this[abortReason] = undefined; this[abortAlgos] = null; this[timerId] = null; this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; } get aborted() { webidl.assertBranded(this, AbortSignalPrototype); return this[abortReason] !== undefined; } get reason() { webidl.assertBranded(this, AbortSignalPrototype); return this[abortReason]; } throwIfAborted() { webidl.assertBranded(this, AbortSignalPrototype); if (this[abortReason] !== undefined) { throw this[abortReason]; } } // `addEventListener` and `removeEventListener` have to be overriden in // order to have the timer block the event loop while there are listeners. // `[add]` and `[remove]` don't ref and unref the timer because they can // only be used by Deno internals, which use it to essentially cancel async // ops which would block the event loop. addEventListener(...args) { super.addEventListener(...args); if (this[timerId] !== null && listenerCount(this, "abort") > 0) { refTimer(this[timerId]); } } removeEventListener(...args) { super.removeEventListener(...args); if (this[timerId] !== null && listenerCount(this, "abort") === 0) { unrefTimer(this[timerId]); } } } defineEventHandler(AbortSignal.prototype, "abort"); webidl.configurePrototype(AbortSignal); const AbortSignalPrototype = AbortSignal.prototype; class AbortController { [signal] = new AbortSignal(illegalConstructorKey); constructor() { this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; } get signal() { webidl.assertBranded(this, AbortControllerPrototype); return this[signal]; } abort(reason) { webidl.assertBranded(this, AbortControllerPrototype); this[signal][signalAbort](reason); } } webidl.configurePrototype(AbortController); const AbortControllerPrototype = AbortController.prototype; webidl.converters["AbortSignal"] = webidl.createInterfaceConverter( "AbortSignal", AbortSignal.prototype, ); function newSignal() { return new AbortSignal(illegalConstructorKey); } function follow(followingSignal, parentSignal) { if (followingSignal.aborted) { return; } if (parentSignal.aborted) { followingSignal[signalAbort](parentSignal.reason); } else { parentSignal[add](() => followingSignal[signalAbort](parentSignal.reason) ); } } window.__bootstrap.abortSignal = { AbortSignal, AbortController, AbortSignalPrototype, add, signalAbort, remove, follow, newSignal, }; })(this);