#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run -A --lock=tools/deno.lock.json // Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. // deno-lint-ignore-file no-console import { $ } from "jsr:@david/dax@0.41.0"; import { gray } from "jsr:@std/fmt@1/colors"; import { patchver } from "jsr:@deno/patchver@0.2.0"; const SUPPORTED_TARGETS = [ "aarch64-apple-darwin", "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-apple-darwin", "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", ]; const DENO_BINARIES = [ "deno", "denort", ]; const CHANNEL = Deno.args[0]; if (CHANNEL !== "rc" && CHANNEL !== "lts") { throw new Error(`Invalid channel: ${CHANNEL}`); } const CANARY_URL = "https://dl.deno.land"; function getCanaryBinaryUrl( version: string, binary: string, target: string, ): string { return `${CANARY_URL}/canary/${version}/${binary}-${target}.zip`; } function getUnzippedFilename(binary: string, target: string) { if (target.includes("windows")) { return `${binary}.exe`; } else { return binary; } } function getBinaryName(binary: string, target: string): string { let ext = ""; if (target.includes("windows")) { ext = ".exe"; } return `${binary}-${target}-${CHANNEL}${ext}`; } function getArchiveName(binary: string, target: string): string { return `${binary}-${target}.zip`; } interface CanaryVersion { target: string; version: string; } async function remove(filePath: string) { try { await Deno.remove(filePath); } catch { // pass } } async function fetchLatestCanaryBinary( version: string, binary: string, target: string, ) { const url = getCanaryBinaryUrl(version, binary, target); await $.request(url).showProgress().pipeToPath(); } async function fetchLatestCanaryBinaries(canaryVersion: string) { for (const binary of DENO_BINARIES) { for (const target of SUPPORTED_TARGETS) { $.logStep("Download", binary, gray("target:"), target); await fetchLatestCanaryBinary(canaryVersion, binary, target); } } } async function unzipArchive(archiveName: string, unzippedName: string) { await remove(unzippedName); const output = await $`unzip ./${archiveName}`; if (output.code !== 0) { $.logError(`Failed to unzip ${archiveName} (error code ${output.code})`); Deno.exit(1); } } async function createArchive(binaryName: string, archiveName: string) { const output = await $`zip -r ./${archiveName} ./${binaryName}`; if (output.code !== 0) { $.logError( `Failed to create archive ${archiveName} (error code ${output.code})`, ); Deno.exit(1); } } async function runPatchver( binary: string, target: string, binaryName: string, ) { const input = await Deno.readFile(binary); const output = patchver(input, CHANNEL); try { await Deno.writeFile(binaryName, output); } catch (e) { $.logError( `Failed to promote to RC ${binary} (${target}), error:`, e, ); Deno.exit(1); } } async function runRcodesign( target: string, binaryName: string, commitHash: string, ) { if (!target.includes("apple") || binaryName.includes("denort")) { return; } $.logStep(`Codesign ${binaryName}`); const tempFile = $.path("temp.p12"); let output; try { await $`echo $APPLE_CODESIGN_KEY | base64 -d`.stdout(tempFile); output = await $`rcodesign sign ./${binaryName} --binary-identifier=deno-${commitHash} --code-signature-flags=runtime --code-signature-flags=runtime --p12-password="$APPLE_CODESIGN_PASSWORD" --p12-file=${tempFile} --entitlements-xml-file=cli/entitlements.plist`; } finally { try { tempFile.removeSync(); } catch { // pass } } if (output.code !== 0) { $.logError( `Failed to codesign ${binaryName} (error code ${output.code})`, ); Deno.exit(1); } await $`codesign -dv --verbose=4 ./deno`; } async function promoteBinaryToRc( binary: string, target: string, commitHash: string, ) { const unzippedName = getUnzippedFilename(binary, target); const binaryName = getBinaryName(binary, target); const archiveName = getArchiveName(binary, target); await remove(unzippedName); await remove(binaryName); $.logStep( "Unzip", archiveName, gray("binary"), binary, gray("binaryName"), binaryName, ); await unzipArchive(archiveName, unzippedName); await remove(archiveName); $.logStep( "Patchver", unzippedName, `(${target})`, gray("output to"), binaryName, ); await runPatchver(unzippedName, target, binaryName); // Remove the unpatched binary and rename patched one. await remove(unzippedName); await Deno.rename(binaryName, unzippedName); await runRcodesign(target, unzippedName, commitHash); // Set executable permission if (!target.includes("windows")) { Deno.chmod(unzippedName, 0o777); } await createArchive(unzippedName, archiveName); await remove(unzippedName); } async function promoteBinariesToRc(commitHash: string) { const totalCanaries = SUPPORTED_TARGETS.length * DENO_BINARIES.length; for (let targetIdx = 0; targetIdx < SUPPORTED_TARGETS.length; targetIdx++) { const target = SUPPORTED_TARGETS[targetIdx]; for (let binaryIdx = 0; binaryIdx < DENO_BINARIES.length; binaryIdx++) { const binaryName = DENO_BINARIES[binaryIdx]; const currentIdx = (targetIdx * 2) + binaryIdx + 1; $.logLight( `[${currentIdx}/${totalCanaries}]`, "Promote", binaryName, target, `to ${CHANNEL}...`, ); await promoteBinaryToRc(binaryName, target, commitHash); $.logLight( `[${currentIdx}/${totalCanaries}]`, "Promoted", binaryName, target, `to ${CHANNEL}!`, ); } } } async function dumpRcVersion() { $.logStep("Compute version"); await unzipArchive(getArchiveName("deno", Deno.build.target), "deno"); const output = await $`./deno -V`.stdout("piped"); const denoVersion = output.stdout.slice(5).split("+")[0]; $.logStep("Computed version", denoVersion); await Deno.writeTextFile( `./release-${CHANNEL}-latest.txt`, `v${denoVersion}`, ); } async function main() { const commitHash = Deno.args[1]; if (!commitHash) { throw new Error("Commit hash needs to be provided as an argument"); } $.logStep("Download canary binaries..."); await fetchLatestCanaryBinaries(commitHash); console.log("All canary binaries ready"); $.logStep(`Promote canary binaries to ${CHANNEL}...`); await promoteBinariesToRc(commitHash); // Finally dump the version name to a `release.txt` file for uploading to GCP await dumpRcVersion(); } await main();