// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.

//! These represent the various types of TLS keys we support for both client and server
//! connections.
//! A TLS key will most often be static, and will loaded from a certificate and key file
//! or string. These are represented by `TlsKey`, which is stored in `TlsKeys::Static`.
//! In more complex cases, you may need a `TlsKeyResolver`/`TlsKeyLookup` pair, which
//! requires polling of the `TlsKeyLookup` lookup queue. The underlying channels that used for
//! key lookup can handle closing one end of the pair, in which case they will just
//! attempt to clean up the associated resources.

use deno_core::futures::future::poll_fn;
use deno_core::futures::future::Either;
use deno_core::futures::FutureExt;
use deno_core::unsync::spawn;
use rustls::ServerConfig;
use rustls_tokio_stream::ServerConfigProvider;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::future::ready;
use std::future::Future;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::broadcast;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use webpki::types::CertificateDer;
use webpki::types::PrivateKeyDer;

#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum TlsKeyError {
  Rustls(#[from] rustls::Error),
  #[error("Failed: {0}")]
  JoinError(#[from] tokio::task::JoinError),
  RecvError(#[from] tokio::sync::broadcast::error::RecvError),

type ErrorType = Arc<Box<str>>;

/// A TLS certificate/private key pair.
/// see https://docs.rs/rustls-pki-types/latest/rustls_pki_types/#cloning-private-keys
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TlsKey(pub Vec<CertificateDer<'static>>, pub PrivateKeyDer<'static>);

impl Clone for TlsKey {
  fn clone(&self) -> Self {
    Self(self.0.clone(), self.1.clone_key())

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub enum TlsKeys {
  // TODO(mmastrac): We need Option<&T> for cppgc -- this is a workaround

pub struct TlsKeysHolder(RefCell<TlsKeys>);

impl deno_core::GarbageCollected for TlsKeysHolder {}

impl TlsKeysHolder {
  pub fn take(&self) -> TlsKeys {
    std::mem::take(&mut *self.0.borrow_mut())

impl From<TlsKeys> for TlsKeysHolder {
  fn from(value: TlsKeys) -> Self {

impl TryInto<Option<TlsKey>> for TlsKeys {
  type Error = Self;
  fn try_into(self) -> Result<Option<TlsKey>, Self::Error> {
    match self {
      Self::Null => Ok(None),
      Self::Static(key) => Ok(Some(key)),
      Self::Resolver(_) => Err(self),

impl From<Option<TlsKey>> for TlsKeys {
  fn from(value: Option<TlsKey>) -> Self {
    match value {
      None => TlsKeys::Null,
      Some(key) => TlsKeys::Static(key),

enum TlsKeyState {
  Resolving(broadcast::Receiver<Result<TlsKey, ErrorType>>),
  Resolved(Result<TlsKey, ErrorType>),

struct TlsKeyResolverInner {
  resolution_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<(
    broadcast::Sender<Result<TlsKey, ErrorType>>,
  cache: RefCell<HashMap<String, TlsKeyState>>,

pub struct TlsKeyResolver {
  inner: Rc<TlsKeyResolverInner>,

impl TlsKeyResolver {
  async fn resolve_internal(
    sni: String,
    alpn: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
  ) -> Result<Arc<ServerConfig>, TlsKeyError> {
    let key = self.resolve(sni).await?;

    let mut tls_config = ServerConfig::builder()
      .with_single_cert(key.0, key.1.clone_key())?;
    tls_config.alpn_protocols = alpn;

  pub fn into_server_config_provider(
    alpn: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
  ) -> ServerConfigProvider {
    let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<(_, oneshot::Sender<_>)>();

    // We don't want to make the resolver multi-threaded, but the `ServerConfigProvider` is
    // required to be wrapped in an Arc. To fix this, we spawn a task in our current runtime
    // to respond to the requests.
    spawn(async move {
      while let Some((sni, txr)) = rx.recv().await {
        _ = txr.send(self.resolve_internal(sni, alpn.clone()).await);

    Arc::new(move |hello| {
      // Take ownership of the SNI information
      let sni = hello.server_name().unwrap_or_default().to_owned();
      let (txr, rxr) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<_>();
      _ = tx.send((sni, txr));
        .map(|res| match res {
          Err(e) => Err(std::io::Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, e)),
          Ok(Err(e)) => Err(std::io::Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, e)),
          Ok(Ok(res)) => Ok(res),

impl Debug for TlsKeyResolver {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {

pub fn new_resolver() -> (TlsKeyResolver, TlsKeyLookup) {
  let (resolution_tx, resolution_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
    TlsKeyResolver {
      inner: Rc::new(TlsKeyResolverInner {
        cache: Default::default(),
    TlsKeyLookup {
      resolution_rx: RefCell::new(resolution_rx),
      pending: Default::default(),

impl TlsKeyResolver {
  /// Resolve the certificate and key for a given host. This immediately spawns a task in the
  /// background and is therefore cancellation-safe.
  pub fn resolve(
    sni: String,
  ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<TlsKey, TlsKeyError>> {
    let mut cache = self.inner.cache.borrow_mut();
    let mut recv = match cache.get(&sni) {
      None => {
        let (tx, rx) = broadcast::channel(1);
        cache.insert(sni.clone(), TlsKeyState::Resolving(rx.resubscribe()));
        _ = self.inner.resolution_tx.send((sni.clone(), tx));
      Some(TlsKeyState::Resolving(recv)) => recv.resubscribe(),
      Some(TlsKeyState::Resolved(res)) => {
        return Either::Left(ready(res.clone().map_err(TlsKeyError::Failed)));

    // Make this cancellation safe
    let inner = self.inner.clone();
    let handle = spawn(async move {
      let res = recv.recv().await?;
      let mut cache = inner.cache.borrow_mut();
      match cache.get(&sni) {
        None | Some(TlsKeyState::Resolving(..)) => {
          cache.insert(sni, TlsKeyState::Resolved(res.clone()));
        Some(TlsKeyState::Resolved(..)) => {
          // Someone beat us to it
    Either::Right(async move { handle.await? })

pub struct TlsKeyLookup {
  resolution_rx: RefCell<
      broadcast::Sender<Result<TlsKey, ErrorType>>,
    RefCell<HashMap<String, broadcast::Sender<Result<TlsKey, ErrorType>>>>,

impl deno_core::GarbageCollected for TlsKeyLookup {}

impl TlsKeyLookup {
  /// Multiple `poll` calls are safe, but this method is not starvation-safe. Generally
  /// only one `poll`er should be active at any time.
  pub async fn poll(&self) -> Option<String> {
    if let Some((sni, sender)) =
      poll_fn(|cx| self.resolution_rx.borrow_mut().poll_recv(cx)).await
      self.pending.borrow_mut().insert(sni.clone(), sender);
    } else {

  /// Resolve a previously polled item.
  pub fn resolve(&self, sni: String, res: Result<TlsKey, String>) {
    _ = self
      .send(res.map_err(|e| Arc::new(e.into_boxed_str())));

pub mod tests {
  use super::*;
  use deno_core::unsync::spawn;

  fn tls_key_for_test(sni: &str) -> TlsKey {
    let manifest_dir =
    let sni = sni.replace(".com", "");
    let cert_file = manifest_dir.join(format!("testdata/{}_cert.der", sni));
    let prikey_file = manifest_dir.join(format!("testdata/{}_prikey.der", sni));
    let cert = std::fs::read(cert_file).unwrap();
    let prikey = std::fs::read(prikey_file).unwrap();
    let cert = CertificateDer::from(cert);
    let prikey = PrivateKeyDer::try_from(prikey).unwrap();
    TlsKey(vec![cert], prikey)

  async fn test_resolve_once() {
    let (resolver, lookup) = new_resolver();
    let task = spawn(async move {
      while let Some(sni) = lookup.poll().await {
        lookup.resolve(sni.clone(), Ok(tls_key_for_test(&sni)));

    let key = resolver.resolve("example1.com".to_owned()).await.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(tls_key_for_test("example1.com"), key);


  async fn test_resolve_concurrent() {
    let (resolver, lookup) = new_resolver();
    let task = spawn(async move {
      while let Some(sni) = lookup.poll().await {
        lookup.resolve(sni.clone(), Ok(tls_key_for_test(&sni)));

    let f1 = resolver.resolve("example1.com".to_owned());
    let f2 = resolver.resolve("example1.com".to_owned());

    let key = f1.await.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(tls_key_for_test("example1.com"), key);
    let key = f2.await.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(tls_key_for_test("example1.com"), key);


  async fn test_resolve_multiple_concurrent() {
    let (resolver, lookup) = new_resolver();
    let task = spawn(async move {
      while let Some(sni) = lookup.poll().await {
        lookup.resolve(sni.clone(), Ok(tls_key_for_test(&sni)));

    let f1 = resolver.resolve("example1.com".to_owned());
    let f2 = resolver.resolve("example2.com".to_owned());

    let key = f1.await.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(tls_key_for_test("example1.com"), key);
    let key = f2.await.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(tls_key_for_test("example2.com"), key);
