// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // A simple runtime that doesn't involve typescript or protobufs to test // libdeno. Invoked by libdeno_test.cc const global = this; function assert(cond) { if (!cond) throw Error("libdeno_test.js assert failed"); } global.CanCallFunction = () => { libdeno.print("Hello world from foo"); return "foo"; }; // This object is created to test snapshotting. // See DeserializeInternalFieldsCallback and SerializeInternalFieldsCallback. const snapshotted = new Uint8Array([1, 3, 3, 7]); global.TypedArraySnapshots = () => { assert(snapshotted[0] === 1); assert(snapshotted[1] === 3); assert(snapshotted[2] === 3); assert(snapshotted[3] === 7); }; global.RecvReturnEmpty = () => { const m1 = new Uint8Array("abc".split("").map(c => c.charCodeAt(0))); const m2 = m1.slice(); const r1 = libdeno.send(m1); assert(r1 == null); const r2 = libdeno.send(m2); assert(r2 == null); }; global.RecvReturnBar = () => { const m = new Uint8Array("abc".split("").map(c => c.charCodeAt(0))); const r = libdeno.send(m); assert(r instanceof Uint8Array); assert(r.byteLength === 3); const rstr = String.fromCharCode(...r); assert(rstr === "bar"); }; global.DoubleRecvFails = () => { // libdeno.recv is an internal function and should only be called once from the // runtime. libdeno.recv((channel, msg) => assert(false)); libdeno.recv((channel, msg) => assert(false)); }; global.SendRecvSlice = () => { const abLen = 1024; let buf = new Uint8Array(abLen); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Set first and last byte, for verification by the native side. buf[0] = 100 + i; buf[buf.length - 1] = 100 - i; // On the native side, the slice is shortened by 19 bytes. buf = libdeno.send(buf); assert(buf.byteOffset === i * 11); assert(buf.byteLength === abLen - i * 30 - 19); assert(buf.buffer.byteLength == abLen); // Look for values written by the backend. assert(buf[0] === 200 + i); assert(buf[buf.length - 1] === 200 - i); // On the JS side, the start of the slice is moved up by 11 bytes. buf = buf.subarray(11); assert(buf.byteOffset === (i + 1) * 11); assert(buf.byteLength === abLen - (i + 1) * 30); } }; global.JSSendArrayBufferViewTypes = () => { // Test that ArrayBufferView slices are transferred correctly. // Send Uint8Array. const ab1 = new ArrayBuffer(4321); const u8 = new Uint8Array(ab1, 2468, 1000); u8[0] = 1; libdeno.send(u8); // Send Uint32Array. const ab2 = new ArrayBuffer(4321); const u32 = new Uint32Array(ab2, 2468, 1000 / Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); u32[0] = 0x02020202; libdeno.send(u32); // Send DataView. const ab3 = new ArrayBuffer(4321); const dv = new DataView(ab3, 2468, 1000); dv.setUint8(0, 3); libdeno.send(dv); }; // The following join has caused SnapshotBug to segfault when using kKeep. [].join(""); global.SnapshotBug = () => { assert("1,2,3" === String([1, 2, 3])); }; global.GlobalErrorHandling = () => { eval("\n\n notdefined()\n//# sourceURL=helloworld.js"); }; // Allocate this buf at the top level to avoid GC. const dataBuf = new Uint8Array([3, 4]); global.DataBuf = () => { const a = new Uint8Array([1, 2]); const b = dataBuf; // The second parameter of send should modified by the // privileged side. const r = libdeno.send(a, b); assert(r == null); // b is different. assert(b[0] === 4); assert(b[1] === 2); // Now we modify it again. b[0] = 9; b[1] = 8; }; global.CheckPromiseErrors = () => { async function fn() { throw new Error("message"); } (async () => { try { await fn(); } catch (e) { libdeno.send(new Uint8Array([42])); } })(); }; global.Shared = () => { const ab = libdeno.shared; assert(ab instanceof SharedArrayBuffer); assert(libdeno.shared != undefined); assert(ab.byteLength === 3); const ui8 = new Uint8Array(ab); assert(ui8[0] === 0); assert(ui8[1] === 1); assert(ui8[2] === 2); ui8[0] = 42; ui8[1] = 43; ui8[2] = 44; }; global.LibDenoEvalContext = () => { const [result, errInfo] = libdeno.evalContext("let a = 1; a"); assert(result === 1); assert(!errInfo); const [result2, errInfo2] = libdeno.evalContext("a = a + 1; a"); assert(result2 === 2); assert(!errInfo2); }; global.LibDenoEvalContextError = () => { const [result, errInfo] = libdeno.evalContext("not_a_variable"); assert(!result); assert(!!errInfo); assert(errInfo.isNativeError); // is a native error (ReferenceError) assert(!errInfo.isCompileError); // is NOT a compilation error assert(errInfo.thrown.message === "not_a_variable is not defined"); const [result2, errInfo2] = libdeno.evalContext("throw 1"); assert(!result2); assert(!!errInfo2); assert(!errInfo2.isNativeError); // is NOT a native error assert(!errInfo2.isCompileError); // is NOT a compilation error assert(errInfo2.thrown === 1); const [result3, errInfo3] = libdeno.evalContext("class AError extends Error {}; throw new AError('e')"); assert(!result3); assert(!!errInfo3); assert(errInfo3.isNativeError); // extend from native error, still native error assert(!errInfo3.isCompileError); // is NOT a compilation error assert(errInfo3.thrown.message === "e"); const [result4, errInfo4] = libdeno.evalContext("{"); assert(!result4); assert(!!errInfo4); assert(errInfo4.isNativeError); // is a native error (SyntaxError) assert(errInfo4.isCompileError); // is a compilation error! (braces not closed) assert(errInfo4.thrown.message === "Unexpected end of input"); const [result5, errInfo5] = libdeno.evalContext("eval('{')"); assert(!result5); assert(!!errInfo5); assert(errInfo5.isNativeError); // is a native error (SyntaxError) assert(!errInfo5.isCompileError); // is NOT a compilation error! (just eval) assert(errInfo5.thrown.message === "Unexpected end of input"); };