// deno-fmt-ignore-file // deno-lint-ignore-file // Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Taken from Node 16.12.0 // This file is automatically generated by "node/_tools/setup.ts". Do not modify this file manually // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const inspect = require('util').inspect; // test using assert const qs = require('querystring'); function createWithNoPrototype(properties) { const noProto = Object.create(null); properties.forEach((property) => { noProto[property.key] = property.value; }); return noProto; } // Folding block, commented to pass gjslint // {{{ // [ wonkyQS, canonicalQS, obj ] const qsTestCases = [ ['__proto__=1', '__proto__=1', createWithNoPrototype([{ key: '__proto__', value: '1' }])], ['__defineGetter__=asdf', '__defineGetter__=asdf', JSON.parse('{"__defineGetter__":"asdf"}')], ['foo=918854443121279438895193', 'foo=918854443121279438895193', { 'foo': '918854443121279438895193' }], ['foo=bar', 'foo=bar', { 'foo': 'bar' }], ['foo=bar&foo=quux', 'foo=bar&foo=quux', { 'foo': ['bar', 'quux'] }], ['foo=1&bar=2', 'foo=1&bar=2', { 'foo': '1', 'bar': '2' }], ['my+weird+field=q1%212%22%27w%245%267%2Fz8%29%3F', 'my%20weird%20field=q1!2%22\'w%245%267%2Fz8)%3F', { 'my weird field': 'q1!2"\'w$5&7/z8)?' }], ['foo%3Dbaz=bar', 'foo%3Dbaz=bar', { 'foo=baz': 'bar' }], ['foo=baz=bar', 'foo=baz%3Dbar', { 'foo': 'baz=bar' }], ['str=foo&arr=1&arr=2&arr=3&somenull=&undef=', 'str=foo&arr=1&arr=2&arr=3&somenull=&undef=', { 'str': 'foo', 'arr': ['1', '2', '3'], 'somenull': '', 'undef': '' }], [' foo = bar ', '%20foo%20=%20bar%20', { ' foo ': ' bar ' }], ['foo=%zx', 'foo=%25zx', { 'foo': '%zx' }], ['foo=%EF%BF%BD', 'foo=%EF%BF%BD', { 'foo': '\ufffd' }], // See: https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/1707 ['hasOwnProperty=x&toString=foo&valueOf=bar&__defineGetter__=baz', 'hasOwnProperty=x&toString=foo&valueOf=bar&__defineGetter__=baz', { hasOwnProperty: 'x', toString: 'foo', valueOf: 'bar', __defineGetter__: 'baz' }], // See: https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/3058 ['foo&bar=baz', 'foo=&bar=baz', { foo: '', bar: 'baz' }], ['a=b&c&d=e', 'a=b&c=&d=e', { a: 'b', c: '', d: 'e' }], ['a=b&c=&d=e', 'a=b&c=&d=e', { a: 'b', c: '', d: 'e' }], ['a=b&=c&d=e', 'a=b&=c&d=e', { 'a': 'b', '': 'c', 'd': 'e' }], ['a=b&=&c=d', 'a=b&=&c=d', { 'a': 'b', '': '', 'c': 'd' }], ['&&foo=bar&&', 'foo=bar', { foo: 'bar' }], ['&', '', {}], ['&&&&', '', {}], ['&=&', '=', { '': '' }], ['&=&=', '=&=', { '': [ '', '' ] }], ['=', '=', { '': '' }], ['+', '%20=', { ' ': '' }], ['+=', '%20=', { ' ': '' }], ['+&', '%20=', { ' ': '' }], ['=+', '=%20', { '': ' ' }], ['+=&', '%20=', { ' ': '' }], ['a&&b', 'a=&b=', { 'a': '', 'b': '' }], ['a=a&&b=b', 'a=a&b=b', { 'a': 'a', 'b': 'b' }], ['&a', 'a=', { 'a': '' }], ['&=', '=', { '': '' }], ['a&a&', 'a=&a=', { a: [ '', '' ] }], ['a&a&a&', 'a=&a=&a=', { a: [ '', '', '' ] }], ['a&a&a&a&', 'a=&a=&a=&a=', { a: [ '', '', '', '' ] }], ['a=&a=value&a=', 'a=&a=value&a=', { a: [ '', 'value', '' ] }], ['foo+bar=baz+quux', 'foo%20bar=baz%20quux', { 'foo bar': 'baz quux' }], ['+foo=+bar', '%20foo=%20bar', { ' foo': ' bar' }], ['a+', 'a%20=', { 'a ': '' }], ['=a+', '=a%20', { '': 'a ' }], ['a+&', 'a%20=', { 'a ': '' }], ['=a+&', '=a%20', { '': 'a ' }], ['%20+', '%20%20=', { ' ': '' }], ['=%20+', '=%20%20', { '': ' ' }], ['%20+&', '%20%20=', { ' ': '' }], ['=%20+&', '=%20%20', { '': ' ' }], [null, '', {}], [undefined, '', {}], ]; // [ wonkyQS, canonicalQS, obj ] const qsColonTestCases = [ ['foo:bar', 'foo:bar', { 'foo': 'bar' }], ['foo:bar;foo:quux', 'foo:bar;foo:quux', { 'foo': ['bar', 'quux'] }], ['foo:1&bar:2;baz:quux', 'foo:1%26bar%3A2;baz:quux', { 'foo': '1&bar:2', 'baz': 'quux' }], ['foo%3Abaz:bar', 'foo%3Abaz:bar', { 'foo:baz': 'bar' }], ['foo:baz:bar', 'foo:baz%3Abar', { 'foo': 'baz:bar' }], ]; // [wonkyObj, qs, canonicalObj] function extendedFunction() {} extendedFunction.prototype = { a: 'b' }; const qsWeirdObjects = [ // eslint-disable-next-line node-core/no-unescaped-regexp-dot [{ regexp: /./g }, 'regexp=', { 'regexp': '' }], // eslint-disable-next-line node-core/no-unescaped-regexp-dot [{ regexp: new RegExp('.', 'g') }, 'regexp=', { 'regexp': '' }], [{ fn: () => {} }, 'fn=', { 'fn': '' }], [{ fn: new Function('') }, 'fn=', { 'fn': '' }], [{ math: Math }, 'math=', { 'math': '' }], [{ e: extendedFunction }, 'e=', { 'e': '' }], [{ d: new Date() }, 'd=', { 'd': '' }], [{ d: Date }, 'd=', { 'd': '' }], [ { f: new Boolean(false), t: new Boolean(true) }, 'f=&t=', { 'f': '', 't': '' }, ], [{ f: false, t: true }, 'f=false&t=true', { 'f': 'false', 't': 'true' }], [{ n: null }, 'n=', { 'n': '' }], [{ nan: NaN }, 'nan=', { 'nan': '' }], [{ inf: Infinity }, 'inf=', { 'inf': '' }], [{ a: [], b: [] }, '', {}], [{ a: 1, b: [] }, 'a=1', { 'a': '1' }], ]; const vm = require('vm'); const foreignObject = vm.runInNewContext('({"foo": ["bar", "baz"]})'); const qsNoMungeTestCases = [ ['', {}], ['foo=bar&foo=baz', { 'foo': ['bar', 'baz'] }], ['foo=bar&foo=baz', foreignObject], ['blah=burp', { 'blah': 'burp' }], ['a=!-._~\'()*', { 'a': '!-._~\'()*' }], ['a=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', { 'a': 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' }], ['a=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', { 'a': 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' }], ['a=0123456789', { 'a': '0123456789' }], ['gragh=1&gragh=3&goo=2', { 'gragh': ['1', '3'], 'goo': '2' }], ['frappucino=muffin&goat%5B%5D=scone&pond=moose', { 'frappucino': 'muffin', 'goat[]': 'scone', 'pond': 'moose' }], ['trololol=yes&lololo=no', { 'trololol': 'yes', 'lololo': 'no' }], ]; const qsUnescapeTestCases = [ ['there is nothing to unescape here', 'there is nothing to unescape here'], ['there%20are%20several%20spaces%20that%20need%20to%20be%20unescaped', 'there are several spaces that need to be unescaped'], ['there%2Qare%0-fake%escaped values in%%%%this%9Hstring', 'there%2Qare%0-fake%escaped values in%%%%this%9Hstring'], ['%20%21%22%23%24%25%26%27%28%29%2A%2B%2C%2D%2E%2F%30%31%32%33%34%35%36%37', ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./01234567'], ['%%2a', '%*'], ['%2sf%2a', '%2sf*'], ['%2%2af%2a', '%2*f*'], ]; assert.strictEqual(qs.parse('id=918854443121279438895193').id, '918854443121279438895193'); function check(actual, expected, input) { assert(!(actual instanceof Object)); const actualKeys = Object.keys(actual).sort(); const expectedKeys = Object.keys(expected).sort(); let msg; if (typeof input === 'string') { msg = `Input: ${inspect(input)}\n` + `Actual keys: ${inspect(actualKeys)}\n` + `Expected keys: ${inspect(expectedKeys)}`; } assert.deepStrictEqual(actualKeys, expectedKeys, msg); expectedKeys.forEach((key) => { if (typeof input === 'string') { msg = `Input: ${inspect(input)}\n` + `Key: ${inspect(key)}\n` + `Actual value: ${inspect(actual[key])}\n` + `Expected value: ${inspect(expected[key])}`; } else { msg = undefined; } assert.deepStrictEqual(actual[key], expected[key], msg); }); } // Test that the canonical qs is parsed properly. qsTestCases.forEach((testCase) => { check(qs.parse(testCase[0]), testCase[2], testCase[0]); }); // Test that the colon test cases can do the same qsColonTestCases.forEach((testCase) => { check(qs.parse(testCase[0], ';', ':'), testCase[2], testCase[0]); }); // Test the weird objects, that they get parsed properly qsWeirdObjects.forEach((testCase) => { check(qs.parse(testCase[1]), testCase[2], testCase[1]); }); qsNoMungeTestCases.forEach((testCase) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(qs.stringify(testCase[1], '&', '='), testCase[0]); }); // Test the nested qs-in-qs case { const f = qs.parse('a=b&q=x%3Dy%26y%3Dz'); check(f, createWithNoPrototype([ { key: 'a', value: 'b' }, { key: 'q', value: 'x=y&y=z' }, ])); f.q = qs.parse(f.q); const expectedInternal = createWithNoPrototype([ { key: 'x', value: 'y' }, { key: 'y', value: 'z' }, ]); check(f.q, expectedInternal); } // nested in colon { const f = qs.parse('a:b;q:x%3Ay%3By%3Az', ';', ':'); check(f, createWithNoPrototype([ { key: 'a', value: 'b' }, { key: 'q', value: 'x:y;y:z' }, ])); f.q = qs.parse(f.q, ';', ':'); const expectedInternal = createWithNoPrototype([ { key: 'x', value: 'y' }, { key: 'y', value: 'z' }, ]); check(f.q, expectedInternal); } // Now test stringifying // basic qsTestCases.forEach((testCase) => { assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify(testCase[2]), testCase[1]); }); qsColonTestCases.forEach((testCase) => { assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify(testCase[2], ';', ':'), testCase[1]); }); qsWeirdObjects.forEach((testCase) => { assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify(testCase[0]), testCase[1]); }); // BigInt values assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify({ foo: 2n ** 1023n }), 'foo=' + 2n ** 1023n); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify([0n, 1n, 2n]), '0=0&1=1&2=2'); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify({ foo: 2n ** 1023n }, null, null, { encodeURIComponent: (c) => c }), 'foo=' + 2n ** 1023n); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify([0n, 1n, 2n], null, null, { encodeURIComponent: (c) => c }), '0=0&1=1&2=2'); // Invalid surrogate pair throws URIError assert.throws( () => qs.stringify({ foo: '\udc00' }), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_URI', name: 'URIError', message: 'URI malformed' } ); // Coerce numbers to string assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify({ foo: 0 }), 'foo=0'); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify({ foo: -0 }), 'foo=0'); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify({ foo: 3 }), 'foo=3'); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify({ foo: -72.42 }), 'foo=-72.42'); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify({ foo: NaN }), 'foo='); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify({ foo: 1e21 }), 'foo=1e%2B21'); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify({ foo: Infinity }), 'foo='); // nested { const f = qs.stringify({ a: 'b', q: qs.stringify({ x: 'y', y: 'z' }) }); assert.strictEqual(f, 'a=b&q=x%3Dy%26y%3Dz'); } qs.parse(undefined); // Should not throw. // nested in colon { const f = qs.stringify({ a: 'b', q: qs.stringify({ x: 'y', y: 'z' }, ';', ':') }, ';', ':'); assert.strictEqual(f, 'a:b;q:x%3Ay%3By%3Az'); } // empty string assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify(), ''); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify(0), ''); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify([]), ''); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify(null), ''); assert.strictEqual(qs.stringify(true), ''); check(qs.parse(), {}); // empty sep check(qs.parse('a', []), { a: '' }); // empty eq check(qs.parse('a', null, []), { '': 'a' }); // Test limiting assert.strictEqual( Object.keys(qs.parse('a=1&b=1&c=1', null, null, { maxKeys: 1 })).length, 1); // Test limiting with a case that starts from `&` assert.strictEqual( Object.keys(qs.parse('&a', null, null, { maxKeys: 1 })).length, 0); // Test removing limit { function testUnlimitedKeys() { const query = {}; for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) query[i] = i; const url = qs.stringify(query); assert.strictEqual( Object.keys(qs.parse(url, null, null, { maxKeys: 0 })).length, 2000); } testUnlimitedKeys(); } { const b = qs.unescapeBuffer('%d3%f2Ug%1f6v%24%5e%98%cb' + '%0d%ac%a2%2f%9d%eb%d8%a2%e6'); // <Buffer d3 f2 55 67 1f 36 76 24 5e 98 cb 0d ac a2 2f 9d eb d8 a2 e6> assert.strictEqual(b[0], 0xd3); assert.strictEqual(b[1], 0xf2); assert.strictEqual(b[2], 0x55); assert.strictEqual(b[3], 0x67); assert.strictEqual(b[4], 0x1f); assert.strictEqual(b[5], 0x36); assert.strictEqual(b[6], 0x76); assert.strictEqual(b[7], 0x24); assert.strictEqual(b[8], 0x5e); assert.strictEqual(b[9], 0x98); assert.strictEqual(b[10], 0xcb); assert.strictEqual(b[11], 0x0d); assert.strictEqual(b[12], 0xac); assert.strictEqual(b[13], 0xa2); assert.strictEqual(b[14], 0x2f); assert.strictEqual(b[15], 0x9d); assert.strictEqual(b[16], 0xeb); assert.strictEqual(b[17], 0xd8); assert.strictEqual(b[18], 0xa2); assert.strictEqual(b[19], 0xe6); } assert.strictEqual(qs.unescapeBuffer('a+b', true).toString(), 'a b'); assert.strictEqual(qs.unescapeBuffer('a+b').toString(), 'a+b'); assert.strictEqual(qs.unescapeBuffer('a%').toString(), 'a%'); assert.strictEqual(qs.unescapeBuffer('a%2').toString(), 'a%2'); assert.strictEqual(qs.unescapeBuffer('a%20').toString(), 'a '); assert.strictEqual(qs.unescapeBuffer('a%2g').toString(), 'a%2g'); assert.strictEqual(qs.unescapeBuffer('a%%').toString(), 'a%%'); // Test invalid encoded string check(qs.parse('%\u0100=%\u0101'), { '%Ā': '%ā' }); // Test custom decode { function demoDecode(str) { return str + str; } check( qs.parse('a=a&b=b&c=c', null, null, { decodeURIComponent: demoDecode }), { aa: 'aa', bb: 'bb', cc: 'cc' }); check( qs.parse('a=a&b=b&c=c', null, '==', { decodeURIComponent: (str) => str }), { 'a=a': '', 'b=b': '', 'c=c': '' }); } // TODO(wafuwafu13): Enable this // // Test QueryString.unescape // { // function errDecode(str) { // throw new Error('To jump to the catch scope'); // } // check(qs.parse('a=a', null, null, { decodeURIComponent: errDecode }), // { a: 'a' }); // } // Test custom encode { function demoEncode(str) { return str[0]; } const obj = { aa: 'aa', bb: 'bb', cc: 'cc' }; assert.strictEqual( qs.stringify(obj, null, null, { encodeURIComponent: demoEncode }), 'a=a&b=b&c=c'); } // Test custom encode for different types { const obj = { number: 1, bigint: 2n, true: true, false: false, object: {} }; assert.strictEqual( qs.stringify(obj, null, null, { encodeURIComponent: (v) => v }), 'number=1&bigint=2&true=true&false=false&object='); } // Test QueryString.unescapeBuffer qsUnescapeTestCases.forEach((testCase) => { assert.strictEqual(qs.unescape(testCase[0]), testCase[1]); assert.strictEqual(qs.unescapeBuffer(testCase[0]).toString(), testCase[1]); }); // TODO(wafuwafu13): Enable this // // Test overriding .unescape // { // const prevUnescape = qs.unescape; // qs.unescape = (str) => { // return str.replace(/o/g, '_'); // }; // check( // qs.parse('foo=bor'), // createWithNoPrototype([{ key: 'f__', value: 'b_r' }])); // qs.unescape = prevUnescape; // } // Test separator and "equals" parsing order check(qs.parse('foo&bar', '&', '&'), { foo: '', bar: '' });