# Usage ## Tar ```ts import { Tar } from "https://deno.land/std/archive/tar.ts"; const tar = new Tar(); const content = new TextEncoder().encode("Deno.land"); await tar.append("deno.txt", { reader: new Deno.Buffer(content), contentSize: content.byteLength, }); // Or specifying a filePath. await tar.append("land.txt", { filePath: "./land.txt", }); // use tar.getReader() to read the contents. const writer = await Deno.open("./out.tar", { write: true, create: true }); await Deno.copy(tar.getReader(), writer); writer.close(); ``` ## Untar ```ts import { Untar } from "https://deno.land/std/archive/tar.ts"; import { ensureFile } from "https://deno.land/std/fs/ensure_file.ts"; import { ensureDir } from "https://deno.land/std/fs/ensure_dir.ts"; const reader = await Deno.open("./out.tar", { read: true }); const untar = new Untar(reader); for await (const entry of untar) { console.log(entry); // metadata /* fileName: "archive/deno.txt", fileMode: 33204, mtime: 1591657305, uid: 0, gid: 0, size: 24400, type: 'file' */ if (entry.type === "directory") { await ensureDir(entry.fileName); continue; } await ensureFile(entry.fileName); const file = await Deno.open(entry.fileName, { write: true }); // is a reader. await Deno.copy(entry, file); } reader.close(); ```