// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { assert, assertEquals } from "../../../std/testing/asserts.ts"; export { assert, assertThrows, assertEquals, assertMatch, assertNotEquals, assertStrictEquals, assertStringContains, unreachable, fail, } from "../../../std/testing/asserts.ts"; export { readLines } from "../../../std/io/bufio.ts"; export { parse as parseArgs } from "../../../std/flags/mod.ts"; export interface Permissions { read: boolean; write: boolean; net: boolean; env: boolean; run: boolean; plugin: boolean; hrtime: boolean; } export function fmtPerms(perms: Permissions): string { const p = Object.keys(perms) .filter((e): boolean => perms[e as keyof Permissions] === true) .map((key) => `--allow-${key}`); if (p.length) { return p.join(" "); } return "<no permissions>"; } const isGranted = async (name: Deno.PermissionName): Promise<boolean> => (await Deno.permissions.query({ name })).state === "granted"; export async function getProcessPermissions(): Promise<Permissions> { return { run: await isGranted("run"), read: await isGranted("read"), write: await isGranted("write"), net: await isGranted("net"), env: await isGranted("env"), plugin: await isGranted("plugin"), hrtime: await isGranted("hrtime"), }; } export function permissionsMatch( processPerms: Permissions, requiredPerms: Permissions ): boolean { for (const permName in processPerms) { if ( processPerms[permName as keyof Permissions] !== requiredPerms[permName as keyof Permissions] ) { return false; } } return true; } export const permissionCombinations: Map<string, Permissions> = new Map(); function permToString(perms: Permissions): string { const r = perms.read ? 1 : 0; const w = perms.write ? 1 : 0; const n = perms.net ? 1 : 0; const e = perms.env ? 1 : 0; const u = perms.run ? 1 : 0; const p = perms.plugin ? 1 : 0; const h = perms.hrtime ? 1 : 0; return `permR${r}W${w}N${n}E${e}U${u}P${p}H${h}`; } function registerPermCombination(perms: Permissions): void { const key = permToString(perms); if (!permissionCombinations.has(key)) { permissionCombinations.set(key, perms); } } export async function registerUnitTests(): Promise<void> { const processPerms = await getProcessPermissions(); for (const unitTestDefinition of REGISTERED_UNIT_TESTS) { if (!permissionsMatch(processPerms, unitTestDefinition.perms)) { continue; } Deno.test(unitTestDefinition); } } function normalizeTestPermissions(perms: UnitTestPermissions): Permissions { return { read: !!perms.read, write: !!perms.write, net: !!perms.net, run: !!perms.run, env: !!perms.env, plugin: !!perms.plugin, hrtime: !!perms.hrtime, }; } interface UnitTestPermissions { read?: boolean; write?: boolean; net?: boolean; env?: boolean; run?: boolean; plugin?: boolean; hrtime?: boolean; } interface UnitTestOptions { ignore?: boolean; perms?: UnitTestPermissions; } interface UnitTestDefinition extends Deno.TestDefinition { ignore: boolean; perms: Permissions; } type TestFunction = () => void | Promise<void>; export const REGISTERED_UNIT_TESTS: UnitTestDefinition[] = []; export function unitTest(fn: TestFunction): void; export function unitTest(options: UnitTestOptions, fn: TestFunction): void; export function unitTest( optionsOrFn: UnitTestOptions | TestFunction, maybeFn?: TestFunction ): void { assert(optionsOrFn, "At least one argument is required"); let options: UnitTestOptions; let name: string; let fn: TestFunction; if (typeof optionsOrFn === "function") { options = {}; fn = optionsOrFn; name = fn.name; assert(name, "Missing test function name"); } else { options = optionsOrFn; assert(maybeFn, "Missing test function definition"); assert( typeof maybeFn === "function", "Second argument should be test function definition" ); fn = maybeFn; name = fn.name; assert(name, "Missing test function name"); } const normalizedPerms = normalizeTestPermissions(options.perms || {}); registerPermCombination(normalizedPerms); const unitTestDefinition: UnitTestDefinition = { name, fn, ignore: !!options.ignore, perms: normalizedPerms, }; REGISTERED_UNIT_TESTS.push(unitTestDefinition); } export interface ResolvableMethods<T> { resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any reject: (reason?: any) => void; } export type Resolvable<T> = Promise<T> & ResolvableMethods<T>; export function createResolvable<T>(): Resolvable<T> { let methods: ResolvableMethods<T>; const promise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject): void => { methods = { resolve, reject }; }); // TypeScript doesn't know that the Promise callback occurs synchronously // therefore use of not null assertion (`!`) return Object.assign(promise, methods!) as Resolvable<T>; } const encoder = new TextEncoder(); // Replace functions with null, errors with their stack strings, and JSONify. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function serializeTestMessage(message: any): string { return JSON.stringify({ start: message.start && { ...message.start, tests: message.start.tests.map((test: Deno.TestDefinition) => ({ ...test, fn: null, })), }, testStart: message.testStart && { ...message.testStart, fn: null }, testEnd: message.testEnd && { ...message.testEnd, error: String(message.testEnd.error?.stack), }, end: message.end && { ...message.end, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any results: message.end.results.map((result: any) => ({ ...result, error: result.error?.stack, })), }, }); } export async function reportToConn( conn: Deno.Conn, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any message: any ): Promise<void> { const line = serializeTestMessage(message); const encodedMsg = encoder.encode(line + (message.end == null ? "\n" : "")); await Deno.writeAll(conn, encodedMsg); if (message.end != null) { conn.closeWrite(); } } unitTest(function permissionsMatches(): void { assert( permissionsMatch( { read: true, write: false, net: false, env: false, run: false, plugin: false, hrtime: false, }, normalizeTestPermissions({ read: true }) ) ); assert( permissionsMatch( { read: false, write: false, net: false, env: false, run: false, plugin: false, hrtime: false, }, normalizeTestPermissions({}) ) ); assertEquals( permissionsMatch( { read: false, write: true, net: true, env: true, run: true, plugin: true, hrtime: true, }, normalizeTestPermissions({ read: true }) ), false ); assertEquals( permissionsMatch( { read: true, write: false, net: true, env: false, run: false, plugin: false, hrtime: false, }, normalizeTestPermissions({ read: true }) ), false ); assert( permissionsMatch( { read: true, write: true, net: true, env: true, run: true, plugin: true, hrtime: true, }, { read: true, write: true, net: true, env: true, run: true, plugin: true, hrtime: true, } ) ); }); /* * Ensure all unit test files (e.g. xxx_test.ts) are present as imports in * cli/tests/unit/unit_tests.ts as it is easy to miss this out */ unitTest( { perms: { read: true } }, function assertAllUnitTestFilesImported(): void { const directoryTestFiles = [...Deno.readDirSync("./cli/tests/unit/")] .map((k) => k.name) .filter( (file) => file!.endsWith(".ts") && !file!.endsWith("unit_tests.ts") && !file!.endsWith("test_util.ts") && !file!.endsWith("unit_test_runner.ts") ); const unitTestsFile: Uint8Array = Deno.readFileSync( "./cli/tests/unit/unit_tests.ts" ); const importLines = new TextDecoder("utf-8") .decode(unitTestsFile) .split("\n") .filter((line) => line.startsWith("import")); const importedTestFiles = importLines.map( (relativeFilePath) => relativeFilePath.match(/\/([^\/]+)";/)![1] ); directoryTestFiles.forEach((dirFile) => { if (!importedTestFiles.includes(dirFile!)) { throw new Error( "cil/tests/unit/unit_tests.ts is missing import of test file: cli/js/" + dirFile ); } }); } );