// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { serve, ServerRequest } from "../../js/deps/https/deno.land/std/http/server.ts"; import { assertEquals } from "../../js/deps/https/deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts"; const addr = Deno.args[1] || ""; async function proxyServer(): Promise<void> { const server = serve(addr); console.log(`Proxy server listening on http://${addr}/`); for await (const req of server) { proxyRequest(req); } } async function proxyRequest(req: ServerRequest): Promise<void> { console.log(`Proxy request to: ${req.url}`); const resp = await fetch(req.url, { method: req.method, headers: req.headers }); req.respond(resp); } async function testFetch(): Promise<void> { const c = Deno.run({ args: [ Deno.execPath(), "--no-prompt", "--reload", "--allow-net", "045_proxy_client.ts" ], stdout: "piped", env: { HTTP_PROXY: `http://${addr}` } }); const status = await c.status(); assertEquals(status.code, 0); c.close(); } async function testModuleDownload(): Promise<void> { const http = Deno.run({ args: [ Deno.execPath(), "--no-prompt", "--reload", "fetch", "http://deno.land/welcome.ts" ], stdout: "piped", env: { HTTP_PROXY: `http://${addr}` } }); const httpStatus = await http.status(); assertEquals(httpStatus.code, 0); http.close(); } async function main(): Promise<void> { proxyServer(); await testFetch(); await testModuleDownload(); Deno.exit(0); } main();