// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from "@std/assert/mod.ts"; import { createContext, isContext, runInContext, runInNewContext, runInThisContext, Script, } from "node:vm"; Deno.test({ name: "vm runInNewContext", fn() { const two = runInNewContext("1 + 1"); assertEquals(two, 2); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "vm new Script()", fn() { const script = new Script(` function add(a, b) { return a + b; } const x = add(1, 2); x `); const value = script.runInThisContext(); assertEquals(value, 3); }, }); // https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/23186 Deno.test({ name: "vm runInNewContext sandbox", fn() { const sandbox = { fromAnotherRealm: false }; runInNewContext("fromAnotherRealm = {}", sandbox); assertEquals(typeof sandbox.fromAnotherRealm, "object"); }, }); // https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/22395 Deno.test({ name: "vm runInewContext with context object", fn() { const context = { a: 1, b: 2 }; const result = runInNewContext("a + b", context); assertEquals(result, 3); }, }); // https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/18299 Deno.test({ name: "vm createContext and runInContext", fn() { // @ts-expect-error implicit any globalThis.globalVar = 3; const context = { globalVar: 1 }; createContext(context); runInContext("globalVar *= 2", context); assertEquals(context.globalVar, 2); // @ts-expect-error implicit any assertEquals(globalThis.globalVar, 3); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "vm runInThisContext Error rethrow", fn() { assertThrows( () => { runInThisContext("throw new Error('error')"); }, Error, "error", ); assertThrows( () => { runInThisContext("throw new TypeError('type error')"); }, TypeError, "type error", ); }, }); // https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/87660921808566ef3b8796f8df61bd79fc026108/lib/javascript/JavascriptParser.js#L4329 Deno.test({ name: "vm runInNewContext webpack magic comments", fn() { const webpackCommentRegExp = new RegExp( /(^|\W)webpack[A-Z]{1,}[A-Za-z]{1,}:/, ); const comments = [ 'webpackChunkName: "test"', 'webpackMode: "lazy"', "webpackPrefetch: true", "webpackPreload: true", "webpackProvidedExports: true", 'webpackChunkLoading: "require"', 'webpackExports: ["default", "named"]', ]; for (const comment of comments) { const result = webpackCommentRegExp.test(comment); assertEquals(result, true); const [[key, _value]]: [string, string][] = Object.entries( runInNewContext(`(function(){return {${comment}};})()`), ); const expectedKey = comment.split(":")[0].trim(); assertEquals(key, expectedKey); } }, }); // https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/18315 Deno.test({ name: "vm isContext", fn() { // Currently we do not expose VM contexts so this is always false. const obj = {}; assertEquals(isContext(obj), false); assertEquals(isContext(globalThis), false); const sandbox = runInNewContext("{}"); assertEquals(isContext(sandbox), false); }, });