// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] #![allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)] #![deny(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] use core::ptr::NonNull; use deno_core::error::type_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::channel::mpsc; use deno_core::op2; use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_core::V8CrossThreadTaskSpawner; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::ffi::CString; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread_local; #[cfg(unix)] use libloading::os::unix::*; #[cfg(windows)] use libloading::os::windows::*; // Expose common stuff for ease of use. // `use deno_napi::*` pub use deno_core::v8; pub use std::ffi::CStr; pub use std::mem::transmute; pub use std::os::raw::c_char; pub use std::os::raw::c_void; pub use std::ptr; pub use value::napi_value; pub mod function; mod value; pub type napi_status = i32; pub type napi_env = *mut c_void; pub type napi_callback_info = *mut c_void; pub type napi_deferred = *mut c_void; pub type napi_ref = *mut c_void; pub type napi_threadsafe_function = *mut c_void; pub type napi_handle_scope = *mut c_void; pub type napi_callback_scope = *mut c_void; pub type napi_escapable_handle_scope = *mut c_void; pub type napi_async_cleanup_hook_handle = *mut c_void; pub type napi_async_work = *mut c_void; pub const napi_ok: napi_status = 0; pub const napi_invalid_arg: napi_status = 1; pub const napi_object_expected: napi_status = 2; pub const napi_string_expected: napi_status = 3; pub const napi_name_expected: napi_status = 4; pub const napi_function_expected: napi_status = 5; pub const napi_number_expected: napi_status = 6; pub const napi_boolean_expected: napi_status = 7; pub const napi_array_expected: napi_status = 8; pub const napi_generic_failure: napi_status = 9; pub const napi_pending_exception: napi_status = 10; pub const napi_cancelled: napi_status = 11; pub const napi_escape_called_twice: napi_status = 12; pub const napi_handle_scope_mismatch: napi_status = 13; pub const napi_callback_scope_mismatch: napi_status = 14; pub const napi_queue_full: napi_status = 15; pub const napi_closing: napi_status = 16; pub const napi_bigint_expected: napi_status = 17; pub const napi_date_expected: napi_status = 18; pub const napi_arraybuffer_expected: napi_status = 19; pub const napi_detachable_arraybuffer_expected: napi_status = 20; pub const napi_would_deadlock: napi_status = 21; pub const NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH: usize = usize::MAX; thread_local! { pub static MODULE_TO_REGISTER: RefCell<Option<*const NapiModule>> = RefCell::new(None); } type napi_addon_register_func = extern "C" fn(env: napi_env, exports: napi_value) -> napi_value; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct NapiModule { pub nm_version: i32, pub nm_flags: u32, nm_filename: *const c_char, pub nm_register_func: napi_addon_register_func, nm_modname: *const c_char, nm_priv: *mut c_void, reserved: [*mut c_void; 4], } pub type napi_valuetype = i32; pub const napi_undefined: napi_valuetype = 0; pub const napi_null: napi_valuetype = 1; pub const napi_boolean: napi_valuetype = 2; pub const napi_number: napi_valuetype = 3; pub const napi_string: napi_valuetype = 4; pub const napi_symbol: napi_valuetype = 5; pub const napi_object: napi_valuetype = 6; pub const napi_function: napi_valuetype = 7; pub const napi_external: napi_valuetype = 8; pub const napi_bigint: napi_valuetype = 9; pub type napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode = i32; pub const napi_tsfn_release: napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode = 0; pub const napi_tsfn_abortext: napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode = 1; pub type napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode = i32; pub const napi_tsfn_nonblocking: napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode = 0; pub const napi_tsfn_blocking: napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode = 1; pub type napi_key_collection_mode = i32; pub const napi_key_include_prototypes: napi_key_collection_mode = 0; pub const napi_key_own_only: napi_key_collection_mode = 1; pub type napi_key_filter = i32; pub const napi_key_all_properties: napi_key_filter = 0; pub const napi_key_writable: napi_key_filter = 1; pub const napi_key_enumerable: napi_key_filter = 1 << 1; pub const napi_key_configurable: napi_key_filter = 1 << 2; pub const napi_key_skip_strings: napi_key_filter = 1 << 3; pub const napi_key_skip_symbols: napi_key_filter = 1 << 4; pub type napi_key_conversion = i32; pub const napi_key_keep_numbers: napi_key_conversion = 0; pub const napi_key_numbers_to_strings: napi_key_conversion = 1; pub type napi_typedarray_type = i32; pub const napi_int8_array: napi_typedarray_type = 0; pub const napi_uint8_array: napi_typedarray_type = 1; pub const napi_uint8_clamped_array: napi_typedarray_type = 2; pub const napi_int16_array: napi_typedarray_type = 3; pub const napi_uint16_array: napi_typedarray_type = 4; pub const napi_int32_array: napi_typedarray_type = 5; pub const napi_uint32_array: napi_typedarray_type = 6; pub const napi_float32_array: napi_typedarray_type = 7; pub const napi_float64_array: napi_typedarray_type = 8; pub const napi_bigint64_array: napi_typedarray_type = 9; pub const napi_biguint64_array: napi_typedarray_type = 10; pub struct napi_type_tag { pub lower: u64, pub upper: u64, } pub type napi_callback = Option< unsafe extern "C" fn( env: napi_env, info: napi_callback_info, ) -> napi_value<'static>, >; pub type napi_finalize = unsafe extern "C" fn( env: napi_env, data: *mut c_void, finalize_hint: *mut c_void, ); pub type napi_async_execute_callback = unsafe extern "C" fn(env: napi_env, data: *mut c_void); pub type napi_async_complete_callback = unsafe extern "C" fn(env: napi_env, status: napi_status, data: *mut c_void); pub type napi_threadsafe_function_call_js = unsafe extern "C" fn( env: napi_env, js_callback: napi_value, context: *mut c_void, data: *mut c_void, ); pub type napi_async_cleanup_hook = unsafe extern "C" fn(env: napi_env, data: *mut c_void); pub type napi_property_attributes = i32; pub const napi_default: napi_property_attributes = 0; pub const napi_writable: napi_property_attributes = 1 << 0; pub const napi_enumerable: napi_property_attributes = 1 << 1; pub const napi_configurable: napi_property_attributes = 1 << 2; pub const napi_static: napi_property_attributes = 1 << 10; pub const napi_default_method: napi_property_attributes = napi_writable | napi_configurable; pub const napi_default_jsproperty: napi_property_attributes = napi_enumerable | napi_configurable | napi_writable; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct napi_property_descriptor<'a> { pub utf8name: *const c_char, pub name: napi_value<'a>, pub method: napi_callback, pub getter: napi_callback, pub setter: napi_callback, pub value: napi_value<'a>, pub attributes: napi_property_attributes, pub data: *mut c_void, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct napi_extended_error_info { pub error_message: *const c_char, pub engine_reserved: *mut c_void, pub engine_error_code: i32, pub error_code: napi_status, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct napi_node_version { pub major: u32, pub minor: u32, pub patch: u32, pub release: *const c_char, } pub trait PendingNapiAsyncWork: FnOnce() + Send + 'static {} impl<T> PendingNapiAsyncWork for T where T: FnOnce() + Send + 'static {} pub type ThreadsafeFunctionRefCounters = Vec<(usize, Arc<AtomicUsize>)>; pub struct NapiState { // Thread safe functions. pub active_threadsafe_functions: usize, pub threadsafe_function_receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ThreadSafeFunctionStatus>, pub threadsafe_function_sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ThreadSafeFunctionStatus>, pub env_cleanup_hooks: Rc<RefCell<Vec<(extern "C" fn(*const c_void), *const c_void)>>>, pub tsfn_ref_counters: Arc<Mutex<ThreadsafeFunctionRefCounters>>, } impl Drop for NapiState { fn drop(&mut self) { let hooks = { let h = self.env_cleanup_hooks.borrow_mut(); h.clone() }; // Hooks are supposed to be run in LIFO order let hooks_to_run = hooks.into_iter().rev(); for hook in hooks_to_run { // This hook might have been removed by a previous hook, in such case skip it here. if !self .env_cleanup_hooks .borrow() .iter() .any(|pair| pair.0 == hook.0 && pair.1 == hook.1) { continue; } (hook.0)(hook.1); { self .env_cleanup_hooks .borrow_mut() .retain(|pair| !(pair.0 == hook.0 && pair.1 == hook.1)); } } } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] /// Env that is shared between all contexts in same native module. pub struct EnvShared { pub instance_data: *mut c_void, pub data_finalize: Option<napi_finalize>, pub data_finalize_hint: *mut c_void, pub napi_wrap: v8::Global<v8::Private>, pub finalize: Option<napi_finalize>, pub finalize_hint: *mut c_void, pub filename: *const c_char, } impl EnvShared { pub fn new(napi_wrap: v8::Global<v8::Private>) -> Self { Self { instance_data: std::ptr::null_mut(), data_finalize: None, data_finalize_hint: std::ptr::null_mut(), napi_wrap, finalize: None, finalize_hint: std::ptr::null_mut(), filename: std::ptr::null(), } } } pub enum ThreadSafeFunctionStatus { Alive, Dead, } #[repr(C)] pub struct Env { context: NonNull<v8::Context>, pub isolate_ptr: *mut v8::OwnedIsolate, pub open_handle_scopes: usize, pub shared: *mut EnvShared, pub async_work_sender: V8CrossThreadTaskSpawner, pub threadsafe_function_sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ThreadSafeFunctionStatus>, pub cleanup_hooks: Rc<RefCell<Vec<(extern "C" fn(*const c_void), *const c_void)>>>, pub tsfn_ref_counters: Arc<Mutex<ThreadsafeFunctionRefCounters>>, pub last_error: napi_extended_error_info, pub global: NonNull<v8::Value>, } unsafe impl Send for Env {} unsafe impl Sync for Env {} impl Env { pub fn new( isolate_ptr: *mut v8::OwnedIsolate, context: v8::Global<v8::Context>, global: v8::Global<v8::Value>, sender: V8CrossThreadTaskSpawner, threadsafe_function_sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ThreadSafeFunctionStatus>, cleanup_hooks: Rc< RefCell<Vec<(extern "C" fn(*const c_void), *const c_void)>>, >, tsfn_ref_counters: Arc<Mutex<ThreadsafeFunctionRefCounters>>, ) -> Self { Self { isolate_ptr, context: context.into_raw(), global: global.into_raw(), shared: std::ptr::null_mut(), open_handle_scopes: 0, async_work_sender: sender, threadsafe_function_sender, cleanup_hooks, tsfn_ref_counters, last_error: napi_extended_error_info { error_message: std::ptr::null(), engine_reserved: std::ptr::null_mut(), engine_error_code: 0, error_code: napi_ok, }, } } pub fn shared(&self) -> &EnvShared { // SAFETY: the lifetime of `EnvShared` always exceeds the lifetime of `Env`. unsafe { &*self.shared } } pub fn shared_mut(&mut self) -> &mut EnvShared { // SAFETY: the lifetime of `EnvShared` always exceeds the lifetime of `Env`. unsafe { &mut *self.shared } } pub fn add_async_work(&mut self, async_work: impl FnOnce() + Send + 'static) { self.async_work_sender.spawn(|_| async_work()); } #[inline] pub fn isolate(&mut self) -> &mut v8::OwnedIsolate { // SAFETY: Lifetime of `OwnedIsolate` is longer than `Env`. unsafe { &mut *self.isolate_ptr } } #[inline] pub fn scope(&self) -> v8::CallbackScope { // SAFETY: `v8::Local` is always non-null pointer; the `HandleScope` is // already on the stack, but we don't have access to it. let context = unsafe { transmute::<NonNull<v8::Context>, v8::Local<v8::Context>>(self.context) }; // SAFETY: there must be a `HandleScope` on the stack, this is ensured because // we are in a V8 callback or the module has already opened a `HandleScope` // using `napi_open_handle_scope`. unsafe { v8::CallbackScope::new(context) } } pub fn add_threadsafe_function_ref_counter( &mut self, id: usize, counter: Arc<AtomicUsize>, ) { let mut counters = self.tsfn_ref_counters.lock(); assert!(!counters.iter().any(|(i, _)| *i == id)); counters.push((id, counter)); } pub fn remove_threadsafe_function_ref_counter(&mut self, id: usize) { let mut counters = self.tsfn_ref_counters.lock(); let index = counters.iter().position(|(i, _)| *i == id).unwrap(); counters.remove(index); } } deno_core::extension!(deno_napi, parameters = [P: NapiPermissions], ops = [ op_napi_open<P> ], state = |state| { let (threadsafe_function_sender, threadsafe_function_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded::<ThreadSafeFunctionStatus>(); state.put(NapiState { threadsafe_function_sender, threadsafe_function_receiver, active_threadsafe_functions: 0, env_cleanup_hooks: Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![])), tsfn_ref_counters: Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![])), }); }, ); pub trait NapiPermissions { fn check(&mut self, path: Option<&Path>) -> std::result::Result<(), AnyError>; } /// # Safety /// /// This function is unsafe because it dereferences raw pointer Env. /// - The caller must ensure that the pointer is valid. /// - The caller must ensure that the pointer is not freed. pub unsafe fn weak_local( env_ptr: *mut Env, value: v8::Local<v8::Value>, data: *mut c_void, finalize_cb: napi_finalize, finalize_hint: *mut c_void, ) -> Option<v8::Local<v8::Value>> { use std::cell::Cell; let env = &mut *env_ptr; let weak_ptr = Rc::new(Cell::new(None)); let scope = &mut env.scope(); let weak = v8::Weak::with_finalizer( scope, value, Box::new({ let weak_ptr = weak_ptr.clone(); move |isolate| { finalize_cb(env_ptr as _, data as _, finalize_hint as _); // Self-deleting weak. if let Some(weak_ptr) = weak_ptr.get() { let weak: v8::Weak<v8::Value> = unsafe { v8::Weak::from_raw(isolate, Some(weak_ptr)) }; drop(weak); } } }), ); let value = weak.to_local(scope); let raw = weak.into_raw(); weak_ptr.set(raw); value } #[op2] fn op_napi_open<NP, 'scope>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'scope>, op_state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, global: v8::Local<'scope, v8::Value>, ) -> std::result::Result<v8::Local<'scope, v8::Value>, AnyError> where NP: NapiPermissions + 'static, { let permissions = op_state.borrow_mut::<NP>(); permissions.check(Some(&PathBuf::from(&path)))?; let ( async_work_sender, tsfn_sender, isolate_ptr, cleanup_hooks, tsfn_ref_counters, ) = { let napi_state = op_state.borrow::<NapiState>(); let isolate_ptr = op_state.borrow::<*mut v8::OwnedIsolate>(); ( op_state.borrow::<V8CrossThreadTaskSpawner>().clone(), napi_state.threadsafe_function_sender.clone(), *isolate_ptr, napi_state.env_cleanup_hooks.clone(), napi_state.tsfn_ref_counters.clone(), ) }; let napi_wrap_name = v8::String::new(scope, "napi_wrap").unwrap(); let napi_wrap = v8::Private::new(scope, Some(napi_wrap_name)); let napi_wrap = v8::Global::new(scope, napi_wrap); // The `module.exports` object. let exports = v8::Object::new(scope); let mut env_shared = EnvShared::new(napi_wrap); let cstr = CString::new(&*path).unwrap(); env_shared.filename = cstr.as_ptr(); std::mem::forget(cstr); let ctx = scope.get_current_context(); let mut env = Env::new( isolate_ptr, v8::Global::new(scope, ctx), v8::Global::new(scope, global), async_work_sender, tsfn_sender, cleanup_hooks, tsfn_ref_counters, ); env.shared = Box::into_raw(Box::new(env_shared)); let env_ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new(env)) as _; #[cfg(unix)] let flags = RTLD_LAZY; #[cfg(not(unix))] let flags = 0x00000008; // SAFETY: opening a DLL calls dlopen #[cfg(unix)] let library = match unsafe { Library::open(Some(&path), flags) } { Ok(lib) => lib, Err(e) => return Err(type_error(e.to_string())), }; // SAFETY: opening a DLL calls dlopen #[cfg(not(unix))] let library = match unsafe { Library::load_with_flags(&path, flags) } { Ok(lib) => lib, Err(e) => return Err(type_error(e.to_string())), }; let maybe_module = MODULE_TO_REGISTER.with(|cell| { let mut slot = cell.borrow_mut(); slot.take() }); if let Some(module_to_register) = maybe_module { // SAFETY: napi_register_module guarantees that `module_to_register` is valid. let nm = unsafe { &*module_to_register }; assert_eq!(nm.nm_version, 1); // SAFETY: we are going blind, calling the register function on the other side. let maybe_exports = unsafe { (nm.nm_register_func)( env_ptr, std::mem::transmute::<v8::Local<v8::Value>, napi_value>(exports.into()), ) }; let exports = if maybe_exports.is_some() { // SAFETY: v8::Local is a pointer to a value and napi_value is also a pointer // to a value, they have the same layout unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<napi_value, v8::Local<v8::Value>>(maybe_exports) } } else { exports.into() }; // NAPI addons can't be unloaded, so we're going to "forget" the library // object so it lives till the program exit. std::mem::forget(library); return Ok(exports); } // Initializer callback. // SAFETY: we are going blind, calling the register function on the other side. let maybe_exports = unsafe { let Ok(init) = library .get::<unsafe extern "C" fn( env: napi_env, exports: napi_value, ) -> napi_value>(b"napi_register_module_v1") else { return Err(type_error(format!("Unable to find napi_register_module_v1 symbol in {}", path))); }; init( env_ptr, std::mem::transmute::<v8::Local<v8::Value>, napi_value>(exports.into()), ) }; let exports = if maybe_exports.is_some() { // SAFETY: v8::Local is a pointer to a value and napi_value is also a pointer // to a value, they have the same layout unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<napi_value, v8::Local<v8::Value>>(maybe_exports) } } else { exports.into() }; // NAPI addons can't be unloaded, so we're going to "forget" the library // object so it lives till the program exit. std::mem::forget(library); Ok(exports) }