// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::serde_json::{self, map::Map, Number, Value}; use std::{ convert::From, env, fs, path::PathBuf, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; mod http; mod throughput; fn read_json(filename: &str) -> Result { let f = fs::File::open(filename)?; Ok(serde_json::from_reader(f)?) } fn write_json(filename: &str, value: &Value) -> Result<()> { let f = fs::File::create(filename)?; serde_json::to_writer(f, value)?; Ok(()) } /// The list of the tuples of the benchmark name, arguments and return code const EXEC_TIME_BENCHMARKS: &[(&str, &[&str], Option)] = &[ // we need to run the cold_* benchmarks before the _warm_ ones as they ensure // the cache is properly populated, instead of other tests possibly // invalidating that cache. ( "cold_hello", &["run", "--reload", "cli/tests/002_hello.ts"], None, ), ( "cold_relative_import", &["run", "--reload", "cli/tests/003_relative_import.ts"], None, ), ("hello", &["run", "cli/tests/002_hello.ts"], None), ( "relative_import", &["run", "cli/tests/003_relative_import.ts"], None, ), ("error_001", &["run", "cli/tests/error_001.ts"], Some(1)), ( "no_check_hello", &["run", "--reload", "--no-check", "cli/tests/002_hello.ts"], None, ), ( "workers_startup", &["run", "--allow-read", "cli/tests/workers_startup_bench.ts"], None, ), ( "workers_round_robin", &[ "run", "--allow-read", "cli/tests/workers_round_robin_bench.ts", ], None, ), ( "text_decoder", &["run", "cli/tests/text_decoder_perf.js"], None, ), ( "text_encoder", &["run", "cli/tests/text_encoder_perf.js"], None, ), ( "check", &["cache", "--reload", "std/examples/chat/server_test.ts"], None, ), ( "no_check", &[ "cache", "--reload", "--no-check", "std/examples/chat/server_test.ts", ], None, ), ( "bundle", &["bundle", "std/examples/chat/server_test.ts"], None, ), ( "bundle_no_check", &["bundle", "--no-check", "std/examples/chat/server_test.ts"], None, ), ]; const RESULT_KEYS: &[&str] = &["mean", "stddev", "user", "system", "min", "max"]; fn run_exec_time(deno_exe: &PathBuf, target_dir: &PathBuf) -> Result { let hyperfine_exe = test_util::prebuilt_tool_path("hyperfine"); let benchmark_file = target_dir.join("hyperfine_results.json"); let benchmark_file = benchmark_file.to_str().unwrap(); let mut command = [ hyperfine_exe.to_str().unwrap(), "--export-json", benchmark_file, "--warmup", "3", ] .iter() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect::>(); for (_, args, return_code) in EXEC_TIME_BENCHMARKS { let ret_code_test = if let Some(code) = return_code { // Bash test which asserts the return code value of the previous command // $? contains the return code of the previous command format!("; test $? -eq {}", code) } else { "".to_string() }; command.push(format!( "{} {} {}", deno_exe.to_str().unwrap(), args.join(" "), ret_code_test )); } test_util::run( &command.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref()).collect::>(), None, None, None, true, ); let mut results = Map::new(); let hyperfine_results = read_json(benchmark_file)?; for ((name, _, _), data) in EXEC_TIME_BENCHMARKS.iter().zip( hyperfine_results .as_object() .unwrap() .get("results") .unwrap() .as_array() .unwrap(), ) { let data = data.as_object().unwrap().clone(); results.insert( name.to_string(), Value::Object( data .into_iter() .filter(|(key, _)| RESULT_KEYS.contains(&key.as_str())) .collect::>(), ), ); } Ok(Value::Object(results)) } fn rlib_size(target_dir: &std::path::Path, prefix: &str) -> u64 { let mut size = 0; let mut seen = std::collections::HashSet::new(); for entry in std::fs::read_dir(target_dir.join("deps")).unwrap() { let entry = entry.unwrap(); let os_str = entry.file_name(); let name = os_str.to_str().unwrap(); if name.starts_with(prefix) && name.ends_with(".rlib") { let start = name.split('-').next().unwrap().to_string(); if seen.contains(&start) { println!("skip {}", name); } else { seen.insert(start); size += entry.metadata().unwrap().len(); println!("check size {} {}", name, size); } } } assert!(size > 0); size } const BINARY_TARGET_FILES: &[&str] = &["CLI_SNAPSHOT.bin", "COMPILER_SNAPSHOT.bin"]; fn get_binary_sizes(target_dir: &PathBuf) -> Result { let mut sizes = Map::new(); let mut mtimes = std::collections::HashMap::new(); sizes.insert( "deno".to_string(), Value::Number(Number::from(test_util::deno_exe_path().metadata()?.len())), ); // add up size for denort sizes.insert( "denort".to_string(), Value::Number(Number::from(test_util::denort_exe_path().metadata()?.len())), ); // add up size for everything in target/release/deps/libswc* let swc_size = rlib_size(&target_dir, "libswc"); println!("swc {} bytes", swc_size); sizes.insert("swc_rlib".to_string(), Value::Number(swc_size.into())); let rusty_v8_size = rlib_size(&target_dir, "librusty_v8"); println!("rusty_v8 {} bytes", rusty_v8_size); sizes.insert( "rusty_v8_rlib".to_string(), Value::Number(rusty_v8_size.into()), ); // Because cargo's OUT_DIR is not predictable, search the build tree for // snapshot related files. for file in walkdir::WalkDir::new(target_dir) { let file = match file { Ok(file) => file, Err(_) => continue, }; let filename = file.file_name().to_str().unwrap().to_string(); if !BINARY_TARGET_FILES.contains(&filename.as_str()) { continue; } let meta = file.metadata()?; let file_mtime = meta.modified()?; // If multiple copies of a file are found, use the most recent one. if let Some(stored_mtime) = mtimes.get(&filename) { if *stored_mtime > file_mtime { continue; } } mtimes.insert(filename.clone(), file_mtime); sizes.insert(filename, Value::Number(Number::from(meta.len()))); } Ok(Value::Object(sizes)) } const BUNDLES: &[(&str, &str)] = &[ ("file_server", "./std/http/file_server.ts"), ("gist", "./std/examples/gist.ts"), ]; fn bundle_benchmark(deno_exe: &PathBuf) -> Result { let mut sizes = Map::new(); for (name, url) in BUNDLES { let path = format!("{}.bundle.js", name); test_util::run( &[ deno_exe.to_str().unwrap(), "bundle", "--unstable", url, &path, ], None, None, None, true, ); let file = PathBuf::from(path); assert!(file.is_file()); sizes.insert( name.to_string(), Value::Number(Number::from(file.metadata()?.len())), ); let _ = fs::remove_file(file); } Ok(Value::Object(sizes)) } fn run_throughput(deno_exe: &PathBuf) -> Result { let mut m = Map::new(); m.insert("100M_tcp".to_string(), throughput::tcp(deno_exe, 100)?); m.insert("100M_cat".to_string(), throughput::cat(deno_exe, 100)?); m.insert("10M_tcp".to_string(), throughput::tcp(deno_exe, 10)?); m.insert("10M_cat".to_string(), throughput::cat(deno_exe, 10)?); Ok(Value::Object(m)) } fn run_http( target_dir: &PathBuf, new_data: &mut Map, ) -> Result<()> { let stats = http::benchmark(target_dir)?; new_data.insert( "req_per_sec".to_string(), Value::Object( stats .iter() .map(|(name, result)| { (name.clone(), Value::Number(Number::from(result.requests))) }) .collect::>(), ), ); new_data.insert( "max_latency".to_string(), Value::Object( stats .iter() .map(|(name, result)| { ( name.clone(), Value::Number(Number::from_f64(result.latency).unwrap()), ) }) .collect::>(), ), ); Ok(()) } fn run_strace_benchmarks( deno_exe: &PathBuf, new_data: &mut Map, ) -> Result<()> { use std::io::Read; let mut thread_count = Map::new(); let mut syscall_count = Map::new(); for (name, args, _) in EXEC_TIME_BENCHMARKS { let mut file = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new()?; Command::new("strace") .args(&[ "-c", "-f", "-o", file.path().to_str().unwrap(), deno_exe.to_str().unwrap(), ]) .args(args.iter()) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .spawn()? .wait()?; let mut output = String::new(); file.as_file_mut().read_to_string(&mut output)?; let strace_result = test_util::parse_strace_output(&output); thread_count.insert( name.to_string(), Value::Number(Number::from( strace_result.get("clone").map(|d| d.calls).unwrap_or(0) + 1, )), ); syscall_count.insert( name.to_string(), Value::Number(Number::from(strace_result.get("total").unwrap().calls)), ); } new_data.insert("thread_count".to_string(), Value::Object(thread_count)); new_data.insert("syscall_count".to_string(), Value::Object(syscall_count)); Ok(()) } fn run_max_mem_benchmark(deno_exe: &PathBuf) -> Result { let mut results = Map::new(); for (name, args, return_code) in EXEC_TIME_BENCHMARKS { let proc = Command::new("time") .args(&["-v", deno_exe.to_str().unwrap()]) .args(args.iter()) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn()?; let proc_result = proc.wait_with_output()?; if let Some(code) = return_code { assert_eq!(proc_result.status.code().unwrap(), *code); } let out = String::from_utf8(proc_result.stderr)?; results.insert( name.to_string(), Value::Number(Number::from(test_util::parse_max_mem(&out).unwrap())), ); } Ok(Value::Object(results)) } /* TODO(SyrupThinker) Switch to the #[bench] attribute once it is stabilized. Before that the #[test] tests won't be run because we replace the harness with our own runner here. */ fn main() -> Result<()> { if env::args().find(|s| s == "--bench").is_none() { return Ok(()); } println!("Starting Deno benchmark"); let target_dir = test_util::target_dir(); let deno_exe = test_util::deno_exe_path(); env::set_current_dir(&test_util::root_path())?; let mut new_data: Map = Map::new(); new_data.insert("binary_size".to_string(), get_binary_sizes(&target_dir)?); new_data.insert("bundle_size".to_string(), bundle_benchmark(&deno_exe)?); new_data.insert( "created_at".to_string(), Value::String( chrono::Utc::now().to_rfc3339_opts(chrono::SecondsFormat::Secs, true), ), ); new_data.insert( "sha1".to_string(), Value::String( test_util::run_collect( &["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], None, None, None, true, ) .0 .trim() .to_string(), ), ); // TODO(ry) The "benchmark" benchmark should actually be called "exec_time". // When this is changed, the historical data in gh-pages branch needs to be // changed too. new_data.insert( "benchmark".to_string(), run_exec_time(&deno_exe, &target_dir)?, ); // Cannot run throughput benchmark on windows because they don't have nc or // pipe. if cfg!(not(target_os = "windows")) { new_data.insert("throughput".to_string(), run_throughput(&deno_exe)?); run_http(&target_dir, &mut new_data)?; } if cfg!(target_os = "linux") { run_strace_benchmarks(&deno_exe, &mut new_data)?; new_data .insert("max_memory".to_string(), run_max_mem_benchmark(&deno_exe)?); } println!("===== "); serde_json::to_writer_pretty(std::io::stdout(), &new_data)?; println!("\n===== "); if let Some(filename) = target_dir.join("bench.json").to_str() { write_json(filename, &Value::Object(new_data))?; } else { eprintln!("Cannot write bench.json, path is invalid"); } Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug)] enum Error { Io(std::io::Error), Serde(serde_json::error::Error), FromUtf8(std::string::FromUtf8Error), Walkdir(walkdir::Error), } impl From for Error { fn from(ioe: std::io::Error) -> Self { Error::Io(ioe) } } impl From for Error { fn from(sje: serde_json::error::Error) -> Self { Error::Serde(sje) } } impl From for Error { fn from(fue: std::string::FromUtf8Error) -> Self { Error::FromUtf8(fue) } } impl From for Error { fn from(wde: walkdir::Error) -> Self { Error::Walkdir(wde) } } pub(crate) type Result = std::result::Result;