// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe; use std::rc::Rc; use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::serde_json; use file_test_runner::collection::collect_tests_or_exit; use file_test_runner::collection::strategies::FileTestMapperStrategy; use file_test_runner::collection::strategies::TestPerDirectoryCollectionStrategy; use file_test_runner::collection::CollectOptions; use file_test_runner::collection::CollectTestsError; use file_test_runner::collection::CollectedCategoryOrTest; use file_test_runner::collection::CollectedTest; use file_test_runner::collection::CollectedTestCategory; use file_test_runner::SubTestResult; use file_test_runner::TestResult; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use serde::Deserialize; use test_util::tests_path; use test_util::PathRef; use test_util::TestContextBuilder; const MANIFEST_FILE_NAME: &str = "__test__.jsonc"; static NO_CAPTURE: Lazy<bool> = Lazy::new(|| std::env::args().any(|arg| arg == "--nocapture")); #[derive(Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(untagged)] enum VecOrString { Vec(Vec<String>), String(String), } type JsonMap = serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>; #[derive(Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")] struct MultiTestMetaData { /// Whether to copy all the non-assertion files in the current /// test directory to a temporary directory before running the /// steps. #[serde(default)] pub temp_dir: bool, /// The base environment to use for the test. #[serde(default)] pub base: Option<String>, #[serde(default)] pub envs: HashMap<String, String>, #[serde(default)] pub tests: BTreeMap<String, JsonMap>, } impl MultiTestMetaData { pub fn into_collected_tests( mut self, parent_test: &CollectedTest, ) -> Vec<CollectedTest<serde_json::Value>> { fn merge_json_value( multi_test_meta_data: &MultiTestMetaData, value: &mut JsonMap, ) { if let Some(base) = &multi_test_meta_data.base { if !value.contains_key("base") { value.insert("base".to_string(), base.clone().into()); } } if multi_test_meta_data.temp_dir && !value.contains_key("tempDir") { value.insert("tempDir".to_string(), true.into()); } if !multi_test_meta_data.envs.is_empty() { if !value.contains_key("envs") { value.insert("envs".to_string(), JsonMap::default().into()); } let envs_obj = value.get_mut("envs").unwrap().as_object_mut().unwrap(); for (key, value) in &multi_test_meta_data.envs { if !envs_obj.contains_key(key) { envs_obj.insert(key.into(), value.clone().into()); } } } } let mut collected_tests = Vec::with_capacity(self.tests.len()); for (name, mut json_data) in std::mem::take(&mut self.tests) { merge_json_value(&self, &mut json_data); collected_tests.push(CollectedTest { name: format!("{}::{}", parent_test.name, name), path: parent_test.path.clone(), data: serde_json::Value::Object(json_data), }); } collected_tests } } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")] struct MultiStepMetaData { /// Whether to copy all the non-assertion files in the current /// test directory to a temporary directory before running the /// steps. #[serde(default)] pub temp_dir: bool, /// The base environment to use for the test. #[serde(default)] pub base: Option<String>, #[serde(default)] pub envs: HashMap<String, String>, #[serde(default)] pub repeat: Option<usize>, #[serde(default)] pub steps: Vec<StepMetaData>, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")] struct SingleTestMetaData { #[serde(default)] pub base: Option<String>, #[serde(default)] pub temp_dir: bool, #[serde(default)] pub repeat: Option<usize>, #[serde(flatten)] pub step: StepMetaData, } impl SingleTestMetaData { pub fn into_multi(self) -> MultiStepMetaData { MultiStepMetaData { base: self.base, temp_dir: self.temp_dir, repeat: self.repeat, envs: Default::default(), steps: vec![self.step], } } } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "camelCase")] struct StepMetaData { /// If the test should be retried multiple times on failure. #[serde(default)] pub flaky: bool, pub args: VecOrString, pub cwd: Option<String>, #[serde(rename = "if")] pub if_cond: Option<String>, pub command_name: Option<String>, #[serde(default)] pub envs: HashMap<String, String>, pub output: String, #[serde(default)] pub exit_code: i32, } pub fn main() { let root_category = collect_tests_or_exit::<serde_json::Value>(CollectOptions { base: tests_path().join("specs").to_path_buf(), strategy: Box::new(FileTestMapperStrategy { base_strategy: TestPerDirectoryCollectionStrategy { file_name: MANIFEST_FILE_NAME.to_string(), }, map: map_test_within_file, }), filter_override: None, }); if root_category.is_empty() { return; // all tests filtered out } let _http_guard = test_util::http_server(); file_test_runner::run_tests( &root_category, file_test_runner::RunOptions { parallel: !*NO_CAPTURE, }, run_test, ); } /// Maps a __test__.jsonc file to a category of tests if it contains a "test" object. fn map_test_within_file( test: CollectedTest, ) -> Result<CollectedCategoryOrTest<serde_json::Value>, CollectTestsError> { let test_path = PathRef::new(&test.path); let metadata_value = test_path.read_jsonc_value(); if metadata_value .as_object() .map(|o| o.contains_key("tests")) .unwrap_or(false) { let data: MultiTestMetaData = serde_json::from_value(metadata_value) .with_context(|| format!("Failed deserializing {}", test_path)) .map_err(CollectTestsError::Other)?; Ok(CollectedCategoryOrTest::Category(CollectedTestCategory { children: data .into_collected_tests(&test) .into_iter() .map(CollectedCategoryOrTest::Test) .collect(), name: test.name, path: test.path, })) } else { Ok(CollectedCategoryOrTest::Test(CollectedTest { name: test.name, path: test.path, data: metadata_value, })) } } fn run_test(test: &CollectedTest<serde_json::Value>) -> TestResult { let cwd = PathRef::new(&test.path).parent(); let metadata_value = test.data.clone(); let diagnostic_logger = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::<u8>::new())); let result = TestResult::from_maybe_panic_or_result(AssertUnwindSafe(|| { let metadata = deserialize_value(metadata_value); if let Some(repeat) = metadata.repeat { TestResult::SubTests( (0..repeat) .map(|i| { let diagnostic_logger = diagnostic_logger.clone(); SubTestResult { name: format!("run {}", i + 1), result: TestResult::from_maybe_panic(AssertUnwindSafe(|| { run_test_inner(&metadata, &cwd, diagnostic_logger); })), } }) .collect(), ) } else { run_test_inner(&metadata, &cwd, diagnostic_logger.clone()); TestResult::Passed } })); match result { TestResult::Failed { output: panic_output, } => { let mut output = diagnostic_logger.borrow().clone(); output.push(b'\n'); output.extend(panic_output); TestResult::Failed { output } } TestResult::Passed | TestResult::Ignored | TestResult::SubTests(_) => { result } } } fn run_test_inner( metadata: &MultiStepMetaData, cwd: &PathRef, diagnostic_logger: Rc<RefCell<Vec<u8>>>, ) { let context = test_context_from_metadata(metadata, cwd, diagnostic_logger); for step in metadata.steps.iter().filter(|s| should_run_step(s)) { let run_func = || run_step(step, metadata, cwd, &context); if step.flaky { run_flaky(run_func); } else { run_func(); } } } fn deserialize_value(metadata_value: serde_json::Value) -> MultiStepMetaData { // checking for "steps" leads to a more targeted error message // instead of when deserializing an untagged enum if metadata_value .as_object() .map(|o| o.contains_key("steps")) .unwrap_or(false) { serde_json::from_value::<MultiStepMetaData>(metadata_value) } else { serde_json::from_value::<SingleTestMetaData>(metadata_value) .map(|s| s.into_multi()) } .context("Failed to parse test spec") .unwrap() } fn test_context_from_metadata( metadata: &MultiStepMetaData, cwd: &PathRef, diagnostic_logger: Rc<RefCell<Vec<u8>>>, ) -> test_util::TestContext { let mut builder = TestContextBuilder::new(); builder = builder.logging_capture(diagnostic_logger); if metadata.temp_dir { builder = builder.use_temp_cwd(); } else { builder = builder.cwd(cwd.to_string_lossy()); } match &metadata.base { // todo(dsherret): add bases in the future as needed Some(base) => panic!("Unknown test base: {}", base), None => { // by default add all these builder = builder .add_jsr_env_vars() .add_npm_env_vars() .add_compile_env_vars(); } } let context = builder.build(); if metadata.temp_dir { // copy all the files in the cwd to a temp directory // excluding the metadata and assertion files let temp_dir = context.temp_dir().path(); let assertion_paths = resolve_test_and_assertion_files(cwd, metadata); cwd.copy_to_recursive_with_exclusions(temp_dir, &assertion_paths); } context } fn should_run_step(step: &StepMetaData) -> bool { if let Some(cond) = &step.if_cond { match cond.as_str() { "windows" => cfg!(windows), "unix" => cfg!(unix), "mac" => cfg!(target_os = "macos"), "linux" => cfg!(target_os = "linux"), value => panic!("Unknown if condition: {}", value), } } else { true } } fn run_flaky(action: impl Fn()) { for _ in 0..2 { let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(&action)); if result.is_ok() { return; } } // surface error on third try action(); } fn run_step( step: &StepMetaData, metadata: &MultiStepMetaData, cwd: &PathRef, context: &test_util::TestContext, ) { let command = context .new_command() .envs(metadata.envs.iter().chain(step.envs.iter())); let command = match &step.args { VecOrString::Vec(args) => command.args_vec(args), VecOrString::String(text) => command.args(text), }; let command = match &step.cwd { Some(cwd) => command.current_dir(cwd), None => command, }; let command = match &step.command_name { Some(command_name) => command.name(command_name), None => command, }; let command = match *NO_CAPTURE { // deprecated is only to prevent use, so this is fine here #[allow(deprecated)] true => command.show_output(), false => command, }; let output = command.run(); if step.output.ends_with(".out") { let test_output_path = cwd.join(&step.output); output.assert_matches_file(test_output_path); } else { output.assert_matches_text(&step.output); } output.assert_exit_code(step.exit_code); } fn resolve_test_and_assertion_files( dir: &PathRef, metadata: &MultiStepMetaData, ) -> HashSet<PathRef> { let mut result = HashSet::with_capacity(metadata.steps.len() + 1); result.insert(dir.join(MANIFEST_FILE_NAME)); result.extend(metadata.steps.iter().map(|step| dir.join(&step.output))); result }