#!/usr/bin/env python from glob import glob import os from third_party import third_party_path, fix_symlinks, google_env, clang_format_path from util import root_path, run, find_exts fix_symlinks() prettier = os.path.join(third_party_path, "node_modules", "prettier", "bin-prettier.js") tools_path = os.path.join(root_path, "tools") rustfmt_config = os.path.join(tools_path, "rustfmt.toml") os.chdir(root_path) run([clang_format_path, "-i", "-style", "Google"] + find_exts("libdeno", ".cc", ".h")) for fn in ["BUILD.gn", ".gn"] + find_exts("build_extra", ".gn", ".gni"): run(["third_party/depot_tools/gn", "format", fn], env=google_env()) # We use `glob()` instead of `find_exts()` in the tools directory, because: # * On Windows, `os.walk()` (called by `find_exts()`) follows symlinks. # * The tools directory contains a symlink 'clang', pointing at the directory # 'third_party/v8/tools/clang', which contains many .py files. # * These third party python files shouldn't be formatted. # * The tools directory has no subdirectories, so `glob()` is sufficient. # TODO(ry) Install yapf in third_party. run(["yapf", "-i"] + glob("tools/*.py") + find_exts("build_extra", ".py")) # yapf: disable run(["node", prettier, "--write"] + ["rollup.config.js"] + glob("*.json") + glob("*.md") + find_exts(".github/", ".md") + find_exts("js/", ".js", ".ts", ".md") + find_exts("tests/", ".js", ".ts", ".md") + find_exts("website/", ".js", ".ts", ".md")) # yapf: enable # Requires rustfmt 0.8.2 (flags were different in previous versions) run(["rustfmt", "--config-path", rustfmt_config] + find_exts("src/", ".rs"))