// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::op2; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::AsyncMutFuture; use deno_core::AsyncRefCell; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_core::RcRef; use deno_core::Resource; use deno_core::ResourceId; use deno_core::ToJsBuffer; use deno_io::fs::FileResource; use deno_io::ChildStderrResource; use deno_io::ChildStdinResource; use deno_io::ChildStdoutResource; use deno_io::IntoRawIoHandle; use deno_permissions::PermissionsContainer; use deno_permissions::RunQueryDescriptor; use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Serialize; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::ExitStatus; use std::rc::Rc; use tokio::process::Command; #[cfg(windows)] use std::os::windows::process::CommandExt; use crate::ops::signal::SignalError; #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::prelude::ExitStatusExt; #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt; pub const UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME: &str = "process"; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] pub enum Stdio { Inherit, Piped, Null, IpcForInternalUse, } impl Stdio { pub fn as_stdio(&self) -> std::process::Stdio { match &self { Stdio::Inherit => std::process::Stdio::inherit(), Stdio::Piped => std::process::Stdio::piped(), Stdio::Null => std::process::Stdio::null(), _ => unreachable!(), } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum StdioOrRid { Stdio(Stdio), Rid(ResourceId), } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for StdioOrRid { fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { use serde_json::Value; let value = Value::deserialize(deserializer)?; match value { Value::String(val) => match val.as_str() { "inherit" => Ok(StdioOrRid::Stdio(Stdio::Inherit)), "piped" => Ok(StdioOrRid::Stdio(Stdio::Piped)), "null" => Ok(StdioOrRid::Stdio(Stdio::Null)), "ipc_for_internal_use" => { Ok(StdioOrRid::Stdio(Stdio::IpcForInternalUse)) } val => Err(serde::de::Error::unknown_variant( val, &["inherit", "piped", "null"], )), }, Value::Number(val) => match val.as_u64() { Some(val) if val <= ResourceId::MAX as u64 => { Ok(StdioOrRid::Rid(val as ResourceId)) } _ => Err(serde::de::Error::custom("Expected a positive integer")), }, _ => Err(serde::de::Error::custom( r#"Expected a resource id, "inherit", "piped", or "null""#, )), } } } impl StdioOrRid { pub fn as_stdio( &self, state: &mut OpState, ) -> Result<std::process::Stdio, ProcessError> { match &self { StdioOrRid::Stdio(val) => Ok(val.as_stdio()), StdioOrRid::Rid(rid) => { FileResource::with_file(state, *rid, |file| Ok(file.as_stdio()?)) .map_err(ProcessError::Resource) } } } pub fn is_ipc(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, StdioOrRid::Stdio(Stdio::IpcForInternalUse)) } } #[allow(clippy::disallowed_types)] pub type NpmProcessStateProviderRc = deno_fs::sync::MaybeArc<dyn NpmProcessStateProvider>; pub trait NpmProcessStateProvider: std::fmt::Debug + deno_fs::sync::MaybeSend + deno_fs::sync::MaybeSync { /// Gets a string containing the serialized npm state of the process. /// /// This will be set on the `DENO_DONT_USE_INTERNAL_NODE_COMPAT_STATE` environment /// variable when doing a `child_process.fork`. The implementor can then check this environment /// variable on startup to repopulate the internal npm state. fn get_npm_process_state(&self) -> String { // This method is only used in the CLI. String::new() } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct EmptyNpmProcessStateProvider; impl NpmProcessStateProvider for EmptyNpmProcessStateProvider {} deno_core::extension!( deno_process, ops = [ op_spawn_child, op_spawn_wait, op_spawn_sync, op_spawn_kill, deprecated::op_run, deprecated::op_run_status, deprecated::op_kill, ], options = { get_npm_process_state: Option<NpmProcessStateProviderRc> }, state = |state, options| { state.put::<NpmProcessStateProviderRc>(options.get_npm_process_state.unwrap_or(deno_fs::sync::MaybeArc::new(EmptyNpmProcessStateProvider))); }, ); /// Second member stores the pid separately from the RefCell. It's needed for /// `op_spawn_kill`, where the RefCell is borrowed mutably by `op_spawn_wait`. struct ChildResource(RefCell<tokio::process::Child>, u32); impl Resource for ChildResource { fn name(&self) -> Cow<str> { "child".into() } } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SpawnArgs { cmd: String, args: Vec<String>, cwd: Option<String>, clear_env: bool, env: Vec<(String, String)>, #[cfg(unix)] gid: Option<u32>, #[cfg(unix)] uid: Option<u32>, #[cfg(windows)] windows_raw_arguments: bool, ipc: Option<i32>, #[serde(flatten)] stdio: ChildStdio, extra_stdio: Vec<Stdio>, detached: bool, needs_npm_process_state: bool, } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum ProcessError { #[error("Failed to spawn '{command}': {error}")] SpawnFailed { command: String, #[source] error: Box<ProcessError>, }, #[error("{0}")] Io(#[from] std::io::Error), #[cfg(unix)] #[error(transparent)] Nix(nix::Error), #[error("failed resolving cwd: {0}")] FailedResolvingCwd(#[source] std::io::Error), #[error(transparent)] Permission(#[from] deno_permissions::PermissionCheckError), #[error(transparent)] RunPermission(#[from] CheckRunPermissionError), #[error(transparent)] Resource(deno_core::error::AnyError), #[error(transparent)] BorrowMut(std::cell::BorrowMutError), #[error(transparent)] Which(which::Error), #[error("Child process has already terminated.")] ChildProcessAlreadyTerminated, #[error("Invalid pid")] InvalidPid, #[error(transparent)] Signal(#[from] SignalError), #[error("Missing cmd")] MissingCmd, // only for Deno.run } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct ChildStdio { stdin: StdioOrRid, stdout: StdioOrRid, stderr: StdioOrRid, } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct ChildStatus { success: bool, code: i32, signal: Option<String>, } impl TryFrom<ExitStatus> for ChildStatus { type Error = SignalError; fn try_from(status: ExitStatus) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { let code = status.code(); #[cfg(unix)] let signal = status.signal(); #[cfg(not(unix))] let signal: Option<i32> = None; let status = if let Some(signal) = signal { ChildStatus { success: false, code: 128 + signal, #[cfg(unix)] signal: Some( crate::ops::signal::signal_int_to_str(signal)?.to_string(), ), #[cfg(not(unix))] signal: None, } } else { let code = code.expect("Should have either an exit code or a signal."); ChildStatus { success: code == 0, code, signal: None, } }; Ok(status) } } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SpawnOutput { status: ChildStatus, stdout: Option<ToJsBuffer>, stderr: Option<ToJsBuffer>, } type CreateCommand = ( std::process::Command, Option<ResourceId>, Vec<Option<ResourceId>>, Vec<deno_io::RawBiPipeHandle>, ); pub fn npm_process_state_tempfile( contents: &[u8], ) -> Result<deno_io::RawIoHandle, std::io::Error> { let mut temp_file = tempfile::tempfile()?; temp_file.write_all(contents)?; let handle = temp_file.into_raw_io_handle(); #[cfg(windows)] { use windows_sys::Win32::Foundation::HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT; // make the handle inheritable // SAFETY: winapi call, handle is valid unsafe { windows_sys::Win32::Foundation::SetHandleInformation( handle as _, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, ); } Ok(handle) } #[cfg(unix)] { // SAFETY: libc call, fd is valid let inheritable = unsafe { // duplicate the FD to get a new one that doesn't have the CLOEXEC flag set // so it can be inherited by the child process libc::dup(handle) }; // SAFETY: libc call, fd is valid unsafe { // close the old one libc::close(handle); } Ok(inheritable) } } pub const NPM_RESOLUTION_STATE_FD_ENV_VAR_NAME: &str = "DENO_DONT_USE_INTERNAL_NODE_COMPAT_STATE_FD"; fn create_command( state: &mut OpState, mut args: SpawnArgs, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<CreateCommand, ProcessError> { let maybe_npm_process_state = if args.needs_npm_process_state { let provider = state.borrow::<NpmProcessStateProviderRc>(); let process_state = provider.get_npm_process_state(); let fd = npm_process_state_tempfile(process_state.as_bytes())?; args.env.push(( NPM_RESOLUTION_STATE_FD_ENV_VAR_NAME.to_string(), (fd as usize).to_string(), )); Some(fd) } else { None }; let (cmd, run_env) = compute_run_cmd_and_check_permissions( &args.cmd, args.cwd.as_deref(), &args.env, args.clear_env, state, api_name, )?; let mut command = std::process::Command::new(cmd); #[cfg(windows)] { if args.detached { // TODO(nathanwhit): Currently this causes the process to hang // until the detached process exits (so never). It repros with just the // rust std library, so it's either a bug or requires more control than we have. // To be resolved at the same time as additional stdio support. log::warn!("detached processes are not currently supported on Windows"); } if args.windows_raw_arguments { for arg in args.args.iter() { command.raw_arg(arg); } } else { command.args(args.args); } } #[cfg(not(windows))] command.args(args.args); command.current_dir(run_env.cwd); command.env_clear(); command.envs(run_env.envs); #[cfg(unix)] if let Some(gid) = args.gid { command.gid(gid); } #[cfg(unix)] if let Some(uid) = args.uid { command.uid(uid); } if args.stdio.stdin.is_ipc() { args.ipc = Some(0); } else { command.stdin(args.stdio.stdin.as_stdio(state)?); } command.stdout(match args.stdio.stdout { StdioOrRid::Stdio(Stdio::Inherit) => StdioOrRid::Rid(1).as_stdio(state)?, value => value.as_stdio(state)?, }); command.stderr(match args.stdio.stderr { StdioOrRid::Stdio(Stdio::Inherit) => StdioOrRid::Rid(2).as_stdio(state)?, value => value.as_stdio(state)?, }); #[cfg(unix)] // TODO(bartlomieju): #[allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)] unsafe { let mut extra_pipe_rids = Vec::new(); let mut fds_to_dup = Vec::new(); let mut fds_to_close = Vec::new(); let mut ipc_rid = None; if let Some(fd) = maybe_npm_process_state { fds_to_close.push(fd); } if let Some(ipc) = args.ipc { if ipc >= 0 { let (ipc_fd1, ipc_fd2) = deno_io::bi_pipe_pair_raw()?; fds_to_dup.push((ipc_fd2, ipc)); fds_to_close.push(ipc_fd2); /* One end returned to parent process (this) */ let pipe_rid = state .resource_table .add(deno_node::IpcJsonStreamResource::new( ipc_fd1 as _, deno_node::IpcRefTracker::new(state.external_ops_tracker.clone()), )?); /* The other end passed to child process via NODE_CHANNEL_FD */ command.env("NODE_CHANNEL_FD", format!("{}", ipc)); ipc_rid = Some(pipe_rid); } } for (i, stdio) in args.extra_stdio.into_iter().enumerate() { // index 0 in `extra_stdio` actually refers to fd 3 // because we handle stdin,stdout,stderr specially let fd = (i + 3) as i32; // TODO(nathanwhit): handle inherited, but this relies on the parent process having // fds open already. since we don't generally support dealing with raw fds, // we can't properly support this if matches!(stdio, Stdio::Piped) { let (fd1, fd2) = deno_io::bi_pipe_pair_raw()?; fds_to_dup.push((fd2, fd)); fds_to_close.push(fd2); let rid = state.resource_table.add( match deno_io::BiPipeResource::from_raw_handle(fd1) { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { log::warn!("Failed to open bidirectional pipe for fd {fd}: {e}"); extra_pipe_rids.push(None); continue; } }, ); extra_pipe_rids.push(Some(rid)); } else { extra_pipe_rids.push(None); } } let detached = args.detached; command.pre_exec(move || { if detached { libc::setsid(); } for &(src, dst) in &fds_to_dup { if src >= 0 && dst >= 0 { let _fd = libc::dup2(src, dst); libc::close(src); } } libc::setgroups(0, std::ptr::null()); Ok(()) }); Ok((command, ipc_rid, extra_pipe_rids, fds_to_close)) } #[cfg(windows)] { let mut ipc_rid = None; let mut handles_to_close = Vec::with_capacity(1); if let Some(handle) = maybe_npm_process_state { handles_to_close.push(handle); } if let Some(ipc) = args.ipc { if ipc >= 0 { let (hd1, hd2) = deno_io::bi_pipe_pair_raw()?; /* One end returned to parent process (this) */ let pipe_rid = Some(state.resource_table.add( deno_node::IpcJsonStreamResource::new( hd1 as i64, deno_node::IpcRefTracker::new(state.external_ops_tracker.clone()), )?, )); /* The other end passed to child process via NODE_CHANNEL_FD */ command.env("NODE_CHANNEL_FD", format!("{}", hd2 as i64)); handles_to_close.push(hd2); ipc_rid = pipe_rid; } } if args.extra_stdio.iter().any(|s| matches!(s, Stdio::Piped)) { log::warn!( "Additional stdio pipes beyond stdin/stdout/stderr are not currently supported on windows" ); } Ok((command, ipc_rid, vec![], handles_to_close)) } } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct Child { rid: ResourceId, pid: u32, stdin_rid: Option<ResourceId>, stdout_rid: Option<ResourceId>, stderr_rid: Option<ResourceId>, ipc_pipe_rid: Option<ResourceId>, extra_pipe_rids: Vec<Option<ResourceId>>, } fn spawn_child( state: &mut OpState, command: std::process::Command, ipc_pipe_rid: Option<ResourceId>, extra_pipe_rids: Vec<Option<ResourceId>>, detached: bool, ) -> Result<Child, ProcessError> { let mut command = tokio::process::Command::from(command); // TODO(@crowlkats): allow detaching processes. // currently deno will orphan a process when exiting with an error or Deno.exit() // We want to kill child when it's closed if !detached { command.kill_on_drop(true); } let mut child = match command.spawn() { Ok(child) => child, Err(err) => { let command = command.as_std(); let command_name = command.get_program().to_string_lossy(); if let Some(cwd) = command.get_current_dir() { // launching a sub process always depends on the real // file system so using these methods directly is ok #[allow(clippy::disallowed_methods)] if !cwd.exists() { return Err( std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound, format!( "Failed to spawn '{}': No such cwd '{}'", command_name, cwd.to_string_lossy() ), ) .into(), ); } #[allow(clippy::disallowed_methods)] if !cwd.is_dir() { return Err( std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound, format!( "Failed to spawn '{}': cwd is not a directory '{}'", command_name, cwd.to_string_lossy() ), ) .into(), ); } } return Err(ProcessError::SpawnFailed { command: command.get_program().to_string_lossy().to_string(), error: Box::new(err.into()), }); } }; let pid = child.id().expect("Process ID should be set."); let stdin_rid = child .stdin .take() .map(|stdin| state.resource_table.add(ChildStdinResource::from(stdin))); let stdout_rid = child .stdout .take() .map(|stdout| state.resource_table.add(ChildStdoutResource::from(stdout))); let stderr_rid = child .stderr .take() .map(|stderr| state.resource_table.add(ChildStderrResource::from(stderr))); let child_rid = state .resource_table .add(ChildResource(RefCell::new(child), pid)); Ok(Child { rid: child_rid, pid, stdin_rid, stdout_rid, stderr_rid, ipc_pipe_rid, extra_pipe_rids, }) } fn compute_run_cmd_and_check_permissions( arg_cmd: &str, arg_cwd: Option<&str>, arg_envs: &[(String, String)], arg_clear_env: bool, state: &mut OpState, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(PathBuf, RunEnv), ProcessError> { let run_env = compute_run_env(arg_cwd, arg_envs, arg_clear_env).map_err(|e| { ProcessError::SpawnFailed { command: arg_cmd.to_string(), error: Box::new(e), } })?; let cmd = resolve_cmd(arg_cmd, &run_env).map_err(|e| ProcessError::SpawnFailed { command: arg_cmd.to_string(), error: Box::new(e), })?; check_run_permission( state, &RunQueryDescriptor::Path { requested: arg_cmd.to_string(), resolved: cmd.clone(), }, &run_env, api_name, )?; Ok((cmd, run_env)) } struct RunEnv { envs: HashMap<OsString, OsString>, cwd: PathBuf, } /// Computes the current environment, which will then be used to inform /// permissions and finally spawning. This is very important to compute /// ahead of time so that the environment used to verify permissions is /// the same environment used to spawn the sub command. This protects against /// someone doing timing attacks by changing the environment on a worker. fn compute_run_env( arg_cwd: Option<&str>, arg_envs: &[(String, String)], arg_clear_env: bool, ) -> Result<RunEnv, ProcessError> { #[allow(clippy::disallowed_methods)] let cwd = std::env::current_dir().map_err(ProcessError::FailedResolvingCwd)?; let cwd = arg_cwd .map(|cwd_arg| resolve_path(cwd_arg, &cwd)) .unwrap_or(cwd); let envs = if arg_clear_env { arg_envs .iter() .map(|(k, v)| (OsString::from(k), OsString::from(v))) .collect() } else { let mut envs = std::env::vars_os() .map(|(k, v)| { ( if cfg!(windows) { k.to_ascii_uppercase() } else { k }, v, ) }) .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(); for (key, value) in arg_envs { envs.insert( OsString::from(if cfg!(windows) { key.to_ascii_uppercase() } else { key.clone() }), OsString::from(value.clone()), ); } envs }; Ok(RunEnv { envs, cwd }) } fn resolve_cmd(cmd: &str, env: &RunEnv) -> Result<PathBuf, ProcessError> { let is_path = cmd.contains('/'); #[cfg(windows)] let is_path = is_path || cmd.contains('\\') || Path::new(&cmd).is_absolute(); if is_path { Ok(resolve_path(cmd, &env.cwd)) } else { let path = env.envs.get(&OsString::from("PATH")); match which::which_in(cmd, path, &env.cwd) { Ok(cmd) => Ok(cmd), Err(which::Error::CannotFindBinaryPath) => { Err(std::io::Error::from(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound).into()) } Err(err) => Err(ProcessError::Which(err)), } } } fn resolve_path(path: &str, cwd: &Path) -> PathBuf { deno_path_util::normalize_path(cwd.join(path)) } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum CheckRunPermissionError { #[error(transparent)] Permission(#[from] deno_permissions::PermissionCheckError), #[error("{0}")] Other(deno_core::error::AnyError), } fn check_run_permission( state: &mut OpState, cmd: &RunQueryDescriptor, run_env: &RunEnv, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), CheckRunPermissionError> { let permissions = state.borrow_mut::<PermissionsContainer>(); if !permissions.query_run_all(api_name) { // error the same on all platforms let env_var_names = get_requires_allow_all_env_vars(run_env); if !env_var_names.is_empty() { // we don't allow users to launch subprocesses with any LD_ or DYLD_* // env vars set because this allows executing code (ex. LD_PRELOAD) return Err(CheckRunPermissionError::Other(deno_core::error::custom_error( "NotCapable", format!( "Requires --allow-all permissions to spawn subprocess with {} environment variable{}.", env_var_names.join(", "), if env_var_names.len() != 1 { "s" } else { "" } ) ))); } permissions.check_run(cmd, api_name)?; } Ok(()) } fn get_requires_allow_all_env_vars(env: &RunEnv) -> Vec<&str> { fn requires_allow_all(key: &str) -> bool { let key = key.trim(); // we could be more targted here, but there are quite a lot of // LD_* and DYLD_* env variables key.starts_with("LD_") || key.starts_with("DYLD_") } fn is_empty(value: &OsString) -> bool { value.is_empty() || value.to_str().map(|v| v.trim().is_empty()).unwrap_or(false) } let mut found_envs = env .envs .iter() .filter_map(|(k, v)| { let key = k.to_str()?; if requires_allow_all(key) && !is_empty(v) { Some(key) } else { None } }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); found_envs.sort(); found_envs } #[op2] #[serde] fn op_spawn_child( state: &mut OpState, #[serde] args: SpawnArgs, #[string] api_name: String, ) -> Result<Child, ProcessError> { let detached = args.detached; let (command, pipe_rid, extra_pipe_rids, handles_to_close) = create_command(state, args, &api_name)?; let child = spawn_child(state, command, pipe_rid, extra_pipe_rids, detached); for handle in handles_to_close { deno_io::close_raw_handle(handle); } child } #[op2(async)] #[allow(clippy::await_holding_refcell_ref)] #[serde] async fn op_spawn_wait( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<ChildStatus, ProcessError> { let resource = state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .get::<ChildResource>(rid) .map_err(ProcessError::Resource)?; let result = resource .0 .try_borrow_mut() .map_err(ProcessError::BorrowMut)? .wait() .await? .try_into()?; if let Ok(resource) = state.borrow_mut().resource_table.take_any(rid) { resource.close(); } Ok(result) } #[op2] #[serde] fn op_spawn_sync( state: &mut OpState, #[serde] args: SpawnArgs, ) -> Result<SpawnOutput, ProcessError> { let stdout = matches!(args.stdio.stdout, StdioOrRid::Stdio(Stdio::Piped)); let stderr = matches!(args.stdio.stderr, StdioOrRid::Stdio(Stdio::Piped)); let (mut command, _, _, _) = create_command(state, args, "Deno.Command().outputSync()")?; let output = command.output().map_err(|e| ProcessError::SpawnFailed { command: command.get_program().to_string_lossy().to_string(), error: Box::new(e.into()), })?; Ok(SpawnOutput { status: output.status.try_into()?, stdout: if stdout { Some(output.stdout.into()) } else { None }, stderr: if stderr { Some(output.stderr.into()) } else { None }, }) } #[op2(fast)] fn op_spawn_kill( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, #[string] signal: String, ) -> Result<(), ProcessError> { if let Ok(child_resource) = state.resource_table.get::<ChildResource>(rid) { deprecated::kill(child_resource.1 as i32, &signal)?; return Ok(()); } Err(ProcessError::ChildProcessAlreadyTerminated) } mod deprecated { use super::*; #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct RunArgs { cmd: Vec<String>, cwd: Option<String>, env: Vec<(String, String)>, stdin: StdioOrRid, stdout: StdioOrRid, stderr: StdioOrRid, } struct ChildResource { child: AsyncRefCell<tokio::process::Child>, } impl Resource for ChildResource { fn name(&self) -> Cow<str> { "child".into() } } impl ChildResource { fn borrow_mut(self: Rc<Self>) -> AsyncMutFuture<tokio::process::Child> { RcRef::map(self, |r| &r.child).borrow_mut() } } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] // TODO(@AaronO): maybe find a more descriptive name or a convention for return structs pub struct RunInfo { rid: ResourceId, pid: Option<u32>, stdin_rid: Option<ResourceId>, stdout_rid: Option<ResourceId>, stderr_rid: Option<ResourceId>, } #[op2] #[serde] pub fn op_run( state: &mut OpState, #[serde] run_args: RunArgs, ) -> Result<RunInfo, ProcessError> { let args = run_args.cmd; let cmd = args.first().ok_or(ProcessError::MissingCmd)?; let (cmd, run_env) = compute_run_cmd_and_check_permissions( cmd, run_args.cwd.as_deref(), &run_args.env, /* clear env */ false, state, "Deno.run()", )?; let mut c = Command::new(cmd); for arg in args.iter().skip(1) { c.arg(arg); } c.current_dir(run_env.cwd); c.env_clear(); for (key, value) in run_env.envs { c.env(key, value); } #[cfg(unix)] // TODO(bartlomieju): #[allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)] unsafe { c.pre_exec(|| { libc::setgroups(0, std::ptr::null()); Ok(()) }); } // TODO: make this work with other resources, eg. sockets c.stdin(run_args.stdin.as_stdio(state)?); c.stdout( match run_args.stdout { StdioOrRid::Stdio(Stdio::Inherit) => StdioOrRid::Rid(1), value => value, } .as_stdio(state)?, ); c.stderr( match run_args.stderr { StdioOrRid::Stdio(Stdio::Inherit) => StdioOrRid::Rid(2), value => value, } .as_stdio(state)?, ); // We want to kill child when it's closed c.kill_on_drop(true); // Spawn the command. let mut child = c.spawn()?; let pid = child.id(); let stdin_rid = match child.stdin.take() { Some(child_stdin) => { let rid = state .resource_table .add(ChildStdinResource::from(child_stdin)); Some(rid) } None => None, }; let stdout_rid = match child.stdout.take() { Some(child_stdout) => { let rid = state .resource_table .add(ChildStdoutResource::from(child_stdout)); Some(rid) } None => None, }; let stderr_rid = match child.stderr.take() { Some(child_stderr) => { let rid = state .resource_table .add(ChildStderrResource::from(child_stderr)); Some(rid) } None => None, }; let child_resource = ChildResource { child: AsyncRefCell::new(child), }; let child_rid = state.resource_table.add(child_resource); Ok(RunInfo { rid: child_rid, pid, stdin_rid, stdout_rid, stderr_rid, }) } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct ProcessStatus { got_signal: bool, exit_code: i32, exit_signal: i32, } #[op2(async)] #[serde] pub async fn op_run_status( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, #[smi] rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<ProcessStatus, ProcessError> { let resource = state .borrow_mut() .resource_table .get::<ChildResource>(rid) .map_err(ProcessError::Resource)?; let mut child = resource.borrow_mut().await; let run_status = child.wait().await?; let code = run_status.code(); #[cfg(unix)] let signal = run_status.signal(); #[cfg(not(unix))] let signal = Default::default(); code .or(signal) .expect("Should have either an exit code or a signal."); let got_signal = signal.is_some(); Ok(ProcessStatus { got_signal, exit_code: code.unwrap_or(-1), exit_signal: signal.unwrap_or(-1), }) } #[cfg(unix)] pub fn kill(pid: i32, signal: &str) -> Result<(), ProcessError> { let signo = super::super::signal::signal_str_to_int(signal)?; use nix::sys::signal::kill as unix_kill; use nix::sys::signal::Signal; use nix::unistd::Pid; let sig = Signal::try_from(signo).map_err(ProcessError::Nix)?; unix_kill(Pid::from_raw(pid), Some(sig)).map_err(ProcessError::Nix) } #[cfg(not(unix))] pub fn kill(pid: i32, signal: &str) -> Result<(), ProcessError> { use std::io::Error; use std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound; use winapi::shared::minwindef::DWORD; use winapi::shared::minwindef::FALSE; use winapi::shared::minwindef::TRUE; use winapi::shared::winerror::ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; use winapi::um::errhandlingapi::GetLastError; use winapi::um::handleapi::CloseHandle; use winapi::um::processthreadsapi::OpenProcess; use winapi::um::processthreadsapi::TerminateProcess; use winapi::um::winnt::PROCESS_TERMINATE; if !matches!(signal, "SIGKILL" | "SIGTERM") { Err(SignalError::InvalidSignalStr(signal.to_string()).into()) } else if pid <= 0 { Err(ProcessError::InvalidPid) } else { let handle = // SAFETY: winapi call unsafe { OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, pid as DWORD) }; if handle.is_null() { // SAFETY: winapi call let err = match unsafe { GetLastError() } { ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER => Error::from(NotFound), // Invalid `pid`. errno => Error::from_raw_os_error(errno as i32), }; Err(err.into()) } else { // SAFETY: winapi calls unsafe { let is_terminated = TerminateProcess(handle, 1); CloseHandle(handle); match is_terminated { FALSE => Err(Error::last_os_error().into()), TRUE => Ok(()), _ => unreachable!(), } } } } } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_kill( state: &mut OpState, #[smi] pid: i32, #[string] signal: String, #[string] api_name: String, ) -> Result<(), ProcessError> { state .borrow_mut::<PermissionsContainer>() .check_run_all(&api_name)?; kill(pid, &signal) } }