// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::error::custom_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::serde_json::Value; use dissimilar::diff; use dissimilar::Chunk; use lspower::jsonrpc; use lspower::lsp; use lspower::lsp::TextEdit; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ops::Bound; use std::ops::RangeBounds; use text_size::TextRange; use text_size::TextSize; fn partition_point<T, P>(slice: &[T], mut predicate: P) -> usize where P: FnMut(&T) -> bool, { let mut left = 0; let mut right = slice.len(); while left != right { let mid = left + (right - left) / 2; // SAFETY: // When left < right, left <= mid < right. // Therefore left always increases and right always decreases, // and either of them is selected. // In both cases left <= right is satisfied. // Therefore if left < right in a step, // left <= right is satisfied in the next step. // Therefore as long as left != right, 0 <= left < right <= len is satisfied // and if this case 0 <= mid < len is satisfied too. let value = unsafe { slice.get_unchecked(mid) }; if predicate(value) { left = mid + 1; } else { right = mid; } } left } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub struct Utf16Char { pub start: TextSize, pub end: TextSize, } impl Utf16Char { fn len(&self) -> TextSize { self.end - self.start } fn len_utf16(&self) -> usize { if self.len() == TextSize::from(4) { 2 } else { 1 } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct LineIndex { utf8_offsets: Vec<TextSize>, utf16_lines: HashMap<u32, Vec<Utf16Char>>, utf16_offsets: Vec<TextSize>, } impl LineIndex { pub fn new(text: &str) -> LineIndex { let mut utf16_lines = HashMap::new(); let mut utf16_chars = Vec::new(); let mut utf8_offsets = vec![0.into()]; let mut utf16_offsets = vec![0.into()]; let mut curr_row = 0.into(); let mut curr_col = 0.into(); let mut curr_offset_u16 = 0.into(); let mut line = 0; for c in text.chars() { let c_len = TextSize::of(c); curr_row += c_len; curr_offset_u16 += TextSize::from(c.len_utf16() as u32); if c == '\n' { utf8_offsets.push(curr_row); utf16_offsets.push(curr_offset_u16); if !utf16_chars.is_empty() { utf16_lines.insert(line, utf16_chars); utf16_chars = Vec::new(); } curr_col = 0.into(); line += 1; continue; } if !c.is_ascii() { utf16_chars.push(Utf16Char { start: curr_col, end: curr_col + c_len, }); } curr_col += c_len; } if !utf16_chars.is_empty() { utf16_lines.insert(line, utf16_chars); } LineIndex { utf8_offsets, utf16_lines, utf16_offsets, } } /// Convert a u16 based range to a u8 TextRange. pub fn get_text_range( &self, range: lsp::Range, ) -> Result<TextRange, AnyError> { let start = self.offset(range.start)?; let end = self.offset(range.end)?; Ok(TextRange::new(start, end)) } /// Return a u8 offset based on a u16 position. pub fn offset(&self, position: lsp::Position) -> Result<TextSize, AnyError> { let col = self.utf16_to_utf8_col(position.line, position.character); if let Some(line_offset) = self.utf8_offsets.get(position.line as usize) { Ok(line_offset + col) } else { Err(custom_error("OutOfRange", "The position is out of range.")) } } /// Convert an lsp Position into a tsc/TypeScript "position", which is really /// an u16 byte offset from the start of the string represented as an u32. pub fn offset_tsc(&self, position: lsp::Position) -> jsonrpc::Result<u32> { self .offset_utf16(position) .map(|ts| ts.into()) .map_err(|err| jsonrpc::Error::invalid_params(err.to_string())) } fn offset_utf16( &self, position: lsp::Position, ) -> Result<TextSize, AnyError> { if let Some(line_offset) = self.utf16_offsets.get(position.line as usize) { Ok(line_offset + TextSize::from(position.character)) } else { Err(custom_error("OutOfRange", "The position is out of range.")) } } /// Returns a u16 position based on a u16 offset, which TypeScript offsets are /// returned as u16. pub fn position_tsc(&self, offset: TextSize) -> lsp::Position { let line = partition_point(&self.utf16_offsets, |&it| it <= offset) - 1; let line_start_offset = self.utf16_offsets[line]; let col = offset - line_start_offset; lsp::Position { line: line as u32, character: col.into(), } } /// Returns a u16 position based on a u8 offset. pub fn position_utf16(&self, offset: TextSize) -> lsp::Position { let line = partition_point(&self.utf16_offsets, |&it| it <= offset) - 1; let line_start_offset = self.utf16_offsets[line]; let col = offset - line_start_offset; lsp::Position { line: line as u32, character: col.into(), } } fn utf16_to_utf8_col(&self, line: u32, mut col: u32) -> TextSize { if let Some(utf16_chars) = self.utf16_lines.get(&line) { for c in utf16_chars { if col > u32::from(c.start) { col += u32::from(c.len()) - c.len_utf16() as u32; } else { break; } } } col.into() } } /// Compare two strings and return a vector of text edit records which are /// supported by the Language Server Protocol. pub fn get_edits( a: &str, b: &str, maybe_line_index: Option<LineIndex>, ) -> Vec<TextEdit> { if a == b { return vec![]; } let chunks = diff(a, b); let mut text_edits = Vec::<TextEdit>::new(); let line_index = if let Some(line_index) = maybe_line_index { line_index } else { LineIndex::new(a) }; let mut iter = chunks.iter().peekable(); let mut a_pos = TextSize::from(0); loop { let chunk = iter.next(); match chunk { None => break, Some(Chunk::Equal(e)) => { a_pos += TextSize::from(e.encode_utf16().count() as u32); } Some(Chunk::Delete(d)) => { let start = line_index.position_utf16(a_pos); a_pos += TextSize::from(d.encode_utf16().count() as u32); let end = line_index.position_utf16(a_pos); let range = lsp::Range { start, end }; match iter.peek() { Some(Chunk::Insert(i)) => { iter.next(); text_edits.push(TextEdit { range, new_text: i.to_string(), }); } _ => text_edits.push(TextEdit { range, new_text: "".to_string(), }), } } Some(Chunk::Insert(i)) => { let pos = line_index.position_utf16(a_pos); let range = lsp::Range { start: pos, end: pos, }; text_edits.push(TextEdit { range, new_text: i.to_string(), }); } } } text_edits } /// Convert a difference between two strings into a change range used by the /// TypeScript Language Service. pub fn get_range_change(a: &str, b: &str) -> Value { if a == b { return json!(null); } let chunks = diff(a, b); let mut iter = chunks.iter().peekable(); let mut started = false; let mut start = 0; let mut end = 0; let mut new_length = 0; let mut equal = 0; let mut a_pos = 0; loop { let diff = iter.next(); match diff { None => break, Some(Chunk::Equal(e)) => { a_pos += e.encode_utf16().count(); equal += e.encode_utf16().count(); } Some(Chunk::Delete(d)) => { if !started { start = a_pos; started = true; equal = 0; } a_pos += d.encode_utf16().count(); if started { end = a_pos; new_length += equal; equal = 0; } } Some(Chunk::Insert(i)) => { if !started { start = a_pos; end = a_pos; started = true; equal = 0; } else { end += equal; } new_length += i.encode_utf16().count() + equal; equal = 0; } } } json!({ "span": { "start": start, "length": end - start, }, "newLength": new_length, }) } /// Provide a slice of a string based on a character range. pub fn slice(s: &str, range: impl RangeBounds<usize>) -> &str { let start = match range.start_bound() { Bound::Included(bound) | Bound::Excluded(bound) => *bound, Bound::Unbounded => 0, }; let len = match range.end_bound() { Bound::Included(bound) => *bound + 1, Bound::Excluded(bound) => *bound, Bound::Unbounded => s.encode_utf16().count(), } - start; substring(s, start, start + len) } /// Provide a substring based on the start and end character index positions. pub fn substring(s: &str, start: usize, end: usize) -> &str { let len = end - start; let mut char_pos = 0; let mut byte_start = 0; let mut it = s.chars(); loop { if char_pos == start { break; } if let Some(c) = it.next() { char_pos += c.len_utf16(); byte_start += c.len_utf8(); } else { break; } } char_pos = 0; let mut byte_end = byte_start; loop { if char_pos == len { break; } if let Some(c) = it.next() { char_pos += c.len_utf16(); byte_end += c.len_utf8(); } else { break; } } &s[byte_start..byte_end] } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_line_index() { let text = "hello\nworld"; let index = LineIndex::new(text); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(0.into()), lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 0 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(1.into()), lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 1 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(5.into()), lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 5 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(6.into()), lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 0 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(7.into()), lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 1 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(8.into()), lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 2 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(10.into()), lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 4 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(11.into()), lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 5 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(12.into()), lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 6 } ); let text = "\nhello\nworld"; let index = LineIndex::new(text); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(0.into()), lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 0 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(1.into()), lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 0 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(2.into()), lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 1 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(6.into()), lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 5 } ); assert_eq!( index.position_utf16(7.into()), lsp::Position { line: 2, character: 0 } ); } #[test] fn test_char_len() { assert_eq!('γ‘'.len_utf8(), 3); assert_eq!('γ‘'.len_utf16(), 1); assert_eq!('ηΌ'.len_utf8(), 3); assert_eq!('ηΌ'.len_utf16(), 1); assert_eq!('π¦'.len_utf8(), 4); assert_eq!('π¦'.len_utf16(), 2); } #[test] fn test_empty_index() { let col_index = LineIndex::new( " const C: char = 'x'; ", ); assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_lines.len(), 0); } #[test] fn test_single_char() { let col_index = LineIndex::new( " const C: char = 'γ‘'; ", ); assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_lines.len(), 1); assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_lines[&1].len(), 1); assert_eq!( col_index.utf16_lines[&1][0], Utf16Char { start: 17.into(), end: 20.into() } ); // UTF-16 to UTF-8, no changes assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_to_utf8_col(1, 15), TextSize::from(15)); // UTF-16 to UTF-8 assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_to_utf8_col(1, 19), TextSize::from(21)); let col_index = LineIndex::new("aπb"); assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_to_utf8_col(0, 3), TextSize::from(5)); } #[test] fn test_string() { let col_index = LineIndex::new( " const C: char = \"γ‘ γ‘\"; ", ); assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_lines.len(), 1); assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_lines[&1].len(), 2); assert_eq!( col_index.utf16_lines[&1][0], Utf16Char { start: 17.into(), end: 20.into() } ); assert_eq!( col_index.utf16_lines[&1][1], Utf16Char { start: 21.into(), end: 24.into() } ); // UTF-16 to UTF-8 assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_to_utf8_col(1, 15), TextSize::from(15)); // γ‘ UTF-8: 0xE3 0x83 0xA1, UTF-16: 0x30E1 assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_to_utf8_col(1, 17), TextSize::from(17)); // first γ‘ at 17..20 assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_to_utf8_col(1, 18), TextSize::from(20)); // space assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_to_utf8_col(1, 19), TextSize::from(21)); // second γ‘ at 21..24 assert_eq!(col_index.utf16_to_utf8_col(2, 15), TextSize::from(15)); } #[test] fn test_get_edits() { let a = "abcdefg"; let b = "a\nb\nchije\nfg\n"; let actual = get_edits(a, b, None); assert_eq!( actual, vec![ TextEdit { range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 1 }, end: lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 5 } }, new_text: "\nb\nchije\n".to_string() }, TextEdit { range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 7 }, end: lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 7 } }, new_text: "\n".to_string() }, ] ); } #[test] fn test_get_edits_mbc() { let a = "const bar = \"ππΊπΈπ\";\nconsole.log('hello deno')\n"; let b = "const bar = \"ππΊπΈπ\";\nconsole.log(\"hello deno\");\n"; let actual = get_edits(a, b, None); assert_eq!( actual, vec![ TextEdit { range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 12 }, end: lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 13 } }, new_text: "\"".to_string() }, TextEdit { range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 23 }, end: lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 25 } }, new_text: "\");".to_string() }, ] ) } #[test] fn test_get_range_change() { let a = "abcdefg"; let b = "abcdefg"; let actual = get_range_change(a, b); assert_eq!(actual, json!(null)); let a = "abcdefg"; let b = "abedcfg"; let actual = get_range_change(a, b); assert_eq!( actual, json!({ "span": { "start": 2, "length": 3, }, "newLength": 3 }) ); let a = "abfg"; let b = "abcdefg"; let actual = get_range_change(a, b); assert_eq!( actual, json!({ "span": { "start": 2, "length": 0, }, "newLength": 3 }) ); let a = "abcdefg"; let b = "abfg"; let actual = get_range_change(a, b); assert_eq!( actual, json!({ "span": { "start": 2, "length": 3, }, "newLength": 0 }) ); let a = "abcdefg"; let b = "abfghij"; let actual = get_range_change(a, b); assert_eq!( actual, json!({ "span": { "start": 2, "length": 5, }, "newLength": 5 }) ); let a = "abcdefghijk"; let b = "axcxexfxixk"; let actual = get_range_change(a, b); assert_eq!( actual, json!({ "span": { "start": 1, "length": 9, }, "newLength": 9 }) ); let a = "abcde"; let b = "ab(c)de"; let actual = get_range_change(a, b); assert_eq!( actual, json!({ "span" : { "start": 2, "length": 1, }, "newLength": 3 }) ); let a = "hello π¦!"; let b = "hello deno!"; let actual = get_range_change(a, b); assert_eq!( actual, json!({ "span": { "start": 6, "length": 2, }, "newLength": 4 }) ); let a = "hello deno!"; let b = "hello denoπ¦!"; let actual = get_range_change(a, b); assert_eq!( actual, json!({ "span": { "start": 10, "length": 0, }, "newLength": 2 }) ); // TODO(@kitsonk): https://github.com/dtolnay/dissimilar/issues/5 // let a = r#" π¦πΊπΈπ "#; // let b = r#" πΊπΈπ "#; // let actual = get_range_change(a, b); // assert_eq!( // actual, // json!({ // "span": { // "start": 1, // "length": 2, // }, // "newLength": 0 // }) // ); } #[test] fn test_substring() { assert_eq!(substring("Deno", 1, 3), "en"); assert_eq!(substring("yΜyΜ", 2, 4), "yΜ"); assert_eq!(substring("π¦π¦", 2, 4), "π¦"); } #[test] fn test_slice() { assert_eq!(slice("Deno", 1..3), "en"); assert_eq!(slice("Deno", 1..=3), "eno"); assert_eq!(slice("Deno Land", 1..), "eno Land"); assert_eq!(slice("Deno", ..3), "Den"); assert_eq!(slice("Hello π¦", 6..8), "π¦"); } }