mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 16:12:26 -05:00
The `NpmPackageId` struct is being renamed to `NpmPackageNodeId`. In a future PR it will be moved down into only npm dependency resolution and a `NpmPackageId` struct will be introduced in `deno_graph` that only has the name and version of the package (no peer dependency identifier information). So a `NpmPackageReq` will map to an `NpmPackageId`, which will map to an `NpmPackageNodeId` in the npm resolution.
461 lines
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461 lines
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;
use deno_core::futures;
use deno_core::parking_lot::RwLock;
use deno_graph::npm::NpmPackageReq;
use deno_graph::semver::Version;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::args::Lockfile;
use self::graph::GraphDependencyResolver;
use self::snapshot::NpmPackagesPartitioned;
use super::cache::should_sync_download;
use super::cache::NpmPackageCacheFolderId;
use super::registry::NpmPackageVersionDistInfo;
use super::registry::RealNpmRegistryApi;
use super::NpmRegistryApi;
mod graph;
mod snapshot;
mod specifier;
use graph::Graph;
pub use snapshot::NpmResolutionSnapshot;
pub use specifier::resolve_graph_npm_info;
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
#[error("Invalid npm package id '{text}'. {message}")]
pub struct NpmPackageNodeIdDeserializationError {
message: String,
text: String,
/// A resolved unique identifier for an npm package. This contains
/// the resolved name, version, and peer dependency resolution identifiers.
Debug, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize,
pub struct NpmPackageNodeId {
pub name: String,
pub version: Version,
pub peer_dependencies: Vec<NpmPackageNodeId>,
impl NpmPackageNodeId {
pub fn scope(&self) -> Option<&str> {
if self.name.starts_with('@') && self.name.contains('/') {
} else {
pub fn as_serialized(&self) -> String {
fn as_serialized_with_level(&self, level: usize) -> String {
// WARNING: This should not change because it's used in the lockfile
let mut result = format!(
if level == 0 {
} else {
self.name.replace('/', "+")
for peer in &self.peer_dependencies {
// unfortunately we can't do something like `_3` when
// this gets deep because npm package names can start
// with a number
result.push_str(&"_".repeat(level + 1));
result.push_str(&peer.as_serialized_with_level(level + 1));
pub fn from_serialized(
id: &str,
) -> Result<Self, NpmPackageNodeIdDeserializationError> {
use monch::*;
fn parse_name(input: &str) -> ParseResult<&str> {
if_not_empty(substring(move |input| {
for (pos, c) in input.char_indices() {
// first character might be a scope, so skip it
if pos > 0 && c == '@' {
return Ok((&input[pos..], ()));
fn parse_version(input: &str) -> ParseResult<&str> {
if_not_empty(substring(skip_while(|c| c != '_')))(input)
fn parse_name_and_version(input: &str) -> ParseResult<(String, Version)> {
let (input, name) = parse_name(input)?;
let (input, _) = ch('@')(input)?;
let at_version_input = input;
let (input, version) = parse_version(input)?;
match Version::parse_from_npm(version) {
Ok(version) => Ok((input, (name.to_string(), version))),
Err(err) => ParseError::fail(at_version_input, format!("{err:#}")),
fn parse_level_at_level<'a>(
level: usize,
) -> impl Fn(&'a str) -> ParseResult<'a, ()> {
fn parse_level(input: &str) -> ParseResult<usize> {
let level = input.chars().take_while(|c| *c == '_').count();
Ok((&input[level..], level))
move |input| {
let (input, parsed_level) = parse_level(input)?;
if parsed_level == level {
Ok((input, ()))
} else {
fn parse_peers_at_level<'a>(
level: usize,
) -> impl Fn(&'a str) -> ParseResult<'a, Vec<NpmPackageNodeId>> {
move |mut input| {
let mut peers = Vec::new();
while let Ok((level_input, _)) = parse_level_at_level(level)(input) {
input = level_input;
let peer_result = parse_id_at_level(level)(input)?;
input = peer_result.0;
Ok((input, peers))
fn parse_id_at_level<'a>(
level: usize,
) -> impl Fn(&'a str) -> ParseResult<'a, NpmPackageNodeId> {
move |input| {
let (input, (name, version)) = parse_name_and_version(input)?;
let name = if level > 0 {
name.replace('+', "/")
} else {
let (input, peer_dependencies) =
parse_peers_at_level(level + 1)(input)?;
NpmPackageNodeId {
with_failure_handling(parse_id_at_level(0))(id).map_err(|err| {
NpmPackageNodeIdDeserializationError {
message: format!("{err:#}"),
text: id.to_string(),
pub fn display(&self) -> String {
// Don't implement std::fmt::Display because we don't
// want this to be used by accident in certain scenarios.
format!("{}@{}", self.name, self.version)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct NpmResolutionPackage {
pub id: NpmPackageNodeId,
/// The peer dependency resolution can differ for the same
/// package (name and version) depending on where it is in
/// the resolution tree. This copy index indicates which
/// copy of the package this is.
pub copy_index: usize,
pub dist: NpmPackageVersionDistInfo,
/// Key is what the package refers to the other package as,
/// which could be different from the package name.
pub dependencies: HashMap<String, NpmPackageNodeId>,
impl NpmResolutionPackage {
pub fn get_package_cache_folder_id(&self) -> NpmPackageCacheFolderId {
NpmPackageCacheFolderId {
name: self.id.name.clone(),
version: self.id.version.clone(),
copy_index: self.copy_index,
pub struct NpmResolution {
api: RealNpmRegistryApi,
snapshot: RwLock<NpmResolutionSnapshot>,
update_semaphore: tokio::sync::Semaphore,
impl std::fmt::Debug for NpmResolution {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let snapshot = self.snapshot.read();
.field("snapshot", &snapshot)
impl NpmResolution {
pub fn new(
api: RealNpmRegistryApi,
initial_snapshot: Option<NpmResolutionSnapshot>,
) -> Self {
Self {
snapshot: RwLock::new(initial_snapshot.unwrap_or_default()),
update_semaphore: tokio::sync::Semaphore::new(1),
pub async fn add_package_reqs(
package_reqs: Vec<NpmPackageReq>,
) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
// only allow one thread in here at a time
let _permit = self.update_semaphore.acquire().await?;
let snapshot = self.snapshot.read().clone();
let snapshot = self
.add_package_reqs_to_snapshot(package_reqs, snapshot)
*self.snapshot.write() = snapshot;
pub async fn set_package_reqs(
package_reqs: HashSet<NpmPackageReq>,
) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
// only allow one thread in here at a time
let _permit = self.update_semaphore.acquire().await?;
let snapshot = self.snapshot.read().clone();
let has_removed_package = !snapshot
.all(|req| package_reqs.contains(req));
// if any packages were removed, we need to completely recreate the npm resolution snapshot
let snapshot = if has_removed_package {
} else {
let snapshot = self
*self.snapshot.write() = snapshot;
async fn add_package_reqs_to_snapshot(
package_reqs: Vec<NpmPackageReq>,
snapshot: NpmResolutionSnapshot,
) -> Result<NpmResolutionSnapshot, AnyError> {
// convert the snapshot to a traversable graph
let mut graph = Graph::from_snapshot(snapshot);
// go over the top level package names first, then down the
// tree one level at a time through all the branches
let mut unresolved_tasks = Vec::with_capacity(package_reqs.len());
let mut resolving_package_names =
for package_req in &package_reqs {
if graph.has_package_req(package_req) {
// skip analyzing this package, as there's already a matching top level package
if !resolving_package_names.insert(package_req.name.clone()) {
continue; // already resolving
// cache the package info up front in parallel
if should_sync_download() {
// for deterministic test output
} else {
let api = self.api.clone();
let package_name = package_req.name.clone();
unresolved_tasks.push(tokio::task::spawn(async move {
// This is ok to call because api will internally cache
// the package information in memory.
for result in futures::future::join_all(unresolved_tasks).await {
result??; // surface the first error
let mut resolver = GraphDependencyResolver::new(&mut graph, &self.api);
// These package_reqs should already be sorted in the order they should
// be resolved in.
for package_req in package_reqs {
// avoid loading the info if this is already in the graph
if !resolver.has_package_req(&package_req) {
let info = self.api.package_info(&package_req.name).await?;
resolver.add_package_req(&package_req, &info)?;
let result = graph.into_snapshot(&self.api).await;
pub fn resolve_package_from_id(
id: &NpmPackageNodeId,
) -> Option<NpmResolutionPackage> {
pub fn resolve_package_cache_folder_id_from_id(
id: &NpmPackageNodeId,
) -> Option<NpmPackageCacheFolderId> {
.map(|p| p.get_package_cache_folder_id())
pub fn resolve_package_from_package(
name: &str,
referrer: &NpmPackageCacheFolderId,
) -> Result<NpmResolutionPackage, AnyError> {
.resolve_package_from_package(name, referrer)
/// Resolve a node package from a deno module.
pub fn resolve_package_from_deno_module(
package: &NpmPackageReq,
) -> Result<NpmResolutionPackage, AnyError> {
pub fn all_packages_partitioned(&self) -> NpmPackagesPartitioned {
pub fn has_packages(&self) -> bool {
pub fn snapshot(&self) -> NpmResolutionSnapshot {
pub fn lock(&self, lockfile: &mut Lockfile) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
let snapshot = self.snapshot.read();
for (package_req, package_id) in snapshot.package_reqs.iter() {
for package in snapshot.all_packages() {
mod test {
use deno_graph::semver::Version;
use super::NpmPackageNodeId;
fn serialize_npm_package_id() {
let id = NpmPackageNodeId {
name: "pkg-a".to_string(),
version: Version::parse_from_npm("1.2.3").unwrap(),
peer_dependencies: vec![
NpmPackageNodeId {
name: "pkg-b".to_string(),
version: Version::parse_from_npm("3.2.1").unwrap(),
peer_dependencies: vec![
NpmPackageNodeId {
name: "pkg-c".to_string(),
version: Version::parse_from_npm("1.3.2").unwrap(),
peer_dependencies: vec![],
NpmPackageNodeId {
name: "pkg-d".to_string(),
version: Version::parse_from_npm("2.3.4").unwrap(),
peer_dependencies: vec![],
NpmPackageNodeId {
name: "pkg-e".to_string(),
version: Version::parse_from_npm("2.3.1").unwrap(),
peer_dependencies: vec![NpmPackageNodeId {
name: "pkg-f".to_string(),
version: Version::parse_from_npm("2.3.1").unwrap(),
peer_dependencies: vec![],
// this shouldn't change because it's used in the lockfile
let serialized = id.as_serialized();
assert_eq!(serialized, "pkg-a@1.2.3_pkg-b@3.2.1__pkg-c@1.3.2__pkg-d@2.3.4_pkg-e@2.3.1__pkg-f@2.3.1");
assert_eq!(NpmPackageNodeId::from_serialized(&serialized).unwrap(), id);