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https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GPUUncapturedErrorEvent Signed-off-by: Victor Turansky <victor.turansky@gmail.com>
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1803 lines
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any no-empty-interface
/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />
/// <reference lib="esnext" />
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
label?: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUSupportedLimits {
maxTextureDimension1D?: number;
maxTextureDimension2D?: number;
maxTextureDimension3D?: number;
maxTextureArrayLayers?: number;
maxBindGroups?: number;
maxBindingsPerBindGroup?: number;
maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout?: number;
maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout?: number;
maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage?: number;
maxSamplersPerShaderStage?: number;
maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage?: number;
maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage?: number;
maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage?: number;
maxUniformBufferBindingSize?: number;
maxStorageBufferBindingSize?: number;
minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment?: number;
minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment?: number;
maxVertexBuffers?: number;
maxBufferSize?: number;
maxVertexAttributes?: number;
maxVertexBufferArrayStride?: number;
maxInterStageShaderComponents?: number;
maxColorAttachments?: number;
maxColorAttachmentBytesPerSample?: number;
maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize?: number;
maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup?: number;
maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX?: number;
maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY?: number;
maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ?: number;
maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUSupportedFeatures {
callbackfn: (
value: GPUFeatureName,
value2: GPUFeatureName,
set: Set<GPUFeatureName>,
) => void,
thisArg?: any,
): void;
has(value: GPUFeatureName): boolean;
size: number;
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<GPUFeatureName>;
entries(): IterableIterator<[GPUFeatureName, GPUFeatureName]>;
keys(): IterableIterator<GPUFeatureName>;
values(): IterableIterator<GPUFeatureName>;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUAdapterInfo {
readonly vendor: string;
readonly architecture: string;
readonly device: string;
readonly description: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPU {
options?: GPURequestAdapterOptions,
): Promise<GPUAdapter | null>;
getPreferredCanvasFormat(): GPUTextureFormat;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPURequestAdapterOptions {
powerPreference?: GPUPowerPreference;
forceFallbackAdapter?: boolean;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUPowerPreference = "low-power" | "high-performance";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUAdapter {
readonly features: GPUSupportedFeatures;
readonly limits: GPUSupportedLimits;
readonly isFallbackAdapter: boolean;
requestDevice(descriptor?: GPUDeviceDescriptor): Promise<GPUDevice>;
requestAdapterInfo(): Promise<GPUAdapterInfo>;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUDeviceDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
requiredFeatures?: GPUFeatureName[];
requiredLimits?: Record<string, number>;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUFeatureName =
| "depth-clip-control"
| "depth32float-stencil8"
| "pipeline-statistics-query"
| "texture-compression-bc"
| "texture-compression-etc2"
| "texture-compression-astc"
| "timestamp-query"
| "indirect-first-instance"
| "shader-f16"
| "rg11b10ufloat-renderable"
| "bgra8unorm-storage"
| "float32-filterable"
// extended from spec
| "mappable-primary-buffers"
| "sampled-texture-binding-array"
| "sampled-texture-array-dynamic-indexing"
| "sampled-texture-array-non-uniform-indexing"
| "unsized-binding-array"
| "multi-draw-indirect"
| "multi-draw-indirect-count"
| "push-constants"
| "address-mode-clamp-to-border"
| "texture-adapter-specific-format-features"
| "shader-float64"
| "vertex-attribute-64bit";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUDevice extends EventTarget implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
readonly lost: Promise<GPUDeviceLostInfo>;
pushErrorScope(filter: GPUErrorFilter): undefined;
popErrorScope(): Promise<GPUError | null>;
readonly features: GPUSupportedFeatures;
readonly limits: GPUSupportedLimits;
readonly queue: GPUQueue;
destroy(): undefined;
createBuffer(descriptor: GPUBufferDescriptor): GPUBuffer;
createTexture(descriptor: GPUTextureDescriptor): GPUTexture;
createSampler(descriptor?: GPUSamplerDescriptor): GPUSampler;
descriptor: GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor,
): GPUBindGroupLayout;
descriptor: GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor,
): GPUPipelineLayout;
createBindGroup(descriptor: GPUBindGroupDescriptor): GPUBindGroup;
createShaderModule(descriptor: GPUShaderModuleDescriptor): GPUShaderModule;
descriptor: GPUComputePipelineDescriptor,
): GPUComputePipeline;
descriptor: GPURenderPipelineDescriptor,
): GPURenderPipeline;
descriptor: GPUComputePipelineDescriptor,
): Promise<GPUComputePipeline>;
descriptor: GPURenderPipelineDescriptor,
): Promise<GPURenderPipeline>;
descriptor?: GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor,
): GPUCommandEncoder;
descriptor: GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor,
): GPURenderBundleEncoder;
createQuerySet(descriptor: GPUQuerySetDescriptor): GPUQuerySet;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUBuffer implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
readonly size: number;
readonly usage: GPUFlagsConstant;
readonly mapState: GPUBufferMapState;
mode: GPUMapModeFlags,
offset?: number,
size?: number,
): Promise<undefined>;
getMappedRange(offset?: number, size?: number): ArrayBuffer;
unmap(): undefined;
destroy(): undefined;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUBufferMapState = "unmapped" | "pending" | "mapped";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUBufferDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
size: number;
usage: GPUBufferUsageFlags;
mappedAtCreation?: boolean;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUBufferUsageFlags = number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUFlagsConstant = number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUBufferUsage {
static MAP_READ: 0x0001;
static MAP_WRITE: 0x0002;
static COPY_SRC: 0x0004;
static COPY_DST: 0x0008;
static INDEX: 0x0010;
static VERTEX: 0x0020;
static UNIFORM: 0x0040;
static STORAGE: 0x0080;
static INDIRECT: 0x0100;
static QUERY_RESOLVE: 0x0200;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUMapModeFlags = number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUMapMode {
static READ: 0x0001;
static WRITE: 0x0002;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUTexture implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
createView(descriptor?: GPUTextureViewDescriptor): GPUTextureView;
destroy(): undefined;
readonly width: number;
readonly height: number;
readonly depthOrArrayLayers: number;
readonly mipLevelCount: number;
readonly sampleCount: number;
readonly dimension: GPUTextureDimension;
readonly format: GPUTextureFormat;
readonly usage: GPUFlagsConstant;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUTextureDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
size: GPUExtent3D;
mipLevelCount?: number;
sampleCount?: number;
dimension?: GPUTextureDimension;
format: GPUTextureFormat;
usage: GPUTextureUsageFlags;
viewFormats?: GPUTextureFormat[];
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUTextureDimension = "1d" | "2d" | "3d";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUTextureUsageFlags = number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUTextureUsage {
static COPY_SRC: 0x01;
static COPY_DST: 0x02;
static TEXTURE_BINDING: 0x04;
static STORAGE_BINDING: 0x08;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUTextureView implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUTextureViewDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
format?: GPUTextureFormat;
dimension?: GPUTextureViewDimension;
aspect?: GPUTextureAspect;
baseMipLevel?: number;
mipLevelCount?: number;
baseArrayLayer?: number;
arrayLayerCount?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUTextureViewDimension =
| "1d"
| "2d"
| "2d-array"
| "cube"
| "cube-array"
| "3d";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUTextureAspect = "all" | "stencil-only" | "depth-only";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUTextureFormat =
| "r8unorm"
| "r8snorm"
| "r8uint"
| "r8sint"
| "r16uint"
| "r16sint"
| "r16float"
| "rg8unorm"
| "rg8snorm"
| "rg8uint"
| "rg8sint"
| "r32uint"
| "r32sint"
| "r32float"
| "rg16uint"
| "rg16sint"
| "rg16float"
| "rgba8unorm"
| "rgba8unorm-srgb"
| "rgba8snorm"
| "rgba8uint"
| "rgba8sint"
| "bgra8unorm"
| "bgra8unorm-srgb"
| "rgb9e5ufloat"
| "rgb10a2uint"
| "rgb10a2unorm"
| "rg11b10ufloat"
| "rg32uint"
| "rg32sint"
| "rg32float"
| "rgba16uint"
| "rgba16sint"
| "rgba16float"
| "rgba32uint"
| "rgba32sint"
| "rgba32float"
| "stencil8"
| "depth16unorm"
| "depth24plus"
| "depth24plus-stencil8"
| "depth32float"
| "depth32float-stencil8"
| "bc1-rgba-unorm"
| "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb"
| "bc2-rgba-unorm"
| "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb"
| "bc3-rgba-unorm"
| "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb"
| "bc4-r-unorm"
| "bc4-r-snorm"
| "bc5-rg-unorm"
| "bc5-rg-snorm"
| "bc6h-rgb-ufloat"
| "bc6h-rgb-float"
| "bc7-rgba-unorm"
| "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb"
| "etc2-rgb8unorm"
| "etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb"
| "etc2-rgb8a1unorm"
| "etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb"
| "etc2-rgba8unorm"
| "etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb"
| "eac-r11unorm"
| "eac-r11snorm"
| "eac-rg11unorm"
| "eac-rg11snorm"
| "astc-4x4-unorm"
| "astc-4x4-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-5x4-unorm"
| "astc-5x4-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-5x5-unorm"
| "astc-5x5-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-6x5-unorm"
| "astc-6x5-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-6x6-unorm"
| "astc-6x6-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-8x5-unorm"
| "astc-8x5-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-8x6-unorm"
| "astc-8x6-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-8x8-unorm"
| "astc-8x8-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-10x5-unorm"
| "astc-10x5-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-10x6-unorm"
| "astc-10x6-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-10x8-unorm"
| "astc-10x8-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-10x10-unorm"
| "astc-10x10-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-12x10-unorm"
| "astc-12x10-unorm-srgb"
| "astc-12x12-unorm"
| "astc-12x12-unorm-srgb";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUSampler implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUSamplerDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
addressModeU?: GPUAddressMode;
addressModeV?: GPUAddressMode;
addressModeW?: GPUAddressMode;
magFilter?: GPUFilterMode;
minFilter?: GPUFilterMode;
mipmapFilter?: GPUMipmapFilterMode;
lodMinClamp?: number;
lodMaxClamp?: number;
compare?: GPUCompareFunction;
maxAnisotropy?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUAddressMode = "clamp-to-edge" | "repeat" | "mirror-repeat";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUFilterMode = "nearest" | "linear";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUMipmapFilterMode = "nearest" | "linear";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUCompareFunction =
| "never"
| "less"
| "equal"
| "less-equal"
| "greater"
| "not-equal"
| "greater-equal"
| "always";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUBindGroupLayout implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
entries: GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry[];
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: number;
visibility: GPUShaderStageFlags;
buffer?: GPUBufferBindingLayout;
sampler?: GPUSamplerBindingLayout;
texture?: GPUTextureBindingLayout;
storageTexture?: GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUShaderStageFlags = number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUShaderStage {
static VERTEX: 0x1;
static FRAGMENT: 0x2;
static COMPUTE: 0x4;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUBufferBindingLayout {
type?: GPUBufferBindingType;
hasDynamicOffset?: boolean;
minBindingSize?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUBufferBindingType = "uniform" | "storage" | "read-only-storage";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUSamplerBindingLayout {
type?: GPUSamplerBindingType;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUSamplerBindingType =
| "filtering"
| "non-filtering"
| "comparison";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUTextureBindingLayout {
sampleType?: GPUTextureSampleType;
viewDimension?: GPUTextureViewDimension;
multisampled?: boolean;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUTextureSampleType =
| "float"
| "unfilterable-float"
| "depth"
| "sint"
| "uint";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUStorageTextureAccess =
| "write-only"
| "read-only"
| "read-write";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout {
access: GPUStorageTextureAccess;
format: GPUTextureFormat;
viewDimension?: GPUTextureViewDimension;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUBindGroup implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUBindGroupDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
layout: GPUBindGroupLayout;
entries: GPUBindGroupEntry[];
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUBindingResource =
| GPUSampler
| GPUTextureView
| GPUBufferBinding;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUBindGroupEntry {
binding: number;
resource: GPUBindingResource;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUBufferBinding {
buffer: GPUBuffer;
offset?: number;
size?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUPipelineLayout implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
bindGroupLayouts: GPUBindGroupLayout[];
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUCompilationMessageType = "error" | "warning" | "info";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUCompilationMessage {
readonly message: string;
readonly type: GPUCompilationMessageType;
readonly lineNum: number;
readonly linePos: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUCompilationInfo {
readonly messages: ReadonlyArray<GPUCompilationMessage>;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUPipelineError extends DOMException {
constructor(message?: string, options?: GPUPipelineErrorInit);
readonly reason: GPUPipelineErrorReason;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUPipelineErrorInit {
reason: GPUPipelineErrorReason;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUPipelineErrorReason = "validation" | "internal";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUShaderModule implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUShaderModuleDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
code: string;
sourceMap?: any;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUAutoLayoutMode = "auto";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUPipelineDescriptorBase extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
layout: GPUPipelineLayout | GPUAutoLayoutMode;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUPipelineBase {
getBindGroupLayout(index: number): GPUBindGroupLayout;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUProgrammableStage {
module: GPUShaderModule;
entryPoint?: string;
constants?: Record<string, number>;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUComputePipeline implements GPUObjectBase, GPUPipelineBase {
label: string;
getBindGroupLayout(index: number): GPUBindGroupLayout;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUComputePipelineDescriptor
extends GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
compute: GPUProgrammableStage;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPURenderPipeline implements GPUObjectBase, GPUPipelineBase {
label: string;
getBindGroupLayout(index: number): GPUBindGroupLayout;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPURenderPipelineDescriptor
extends GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
vertex: GPUVertexState;
primitive?: GPUPrimitiveState;
depthStencil?: GPUDepthStencilState;
multisample?: GPUMultisampleState;
fragment?: GPUFragmentState;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUPrimitiveState {
topology?: GPUPrimitiveTopology;
stripIndexFormat?: GPUIndexFormat;
frontFace?: GPUFrontFace;
cullMode?: GPUCullMode;
unclippedDepth?: boolean;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUPrimitiveTopology =
| "point-list"
| "line-list"
| "line-strip"
| "triangle-list"
| "triangle-strip";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUFrontFace = "ccw" | "cw";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUCullMode = "none" | "front" | "back";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUMultisampleState {
count?: number;
mask?: number;
alphaToCoverageEnabled?: boolean;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUFragmentState extends GPUProgrammableStage {
targets: (GPUColorTargetState | null)[];
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUColorTargetState {
format: GPUTextureFormat;
blend?: GPUBlendState;
writeMask?: GPUColorWriteFlags;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUBlendState {
color: GPUBlendComponent;
alpha: GPUBlendComponent;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUColorWriteFlags = number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUColorWrite {
static RED: 0x1;
static GREEN: 0x2;
static BLUE: 0x4;
static ALPHA: 0x8;
static ALL: 0xF;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUBlendComponent {
operation?: GPUBlendOperation;
srcFactor?: GPUBlendFactor;
dstFactor?: GPUBlendFactor;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUBlendFactor =
| "zero"
| "one"
| "src"
| "one-minus-src"
| "src-alpha"
| "one-minus-src-alpha"
| "dst"
| "one-minus-dst"
| "dst-alpha"
| "one-minus-dst-alpha"
| "src-alpha-saturated"
| "constant"
| "one-minus-constant";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUBlendOperation =
| "add"
| "subtract"
| "reverse-subtract"
| "min"
| "max";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUDepthStencilState {
format: GPUTextureFormat;
depthWriteEnabled: boolean;
depthCompare: GPUCompareFunction;
stencilFront?: GPUStencilFaceState;
stencilBack?: GPUStencilFaceState;
stencilReadMask?: number;
stencilWriteMask?: number;
depthBias?: number;
depthBiasSlopeScale?: number;
depthBiasClamp?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUStencilFaceState {
compare?: GPUCompareFunction;
failOp?: GPUStencilOperation;
depthFailOp?: GPUStencilOperation;
passOp?: GPUStencilOperation;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUStencilOperation =
| "keep"
| "zero"
| "replace"
| "invert"
| "increment-clamp"
| "decrement-clamp"
| "increment-wrap"
| "decrement-wrap";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUIndexFormat = "uint16" | "uint32";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUVertexFormat =
| "uint8x2"
| "uint8x4"
| "sint8x2"
| "sint8x4"
| "unorm8x2"
| "unorm8x4"
| "snorm8x2"
| "snorm8x4"
| "uint16x2"
| "uint16x4"
| "sint16x2"
| "sint16x4"
| "unorm16x2"
| "unorm16x4"
| "snorm16x2"
| "snorm16x4"
| "float16x2"
| "float16x4"
| "float32"
| "float32x2"
| "float32x3"
| "float32x4"
| "uint32"
| "uint32x2"
| "uint32x3"
| "uint32x4"
| "sint32"
| "sint32x2"
| "sint32x3"
| "sint32x4"
| "unorm10-10-10-2";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUVertexStepMode = "vertex" | "instance";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUVertexState extends GPUProgrammableStage {
buffers?: (GPUVertexBufferLayout | null)[];
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUVertexBufferLayout {
arrayStride: number;
stepMode?: GPUVertexStepMode;
attributes: GPUVertexAttribute[];
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUVertexAttribute {
format: GPUVertexFormat;
offset: number;
shaderLocation: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUImageDataLayout {
offset?: number;
bytesPerRow?: number;
rowsPerImage?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUCommandBuffer implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUCommandBufferDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {}
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUCommandEncoder implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
beginRenderPass(descriptor: GPURenderPassDescriptor): GPURenderPassEncoder;
descriptor?: GPUComputePassDescriptor,
): GPUComputePassEncoder;
source: GPUBuffer,
sourceOffset: number,
destination: GPUBuffer,
destinationOffset: number,
size: number,
): undefined;
source: GPUImageCopyBuffer,
destination: GPUImageCopyTexture,
copySize: GPUExtent3D,
): undefined;
source: GPUImageCopyTexture,
destination: GPUImageCopyBuffer,
copySize: GPUExtent3D,
): undefined;
source: GPUImageCopyTexture,
destination: GPUImageCopyTexture,
copySize: GPUExtent3D,
): undefined;
destination: GPUBuffer,
destinationOffset?: number,
size?: number,
): undefined;
pushDebugGroup(groupLabel: string): undefined;
popDebugGroup(): undefined;
insertDebugMarker(markerLabel: string): undefined;
writeTimestamp(querySet: GPUQuerySet, queryIndex: number): undefined;
querySet: GPUQuerySet,
firstQuery: number,
queryCount: number,
destination: GPUBuffer,
destinationOffset: number,
): undefined;
finish(descriptor?: GPUCommandBufferDescriptor): GPUCommandBuffer;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {}
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUImageCopyBuffer extends GPUImageDataLayout {
buffer: GPUBuffer;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUImageCopyTexture {
texture: GPUTexture;
mipLevel?: number;
origin?: GPUOrigin3D;
aspect?: GPUTextureAspect;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUProgrammablePassEncoder {
index: number,
bindGroup: GPUBindGroup,
dynamicOffsets?: number[],
): undefined;
index: number,
bindGroup: GPUBindGroup,
dynamicOffsetsData: Uint32Array,
dynamicOffsetsDataStart: number,
dynamicOffsetsDataLength: number,
): undefined;
pushDebugGroup(groupLabel: string): undefined;
popDebugGroup(): undefined;
insertDebugMarker(markerLabel: string): undefined;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUComputePassEncoder
implements GPUObjectBase, GPUProgrammablePassEncoder {
label: string;
index: number,
bindGroup: GPUBindGroup,
dynamicOffsets?: number[],
): undefined;
index: number,
bindGroup: GPUBindGroup,
dynamicOffsetsData: Uint32Array,
dynamicOffsetsDataStart: number,
dynamicOffsetsDataLength: number,
): undefined;
pushDebugGroup(groupLabel: string): undefined;
popDebugGroup(): undefined;
insertDebugMarker(markerLabel: string): undefined;
setPipeline(pipeline: GPUComputePipeline): undefined;
dispatchWorkgroups(x: number, y?: number, z?: number): undefined;
indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer,
indirectOffset: number,
): undefined;
end(): undefined;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUComputePassTimestampWrites {
querySet: GPUQuerySet;
beginningOfPassWriteIndex?: number;
endOfPassWriteIndex?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUComputePassDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
timestampWrites?: GPUComputePassTimestampWrites;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPURenderEncoderBase {
setPipeline(pipeline: GPURenderPipeline): undefined;
buffer: GPUBuffer,
indexFormat: GPUIndexFormat,
offset?: number,
size?: number,
): undefined;
slot: number,
buffer: GPUBuffer,
offset?: number,
size?: number,
): undefined;
vertexCount: number,
instanceCount?: number,
firstVertex?: number,
firstInstance?: number,
): undefined;
indexCount: number,
instanceCount?: number,
firstIndex?: number,
baseVertex?: number,
firstInstance?: number,
): undefined;
drawIndirect(indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer, indirectOffset: number): undefined;
indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer,
indirectOffset: number,
): undefined;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPURenderPassEncoder
implements GPUObjectBase, GPUProgrammablePassEncoder, GPURenderEncoderBase {
label: string;
index: number,
bindGroup: GPUBindGroup,
dynamicOffsets?: number[],
): undefined;
index: number,
bindGroup: GPUBindGroup,
dynamicOffsetsData: Uint32Array,
dynamicOffsetsDataStart: number,
dynamicOffsetsDataLength: number,
): undefined;
pushDebugGroup(groupLabel: string): undefined;
popDebugGroup(): undefined;
insertDebugMarker(markerLabel: string): undefined;
setPipeline(pipeline: GPURenderPipeline): undefined;
buffer: GPUBuffer,
indexFormat: GPUIndexFormat,
offset?: number,
size?: number,
): undefined;
slot: number,
buffer: GPUBuffer,
offset?: number,
size?: number,
): undefined;
vertexCount: number,
instanceCount?: number,
firstVertex?: number,
firstInstance?: number,
): undefined;
indexCount: number,
instanceCount?: number,
firstIndex?: number,
baseVertex?: number,
firstInstance?: number,
): undefined;
drawIndirect(indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer, indirectOffset: number): undefined;
indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer,
indirectOffset: number,
): undefined;
x: number,
y: number,
width: number,
height: number,
minDepth: number,
maxDepth: number,
): undefined;
x: number,
y: number,
width: number,
height: number,
): undefined;
setBlendConstant(color: GPUColor): undefined;
setStencilReference(reference: number): undefined;
beginOcclusionQuery(queryIndex: number): undefined;
endOcclusionQuery(): undefined;
executeBundles(bundles: GPURenderBundle[]): undefined;
end(): undefined;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPURenderPassTimestampWrites {
querySet: GPUQuerySet;
beginningOfPassWriteIndex?: number;
endOfPassWriteIndex?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPURenderPassDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
colorAttachments: (GPURenderPassColorAttachment | null)[];
depthStencilAttachment?: GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment;
occlusionQuerySet?: GPUQuerySet;
timestampWrites?: GPURenderPassTimestampWrites;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPURenderPassColorAttachment {
view: GPUTextureView;
resolveTarget?: GPUTextureView;
clearValue?: GPUColor;
loadOp: GPULoadOp;
storeOp: GPUStoreOp;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment {
view: GPUTextureView;
depthClearValue?: number;
depthLoadOp?: GPULoadOp;
depthStoreOp?: GPUStoreOp;
depthReadOnly?: boolean;
stencilClearValue?: number;
stencilLoadOp?: GPULoadOp;
stencilStoreOp?: GPUStoreOp;
stencilReadOnly?: boolean;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPULoadOp = "load" | "clear";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUStoreOp = "store" | "discard";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPURenderBundle implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPURenderBundleDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {}
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPURenderBundleEncoder
implements GPUObjectBase, GPUProgrammablePassEncoder, GPURenderEncoderBase {
label: string;
vertexCount: number,
instanceCount?: number,
firstVertex?: number,
firstInstance?: number,
): undefined;
indexCount: number,
instanceCount?: number,
firstIndex?: number,
baseVertex?: number,
firstInstance?: number,
): undefined;
indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer,
indirectOffset: number,
): undefined;
drawIndirect(indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer, indirectOffset: number): undefined;
insertDebugMarker(markerLabel: string): undefined;
popDebugGroup(): undefined;
pushDebugGroup(groupLabel: string): undefined;
index: number,
bindGroup: GPUBindGroup,
dynamicOffsets?: number[],
): undefined;
index: number,
bindGroup: GPUBindGroup,
dynamicOffsetsData: Uint32Array,
dynamicOffsetsDataStart: number,
dynamicOffsetsDataLength: number,
): undefined;
buffer: GPUBuffer,
indexFormat: GPUIndexFormat,
offset?: number,
size?: number,
): undefined;
setPipeline(pipeline: GPURenderPipeline): undefined;
slot: number,
buffer: GPUBuffer,
offset?: number,
size?: number,
): undefined;
finish(descriptor?: GPURenderBundleDescriptor): GPURenderBundle;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPURenderPassLayout extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
colorFormats: (GPUTextureFormat | null)[];
depthStencilFormat?: GPUTextureFormat;
sampleCount?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor extends GPURenderPassLayout {
depthReadOnly?: boolean;
stencilReadOnly?: boolean;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUQueue implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
submit(commandBuffers: GPUCommandBuffer[]): undefined;
onSubmittedWorkDone(): Promise<undefined>;
buffer: GPUBuffer,
bufferOffset: number,
data: BufferSource,
dataOffset?: number,
size?: number,
): undefined;
destination: GPUImageCopyTexture,
data: BufferSource,
dataLayout: GPUImageDataLayout,
size: GPUExtent3D,
): undefined;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUQuerySet implements GPUObjectBase {
label: string;
destroy(): undefined;
readonly type: GPUQueryType;
readonly count: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUQuerySetDescriptor extends GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
type: GPUQueryType;
count: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUQueryType = "occlusion" | "timestamp";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUDeviceLostReason = "destroyed";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUDeviceLostInfo {
readonly reason: GPUDeviceLostReason;
readonly message: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUError {
readonly message: string;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUOutOfMemoryError extends GPUError {
constructor(message: string);
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUValidationError extends GPUError {
constructor(message: string);
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUInternalError extends GPUError {
constructor(message: string);
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUErrorFilter = "out-of-memory" | "validation" | "internal";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare class GPUUncapturedErrorEvent extends Event {
type: string,
gpuUncapturedErrorEventInitDict: GPUUncapturedErrorEventInit,
readonly error: GPUError;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUUncapturedErrorEventInit extends EventInit {
error: GPUError;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUColorDict {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
a: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUColor = number[] | GPUColorDict;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUOrigin3DDict {
x?: number;
y?: number;
z?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUOrigin3D = number[] | GPUOrigin3DDict;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUExtent3DDict {
width: number;
height?: number;
depthOrArrayLayers?: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUExtent3D = number[] | GPUExtent3DDict;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare type GPUCanvasAlphaMode = "opaque" | "premultiplied";
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUCanvasConfiguration {
device: GPUDevice;
format: GPUTextureFormat;
usage?: GPUTextureUsageFlags;
viewFormats?: GPUTextureFormat[];
colorSpace?: "srgb" | "display-p3";
alphaMode?: GPUCanvasAlphaMode;
width: number;
height: number;
* @category GPU
* @experimental
declare interface GPUCanvasContext {
configure(configuration: GPUCanvasConfiguration): undefined;
unconfigure(): undefined;
getCurrentTexture(): GPUTexture;