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synced 2025-02-21 12:53:05 -05:00
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// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license.
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use boxed_error::Boxed;
use deno_config::workspace::Workspace;
use deno_npm::npm_rc::NpmRc;
use deno_npm::npm_rc::ResolvedNpmRc;
use sys_traits::EnvHomeDir;
use sys_traits::EnvVar;
use sys_traits::FsRead;
use thiserror::Error;
use url::Url;
pub type ResolvedNpmRcRc = crate::sync::MaybeArc<ResolvedNpmRc>;
#[derive(Debug, Boxed)]
pub struct NpmRcDiscoverError(pub Box<NpmRcDiscoverErrorKind>);
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum NpmRcDiscoverErrorKind {
Load(#[from] NpmRcLoadError),
Parse(#[from] NpmRcParseError),
Resolve(#[from] NpmRcOptionsResolveError),
UrlToFilePath(#[from] deno_path_util::UrlToFilePathError),
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
#[error("Error loading .npmrc at {}.", path.display())]
pub struct NpmRcLoadError {
path: PathBuf,
source: std::io::Error,
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
#[error("Failed to parse .npmrc at {}.", path.display())]
pub struct NpmRcParseError {
path: PathBuf,
source: std::io::Error,
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
#[error("Failed to resolve .npmrc options at {}.", path.display())]
pub struct NpmRcOptionsResolveError {
path: PathBuf,
source: deno_npm::npm_rc::ResolveError,
/// Discover `.npmrc` file - currently we only support it next to `package.json`,
/// next to `deno.json`, or in the user's home directory.
/// In the future we will need to support it in the global directory
/// as per https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v10/configuring-npm/npmrc#files.
pub fn discover_npmrc_from_workspace<TSys: EnvVar + EnvHomeDir + FsRead>(
sys: &TSys,
workspace: &Workspace,
) -> Result<(ResolvedNpmRc, Option<PathBuf>), NpmRcDiscoverError> {
let root_folder = workspace.root_folder_configs();
root_folder.pkg_json.as_ref().map(|p| p.path.clone()),
match &root_folder.deno_json {
Some(cf) if cf.specifier.scheme() == "file" => {
_ => None,
fn discover_npmrc<TSys: EnvVar + EnvHomeDir + FsRead>(
sys: &TSys,
maybe_package_json_path: Option<PathBuf>,
maybe_deno_json_path: Option<PathBuf>,
) -> Result<(ResolvedNpmRc, Option<PathBuf>), NpmRcDiscoverError> {
const NPMRC_NAME: &str = ".npmrc";
fn try_to_read_npmrc(
sys: &impl FsRead,
dir: &Path,
) -> Result<Option<(Cow<'static, str>, PathBuf)>, NpmRcLoadError> {
let path = dir.join(NPMRC_NAME);
let maybe_source = match sys.fs_read_to_string(&path) {
Ok(source) => Some(source),
Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => None,
Err(err) => return Err(NpmRcLoadError { path, source: err }),
Ok(maybe_source.map(|source| (source, path)))
fn try_to_parse_npmrc(
sys: &impl EnvVar,
source: &str,
path: &Path,
) -> Result<NpmRc, NpmRcDiscoverError> {
let npmrc = NpmRc::parse(source, &|name| sys.env_var(name).ok()).map_err(
|source| {
NpmRcParseError {
path: path.to_path_buf(),
// todo(dsherret): use source directly here once it's no longer an internal type
source: std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, source),
log::debug!(".npmrc found at: '{}'", path.display());
fn merge_npm_rc(project_rc: NpmRc, home_rc: NpmRc) -> NpmRc {
fn merge_maps<TValue>(
mut project: HashMap<String, TValue>,
home: HashMap<String, TValue>,
) -> HashMap<String, TValue> {
for (key, value) in home {
NpmRc {
registry: project_rc.registry.or(home_rc.registry),
scope_registries: merge_maps(
registry_configs: merge_maps(
let mut home_npmrc = None;
let mut project_npmrc = None;
// 1. Try `.npmrc` in the user's home directory
if let Some(home_dir) = sys.env_home_dir() {
match try_to_read_npmrc(sys, &home_dir) {
Ok(Some((source, path))) => {
let npmrc = try_to_parse_npmrc(sys, &source, &path)?;
home_npmrc = Some((path, npmrc));
Ok(None) => {}
Err(err) if err.source.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => {
"Skipping .npmrc in home directory due to permission denied error. {:#}",
Err(err) => {
return Err(err.into());
// 2. Try `.npmrc` next to `package.json`
if let Some(package_json_path) = maybe_package_json_path {
if let Some(package_json_dir) = package_json_path.parent() {
if let Some((source, path)) = try_to_read_npmrc(sys, package_json_dir)? {
let npmrc = try_to_parse_npmrc(sys, &source, &path)?;
project_npmrc = Some((path, npmrc));
// 3. Try `.npmrc` next to `deno.json(c)` when not found `package.json`
if project_npmrc.is_none() {
if let Some(deno_json_path) = maybe_deno_json_path {
if let Some(deno_json_dir) = deno_json_path.parent() {
if let Some((source, path)) = try_to_read_npmrc(sys, deno_json_dir)? {
let npmrc = try_to_parse_npmrc(sys, &source, &path)?;
project_npmrc = Some((path, npmrc));
let resolve_npmrc = |path: PathBuf, npm_rc: NpmRc| {
.map_err(|source| NpmRcOptionsResolveError {
path: path.to_path_buf(),
match (home_npmrc, project_npmrc) {
(None, None) => {
log::debug!("No .npmrc file found");
Ok((create_default_npmrc(sys), None))
(None, Some((npmrc_path, project_rc))) => {
log::debug!("Only project .npmrc file found");
resolve_npmrc(npmrc_path, project_rc)
(Some((npmrc_path, home_rc)), None) => {
log::debug!("Only home .npmrc file found");
resolve_npmrc(npmrc_path, home_rc)
(Some((_, home_rc)), Some((npmrc_path, project_rc))) => {
log::debug!("Both home and project .npmrc files found");
let merged_npmrc = merge_npm_rc(project_rc, home_rc);
resolve_npmrc(npmrc_path, merged_npmrc)
pub fn create_default_npmrc(sys: &impl EnvVar) -> ResolvedNpmRc {
ResolvedNpmRc {
default_config: deno_npm::npm_rc::RegistryConfigWithUrl {
registry_url: npm_registry_url(sys).clone(),
config: Default::default(),
scopes: Default::default(),
registry_configs: Default::default(),
pub fn npm_registry_url(sys: &impl EnvVar) -> Url {
let env_var_name = "NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY";
if let Ok(registry_url) = sys.env_var(env_var_name) {
// ensure there is a trailing slash for the directory
let registry_url = format!("{}/", registry_url.trim_end_matches('/'));
match Url::parse(®istry_url) {
Ok(url) => {
return url;
Err(err) => {
log::debug!("Invalid {} environment variable: {:#}", env_var_name, err,);