mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 14:17:49 -04:00

This PR fixes an issue where we recursively analysed imports on plain JS files in the compiler irrespective of "checkJs" being true. This caused problems where when analysing the imports of those files, we would mistake some import like structures (AMD/CommonJS) as dependencies and try to resolve the "modules" even though the compiler would not actually look at those files.
1374 lines
35 KiB
1374 lines
35 KiB
// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate tempfile;
fn test_pattern_match() {
assert!(util::pattern_match("foo[BAR]baz", "foobarbaz", "[BAR]"));
assert!(!util::pattern_match("foo[BAR]baz", "foobazbar", "[BAR]"));
fn benchmark_test() {
fn deno_dir_test() {
let g = util::http_server();
fn fetch_test() {
use deno::http_cache::url_to_filename;
pub use deno::test_util::*;
use std::process::Command;
use tempfile::TempDir;
use url::Url;
let g = util::http_server();
let deno_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
let module_url =
let output = Command::new(deno_exe_path())
.env("DENO_DIR", deno_dir.path())
.expect("Failed to spawn script");
let code = output.status.code();
let out = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(0), code);
assert_eq!(out, "");
let expected_path = deno_dir
assert_eq!(expected_path.exists(), true);
fn fmt_test() {
use tempfile::TempDir;
let t = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
let fixed = util::root_path().join("cli/tests/badly_formatted_fixed.js");
let badly_formatted_original =
let badly_formatted = t.path().join("badly_formatted.js");
let badly_formatted_str = badly_formatted.to_str().unwrap();
std::fs::copy(&badly_formatted_original, &badly_formatted)
.expect("Failed to copy file");
let status = util::deno_cmd()
.expect("Failed to spawn script")
.expect("Failed to wait for child process");
assert_eq!(Some(1), status.code());
let status = util::deno_cmd()
.expect("Failed to spawn script")
.expect("Failed to wait for child process");
assert_eq!(Some(0), status.code());
let expected = std::fs::read_to_string(fixed).unwrap();
let actual = std::fs::read_to_string(badly_formatted).unwrap();
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn installer_test_local_module_run() {
use deno::flags::DenoFlags;
use deno::installer;
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use tempfile::TempDir;
let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
let local_module = env::current_dir().unwrap().join("tests/echo.ts");
let local_module_str = local_module.to_string_lossy();
.expect("Failed to install");
let mut file_path = temp_dir.path().join("echo_test");
if cfg!(windows) {
file_path = file_path.with_extension(".cmd");
let path_var_name = if cfg!(windows) { "Path" } else { "PATH" };
let paths_var = env::var_os(path_var_name).expect("PATH not set");
let mut paths: Vec<PathBuf> = env::split_paths(&paths_var).collect();
let path_var_value = env::join_paths(paths).expect("Can't create PATH");
// NOTE: using file_path here instead of exec_name, because tests
// shouldn't mess with user's PATH env variable
let output = Command::new(file_path)
.env(path_var_name, path_var_value)
.expect("failed to spawn script");
let stdout_str = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap().trim();
let stderr_str = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap().trim();
println!("Got stdout: {:?}", stdout_str);
println!("Got stderr: {:?}", stderr_str);
assert!(stdout_str.ends_with("hello, foo"));
fn installer_test_remote_module_run() {
use deno::flags::DenoFlags;
use deno::installer;
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use tempfile::TempDir;
let g = util::http_server();
let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
.expect("Failed to install");
let mut file_path = temp_dir.path().join("echo_test");
if cfg!(windows) {
file_path = file_path.with_extension(".cmd");
let path_var_name = if cfg!(windows) { "Path" } else { "PATH" };
let paths_var = env::var_os(path_var_name).expect("PATH not set");
let mut paths: Vec<PathBuf> = env::split_paths(&paths_var).collect();
let path_var_value = env::join_paths(paths).expect("Can't create PATH");
// NOTE: using file_path here instead of exec_name, because tests
// shouldn't mess with user's PATH env variable
let output = Command::new(file_path)
.env(path_var_name, path_var_value)
.expect("failed to spawn script");
.ends_with("hello, foo"));
fn js_unit_tests() {
let g = util::http_server();
let mut deno = util::deno_cmd()
.expect("failed to spawn script");
let status = deno.wait().expect("failed to wait for the child process");
assert_eq!(Some(0), status.code());
fn bundle_exports() {
use tempfile::TempDir;
// First we have to generate a bundle of some module that has exports.
let mod1 = util::root_path().join("cli/tests/subdir/mod1.ts");
let t = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
let bundle = t.path().join("mod1.bundle.js");
let mut deno = util::deno_cmd()
.expect("failed to spawn script");
let status = deno.wait().expect("failed to wait for the child process");
// Now we try to use that bundle from another module.
let test = t.path().join("test.js");
import { printHello3 } from \"./mod1.bundle.js\";
printHello3(); ",
.expect("error writing file");
let output = util::deno_cmd()
.expect("failed to spawn script");
// check the output of the test.ts program.
assert_eq!(output.stderr, b"");
fn bundle_circular() {
use tempfile::TempDir;
// First we have to generate a bundle of some module that has exports.
let circular1 = util::root_path().join("cli/tests/subdir/circular1.ts");
let t = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
let bundle = t.path().join("circular1.bundle.js");
let mut deno = util::deno_cmd()
.expect("failed to spawn script");
let status = deno.wait().expect("failed to wait for the child process");
let output = util::deno_cmd()
.expect("failed to spawn script");
// check the output of the the bundle program.
assert_eq!(output.stderr, b"");
fn bundle_single_module() {
use tempfile::TempDir;
// First we have to generate a bundle of some module that has exports.
let single_module =
let t = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
let bundle = t.path().join("single_module.bundle.js");
let mut deno = util::deno_cmd()
.expect("failed to spawn script");
let status = deno.wait().expect("failed to wait for the child process");
let output = util::deno_cmd()
.expect("failed to spawn script");
// check the output of the the bundle program.
.ends_with("Hello world!"));
assert_eq!(output.stderr, b"");
// TODO(#2933): Rewrite this test in rust.
fn repl_test() {
fn target_test() {
fn util_test() {
macro_rules! itest(
($name:ident {$( $key:ident: $value:expr,)*}) => {
fn $name() {
(util::CheckOutputIntegrationTest {
$key: $value,
.. Default::default()
itest!(_001_hello {
args: "run --reload 001_hello.js",
output: "001_hello.js.out",
itest!(_002_hello {
args: "run --reload 002_hello.ts",
output: "002_hello.ts.out",
itest!(_003_relative_import {
args: "run --reload 003_relative_import.ts",
output: "003_relative_import.ts.out",
itest!(_004_set_timeout {
args: "run --reload 004_set_timeout.ts",
output: "004_set_timeout.ts.out",
itest!(_005_more_imports {
args: "run --reload 005_more_imports.ts",
output: "005_more_imports.ts.out",
itest!(_006_url_imports {
args: "run --reload 006_url_imports.ts",
output: "006_url_imports.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(_012_async {
args: "run --reload 012_async.ts",
output: "012_async.ts.out",
itest!(_013_dynamic_import {
args: "run --reload --allow-read 013_dynamic_import.ts",
output: "013_dynamic_import.ts.out",
itest!(_014_duplicate_import {
args: "run --reload --allow-read 014_duplicate_import.ts ",
output: "014_duplicate_import.ts.out",
itest!(_015_duplicate_parallel_import {
args: "run --reload --allow-read 015_duplicate_parallel_import.js",
output: "015_duplicate_parallel_import.js.out",
itest!(_016_double_await {
args: "run --allow-read --reload 016_double_await.ts",
output: "016_double_await.ts.out",
itest!(_017_import_redirect {
args: "run --reload 017_import_redirect.ts",
output: "017_import_redirect.ts.out",
itest!(_018_async_catch {
args: "run --reload 018_async_catch.ts",
output: "018_async_catch.ts.out",
itest!(_019_media_types {
args: "run --reload 019_media_types.ts",
output: "019_media_types.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(_020_json_modules {
args: "run --reload 020_json_modules.ts",
output: "020_json_modules.ts.out",
itest!(_021_mjs_modules {
args: "run --reload 021_mjs_modules.ts",
output: "021_mjs_modules.ts.out",
itest!(_022_info_flag_script {
args: "info",
output: "022_info_flag_script.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(_023_no_ext_with_headers {
args: "run --reload 023_no_ext_with_headers",
output: "023_no_ext_with_headers.out",
// FIXME(bartlomieju): this test should use remote file
// itest!(_024_import_no_ext_with_headers {
// args: "run --reload 024_import_no_ext_with_headers.ts",
// output: "024_import_no_ext_with_headers.ts.out",
// });
itest!(_025_hrtime {
args: "run --allow-hrtime --reload 025_hrtime.ts",
output: "025_hrtime.ts.out",
itest!(_025_reload_js_type_error {
args: "run --reload 025_reload_js_type_error.js",
output: "025_reload_js_type_error.js.out",
itest!(_026_redirect_javascript {
args: "run --reload 026_redirect_javascript.js",
output: "026_redirect_javascript.js.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(_026_workers {
args: "run --reload 026_workers.ts",
output: "026_workers.ts.out",
itest!(workers_basic {
args: "run --reload workers_basic.ts",
output: "workers_basic.out",
itest!(_027_redirect_typescript {
args: "run --reload 027_redirect_typescript.ts",
output: "027_redirect_typescript.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(_028_args {
args: "run --reload 028_args.ts --arg1 val1 --arg2=val2 -- arg3 arg4",
output: "028_args.ts.out",
itest!(_029_eval {
args: "eval console.log(\"hello\")",
output: "029_eval.out",
itest!(_033_import_map {
"run --reload --importmap=importmaps/import_map.json importmaps/test.ts",
output: "033_import_map.out",
itest!(_034_onload {
args: "run --reload 034_onload/main.ts",
output: "034_onload.out",
itest!(_035_cached_only_flag {
"--reload --cached-only",
output: "035_cached_only_flag.out",
exit_code: 1,
check_stderr: true,
http_server: true,
itest!(_036_import_map_fetch {
"fetch --reload --importmap=importmaps/import_map.json importmaps/test.ts",
output: "036_import_map_fetch.out",
itest!(_037_fetch_multiple {
args: "fetch --reload fetch/test.ts fetch/other.ts",
check_stderr: true,
http_server: true,
output: "037_fetch_multiple.out",
itest!(_038_checkjs {
// checking if JS file is run through TS compiler
args: "run --reload --config 038_checkjs.tsconfig.json 038_checkjs.js",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "038_checkjs.js.out",
/* TODO(bartlomieju):
itest!(_039_worker_deno_ns {
args: "run --reload 039_worker_deno_ns.ts",
output: "039_worker_deno_ns.ts.out",
itest!(_040_worker_blob {
args: "run --reload 040_worker_blob.ts",
output: "040_worker_blob.ts.out",
itest!(_041_dyn_import_eval {
args: "eval import('./subdir/mod4.js').then(console.log)",
output: "041_dyn_import_eval.out",
itest!(_041_info_flag {
args: "info",
output: "041_info_flag.out",
itest!(_042_dyn_import_evalcontext {
args: "run --allow-read --reload 042_dyn_import_evalcontext.ts",
output: "042_dyn_import_evalcontext.ts.out",
itest!(_044_bad_resource {
args: "run --reload --allow-read 044_bad_resource.ts",
output: "044_bad_resource.ts.out",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
itest!(_045_proxy {
args: "run --allow-net --allow-env --allow-run --reload 045_proxy_test.ts",
output: "045_proxy_test.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(_046_tsx {
args: "run --reload 046_jsx_test.tsx",
output: "046_jsx_test.tsx.out",
itest!(_047_jsx {
args: "run --reload 047_jsx_test.jsx",
output: "047_jsx_test.jsx.out",
itest!(_048_media_types_jsx {
args: "run --reload 048_media_types_jsx.ts",
output: "048_media_types_jsx.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(_049_info_flag_script_jsx {
args: "info",
output: "049_info_flag_script_jsx.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(_050_more_jsons {
args: "run --reload 050_more_jsons.ts",
output: "050_more_jsons.ts.out",
itest!(_051_wasm_import {
args: "run --reload --allow-net --allow-read 051_wasm_import.ts",
output: "051_wasm_import.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(_052_no_remote_flag {
"--reload --no-remote",
output: "052_no_remote_flag.out",
exit_code: 1,
check_stderr: true,
http_server: true,
itest!(_054_info_local_imports {
args: "info 005_more_imports.ts",
output: "054_info_local_imports.out",
exit_code: 0,
itest!(js_import_detect {
args: "run --reload js_import_detect.ts",
output: "js_import_detect.ts.out",
exit_code: 0,
itest!(lock_write_fetch {
"run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --allow-run lock_write_fetch.ts",
output: "lock_write_fetch.ts.out",
exit_code: 0,
itest!(lock_check_ok {
args: "run --lock=lock_check_ok.json",
output: "003_relative_import.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(lock_check_ok2 {
args: "run 019_media_types.ts --lock=lock_check_ok2.json",
output: "019_media_types.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(lock_check_err {
args: "run --lock=lock_check_err.json",
output: "lock_check_err.out",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 10,
http_server: true,
itest!(lock_check_err2 {
args: "run --lock=lock_check_err2.json 019_media_types.ts",
output: "lock_check_err2.out",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 10,
http_server: true,
itest!(async_error {
exit_code: 1,
args: "run --reload async_error.ts",
check_stderr: true,
output: "async_error.ts.out",
itest!(bundle {
args: "bundle subdir/mod1.ts",
output: "bundle.test.out",
itest!(fmt_stdin {
args: "fmt -",
input: Some("const a = 1\n"),
output_str: Some("const a = 1;\n"),
itest!(fmt_stdin_check_formatted {
args: "fmt --check -",
input: Some("const a = 1;\n"),
output_str: Some(""),
itest!(fmt_stdin_check_not_formatted {
args: "fmt --check -",
input: Some("const a = 1\n"),
output_str: Some("Not formatted stdin\n"),
itest!(circular1 {
args: "run --reload circular1.js",
output: "circular1.js.out",
itest!(config {
args: "run --reload --config config.tsconfig.json config.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "config.ts.out",
itest!(error_001 {
args: "run --reload error_001.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_001.ts.out",
itest!(error_002 {
args: "run --reload error_002.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_002.ts.out",
itest!(error_003_typescript {
args: "run --reload error_003_typescript.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_003_typescript.ts.out",
// Supposing that we've already attempted to run error_003_typescript.ts
// we want to make sure that JS wasn't emitted. Running again without reload flag
// should result in the same output.
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/2436
itest!(error_003_typescript2 {
args: "run error_003_typescript.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_003_typescript.ts.out",
itest!(error_004_missing_module {
args: "run --reload error_004_missing_module.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_004_missing_module.ts.out",
itest!(error_005_missing_dynamic_import {
args: "run --reload error_005_missing_dynamic_import.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_005_missing_dynamic_import.ts.out",
itest!(error_006_import_ext_failure {
args: "run --reload error_006_import_ext_failure.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_006_import_ext_failure.ts.out",
itest!(error_007_any {
args: "run --reload error_007_any.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_007_any.ts.out",
itest!(error_008_checkjs {
args: "run --reload error_008_checkjs.js",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_008_checkjs.js.out",
itest!(error_011_bad_module_specifier {
args: "run --reload error_011_bad_module_specifier.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_011_bad_module_specifier.ts.out",
itest!(error_012_bad_dynamic_import_specifier {
args: "run --reload error_012_bad_dynamic_import_specifier.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_012_bad_dynamic_import_specifier.ts.out",
itest!(error_013_missing_script {
args: "run --reload missing_file_name",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_013_missing_script.out",
itest!(error_014_catch_dynamic_import_error {
args: "run --reload --allow-read error_014_catch_dynamic_import_error.js",
output: "error_014_catch_dynamic_import_error.js.out",
exit_code: 1,
itest!(error_015_dynamic_import_permissions {
args: "--reload error_015_dynamic_import_permissions.js",
output: "error_015_dynamic_import_permissions.out",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
http_server: true,
// We have an allow-net flag but not allow-read, it should still result in error.
itest!(error_016_dynamic_import_permissions2 {
args: "--reload --allow-net error_016_dynamic_import_permissions2.js",
output: "error_016_dynamic_import_permissions2.out",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
http_server: true,
itest!(error_stack {
args: "run --reload error_stack.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_stack.ts.out",
itest!(error_syntax {
args: "run --reload error_syntax.js",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_syntax.js.out",
itest!(error_type_definitions {
args: "run --reload error_type_definitions.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_type_definitions.ts.out",
/* TODO(bartlomieju)
itest!(error_worker_dynamic {
args: "run --reload error_worker_dynamic.ts",
check_stderr: true,
exit_code: 1,
output: "error_worker_dynamic.ts.out",
itest!(exit_error42 {
exit_code: 42,
args: "run --reload exit_error42.ts",
output: "exit_error42.ts.out",
itest!(https_import {
args: "run --reload https_import.ts",
output: "https_import.ts.out",
itest!(if_main {
args: "run --reload if_main.ts",
output: "if_main.ts.out",
itest!(import_meta {
args: "run --reload import_meta.ts",
output: "import_meta.ts.out",
itest!(lib_ref {
args: "run --reload lib_ref.ts",
output: "lib_ref.ts.out",
itest!(lib_runtime_api {
args: "run --reload lib_runtime_api.ts",
output: "lib_runtime_api.ts.out",
itest!(seed_random {
args: "run --seed=100 seed_random.js",
output: "seed_random.js.out",
itest!(type_definitions {
args: "run --reload type_definitions.ts",
output: "type_definitions.ts.out",
itest!(type_directives_01 {
args: "run --reload -L debug type_directives_01.ts",
output: "type_directives_01.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(type_directives_02 {
args: "run --reload -L debug type_directives_02.ts",
output: "type_directives_02.ts.out",
itest!(types {
args: "types",
output: "types.out",
itest!(unbuffered_stderr {
args: "run --reload unbuffered_stderr.ts",
check_stderr: true,
output: "unbuffered_stderr.ts.out",
itest!(unbuffered_stdout {
args: "run --reload unbuffered_stdout.ts",
output: "unbuffered_stdout.ts.out",
// Cannot write the expression to evaluate as "console.log(typeof gc)"
// because itest! splits args on whitespace.
itest!(eval_v8_flags {
args: "eval --v8-flags=--expose-gc console.log(typeof(gc))",
output: "v8_flags.js.out",
itest!(run_v8_flags {
args: "run --v8-flags=--expose-gc v8_flags.js",
output: "v8_flags.js.out",
itest!(run_v8_help {
args: "--v8-flags=--help",
output: "v8_help.out",
itest!(wasm {
args: "run wasm.ts",
output: "wasm.ts.out",
itest!(wasm_async {
args: "wasm_async.js",
output: "wasm_async.out",
itest!(top_level_await {
args: "--allow-read top_level_await.js",
output: "top_level_await.out",
itest!(top_level_await_ts {
args: "--allow-read top_level_await.ts",
output: "top_level_await.out",
itest!(top_level_for_await {
args: "top_level_for_await.js",
output: "top_level_for_await.out",
itest!(top_level_for_await_ts {
args: "top_level_for_await.ts",
output: "top_level_for_await.out",
itest!(_053_import_compression {
args: "run --reload --allow-net 053_import_compression/main.ts",
output: "053_import_compression.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(import_wasm_via_network {
args: "run --reload",
output: "055_import_wasm_via_network.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(cafile_url_imports {
args: "run --reload --cert tls/RootCA.pem cafile_url_imports.ts",
output: "cafile_url_imports.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(cafile_ts_fetch {
args: "run --reload --allow-net --cert tls/RootCA.pem cafile_ts_fetch.ts",
output: "cafile_ts_fetch.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(cafile_eval {
args: "eval --cert tls/RootCA.pem fetch('https://localhost:5545/cli/tests/cafile_ts_fetch.ts.out').then(r=>r.text()).then(t=>console.log(t.trimEnd()))",
output: "cafile_ts_fetch.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(cafile_info {
"info --cert tls/RootCA.pem https://localhost:5545/cli/tests/cafile_info.ts",
output: "cafile_info.ts.out",
http_server: true,
itest!(fix_js_imports {
args: "run --reload fix_js_imports.ts",
output: "fix_js_imports.ts.out",
fn cafile_fetch() {
use deno::http_cache::url_to_filename;
pub use deno::test_util::*;
use std::process::Command;
use tempfile::TempDir;
use url::Url;
let g = util::http_server();
let deno_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
let module_url =
let cafile = util::root_path().join("cli/tests/tls/RootCA.pem");
let output = Command::new(deno_exe_path())
.env("DENO_DIR", deno_dir.path())
.expect("Failed to spawn script");
let code = output.status.code();
let out = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(0), code);
assert_eq!(out, "");
let expected_path = deno_dir
assert_eq!(expected_path.exists(), true);
fn cafile_install_remote_module() {
pub use deno::test_util::*;
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use tempfile::TempDir;
let g = util::http_server();
let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
let deno_dir = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
let cafile = util::root_path().join("cli/tests/tls/RootCA.pem");
let install_output = Command::new(deno_exe_path())
.env("DENO_DIR", deno_dir.path())
.expect("Failed to spawn script");
let code = install_output.status.code();
assert_eq!(Some(0), code);
let mut file_path = temp_dir.path().join("echo_test");
if cfg!(windows) {
file_path = file_path.with_extension(".cmd");
let path_var_name = if cfg!(windows) { "Path" } else { "PATH" };
let paths_var = env::var_os(path_var_name).expect("PATH not set");
let mut paths: Vec<PathBuf> = env::split_paths(&paths_var).collect();
let path_var_value = env::join_paths(paths).expect("Can't create PATH");
let output = Command::new(file_path)
.env(path_var_name, path_var_value)
.expect("failed to spawn script");
fn cafile_bundle_remote_exports() {
use tempfile::TempDir;
let g = util::http_server();
// First we have to generate a bundle of some remote module that has exports.
let mod1 = "https://localhost:5545/cli/tests/subdir/mod1.ts";
let cafile = util::root_path().join("cli/tests/tls/RootCA.pem");
let t = TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail");
let bundle = t.path().join("mod1.bundle.js");
let mut deno = util::deno_cmd()
.expect("failed to spawn script");
let status = deno.wait().expect("failed to wait for the child process");
// Now we try to use that bundle from another module.
let test = t.path().join("test.js");
import { printHello3 } from \"./mod1.bundle.js\";
printHello3(); ",
.expect("error writing file");
let output = util::deno_cmd()
.expect("failed to spawn script");
// check the output of the test.ts program.
assert_eq!(output.stderr, b"");
mod util {
use deno::colors::strip_ansi_codes;
pub use deno::test_util::*;
use os_pipe::pipe;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::Write;
use std::process::Command;
use std::process::Stdio;
use tempfile::TempDir;
lazy_static! {
static ref DENO_DIR: TempDir = { TempDir::new().expect("tempdir fail") };
pub fn deno_cmd() -> Command {
let mut c = Command::new(deno_exe_path());
c.env("DENO_DIR", DENO_DIR.path());
pub fn run_python_script(script: &str) {
let output = Command::new("python")
.env("DENO_DIR", DENO_DIR.path())
.arg(format!("--executable={}", deno_exe_path().display()))
.env("DENO_BUILD_PATH", target_dir())
.expect("failed to spawn script");
if !output.status.success() {
let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap();
let stderr = String::from_utf8(output.stderr).unwrap();
"{} executed with failing error code\n{}{}",
script, stdout, stderr
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct CheckOutputIntegrationTest {
pub args: &'static str,
pub output: &'static str,
pub input: Option<&'static str>,
pub output_str: Option<&'static str>,
pub exit_code: i32,
pub check_stderr: bool,
pub http_server: bool,
impl CheckOutputIntegrationTest {
pub fn run(&self) {
let args = self.args.split_whitespace();
let root = root_path();
let deno_exe = deno_exe_path();
println!("root path {}", root.display());
println!("deno_exe path {}", deno_exe.display());
let http_server_guard = if self.http_server {
} else {
let (mut reader, writer) = pipe().unwrap();
let tests_dir = root.join("cli").join("tests");
let mut command = deno_cmd();
if self.check_stderr {
let writer_clone = writer.try_clone().unwrap();
let mut process = command.spawn().expect("failed to execute process");
if let Some(input) = self.input {
let mut p_stdin = process.stdin.take().unwrap();
write!(p_stdin, "{}", input).unwrap();
// Very important when using pipes: This parent process is still
// holding its copies of the write ends, and we have to close them
// before we read, otherwise the read end will never report EOF. The
// Command object owns the writers now, and dropping it closes them.
let mut actual = String::new();
reader.read_to_string(&mut actual).unwrap();
let status = process.wait().expect("failed to finish process");
let exit_code = status.code().unwrap();
actual = strip_ansi_codes(&actual).to_string();
if self.exit_code != exit_code {
println!("OUTPUT\n{}\nOUTPUT", actual);
"bad exit code, expected: {:?}, actual: {:?}",
self.exit_code, exit_code
let expected = if let Some(s) = self.output_str {
} else {
let output_path = tests_dir.join(self.output);
println!("output path {}", output_path.display());
std::fs::read_to_string(output_path).expect("cannot read output")
if !wildcard_match(&expected, &actual) {
println!("OUTPUT\n{}\nOUTPUT", actual);
println!("EXPECTED\n{}\nEXPECTED", expected);
panic!("pattern match failed");
fn wildcard_match(pattern: &str, s: &str) -> bool {
pattern_match(pattern, s, "[WILDCARD]")
pub fn pattern_match(pattern: &str, s: &str, wildcard: &str) -> bool {
// Normalize line endings
let s = s.replace("\r\n", "\n");
let pattern = pattern.replace("\r\n", "\n");
if pattern == wildcard {
return true;
let parts = pattern.split(wildcard).collect::<Vec<&str>>();
if parts.len() == 1 {
return pattern == s;
if !s.starts_with(parts[0]) {
return false;
let mut t = s.split_at(parts[0].len());
for (i, part) in parts.iter().enumerate() {
if i == 0 {
dbg!(part, i);
if i == parts.len() - 1 && (*part == "" || *part == "\n") {
dbg!("exit 1 true", i);
return true;
if let Some(found) = t.1.find(*part) {
dbg!("found ", found);
t = t.1.split_at(found + part.len());
} else {
dbg!("exit false ", i);
return false;
dbg!("end ", t.1.len());
fn test_wildcard_match() {
let fixtures = vec![
("foobarbaz", "foobarbaz", true),
("[WILDCARD]", "foobarbaz", true),
("foobar", "foobarbaz", false),
("foo[WILDCARD]baz", "foobarbaz", true),
("foo[WILDCARD]baz", "foobazbar", false),
("foo[WILDCARD]baz[WILDCARD]qux", "foobarbazqatqux", true),
("foo[WILDCARD]", "foobar", true),
("foo[WILDCARD]baz[WILDCARD]", "foobarbazqat", true),
// check with different line endings
("foo[WILDCARD]\nbaz[WILDCARD]\n", "foobar\nbazqat\n", true),
// Iterate through the fixture lists, testing each one
for (pattern, string, expected) in fixtures {
let actual = wildcard_match(pattern, string);
dbg!(pattern, string, expected);
assert_eq!(actual, expected);