2019-12-25 00:31:36 +01:00
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::size_of;
use std::mem::take;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ops::DerefMut;
// Note: the 's lifetime is there to ensure that after entering a scope once,
// the same scope object can't ever be entered again.
/// A trait for defining scoped objects.
pub unsafe trait Scoped<'s>
Self: Sized,
type Args;
fn enter_scope(buf: &mut MaybeUninit<Self>, args: Self::Args) -> ();
/// A RAII scope wrapper object that will, when the `enter()` method is called,
/// initialize and activate the guarded object.
pub struct Scope<'s, S>(ScopeState<'s, S>)
S: Scoped<'s>;
enum ScopeState<'s, S>
S: Scoped<'s>,
Ready(Entered<'s, S>),
/// A wrapper around the an instantiated and entered scope object.
2020-01-04 15:23:36 +01:00
pub struct Entered<'s, S>(PhantomData<&'s ()>, S);
2019-12-25 00:31:36 +01:00
impl<'s, S> Scope<'s, S>
S: Scoped<'s>,
/// Create a new Scope object in unentered state.
pub(crate) fn new(args: S::Args) -> Self {
/// Initializes the guarded object and returns a mutable reference to it.
/// A scope can only be entered once.
pub fn enter(&'s mut self) -> &'s mut Entered<S> {
assert_eq!(size_of::<S>(), size_of::<MaybeUninit<S>>());
assert_eq!(size_of::<S>(), size_of::<Entered<S>>());
use ScopeState::*;
let state = &mut self.0;
let args = match take(state) {
New(f) => f,
_ => unreachable!(),
*state = Uninit(MaybeUninit::uninit());
let buf = match state {
Uninit(b) => b,
_ => unreachable!(),
S::enter_scope(buf, args);
*state = match take(state) {
Uninit(b) => Ready(unsafe { b.assume_init() }.into()),
_ => unreachable!(),
match state {
Ready(v) => &mut *v,
_ => unreachable!(),
impl<'s, S> Default for ScopeState<'s, S>
S: Scoped<'s>,
fn default() -> Self {
impl<'s, S> From<S> for Entered<'s, S> {
fn from(value: S) -> Self {
2020-01-04 15:23:36 +01:00
Self(PhantomData, value)
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impl<'s, S> Deref for Entered<'s, S> {
type Target = S;
fn deref(&self) -> &S {
unsafe { &*(self as *const _ as *const S) }
impl<'s, S> DerefMut for Entered<'s, S> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut S {
unsafe { &mut *(self as *mut _ as *mut S) }