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mirror of https://github.com/denoland/rusty_v8.git synced 2025-03-08 12:06:12 -05:00
Darshan Sen dbf19c8545
Improve Object::get_property_names() and Object::get_own_property_names() (#1049)
This change allows the customization of the behavior of
v8::Object::GetOwnPropertyNames() and v8::Object::GetPropertyNames() by
accepting all the options that the raw V8 API supports.

Signed-off-by: Darshan Sen <raisinten@gmail.com>
2022-09-03 18:11:40 +02:00

374 lines
10 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
#[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] // this function should follow the callback type
fn log_callback(
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope,
args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments,
mut _retval: v8::ReturnValue,
) {
let message = args
println!("Logged: {}", message);
fn main() {
// Initialize V8.
let platform = v8::new_default_platform(0, false).make_shared();
// Parse options.
let (options, file) = parse_args();
if file.is_empty() {
panic!("no script was specified");
let mut isolate = v8::Isolate::new(v8::CreateParams::default());
let mut scope = v8::HandleScope::new(&mut isolate);
let source = std::fs::read_to_string(&file)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to open {}: {}", file, err));
let source = v8::String::new(&mut scope, &source).unwrap();
let mut processor = JsHttpRequestProcessor::new(&mut scope, source, options);
let requests = vec![
StringHttpRequest::new("/process.cc", "localhost", "google.com", "firefox"),
StringHttpRequest::new("/", "localhost", "google.net", "firefox"),
StringHttpRequest::new("/", "localhost", "google.org", "safari"),
StringHttpRequest::new("/", "localhost", "yahoo.com", "ie"),
StringHttpRequest::new("/", "localhost", "yahoo.com", "safari"),
StringHttpRequest::new("/", "localhost", "yahoo.com", "firefox"),
for req in requests {
fn parse_args() -> (HashMap<String, String>, String) {
use std::env;
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let mut options = HashMap::new();
let mut file = String::new();
for arg in &args {
if let Some(pos) = arg.find('=') {
let (key, value) = arg.split_at(pos);
let value = &value[1..];
options.insert(key.into(), value.into());
} else {
file = arg.into();
(options, file)
/// A simplified HTTP request.
trait HttpRequest {
fn path(&self) -> &str;
fn referrer(&self) -> &str;
fn host(&self) -> &str;
fn user_agent(&self) -> &str;
/// A simplified HTTP request.
struct StringHttpRequest {
pub path: String,
pub referrer: String,
pub host: String,
pub user_agent: String,
impl StringHttpRequest {
/// Creates a `StringHttpRequest`.
pub fn new(
path: impl Into<String>,
referrer: impl Into<String>,
host: impl Into<String>,
user_agent: impl Into<String>,
) -> Self {
Self {
path: path.into(),
referrer: referrer.into(),
host: host.into(),
user_agent: user_agent.into(),
impl HttpRequest for StringHttpRequest {
fn path(&self) -> &str {
fn referrer(&self) -> &str {
fn host(&self) -> &str {
fn user_agent(&self) -> &str {
/// An http request processor that is scriptable using JavaScript.
struct JsHttpRequestProcessor<'s, 'i> {
context: v8::Local<'s, v8::Context>,
context_scope: v8::ContextScope<'i, v8::HandleScope<'s>>,
process_fn: Option<v8::Local<'s, v8::Function>>,
request_template: v8::Global<v8::ObjectTemplate>,
_map_template: Option<v8::Global<v8::ObjectTemplate>>,
impl<'s, 'i> JsHttpRequestProcessor<'s, 'i>
's: 'i,
/// Creates a scriptable HTTP request processor.
pub fn new(
isolate_scope: &'i mut v8::HandleScope<'s, ()>,
source: v8::Local<'s, v8::String>,
options: HashMap<String, String>,
) -> Self {
let global = v8::ObjectTemplate::new(isolate_scope);
v8::String::new(isolate_scope, "log").unwrap().into(),
v8::FunctionTemplate::new(isolate_scope, log_callback).into(),
let context = v8::Context::new_from_template(isolate_scope, global);
let mut context_scope = v8::ContextScope::new(isolate_scope, context);
let request_template = v8::ObjectTemplate::new(&mut context_scope);
// make it global
let request_template =
v8::Global::new(&mut context_scope, request_template);
let mut self_ = JsHttpRequestProcessor {
process_fn: None,
_map_template: None,
// loads options and output
let options = self_.wrap_map(options);
let options_str =
v8::String::new(&mut self_.context_scope, "options").unwrap();
self_.context.global(&mut self_.context_scope).set(
&mut self_.context_scope,
let output = v8::Object::new(&mut self_.context_scope);
let output_str =
v8::String::new(&mut self_.context_scope, "output").unwrap();
self_.context.global(&mut self_.context_scope).set(
&mut self_.context_scope,
// execute script
let process_str =
v8::String::new(&mut self_.context_scope, "Process").unwrap();
let process_fn = self_
.global(&mut self_.context_scope)
.get(&mut self_.context_scope, process_str.into())
.expect("missing function Process");
let process_fn = v8::Local::<v8::Function>::try_from(process_fn)
.expect("function expected");
self_.process_fn = Some(process_fn);
fn execute_script(&mut self, script: v8::Local<'s, v8::String>) {
let scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(&mut self.context_scope);
let try_catch = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let script = v8::Script::compile(try_catch, script, None)
.expect("failed to compile script");
if script.run(try_catch).is_none() {
let exception = try_catch.exception().unwrap();
let exception_string = exception
panic!("{}", exception_string);
/// Processes the given HTTP request.
pub fn process<R>(&mut self, request: R)
R: HttpRequest + 'static,
let request: Box<dyn HttpRequest> = Box::new(request);
let request = self.wrap_request(request);
let scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(&mut self.context_scope);
let try_catch = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
let process_fn = self.process_fn.as_mut().unwrap();
let global = self.context.global(try_catch).into();
if process_fn
.call(try_catch, global, &[request.into()])
let exception = try_catch.exception().unwrap();
let exception_string = exception
panic!("{}", exception_string);
/// Utility function that wraps a http request object in a JavaScript object.
fn wrap_request(
&mut self,
request: Box<dyn HttpRequest>,
) -> v8::Local<'s, v8::Object> {
// TODO: fix memory leak
use std::ffi::c_void;
// Double-box to get C-sized reference of Box<dyn HttpRequest>
let request = Box::new(request);
// Local scope for temporary handles.
let scope = &mut self.context_scope;
let request_template = v8::Local::new(scope, &self.request_template);
let result = request_template.new_instance(scope).unwrap();
let external = v8::External::new(
Box::leak(request) as *mut Box<dyn HttpRequest> as *mut c_void,
result.set_internal_field(0, external.into());
let name = v8::String::new(scope, "path").unwrap().into();
result.set_accessor(scope, name, Self::request_prop_handler);
let name = v8::String::new(scope, "userAgent").unwrap().into();
result.set_accessor(scope, name, Self::request_prop_handler);
let name = v8::String::new(scope, "referrer").unwrap().into();
result.set_accessor(scope, name, Self::request_prop_handler);
let name = v8::String::new(scope, "host").unwrap().into();
result.set_accessor(scope, name, Self::request_prop_handler);
/// This handles the properties of `HttpRequest`
#[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] // this function should follow the callback type
fn request_prop_handler(
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope,
key: v8::Local<v8::Name>,
args: v8::PropertyCallbackArguments,
mut rv: v8::ReturnValue,
) {
let this = args.this();
let external = Self::unwrap_request(scope, this);
"the pointer to Box<dyn HttpRequest> should not be null"
let request = unsafe { &mut *external };
let key = key.to_string(scope).unwrap().to_rust_string_lossy(scope);
let value = match &*key {
"path" => request.path(),
"userAgent" => request.user_agent(),
"referrer" => request.referrer(),
"host" => request.host(),
_ => {
rv.set(v8::String::new(scope, value).unwrap().into());
/// Utility function that extracts the http request object from a wrapper object.
fn unwrap_request<'a>(
scope: &mut v8::HandleScope,
request: v8::Local<'a, v8::Object>,
) -> *mut Box<dyn HttpRequest> {
let external = request.get_internal_field(scope, 0).unwrap();
let external = unsafe { v8::Local::<v8::External>::cast(external) };
external.value() as *mut Box<dyn HttpRequest>
fn wrap_map(
&mut self,
options: HashMap<String, String>,
) -> v8::Local<'s, v8::Object> {
// TODO: wrap map, not convert into Object
let scope = &mut self.context_scope;
let result = v8::Object::new(scope);
for (key, value) in options {
let key = v8::String::new(scope, &key).unwrap().into();
let value = v8::String::new(scope, &value).unwrap().into();
result.set(scope, key, value);
/// Prints the output.
pub fn print_output(&mut self) {
let scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(&mut self.context_scope);
let key = v8::String::new(scope, "output").unwrap();
let output = self
.get(scope, key.into())
let props = output
.get_property_names(scope, v8::GetPropertyNamesArgsBuilder::new().build())
for i in 0..props.length() {
let key = props.get_index(scope, i).unwrap();
let value = output.get(scope, key).unwrap();
let key = key.to_string(scope).unwrap().to_rust_string_lossy(scope);
let value = value.to_string(scope).unwrap().to_rust_string_lossy(scope);
println!("{}: {}", key, value);