#+title: Electrum Container * About A containerized Electrum server powered by [[https://github.com/romanz/electrs][Electrs]]. The server will allow you to connect Electrum wallets to your Bitcoin node. * Requirements - A synced, full-node Bitcoin daemon - [[https://podman.io/][Podman]] or [[https://www.docker.com/][Docker]] installed - Your router's port 50001 opened and forwarded * Usage To run with ~podman run~: #+begin_src shell podman run -p 50001:50001 -v ./electrum/db:/electrs/db -v ./bitcoin-core/.bitcoin:/electrs/.bitcoin:ro code.fosterhangdaan.com/foster/electrum-container:0.10 #+end_src Or define a =compose.yaml= file: #+begin_src yaml version: "3.8" services: electrum: container_name: electrum image: code.fosterhangdaan.com/foster/electrum-container:0.10 restart: unless-stopped volumes: # Database store - ./electrum/db:/electrs/db # Mount the blockchain from Bitcoin Core - ./bitcoin-core/.bitcoin:/electrs/.bitcoin:ro ports: - 50001:50001 #+end_src * Building To build the image: #+begin_src shell cd /path/to/electrum-container podman build -t electrs . #+end_src * Contributing Please send patches and bug reports by email to one of the maintainers. See the *Core Maintainers* section for a list of contacts. Refer to [[https://git-send-email.io][this guide]] if you are not familiar with sending Git patches over email. * Core Maintainers - *Foster Hangdaan* - Website: [[https://www.fosterhangdaan.com][www.fosterhangdaan.com]] - Email: [[mailto:foster@hangdaan.email][foster@hangdaan.email]] - GPG Public Key: [[https://static.fosterhangdaan.com/foster-pubkey.asc][DBD3 8E38 4B9E 1F4F 19F9 5BAE E48D 7F49 A852 F112]] - OpenAlias: =pay.fosterhangdaan.com= * License Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0; see LICENSE.md for details. * Copyright Copyright 2023 Foster Hangdaan