In the default values below, a value in the form `$XYZ` refers to an environment variable. See [environment-to-ini]( for information on how environment variables are translated to `app.ini` variables. Values in the form _`XxYyZz`_ refer to values listed as part of the default configuration. These notation forms will not work in your own `app.ini` file and are only listed here as documentation.
reported as part of the default configuration when running `forgejo help` or on start-up. The order they are emitted there is slightly different but we will list them here in the order they are set-up.
-`RUN_MODE`: **prod**: Application run mode, affects performance and debugging: `dev` or `prod`, default is `prod`. Mode `dev` makes Forgejo easier to develop and debug, values other than `dev` are treated as `prod` which is for production use.
-`DETECTED_CHARSETS_ORDER`: **UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, ISO-8859, windows-1252, ISO-8859, windows-1250, ISO-8859, ISO-8859, ISO-8859, windows-1253, ISO-8859, windows-1255, ISO-8859, windows-1251, windows-1256, KOI8-R, ISO-8859, windows-1254, Shift_JIS, GB18030, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, Big5, ISO-2022, ISO-2022, ISO-2022, IBM424_rtl, IBM424_ltr, IBM420_rtl, IBM420_ltr**: Tie-break order of detected charsets - if the detected charsets have equal confidence, charsets earlier in the list will be chosen in preference to those later. Adding `defaults` will place the unnamed charsets at that point.
-`ANSI_CHARSET`: **\<empty\>**: Default ANSI charset to override non-UTF-8 charsets to.
-`FORCE_PRIVATE`: **false**: Force every new repository to be private.
-`DEFAULT_PRIVATE`: **last**: Default private when creating a new repository.
-`DEFAULT_REPO_UNITS`: **repo.code,repo.releases,repo.issues,repo.pulls,,repo.projects,repo.packages,repo.actions**: Comma separated list of default new repo units. Allowed values: \[repo.code, repo.releases, repo.issues, repo.pulls,, repo.projects, repo.packages, repo.actions\]. Note: Code and Releases can currently not be deactivated. If you specify default repo units you should still list them for future compatibility. External wiki and issue tracker can't be enabled by default as it requires additional settings. Disabled repo units will not be added to new repositories regardless if it is in the default list.
-`DEFAULT_FORK_REPO_UNITS`: **repo.code,repo.pulls**: Comma separated list of default forked repo units. The set of allowed values and rules is the same as `DEFAULT_REPO_UNITS`.
-`PREFIX_ARCHIVE_FILES`: **true**: Prefix archive files by placing them in a directory named after the repository.
-`LINE_WRAP_EXTENSIONS`: **.txt,.md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd,.livemd,**: List of file extensions for which lines should be wrapped in the Monaco editor. Separate extensions with a comma. To line wrap files without an extension, just put a comma
-`PREVIEWABLE_FILE_MODES`: **markdown**: Valid file modes that have a preview API associated with them, such as `api/v1/markdown`. Separate the values by commas. The preview tab in edit mode won't be displayed if the file extension doesn't match.
-`DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_COMMITS_LIMIT`: **50**: In the default merge message for squash commits include at most this many commits. Set to `-1` to include all commits
-`DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_SIZE`: **5120**: In the default merge message for squash commits limit the size of the commit messages. Set to `-1` to have no limit. Only used if `POPULATE_SQUASH_COMMENT_WITH_COMMIT_MESSAGES` is `true`.
-`DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_ALL_AUTHORS`: **false**: In the default merge message for squash commits walk all commits to include all authors in the Co-authored-by otherwise just use those in the limited list
-`DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_MAX_APPROVERS`: **10**: In default merge messages limit the number of approvers listed as `Reviewed-by:`. Set to `-1` to include all.
-`DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_OFFICIAL_APPROVERS_ONLY`: **true**: In default merge messages only include approvers who are officially allowed to review.
-`POPULATE_SQUASH_COMMENT_WITH_COMMIT_MESSAGES`: **false**: In default squash-merge messages include the commit message of all commits comprising the pull request.
-`ADD_CO_COMMITTER_TRAILERS`: **true**: Add co-authored-by and co-committed-by trailers to merge commit messages if committer does not match author.
-`TEST_CONFLICTING_PATCHES_WITH_GIT_APPLY`: **false**: PR patches are tested using a three-way merge method to discover if there are conflicts. If this setting is set to **true**, conflicting patches will be retested using `git apply` - This was the previous behaviour in 1.18 (and earlier) but is somewhat inefficient. Please report if you find that this setting is required.
-`RETARGET_CHILDREN_ON_MERGE`: **true**: Retarget child pull requests to the parent pull request branch target on merge of parent pull request. It only works on merged PRs where the head and base branch target the same repo.
-`ENABLED`: **true**: Whether repository file uploads are enabled
-`TEMP_PATH`: **data/tmp/uploads**: Path for uploads (content gets deleted on Forgejo restart)
-`ALLOWED_TYPES`: **\<empty\>**: Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
-`MAX_FILES`: **5**: Max number of files per upload
### Repository - Release (`repository.release`)
-`ALLOWED_TYPES`: **\<empty\>**: Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
-`DEFAULT_PAGING_NUM`: **10**: The default paging number of releases user interface
- For settings related to file attachments on releases, see the `attachment` section.
### Repository - Signing (`repository.signing`)
-`SIGNING_KEY`: **default**: \[none, KEYID, default \]: Key to sign with.
-`SIGNING_NAME`&`SIGNING_EMAIL`: if a KEYID is provided as the `SIGNING_KEY`, use these as the Name and Email address of the signer. These should match publicized name and email address for the key.
-`approved`: Only sign approved merges to a protected branch.
-`basesigned`: Only sign if the parent commit in the base repo is signed.
-`headsigned`: Only sign if the head commit in the head branch is signed.
-`commitssigned`: Only sign if all the commits in the head branch to the merge point are signed.
## Repository - Local (`repository.local`)
-`LOCAL_COPY_PATH`: **tmp/local-repo**: Path for temporary local repository copies. Defaults to `tmp/local-repo` (content gets deleted on Forgejo restart)
Configuration for set the expected MIME type based on file extensions of downloadable files. Configuration presents in key-value pairs and file extensions starts with leading `.`.
The following configuration set `Content-Type: application/` header when downloading files with `.apk` file extension.
-`METHODS`: **GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE,OPTIONS**: list of methods allowed to request
-`MAX_AGE`: **10m**: max time to cache response
-`ALLOW_CREDENTIALS`: **false**: allow request with credentials
-`HEADERS`: **Content-Type,User-Agent**: additional headers that are permitted in requests
-`X_FRAME_OPTIONS`: **SAMEORIGIN**: Set the `X-Frame-Options` header value.
## UI (`ui`)
-`EXPLORE_PAGING_NUM`: **20**: Number of repositories that are shown in one explore page.
-`ISSUE_PAGING_NUM`: **20**: Number of issues that are shown in one page (for all pages that list issues, milestones, projects).
-`MEMBERS_PAGING_NUM`: **20**: Number of members that are shown in organization members.
-`FEED_MAX_COMMIT_NUM`: **5**: Number of maximum commits shown in one activity feed.
-`FEED_PAGING_NUM`: **20**: Number of items that are displayed in home feed.
-`SITEMAP_PAGING_NUM`: **20**: Number of items that are displayed in a single subsitemap.
-`GRAPH_MAX_COMMIT_NUM`: **100**: Number of maximum commits shown in the commit graph.
-`CODE_COMMENT_LINES`: **4**: Number of line of codes shown for a code comment.
-`DEFAULT_THEME`: **forgejo-auto**: \[forgejo-auto, forgejo-light, forgejo-dark, auto, gitea, arc-green\]: Set the default theme for the Forgejo install.
-`SHOW_USER_EMAIL`: **true**: Whether the email of the user should be shown in the Explore Users page.
-`DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME`: **false**: Whether the full name of the users should be shown where possible. If the full name isn't set, the username will be used.
-`SEARCH_REPO_DESCRIPTION`: **true**: Whether to search within description at repository search on explore page.
-`ONLY_SHOW_RELEVANT_REPOS`: **false** Whether to only show relevant repos on the explore page when no keyword is specified and default sorting is used.
A repo is considered irrelevant if it's a fork or if it has no metadata (no description, no icon, no topic).
-`AMBIGUOUS_UNICODE_DETECTION`: **true**: Detect ambiguous unicode characters in files and show warnings for it.
-`SKIP_ESCAPE_CONTEXTS`: **\<empty\>**: \[diff, file-view, wiki\]: Comma separated list of which escape context the ambiguous unicode detection shouldn't be run in. `wiki` is for content on the wiki pages, `file-view` is for (rendered) file content and `diff` is for the diff of an commit and pull request.
-`USER_PAGING_NUM`: **50**: Number of users that are shown in one page.
-`REPO_PAGING_NUM`: **50**: Number of repos that are shown in one page.
-`NOTICE_PAGING_NUM`: **25**: Number of notices that are shown in one page.
-`ORG_PAGING_NUM`: **50**: Number of organizations that are shown in one page.
### UI - User (`ui.user`)
-`REPO_PAGING_NUM`: **15**: Number of repos that are shown in one page.
### UI - Metadata (`ui.meta`)
-`AUTHOR`: **Forgejo - Beyond coding. We forge.**: Author meta tag of the homepage.
-`DESCRIPTION`: **Forgejo is a self-hosted lightweight software forge. Easy to install and low maintenance, it just does the job.**: Description meta tag of the homepage.
-`KEYWORDS`: **git,forge,forgejo**: Keywords meta tag of the homepage.
### UI - Notification (`ui.notification`)
-`MIN_TIMEOUT`: **10s**: These options control how often notification endpoint is polled to update the notification count. On page load the notification count will be checked after `MIN_TIMEOUT`. The timeout will increase to `MAX_TIMEOUT` by `TIMEOUT_STEP` if the notification count is unchanged. Set MIN_TIMEOUT to -1 to turn off.
-`MAX_TIMEOUT`: **60s**.
-`TIMEOUT_STEP`: **10s**.
-`EVENT_SOURCE_UPDATE_TIME`: **10s**: This setting determines how often the database is queried to update notification counts. If the browser client supports `EventSource` and `SharedWorker`, a `SharedWorker` will be used in preference to polling notification endpoint. Set to **-1** to disable the `EventSource`.
-`ENABLE_RENDER`: **true**: Whether to render SVG files as images. If SVG rendering is disabled, SVG files are displayed as text and cannot be embedded in markdown files as images.
always displayed. If this entry is empty, all URL schemes are allowed.
-`FILE_EXTENSIONS`: **.md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd,.livemd**: List of file extensions that should be rendered/edited as Markdown. Separate the extensions with a comma. To render files without any extension as markdown, just put a comma.
-`USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL`: **false**: Expect PROXY protocol headers on connections. Warning: this feature is [not working](
- If `PROTOCOL` is set to `http+unix` or `fcgi+unix`, this should be the name of the Unix socket file to use. Relative paths will be made absolute against the _`AppWorkPath`_.
-`HTTP_PORT`: **3000**: HTTP listen port.
- If `PROTOCOL` is set to `fcgi`, Forgejo will listen for FastCGI requests on TCP socket
-`PER_WRITE_PER_KB_TIMEOUT`: **10s**: Timeout per Kb written to connections.
-`DISABLE_SSH`: **false**: Disable SSH feature when it's not available.
-`START_SSH_SERVER`: **false**: When enabled, use the built-in SSH server.
-`SSH_SERVER_USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL`: **false**: Expect PROXY protocol header on connections to the built-in SSH Server.
-`BUILTIN_SSH_SERVER_USER`: **%(RUN_USER)s**: Username to use for the built-in SSH Server.
-`SSH_USER`: **%(BUILTIN_SSH_SERVER_USER)s**: SSH username displayed in clone URLs. This is only for people who configure the SSH server themselves; in most cases, you want to leave this blank and modify the `BUILTIN_SSH_SERVER_USER`.
-`SSH_DOMAIN`: **%(DOMAIN)s**: Domain name of this server, used for displayed clone URL.
-`SSH_PORT`: **22**: SSH port displayed in clone URL.
-`SSH_LISTEN_HOST`: ****: Listen address for the built-in SSH server.
-`SSH_ROOT_PATH`: **~/.ssh**: Root path of SSH directory.
-`SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE`: **true**: Forgejo will create a authorized_keys file by default when it is not using the internal ssh server. If you intend to use the AuthorizedKeysCommand functionality then you should turn this off.
-`SSH_TRUSTED_USER_CA_KEYS`: **\<empty\>**: Specifies the public keys of certificate authorities that are trusted to sign user certificates for authentication. Multiple keys should be comma separated. E.g.`ssh-<algorithm> <key>` or `ssh-<algorithm> <key1>, ssh-<algorithm> <key2>`. For more information see `TrustedUserCAKeys` in the sshd config man pages. When empty no file will be created and `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` will default to `off`.
-`SSH_TRUSTED_USER_CA_KEYS_FILENAME`: **`RUN_USER`/.ssh/gitea-trusted-user-ca-keys.pem**: Absolute path of the `TrustedUserCaKeys` file Forgejo will manage. If you're running your own ssh server and you want to use the Forgejo managed file you'll also need to modify your sshd_config to point to this file. The official docker image will automatically work without further configuration.
-`SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW`: **off** or **username, email**: \[off, username, email, anything\]: Specify the principals values that users are allowed to use as principal. When set to `anything` no checks are done on the principal string. When set to `off` authorized principal are not allowed to be set.
-`SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_FILE`: **false/true**: Forgejo will create a authorized_principals file by default when it is not using the internal ssh server and `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` is not `off`.
-`SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_BACKUP`: **false/true**: Enable SSH Authorized Principals Backup when rewriting all keys, default is true if `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` is not `off`.
-`SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_COMMAND_TEMPLATE`: **`{{.AppPath}} --config={{.CustomConf}} serv key-{{.Key.ID}}`**: Set the template for the command to passed on authorized keys. Possible keys are: AppPath, AppWorkPath, CustomConf, CustomPath, Key - where Key is a `models/asymkey.PublicKey` and the others are strings which are shellquoted.
-`SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS`: **, aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr,,**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the ciphers to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect.
-`SSH_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGES`: **curve25519-sha256, ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the key exchange algorithms to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect.
-`SSH_SERVER_MACS`: **, hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha1**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the MACs to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect
-`SSH_SERVER_HOST_KEYS`: **ssh/gitea.rsa, ssh/gogs.rsa**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the keypairs to offer as the host key. The private key should be at `SSH_SERVER_HOST_KEY` and the public ``. Relative paths are made absolute relative to the `APP_DATA_PATH`. If no key exists a 4096 bit RSA key will be created for you.
-`SSH_KEY_TEST_PATH`: **/tmp**: Directory to create temporary files in when testing public keys using ssh-keygen, default is the system temporary directory.
-`SSH_KEYGEN_PATH`: **\<empty\>**: Use `ssh-keygen` to parse public SSH keys. The value is passed to the shell. By default, Forgejo does the parsing itself.
-`CERT_FILE`: **https/cert.pem**: Cert file path used for HTTPS. When chaining, the server certificate must come first, then intermediate CA certificates (if any). This is ignored if `ENABLE_ACME=true`. Paths are relative to `CUSTOM_PATH`.
-`KEY_FILE`: **https/key.pem**: Key file path used for HTTPS. This is ignored if `ENABLE_ACME=true`. Paths are relative to `CUSTOM_PATH`.
-`STATIC_ROOT_PATH`: **_`StaticRootPath`_**: Upper level of template and static files path.
-`APP_DATA_PATH`: **data** (**/data/gitea** on docker): Default path for application data. Relative paths will be made absolute against _`AppWorkPath`_.
-`STATIC_CACHE_TIME`: **6h**: Web browser cache time for static resources on `custom/`, `public/` and all uploaded avatars. Note that this cache is disabled when `RUN_MODE` is "dev".
-`ENABLE_PPROF`: **false**: Application profiling (memory and cpu). For "web" command it listens on `localhost:6060`. For "serv" command it dumps to disk at `PPROF_DATA_PATH` as `(cpuprofile|memprofile)_<username>_<temporary id>`
-`PPROF_DATA_PATH`: **_`AppWorkPath`_/data/tmp/pprof**: `PPROF_DATA_PATH`, use an absolute path when you start Forgejo as service
-`LANDING_PAGE`: **home**: Landing page for unauthenticated users \[home, explore, organizations, login, **custom**\]. Where custom would instead be any URL such as "/org/repo" or even ``
-`LFS_JWT_SECRET_URI`: **\<empty\>**: Instead of defining LFS_JWT_SECRET in the configuration, this configuration option can be used to give Forgejo a path to a file that contains the secret (example value: `file:/etc/forgejo/lfs_jwt_secret`)
-`LFS_MAX_FILE_SIZE`: **0**: Maximum allowed LFS file size in bytes (Set to 0 for no limit).
-`LFS_LOCKS_PAGING_NUM`: **50**: Maximum number of LFS Locks returned per page.
-`REDIRECT_OTHER_PORT`: **false**: If true and `PROTOCOL` is https, allows redirecting http requests on `PORT_TO_REDIRECT` to the https port Forgejo listens on.
-`REDIRECTOR_USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL`: **%(USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL)s**: expect PROXY protocol header on connections to https redirector.
-`PORT_TO_REDIRECT`: **80**: Port for the http redirection service to listen on. Used when `REDIRECT_OTHER_PORT` is true.
-`SSL_MIN_VERSION`: **TLSv1.2**: Set the minimum version of ssl support.
-`SSL_MAX_VERSION`: **\<empty\>**: Set the maximum version of ssl support.
-`SSL_CURVE_PREFERENCES`: **X25519,P256**: Set the preferred curves,
-`SSL_CIPHER_SUITES`: **ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384,ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384,ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_128_gcm_sha256,ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_128_gcm_sha256,ecdhe_ecdsa_with_chacha20_poly1305,ecdhe_rsa_with_chacha20_poly1305**: Set the preferred cipher suites.
- If there is no hardware support for AES suites, by default the ChaCha suites will be preferred over the AES suites.
- supported suites as of Go 1.18 are:
- TLS 1.0 - 1.2 cipher suites
- "rsa_with_rc4_128_sha"
- "rsa_with_3des_ede_cbc_sha"
- "rsa_with_aes_128_cbc_sha"
- "rsa_with_aes_256_cbc_sha"
- "rsa_with_aes_128_cbc_sha256"
- "rsa_with_aes_128_gcm_sha256"
- "rsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384"
- "ecdhe_ecdsa_with_rc4_128_sha"
- "ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_128_cbc_sha"
- "ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_256_cbc_sha"
- "ecdhe_rsa_with_rc4_128_sha"
- "ecdhe_rsa_with_3des_ede_cbc_sha"
- "ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_128_cbc_sha"
- "ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_256_cbc_sha"
- "ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_128_cbc_sha256"
- "ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_128_cbc_sha256"
- "ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_128_gcm_sha256"
- "ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_128_gcm_sha256"
- "ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384"
- "ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384"
- "ecdhe_rsa_with_chacha20_poly1305_sha256"
- "ecdhe_ecdsa_with_chacha20_poly1305_sha256"
- TLS 1.3 cipher suites
- "aes_128_gcm_sha256"
- "aes_256_gcm_sha384"
- "chacha20_poly1305_sha256"
- Aliased names
- "ecdhe_rsa_with_chacha20_poly1305" is an alias for "ecdhe_rsa_with_chacha20_poly1305_sha256"
- "ecdhe_ecdsa_with_chacha20_poly1305" is alias for "ecdhe_ecdsa_with_chacha20_poly1305_sha256"
-`ENABLE_ACME`: **false**: Flag to enable automatic certificate management via an ACME capable Certificate Authority (CA) server (default: Let's Encrypt). If enabled, `CERT_FILE` and `KEY_FILE` are ignored, and the CA must resolve `DOMAIN` to this Forgejo server. Ensure that DNS records are set and either port `80` or port `443` are accessible by the CA server (the public internet by default), and redirected to the appropriate ports `PORT_TO_REDIRECT` or `HTTP_PORT` respectively.
-`ACME_URL`: **\<empty\>**: The CA's ACME directory URL, e.g. for a self-hosted [smallstep CA server](, it can look like ``. If left empty, it defaults to using Let's Encrypt's production CA (check `LETSENCRYPT_ACCEPTTOS` as well).
-`ACME_ACCEPTTOS`: **false**: This is an explicit check that you accept the terms of service of the ACME provider. The default is Let's Encrypt [terms of service](
-`ACME_DIRECTORY`: **https**: Directory that the certificate manager will use to cache information such as certs and private keys.
-`ACME_EMAIL`: **\<empty\>**: Email used for the ACME registration. Usually it is to notify about problems with issued certificates.
-`ACME_CA_ROOT`: **\<empty\>**: The CA's root certificate. If left empty, it defaults to using the system's trust chain.
-`ALLOW_GRACEFUL_RESTARTS`: **true**: Perform a graceful restart on SIGHUP
-`GRACEFUL_HAMMER_TIME`: **60s**: After a restart the parent process will stop accepting new connections and will allow requests to finish before stopping. Shutdown will be forced if it takes longer than this time.
-`STARTUP_TIMEOUT`: **0**: Shuts down the server if startup takes longer than the provided time. On Windows setting this sends a waithint to the SVC host to tell the SVC host startup may take some time. Please note startup is determined by the opening of the listeners - HTTP/HTTPS/SSH. Indexers may take longer to startup and can have their own timeouts.
-`HOST`: ****: Database host address and port or absolute path for unix socket \[mysql, postgres\] (ex: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock).
-`NAME`: **forgejo**: Database name.
-`USER`: **root**: Database username.
-`PASSWD`: **\<empty\>**: Database user password. Use \`your password\` or """your password""" for quoting if you use special characters in the password.
-`CHARSET_COLLATION`: **_empty_**: (MySQL only) Forgejo expects to use a case-sensitive collation for database. Leave it empty to use the default collation.
-`true`: Enable TLS with verification of the database server certificate against its root certificate. When selecting this option make sure that the root certificate required to validate the database server certificate (e.g. the CA certificate) is on the system certificate store of both the database and Forgejo servers. See your system documentation for instructions on how to add a CA certificate to the certificate store.
-`false`: Disable TLS.
-`disable`: Alias for `false`, for compatibility with PostgreSQL.
-`skip-verify`: Enable TLS without database server certificate verification. Use this option if you have self-signed or invalid certificate on the database server.
-`prefer`: Enable TLS with fallback to non-TLS connection.
- Valid values for PostgreSQL:
-`disable`: Disable TLS.
-`require`: Enable TLS without any verifications.
-`verify-ca`: Enable TLS with verification of the database server certificate against its root certificate.
-`verify-full`: Enable TLS and verify the database server name matches the given certificate in either the `Common Name` or `Subject Alternative Name` fields.
-`SQLITE_TIMEOUT`: **500**: Query timeout for SQLite3 only.
-`SQLITE_JOURNAL_MODE`: **""**: Change journal mode for SQlite3. Can be used to enable [WAL mode]( when high load causes write congestion. See [SQlite3 docs]( for possible values. Defaults to the default for the database file, often DELETE.
-`ITERATE_BUFFER_SIZE`: **50**: Internal buffer size for iterating.
-`PATH`: **data/forgejo.db**: For SQLite3 only, the database file path.
-`MAX_OPEN_CONNS`**100**: Database maximum open connections. Default is 100 which is the lowest default from Postgres (MariaDB + MySQL default to 151). Setting this value higher than your database server can handle will lead to issues. If you require high concurrency, try to increase this value for both Forgejo and your database server.
-`CONN_MAX_LIFETIME`**0 or 3s**: Sets the maximum amount of time a DB connection may be reused - default is 0, meaning there is no limit (except on MySQL/MariaDB where it is 3s - see #6804ᮟ).
-`ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE`: **bleve**: Issue indexer type, currently supported: `bleve`, `db`, `elasticsearch` or `meilisearch`.
-`ISSUE_INDEXER_CONN_STR`: \*\*\*\*: Issue indexer connection string, available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is elasticsearch (e.g. http://elastic:password@localhost:9200) or meilisearch (e.g. http://:apikey@localhost:7700)
-`ISSUE_INDEXER_NAME`: **gitea_issues**: Issue indexer name, available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is elasticsearch or meilisearch.
-`ISSUE_INDEXER_PATH`: **indexers/issues.bleve**: Index file used for issue search; available when ISSUE*INDEXER_TYPE is bleve and elasticsearch. Relative paths will be made absolute against *`AppWorkPath`\_.
-`REPO_INDEXER_ENABLED`: **false**: Enables code search (uses a lot of disk space, about 6 times more than the repository size). If disabled, code search will be limited within a single repository.
-`REPO_INDEXER_REPO_TYPES`: **sources,forks,mirrors,templates**: Repo indexer units. The items to index could be `sources`, `forks`, `mirrors`, `templates` or any combination of them separated by a comma. If empty then it defaults to `sources` only, as if you'd like to disable fully please see `REPO_INDEXER_ENABLED`.
-`REPO_INDEXER_CONN_STR`: \*\*\*\*: Code indexer connection string, available when `REPO_INDEXER_TYPE` is elasticsearch. i.e. http://elastic:password@localhost:9200
-`REPO_INDEXER_NAME`: **gitea_codes**: Code indexer name, available when `REPO_INDEXER_TYPE` is elasticsearch
-`REPO_INDEXER_INCLUDE`: **empty**: A comma separated list of glob patterns (see to **include** in the index. Use `**.txt` to match any files with .txt extension. An empty list means include all files.
-`REPO_INDEXER_EXCLUDE`: **empty**: A comma separated list of glob patterns (see to **exclude** from the index. Files that match this list will not be indexed, even if they match in `REPO_INDEXER_INCLUDE`.
-`REPO_INDEXER_EXCLUDE_VENDORED`: **true**: Exclude vendored files from index.
-`MAX_FILE_SIZE`: **1048576**: Maximum size in bytes of files to be indexed.
-`STARTUP_TIMEOUT`: **30s**: If the indexer takes longer than this timeout to start - fail. (This timeout will be added to the hammer time above for child processes - as bleve will not start until the previous parent is shutdown.) Set to -1 to never timeout.
## Queue (`queue` and `queue.*`)
Configuration at `[queue]` will set defaults for queues with overrides for individual queues at `[queue.*]`. (However see below.)
-`TYPE`: **level**: General queue type, currently support: `level` (uses a LevelDB internally), `channel`, `redis`, `dummy`. Invalid types are treated as `level`.
-`DATADIR`: **queues/common**: Base DataDir for storing level queues. `DATADIR` for individual queues can be set in `` sections. Relative paths will be made absolute against `%(APP_DATA_PATH)s`.
-`CONN_STR`: **redis://**: Connection string for the Redis queue type. For `redis-cluster` use `redis+cluster://`. Options can be set using query params. Similarly, LevelDB options can also be set using: **leveldb://relative/path?option=value** or **leveldb:///absolute/path?option=value**, and will override `DATADIR`
-`QUEUE_NAME`: **\_queue**: The suffix for default Redis and disk queue name. Individual queues will default to **`name`**`QUEUE_NAME` but can be overridden in the specific `` section.
-`SET_NAME`: **\_unique**: The suffix that will be added to the default Redis and disk queue `set` name for unique queues. Individual queues will default to **`name`**`QUEUE_NAME`_`SET_NAME`_ but can be overridden in the specific `` section.
-`USER_DISABLED_FEATURES`: **_empty_** Disabled features for users, could be `deletion`, `manage_ssh_keys`, `manage_gpg_keys` and more features can be added in future.
-`manage_ssh_keys`: User cannot configure ssh keys.
-`manage_gpg_keys`: User cannot configure gpg keys.
-`EXTERNAL_USER_DISABLE_FEATURES`: **_empty_**: Comma separated list of disabled features ONLY if the user has an external login type (eg. LDAP, Oauth, etc.), could be `deletion`, `manage_ssh_keys`, `manage_gpg_keys`. This setting is independent from `USER_DISABLED_FEATURES` and supplements its behavior.
-`deletion`: User cannot delete their own account.
-`manage_ssh_keys`: User cannot configure ssh keys.
-`manage_gpg_keys`: User cannot configure gpg keys.
-`SEND_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ON_NEW_USER`: **false**: enable email notifications to instance admins on new user sign-up. It requires `ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL` to be true.
-`INSTALL_LOCK`: **false**: Controls access to the installation page. When set to "true", the installation page is not accessible.
-`SECRET_KEY`: **\<random at every install\>**: Global secret key. This key is VERY IMPORTANT, if you lost it, the data encrypted by it (like 2FA secret) can't be decrypted anymore.
-`SECRET_KEY_URI`: **\<empty\>**: Instead of defining SECRET_KEY, this option can be used to use the key stored in a file (example value: `file:/etc/forgejo/secret_key`). It shouldn't be lost like SECRET_KEY.
-`REVERSE_PROXY_TRUSTED_PROXIES`: **,::1/128**: List of IP addresses and networks separated by comma of trusted proxy servers. Use `*` to trust all.
-`DISABLE_GIT_HOOKS`: **true**: Set to `false` to enable users with Git Hook privilege to create custom Git Hooks.
-`DISABLE_WEBHOOKS`: **false**: Set to `true` to disable webhooks feature.
-`ONLY_ALLOW_PUSH_IF_GITEA_ENVIRONMENT_SET`: **true**: Set to `false` to allow local users to push to gitea-repositories without setting up the Forgejo environment. This is not recommended and if you want local users to push to Forgejo repositories you should set the environment appropriately.
-`IMPORT_LOCAL_PATHS`: **false**: Set to `false` to prevent all users (including admin) from importing local path on server.
-`INTERNAL_TOKEN`: **\<random at every install if no uri set\>**: Secret used to validate communication within Forgejo binary.
-`INTERNAL_TOKEN_URI`: **\<empty\>**: Instead of defining INTERNAL_TOKEN in the configuration, this configuration option can be used to give Forgejo a path to a file that contains the internal token (example value: `file:/etc/forgejo/internal_token`)
-`PASSWORD_HASH_ALGO`: **pbkdf2**: The hash algorithm to use \[argon2, pbkdf2, pbkdf2_v1, pbkdf2_hi, scrypt, bcrypt\], argon2 and scrypt will spend significant amounts of memory.
- Note: The default parameters for `pbkdf2` hashing have changed - the previous settings are available as `pbkdf2_v1` but are not recommended.
- The hash functions may be tuned by using `$` after the algorithm:
-`PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY`: **off**: Comma separated list of character classes required to pass minimum complexity. If left empty or no valid values are specified, checking is disabled (off):
-`PASSWORD_CHECK_PWN`: **false**: Check [HaveIBeenPwned]( to see if a password has been exposed.
-`SUCCESSFUL_TOKENS_CACHE_SIZE`: **20**: Cache successful token hashes. API tokens are stored in the DB as pbkdf2 hashes however, this means that there is a potentially significant hashing load when there are multiple API operations. This cache will store the successfully hashed tokens in a LRU cache as a balance between performance and security.
-`REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM`: _[service]_**REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM**: Set this to enable or disable email confirmation of OAuth2 auto-registration. (Overwrites the REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM setting of the `[service]` section)
-`UPDATE_AVATAR`: **false**: Update avatar if available from oauth2 provider. Update will be performed on each login.
-`ACCOUNT_LINKING`: **login**: How to handle if an account / email already exists:
- disabled - show an error
- login - show an account linking login
- auto - automatically link with the account (Please be aware that this will grant access to an existing account just because the same username or email is provided. You must make sure that this does not cause issues with your authentication providers.)
## Service (`service`)
-`ACTIVE_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES`: **180**: Time limit (min) to confirm account/email registration.
-`RESET_PASSWD_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES`: **180**: Time limit (min) to confirm forgot password reset
-`ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION`: **false**: Enable this to allow reverse proxy authentication for web requests
-`ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_API`: **false**: Enable this to allow reverse proxy authentication for API requests, the reverse proxy is responsible for ensuring that no CSRF is possible.
-`USER_LOCATION_MAP_URL`: **""**: A map service URL to show user's location on a map. The location will be appended to the URL as escaped query parameter.
-`EMAIL_DOMAIN_ALLOWLIST`: **\<empty\>**: If non-empty, comma separated list of domain names that can only be used to register on this instance, wildcard is supported.
-`EMAIL_DOMAIN_BLOCKLIST`: **\<empty\>**: If non-empty, comma separated list of domain names that cannot be used to register on this instance, wildcard is supported.
-`SHOW_MILESTONES_DASHBOARD_PAGE`: **true** Enable this to show the milestones dashboard page - a view of all the user's milestones
-`AUTO_WATCH_NEW_REPOS`: **true**: Enable this to let all organisation users watch new repos when they are created
-`AUTO_WATCH_ON_CHANGES`: **false**: Enable this to make users watch a repository after their first commit to it
-`DEFAULT_USER_VISIBILITY`: **public**: Set default visibility mode for users, either "public", "limited" or "private".
-`ALLOWED_USER_VISIBILITY_MODES`: **public,limited,private**: Set which visibility modes a user can have
-`DEFAULT_ORG_VISIBILITY`: **public**: Set default visibility mode for organisations, either "public", "limited" or "private".
-`DEFAULT_ORG_MEMBER_VISIBLE`: **false** True will make the membership of the users visible when added to the organisation.
-`ALLOW_ONLY_INTERNAL_REGISTRATION`: **false** Set to true to force registration only via Forgejo.
-`ALLOW_ONLY_EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION`: **false** Set to true to force registration only using third-party services.
-`NO_REPLY_ADDRESS`: **noreply.DOMAIN** Value for the domain part of the user's email address in the Git log if user has set KeepEmailPrivate to true. DOMAIN resolves to the value in server.DOMAIN.
The user's email will be replaced with a concatenation of the user name in lower case, "@" and NO_REPLY_ADDRESS.
-`USER_DELETE_WITH_COMMENTS_MAX_TIME`: **0** Minimum amount of time a user must exist before comments are kept when the user is deleted.
-`VALID_SITE_URL_SCHEMES`: **http, https**: Valid site url schemes for user profiles
### Service - Explore (`service.explore`)
-`REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW`: **false**: Only allow signed in users to view the explore pages.
-`DISABLE_USERS_PAGE`: **false**: Disable the users explore page.
-`PROXY_URL`: **\<empty\>**: Proxy server URL, support http://, https//, socks5://, blank will follow environment http_proxy/https_proxy. If not given, will use global proxy setting.
-`PROXY_HOSTS`: **\<empty\>`**: Comma separated list of host names requiring proxy. Glob patterns (\*) are accepted; use \*\* to match all hosts. If not given, will use global proxy setting.
-`ENABLED`: **false**: Enable to use a mail service.
-`PROTOCOL`: **\<empty\>**: Mail server protocol. One of "smtp", "smtps", "smtp+starttls", "smtp+unix", "sendmail", "dummy".
- SMTP family, if your provider does not explicitly say which protocol it uses but does provide a port, you can set SMTP_PORT instead and this will be inferred.
- **sendmail** Use the operating system's `sendmail` command instead of SMTP. This is common on Linux systems.
- **dummy** Send email messages to the log as a testing phase.
- Note that enabling sendmail will ignore all other `mailer` settings except `ENABLED`, `FROM`, `SUBJECT_PREFIX` and `SENDMAIL_PATH`.
- Enabling dummy will ignore all settings except `ENABLED`, `SUBJECT_PREFIX` and `FROM`.
-`SMTP_ADDR`: **\<empty\>**: Mail server address. e.g. For smtp+unix, this should be a path to a unix socket instead. _Before 1.18, this was combined with `SMTP_PORT` under the name `HOST`._
-`SMTP_PORT`: **\<empty\>**: Mail server port. If no protocol is specified, it will be inferred by this setting. Common ports are listed below. _Before 1.18, this was combined with `SMTP_ADDR` under the name `HOST`._
-`FORCE_TRUST_SERVER_CERT`: **false**: If set to `true`, completely ignores server certificate validation errors. This option is unsafe. Consider adding the certificate to the system trust store instead.
-`USER`: **\<empty\>**: Username of mailing user (usually the sender's e-mail address).
- Please note: authentication is only supported when the SMTP server communication is encrypted with TLS (this can be via `STARTTLS`) or SMTP host is localhost.
-`HELO_HOSTNAME`: **(retrieved from system)**: HELO hostname.
-`FROM`: **\<empty\>**: Mail from address, RFC 5322. This can be just an email address, or the "Name" \<\> format.
-`ENVELOPE_FROM`: **\<empty\>**: Address set as the From address on the SMTP mail envelope. Set to `<>` to send an empty address.
-`SUBJECT_PREFIX`: **\<empty\>**: Prefix to be placed before e-mail subject lines.
-`SENDMAIL_PATH`: **sendmail**: The location of sendmail on the operating system (can be command or full path).
-`SENDMAIL_ARGS`: **\<empty\>**: Specify any extra sendmail arguments. (NOTE: you should be aware that email addresses can look like options - if your `sendmail` command takes options you must set the option terminator `--`)
-`SENDMAIL_TIMEOUT`: **5m**: default timeout for sending email through sendmail
-`SENDMAIL_CONVERT_CRLF`: **true**: Most versions of sendmail prefer LF line endings rather than CRLF line endings. Set this to false if your version of sendmail requires CRLF line endings.
-`SEND_BUFFER_LEN`: **100**: Buffer length of mailing queue. **DEPRECATED** use `LENGTH` in `[queue.mailer]`
-`SEND_AS_PLAIN_TEXT`: **false**: Send mails only in plain text, without HTML alternative.
## Incoming Email (`email.incoming`)
-`ENABLED`: **false**: Enable handling of incoming emails.
-`REPLY_TO_ADDRESS`: **\<empty\>**: The email address including the `%{token}` placeholder that will be replaced per user/action. Example: `incoming+%{token}`. The placeholder must appear in the user part of the address (before the `@`).
-`HOST`: **\<empty\>**: IMAP server host.
-`PORT`: **\<empty\>**: IMAP server port.
-`USERNAME`: **\<empty\>**: Username of the receiving account.
-`PASSWORD`: **\<empty\>**: Password of the receiving account.
-`USE_TLS`: **false**: Whether the IMAP server uses TLS.
-`SKIP_TLS_VERIFY`: **false**: If set to `true`, completely ignores server certificate validation errors. This option is unsafe.
-`MAILBOX`: **INBOX**: The mailbox name where incoming mail will end up.
-`DELETE_HANDLED_MESSAGE`: **true**: Whether handled messages should be deleted from the mailbox.
-`MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE`: **10485760**: Maximum size of a message to handle. Bigger messages are ignored. Set to 0 to allow every size.
- TwoQueue LRU cache: `{"size":50000,"recent_ratio":0.25,"ghost_ratio":0.5}` or `50000` representing the maximum number of objects stored in the cache.
-`ITEM_TTL`: **16h**: Time to keep items in cache if not used, Setting it to -1 disables caching.
-`PROVIDER_CONFIG`: **data/sessions**: For file, the root path; for db, empty (database config will be used); for others, the connection string. Relative paths will be made absolute against _`AppWorkPath`_.
-`COOKIE_SECURE`:**empty**: `true` or `false`. Enable this to force using HTTPS for all session access. If not set, it defaults to `true` if the ROOT_URL is an HTTPS URL.
-`SAME_SITE`: **lax** \[strict, lax, none\]: Set the SameSite setting for the cookie. Please note, that setting this to `strict` can break the login via an external OAuth2 provider - this is a [known bug](
-`AVATAR_MAX_HEIGHT`: **4096**: Maximum avatar image height in pixels.
-`AVATAR_MAX_FILE_SIZE`: **1048576** (1MiB): Maximum avatar image file size in bytes.
-`AVATAR_MAX_ORIGIN_SIZE`: **262144** (256KiB): If the uploaded file is not larger than this byte size, the image will be used as is, without resizing/converting.
-`REPOSITORY_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH`: **data/repo-avatars**: Path to store repository avatar image files.
-`REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK`: **none**: How Forgejo deals with missing repository avatars
- none = no avatar will be displayed
- random = random avatar will be generated
- image = default image will be used (which is set in `REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK_IMAGE`)
-`REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK_IMAGE`: **/img/repo_default.png**: Image used as default repository avatar (if `REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK` is set to image and none was uploaded)
## Project (`project`)
Default templates for project boards:
-`PROJECT_BOARD_BASIC_KANBAN_TYPE`: **To Do, In Progress, Done**
-`PROJECT_BOARD_BUG_TRIAGE_TYPE`: **Needs Triage, High Priority, Low Priority, Closed**
## Issue and pull request attachments (`attachment`)
-`ENABLED`: **true**: Whether issue and pull request attachments are enabled.
-`ALLOWED_TYPES`: **.cpuprofile,.csv,.dmp,.docx,.fodg,.fodp,.fods,.fodt,.gif,.gz,.jpeg,.jpg,.json,.jsonc,.log,.md,.mov,.mp4,.odf,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odt,.patch,.pdf,.png,.pptx,.svg,.tgz,.txt,.webm,.xls,.xlsx,.zip**: Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
Additional settings can be included in this section to specify where the data is stored, as [explained in detail in the storage documentation](../storage/).
-`MODE`: **console**: Logging mode. For multiple modes, use a comma to separate values. You can configure each mode in per mode log subsections `[log.writer-mode-name]`.
-`STACKTRACE_LEVEL`: **None**: Default log level at which to log create stack traces (rarely useful, do not set it). \[Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Critical, Fatal, None\]
-`REQUEST_ID_HEADERS`: **\<empty\>**: You can configure multiple values that are split by comma here. It will match in the order of configuration, and the first match will be finally printed in the access log.
-`MODE`: **name**: Sets the mode of this log writer - Defaults to the provided subsection name. This allows you to have two different file loggers at different levels.
-`LEVEL`: **log.LEVEL**: Sets the log-level of this writer. Defaults to the `LEVEL` set in the global `[log]` section.
-`STACKTRACE_LEVEL`: **log.STACKTRACE_LEVEL**: Sets the log level at which to log stack traces.
-`EXPRESSION`: **""**: A regular expression to match either the function name, file or message. Defaults to empty. Only log messages that match the expression will be saved in the logger.
-`FLAGS`: **stdflags**: A comma separated string representing the log flags. Defaults to `stdflags` which represents the prefix: `2009/01/23 01:23:23 ...a/b/c/d.go:23:runtime.Caller() [I]: message`. `none` means don't prefix log lines. See `modules/log/flags.go` for more information.
-`PREFIX`: **""**: An additional prefix for every log line in this logger. Defaults to empty.
-`COLORIZE`: **false**: Whether to colorize the log lines
-`FILE_NAME`: Set the file name for this logger. Defaults to `forgejo.log` (exception: access log defaults to `access.log`). If relative will be relative to the `ROOT_PATH`
-`SCHEDULE`: **@every 10m**: Cron syntax for scheduling update mirrors, e.g. `@every 3h`.
-`PULL_LIMIT`: **50**: Limit the number of mirrors added to the queue to this number (negative values mean no limit, 0 will result in no mirrors being queued effectively disabling pull mirror updating).
-`PUSH_LIMIT`: **50**: Limit the number of mirrors added to the queue to this number (negative values mean no limit, 0 will result in no mirrors being queued effectively disabling push mirror updating).
#### Cron - Repository Health Check (`cron.repo_health_check`)
-`SCHEDULE`: **@midnight**: Cron syntax for scheduling repository health check.
-`TIMEOUT`: **60s**: Time duration syntax for health check execution timeout.
-`ARGS`: **\<empty\>**: Arguments for command `git fsck`, e.g. `--unreachable --tags`. See more on
-`RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run cleanup hook_task at start time (if ENABLED).
-`SCHEDULE`: **@midnight**: Cron syntax for cleaning hook_task table.
-`CLEANUP_TYPE`**OlderThan** OlderThan or PerWebhook Method to cleanup hook_task, either by age (i.e. how long ago hook_task record was delivered) or by the number to keep per webhook (i.e. keep most recent x deliveries per webhook).
-`OLDER_THAN`: **168h**: If CLEANUP_TYPE is set to OlderThan, then any delivered hook_task records older than this expression will be deleted.
-`NUMBER_TO_KEEP`: **10**: If CLEANUP_TYPE is set to PerWebhook, this is number of hook_task records to keep for a webhook (i.e. keep the most recent x deliveries).
-`SCHEDULE`: **@midnight** : Interval as a duration between each synchronization, it will always attempt synchronization when the instance starts.
-`UPDATE_EXISTING`: **true**: Create new users, update existing user data and disable users that are not in external source anymore (default) or only create new users if UPDATE_EXISTING is set to false.
-`OLDER_THAN`: **8760h**: any action older than this expression will be deleted from database, suggest using `8760h` (1 year) because that's the max length of heatmap.
-`HTTP_ENDPOINT`: ****: [DEPRECATED] The endpoint that Forgejo will check for newer versions. Not in use by the project. Might be dropped in a future version.
-`DOMAIN_ENDPOINT`: ****: The domain with a [TXT record]( that, if specified, Forgejo will query for newer versions. This is preferred over `HTTP_ENDPOINT`.
-`RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run tasks at start up time (if ENABLED).
-`SCHEDULE`: **@every 24h**: Cron syntax to set how often to check.
-`OLDER_THAN`: **168h**: Only attempt to garbage collect LFSMetaObjects older than this (default 7 days)
-`LAST_UPDATED_MORE_THAN_AGO`: **72h**: Only attempt to garbage collect LFSMetaObjects that have not been attempted to be garbage collected for this long (default 3 days)
-`NUMBER_TO_CHECK_PER_REPO`: **100**: Minimum number of stale LFSMetaObjects to check per repo. Set to `0` to always check all.
-`PROPORTION_TO_CHECK_PER_REPO`: **0.6**: Check at least this proportion of LFSMetaObjects per repo. (This may cause all stale LFSMetaObjects to be checked.)
This directory will be used to contain the `.gitconfig` and possible `.gnupg` directories that Forgejo's git calls will use. If you can confirm Forgejo is the only application running in this environment, you can set it to the normal home directory for Forgejo user.
-`DISABLE_DIFF_HIGHLIGHT`: **false**: Disables highlight of added and removed changes.
-`MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINES`: **1000**: Max number of lines allowed of a single file in diff view.
-`MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINE_CHARACTERS`: **5000**: Max character count per line highlighted in diff view.
-`MAX_GIT_DIFF_FILES`: **100**: Max number of files shown in diff view.
-`COMMITS_RANGE_SIZE`: **50**: Set the default commits range size
-`BRANCHES_RANGE_SIZE`: **20**: Set the default branches range size
-`GC_ARGS`: **\<empty\>**: Arguments for command `git gc`, e.g. `--aggressive --auto`. See more on
-`ENABLE_AUTO_GIT_WIRE_PROTOCOL`: **true**: If use Git wire protocol version 2 when Git version >= 2.18, default is true, set to false when you always want Git wire protocol version 1.
To enable this for Git over SSH when using a OpenSSH server, add `AcceptEnv GIT_PROTOCOL` to your sshd_config file.
-`PULL_REQUEST_PUSH_MESSAGE`: **true**: Respond to pushes to a non-default branch with a URL for creating a Pull Request (if the repository has them enabled)
-`VERBOSE_PUSH`: **true**: Print status information about pushes as they are being processed.
-`VERBOSE_PUSH_DELAY`: **5s**: Only print verbose information if push takes longer than this delay.
-`LARGE_OBJECT_THRESHOLD`: **1048576**: (Go-Git only), don't cache objects greater than this in memory. (Set to 0 to disable.)
-`DISABLE_CORE_PROTECT_NTFS`: **false** Set to true to forcibly set `core.protectNTFS` to false.
-`DISABLE_PARTIAL_CLONE`: **false** Disable the usage of using partial clones for git.
The key/value pairs in this section will be used as git config.
This section only does "set" config, a removed config key from this section won't be removed from git config automatically. The format is `some.configKey = value`.
-`ENABLED`: **false**: Enables /metrics endpoint for prometheus.
-`ENABLED_ISSUE_BY_LABEL`: **false**: Enable issue by label metrics with format `gitea_issues_by_label{label="bug"} 2`.
-`ENABLED_ISSUE_BY_REPOSITORY`: **false**: Enable issue by repository metrics with format `gitea_issues_by_repository{repository="org/repo"} 5`.
-`TOKEN`: **\<empty\>**: You need to specify the token, if you want to include in the authorization the metrics . The same token need to be used in prometheus parameters `bearer_token` or `bearer_token_file`.
## API (`api`)
-`ENABLE_SWAGGER`: **true**: Enables the API documentation endpoints (`/api/swagger`, `/api/v1/swagger`, …). True or false.
-`MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS`: **50**: Max number of items in a page.
-`DEFAULT_PAGING_NUM`: **30**: Default paging number of API.
-`DEFAULT_GIT_TREES_PER_PAGE`: **1000**: Default and maximum number of items per page for Git trees API.
-`DEFAULT_MAX_BLOB_SIZE`: **10485760** (10MiB): Default max size of a blob that can be returned by the blobs API.
-`ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`: **3600**: Lifetime of an OAuth2 access token in seconds
-`REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`: **730**: Lifetime of an OAuth2 refresh token in hours
-`INVALIDATE_REFRESH_TOKENS`: **false**: Check if refresh token has already been used
-`JWT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM`: **RS256**: Algorithm used to sign OAuth2 tokens. Valid values: \[`HS256`, `HS384`, `HS512`, `RS256`, `RS384`, `RS512`, `ES256`, `ES384`, `ES512`\]
-`JWT_SECRET`: **\<empty\>**: OAuth2 authentication secret for access and refresh tokens, change this to a unique string. This setting is only needed if `JWT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM` is set to `HS256`, `HS384` or `HS512`.
-`JWT_SECRET_URI`: **\<empty\>**: Instead of defining JWT_SECRET in the configuration, this configuration option can be used to give Forgejo a path to a file that contains the secret (example value: `file:/etc/forgejo/oauth2_jwt_secret`)
-`JWT_SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE`: **jwt/private.pem**: Private key file path used to sign OAuth2 tokens. The path is relative to `APP_DATA_PATH`. This setting is only needed if `JWT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM` is set to `RS256`, `RS384`, `RS512`, `ES256`, `ES384` or `ES512`. The file must contain a RSA or ECDSA private key in the PKCS8 format. If no key exists a 4096 bit key will be created for you.
-`MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH`: **32767**: Maximum length of token/cookie to accept from OAuth2 provider
List of locales shown in language selector. The first locale will be used as the default if user browser's language doesn't match any locale in the list.
-`NAMES`: **English,简体中文,繁體中文(香港),繁體中文(台灣),Deutsch,Français,Nederlands,Latviešu,Русский,Українська,日本語,Español,Português do Brasil,Português de Portugal,Polski,Български,Italiano,Suomi,Filipino,Esperanto,Türkçe,Čeština,Slovenščina,Svenska,한국어,Ελληνικά,فارسی,Magyar nyelv,Bahasa Indonesia,മലയാളം**: Visible names corresponding to the locales
-`FILEPREVIEW_MAX_LINES`: **50**: Set the maximum number of lines allowed for a filepreview. (Set to -1 to disable limits; set to 0 to disable the feature)
- RENDER_CONTENT_MODE: **sanitized** How the content will be rendered.
- sanitized: Sanitize the content and render it inside current page, default to only allow a few HTML tags and attributes. Customized sanitizer rules can be defined in `[markup.sanitizer.*]`.
- no-sanitizer: Disable the sanitizer and render the content inside current page. It's **insecure** and may lead to XSS attack if the content contains malicious code.
- iframe: Render the content in a separate standalone page and embed it into current page by iframe. The iframe is in sandbox mode with same-origin disabled, and the JS code are safely isolated from parent page.
Two special environment variables are passed to the render command:
-`GITEA_PREFIX_SRC`, which contains the current URL prefix in the `src` path tree. To be used as prefix for links.
-`GITEA_PREFIX_RAW`, which contains the current URL prefix in the `raw` path tree. To be used as prefix for image paths.
If `RENDER_CONTENT_MODE` is `sanitized`, Forgejo supports customizing the sanitization policy for rendered HTML. The example below will support KaTeX output from pandoc.
; Pandoc renders TeX segments as <span>s with the "math" class, optionally
; with "inline" or "display" classes depending on context.
-`DEFAULT_UI_LOCATION`: Default location of time on the UI, so that we can display correct user's time on UI. i.e. Asia/Shanghai
## Migrations (`migrations`)
-`MAX_ATTEMPTS`: **3**: Max attempts per http/https request on migrations.
-`RETRY_BACKOFF`: **3**: Backoff time per http/https request retry (seconds)
-`ALLOWED_DOMAINS`: **\<empty\>**: Domains allowlist for migrating repositories, default is blank. It means everything will be allowed. Multiple domains could be separated by commas. Wildcard is supported: `, *`.
-`BLOCKED_DOMAINS`: **\<empty\>**: Domains blocklist for migrating repositories, default is blank. Multiple domains could be separated by commas. When `ALLOWED_DOMAINS` is not blank, this option has a higher priority to deny domains. Wildcard is supported.
-`ALLOW_LOCALNETWORKS`: **false**: Allow private addresses defined by RFC 1918, RFC 1122, RFC 4632 and RFC 4291. If a domain is allowed by `ALLOWED_DOMAINS`, this option will be ignored.
Additional settings can be included in this section to specify where the data is stored, as [explained in detail in the storage documentation](../storage/).
-`ENABLED`: **true**: Enables the mirror functionality. Set to **false** to disable all mirrors. Pre-existing mirrors remain valid but won't be updated; may be converted to regular repo.
-`DISABLE_NEW_PULL`: **false**: Disable the creation of **new** pull mirrors. Pre-existing mirrors remain valid. Will be ignored if `mirror.ENABLED` is `false`.
-`DISABLE_NEW_PUSH`: **false**: Disable the creation of **new** push mirrors. Pre-existing mirrors remain valid. Will be ignored if `mirror.ENABLED` is `false`.
-`DEFAULT_INTERVAL`: **8h**: Default interval between each check
-`MIN_INTERVAL`: **10m**: Minimum interval for checking. (Must be >1m).
Settings can be included in this section to specify where the LFS files are stored, as [explained in detail in the storage documentation](../storage/).
## Repository Avatars (`repo-avatar`)
Settings can be included in this section to specify where the repository avatars are stored, as [explained in detail in the storage documentation](../storage/).
## Avatars (`avatar`)
Settings can be included in this section to specify where the avatars are stored, as [explained in detail in the storage documentation](../storage/).
## Actions logs (`storage.actions_log`)
Settings can be included in this section to specify where the actions logs are stored, as [explained in detail in the storage documentation](../storage/).
## Actions Artifacts (`storage.artifacts`)
Settings can be included in this section to specify where the actions artifacts are stored, as [explained in detail in the storage documentation](../storage/).
-`PROXY_ENABLED`: **false**: Enable the proxy if true, all requests to external via HTTP will be affected, if false, no proxy will be used even environment http_proxy/https_proxy
-`DEFAULT_ACTIONS_URL`: ****: Default address to get action plugins, e.g. the default value means downloading from "" for "uses: actions/checkout@v3"
-`ARTIFACT_RETENTION_DAYS`: **90**: Default number of days to keep artifacts. Artifacts could have their own retention periods by setting the `retention-days` option in `actions/upload-artifact` step.
-`SKIP_WORKFLOW_STRINGS`: **[skip ci],[ci skip],[no ci],[skip actions],[actions skip]**: Strings committers can place inside a commit message or pull request title to skip executing the corresponding actions workflow