--- title: 'Reverse proxy' license: 'Apache-2.0' origin_url: 'https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/e865de1e9d65dc09797d165a51c8e705d2a86030/docs/content/usage/authentication.en-us.md' --- Forgejo can live standalone, or behind a [reverse proxy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_proxy). You may want this for scenarios like: - Subpath mapping. If you want Forgejo at something like `https://example.com/code/` or `https://example.com/repositories/` instead of the default `https://example.com`. - Port mapping. If you want to run Forgejo on the standard port, and that port is already taken by another web server. I.e. as `https://example.com` instead of as `https://example.com:3000`. - Proxy authentication. Using an external login service. _Forgejo usually does not need a proxy for this, as it can be configured to talk to many login services directly._ - rate limiting. Fail2ban allows to rate-limit TCP connections, but with a load-balancer you can inspect the headers, perform User-Agent detection, match the information provided by an ACL - advanced security settings. Using a load balancer you can apply [Content Security policies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_Security_Policy), tweak your SSL ciphers, and configure a [Web Application Firewall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application_firewall). - caching and resilience. load-balancers offer both caching and robustness. For instance, Haproxy can handle millions of simultaneous connections, and caching alleviates the load on the application. Forgejo does not need the help of a proxy to do HTTPS, it can do it directly. Set in `SERVER` section of the configuration `PROTOCOL=https` and either set `CERT_FILE` and `KEY_FILE` or let Forgejo manage the certificates with `ENABLE_ACME=true` ## NGINX ### Basic HTTP To set up a basic HTTP reverse proxy in nginx, create a file `forgejo.conf` in `/etc/nginx/conf.d` and add the following configuration: ```nginx server { listen 80; # Listen on IPv4 port 80 listen [::]:80; # Listen on IPv6 port 80 server_name git.example.com; # Change this to the server domain name. location / { proxy_pass; # Port 3000 is the default Forgejo port proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; client_max_body_size 512M; } } ``` Make sure to reload/restart nginx after changing the configuration. ### HTTP with a subpath If you want to serve Forgejo on a subpath, e.g. on `http://example.com/code`, use the following configuration: ```nginx server { listen 80; # Listen on IPv4 port 80 listen [::]:80; # Listen on IPv6 port 80 server_name example.com; # Change this to the server domain name. location /code/ { # Replace /code here with your subpath rewrite ^ $request_uri; rewrite ^/code(/.*) $1 break; return 400; proxy_pass$uri; proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; client_max_body_size 512M; } } ``` Make sure to set the Forgejo `ROOT_URL` configuration key to the URL _with_ the subpath, otherwise links generated by Forgejo will be broken. ### HTTPS When using a reverse proxy, it's usually easier to let the proxy handle HTTPS. It's easy to set up HTTPS on nginx. #### HTTPS with Certbot To set up HTTPS with Certbot, first set up an HTTP reverse proxy with the configuration above and ensure that it works as expected. To use HTTPS you need to have a domain name. Then, install [certbot](https://certbot.eff.org/). When running certbot, select the domain name that your Forgejo instance is hosted under, and choose automatic installation. This should automatically set up HTTPS on port 443 and a redirect on the old port 80. You may wish to change the `ROOT_URL` configuration key to the HTTPS protocol so links generated by Forgejo automatically use HTTPS. #### HTTPS with manually installed certificates If you have obtained certificates from elsewhere or have chosen not to let certbot automatically install them, make the following changes to the configuration file: **Change the listening ports** Change the lines ```nginx listen 80; listen [::]:80; ``` to ```nginx listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; http2 on; ``` **Add the SSL certificate information** Generate an SSL configuration at [mozilla](https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/#server=nginx), and add the SSL parameters to your configuration file. Make sure to replace the paths in the example with paths to your certificate files. **Add a redirect from HTTP** Outside the server block, add this redirection block: ```nginx server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; location / { return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } } ``` This will redirect anyone visiting the HTTP site to the HTTPS site. ## Apache ### Basic HTTP To set up a basic HTTP proxy in Apache, create a file `100-forgejo.conf` in `/etc/apache2/sites-available` and add the following configuration: ```apache ServerName git.example.com ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyRequests off AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode ProxyPass / nocanon ``` Next, enable the site with `a2ensite 100-forgejo.conf` and enable the proxy modules with `a2enmod proxy proxy_http`. Finally, restart the apache server. ### HTTP with a subpath If you want to serve Forgejo on a subpath, e.g. on `http://example.com/code`, use the following configuration: ```apache ServerName example.com ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyRequests off AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode ProxyPass /code nocanon # Change /code here to your desired subpath. ``` Make sure to set the Forgejo `ROOT_URL` configuration key to the URL _with_ the subpath, otherwise links generated by Forgejo will be broken. ### HTTPS When using a reverse proxy, it's usually easier to let the proxy handle HTTPS. It's easy to set up HTTPS on apache. #### HTTPS with Certbot To set up HTTPS with Certbot, first set up an HTTP reverse proxy with the configuration above and ensure that it works as expected. To use HTTPS you need to have a domain name. Then, install [certbot](https://certbot.eff.org/). When running certbot, select the domain name that your Forgejo instance is hosted under, and choose automatic installation. This should automatically set up HTTPS on port 443 and a redirect on the old port 80. You may wish to change the `ROOT_URL` configuration key to the HTTPS protocol so links generated by Forgejo automatically use HTTPS. #### HTTPS with manually installed certificates If you have obtained certificates from elsewhere or have chosen not to let certbot automatically install them, make the following changes to the configuration file: **Change the listening ports** Change `` to ``. **Add the SSL certificate information** Generate an SSL configuration at [mozilla](https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/#server=apache), and add the SSL parameters to your configuration file. Make sure to replace the paths in the example with paths to your certificate files. **Add a redirect from HTTP** Outside the `VirtualHost *:443`, add this configuration: ```apache ServerName git.example.com RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME} =git.example.com RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent] ``` This will redirect anyone visiting the HTTP site to the HTTPS site. ## HAProxy ### Basic HTTP To setup HAProxy on port 80, without a virtualhost, you can add the following stanza to your `haproxy.cfg`: ```txt listen forgejo_80 bind :::80 v4v6 mode http timeout connect 10s timeout client 30s timeout server 30s server frogejo ``` ### HTTPS To setup basic HTTPS proxying with HAProxy, you can add these blocks to your haproxy configuration: #### Redirection to SSL ```txt listen forgejo_80 bind :::80 v4v6 mode http timeout connect 10s timeout client 30s timeout server 30s redirect scheme https code 301 ``` #### SSL frontend ```txt frontend forgejo_443 bind :::443 v4v6 ssl crt /etc/haproxy_certs/forgejo.example.org.pem mode http option httplog option forwardfor timeout client 1m use_backend forgejo_443 if { ssl_fc_sni forgejo.example.org } ``` #### SSL backend ```txt backend forgejo_443 mode http timeout connect 10s timeout server 30s retry-on all-retryable-errors server frogejo ``` ### HTTPS with UNIX Socket A Unix socket has lower latency compared to TCP. When combined with HAProxy, it provides a highly responsive and excellent user interface experience. We assume that: - Redirection to SSL and the SSL frontend configuration remain unchanged from the TCP setup - you are running Forgejo as `git` user and HAProxy as `haproxy` user - the chroot environment is set to the directory `/var/lib/haproxy` - you have included the following settings in the `server` stanza of Forgejo: ```ini [server] PROTOCOL = http+unix HTTP_ADDR = /var/lib/haproxy/forgejo/forgejo.sock UNIX_SOCKET_PERMISSION = 660 ... ``` Now you need to create a directory which can be acceessed either by the chroot environment used by HAProxy, and by Forgejo. ```bash install -o git -g haproxy -m 0770 -d /var/lib/haproxy/forgejo ``` Finally you can add these blocks into your `haproxy.cfg` #### chroot you include these lines in the `global` section of your haproxy configuration ```txt global chroot /var/lib/haproxy user haproxy group haprox ... ``` #### SSL Backend The backend configuration will be as follows: ```txt backend forgejo_443 mode http timeout connect 10s timeout server 30s retry-on all-retryable-errors server forgejo /forgejo/forgejo.sock tfo ``` _**note:** The Unix socket path is relative to the path of the chroot environment_ #### HAProxy with UNIX socket using Puppet This configuration relies on [Puppetlabs HAProxy](https://forge.puppet.com/modules/puppetlabs/haproxy/readme) module. This code sample is a compromise for the sake of the conciseness. The Forgejo backend will be available only at the second execution of Puppet, unless you add a statement to create a user in advance, and you don't need to set the dependency for the 2 directories against the HAProxy class. You also need to push the SSL certificate, but all this goes far beyond the scope of this documentation. ```puppet file { default: notify => Service['haproxy'], require => [Class['haproxy'], User['git']]; '/etc/haproxy_certs': ensure => directory, purge => true, mode => '0700', owner => haproxy, group => haproxy, recurse => true; '/var/lib/haproxy/forgejo': ensure => directory, mode => '0770', owner => git, group => haproxy; } class { 'haproxy': package_ensure => $haproxy_version, global_options => { 'log' => "/dev/log local0\n log /dev/log local1 notice", 'chroot' => '/var/lib/haproxy', 'maxconn' => '150000', 'user' => 'haproxy', 'group' => 'haproxy', 'stats' => 'socket /var/run/haproxy.sock user root group sensu mode 660 level admin', 'tune.ssl.default-dh-param' => '2048', }, defaults_options => { 'default-server' => 'init-addr libc,none', 'log' => 'global', 'retries' => '5', 'option' => ['redispatch', 'http-server-close', 'logasap'], 'timeout' => ['http-request 7s', 'connect 5s', 'check 9s'], 'maxconn' => '5000', }; } haproxy::listen { 'forgejo_80': bind => { ':::80' => ['v4v6'] }, mode => 'http', options => [ { 'timeout' => 'connect 10s' }, { 'timeout' => 'client 1m' }, { 'timeout' => 'server 1m' }, { 'redirect' => 'scheme https code 301' }, ]; } haproxy::frontend { 'forgejo_socket': bind => { ':::443' => ['v4v6', 'ssl', 'crt', '/etc/haproxy_certs/forgejo.example.com.pem'] }, options => [ { mode => 'http', option => ['httplog', 'forwardfor'], }, { 'timeout' => 'client 1m' }, { 'use_backend' => "forgejo if { ssl_fc_sni forgejo.example.com }" }, ]; } haproxy::backend { 'forgejo_socket': options => [ { 'mode' => 'http' }, { 'timeout' => 'connect 10s' }, { 'timeout' => 'server 1m' }, { 'retry-on' => 'all-retryable-errors' }, { 'server' => 'forgejo /forgejo/forgejo.sock tfo' }, ]; } ``` ## Caddy ### HTTPS To set up basic HTTPS proxy in Caddy with Caddyfile create a file `forgejo` in `/etc/caddy/conf.d` and add the following configuration: ```Caddyfile git.example.com { reverse_proxy } ``` Caddy will automatically get certificates for the domain. ### HTTPS with a subpath If you want to serve Forgejo on a subpath, e.g. on https://example.com/code, use the following configuration: ```Caddyfile example.com { route /code/* { uri strip_prefix /code reverse_proxy } } ``` Make sure to set the Forgejo ROOT_URL configuration key to the URL with the subpath, otherwise links generated by Forgejo will be broken. ## Proxy Authentication Forgejo supports Reverse Proxy Header authentication, it will read headers as a trusted login user name or user email address. This hasn't been enabled by default, you can enable it with ```ini [service] ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION = true ``` The default login user name is in the `X-WEBAUTH-USER` header, you can change it via changing `[security].REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_USER` in app.ini. If the user doesn't exist, you can enable automatic registration with `ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_AUTO_REGISTRATION=true`. The default login user email is `X-WEBAUTH-EMAIL`, you can change it via changing `[security].REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL` in app.ini, this could also be disabled with `ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_EMAIL` If set `ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_FULL_NAME=true`, a user full name expected in `X-WEBAUTH-FULLNAME` will be assigned to the user when auto creating the user. You can also change the header name with `[security].REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_FULL_NAME`. You can also limit the reverse proxy's IP address range with `[security].REVERSE_PROXY_TRUSTED_PROXIES` which default value is `,::1/128`. By `[security].REVERSE_PROXY_LIMIT`, you can limit trusted proxies level. Notice: Reverse Proxy Auth doesn't support the API. You still need an access token or basic auth to make API requests. ## Docker / Container Registry The container registry uses a fixed sub-path `/v2` which can't be changed. Even if you deploy Forgejo with a different sub-path, `/v2` will be used by the `docker` client. Therefore you may need to add an additional route to your reverse proxy configuration.