#!/usr/bin/env sh if hash xdg-open 2>/dev/null; then open_cmd=xdg-open else open_cmd=open fi current_branch=$(git branch --show-current) repo_path=$(pwd) # Generate mermaid images ./scripts/mermaid_image_generate.sh # Clone the website repo, or make sure the current clone is up to date if [ ! -e "./.preview" ];then git clone https://codeberg.org/forgejo/website.git .preview cd .preview else cd .preview git checkout main git pull fi # make sure the docs content of the website is up to date git submodule update --remote # install the website dependencies pnpm install # symlink the current docs branch from the website content repo rm -rf ./src/content/docs/$current_branch mkdir -p $(dirname ./src/content/docs/$current_branch) # in case of branch names with slashes ln -s $repo_path/docs/ ./src/content/docs/$current_branch rm -rf ./public/images/$current_branch mkdir -p $(dirname ./src/content/images/$current_branch) # in case of branch names with slashes ln -s $repo_path/images/ ./public/images/$current_branch rm -rf ./forgejo-docs/next/release-schedule.json ln -s $repo_path/release-schedule.json ./forgejo-docs/next/release-schedule.json # once the dev server is running, open the current docs branch in the browser sleep 3 && $open_cmd http://localhost:4321/docs/$current_branch/ & # start the dev server pnpm run dev