2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. tribute-container { box-shadow : 0 1 px 3 px 1 px #c7c7c7 }
. tribute-container ul { background : #fff }
. tribute-container li { padding : 8 px 12 px ; border-bottom : 1 px solid #dcdcdc }
. tribute-container li img { display : inline-block ; vertical-align : middle ; width : 28 px ; height : 28 px ; margin-right : 5 px }
. tribute-container li span . fullname { font-weight : 400 ; font-size : .8 rem ; margin-left : 3 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. tribute-container li . highlight , . tribute-container li : hover { background : #2185d0 ; color : #fff }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. emoji { width : 1.5 em ; height : 1.5 em ; display : inline-block ; background-size : contain }
. ui . label . emoji { height : 1.2 em !important }
@ font-face { font-family : Lato ; src : url ( . . / vendor / assets / lato-fonts / lato-regular . eot ) ; src : url ( . . / vendor / assets / lato-fonts / lato-regular . eot ? # iefix ) format ( 'embedded-opentype' ) , url ( . . / vendor / assets / lato-fonts / lato-regular . woff2 ) format ( 'woff2' ) , url ( . . / vendor / assets / lato-fonts / lato-regular . woff ) format ( 'woff' ) , url ( . . / vendor / assets / lato-fonts / lato-regular . ttf ) format ( 'truetype' ) ; font-weight : 400 ; font-style : normal }
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@ font-face { font-family : 'Yu Gothic' ; src : local ( 'Yu Gothic Medium' ) ; font-weight : 400 }
@ font-face { font-family : 'Yu Gothic' ; src : local ( 'Yu Gothic Bold' ) ; font-weight : 700 }
textarea { font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif }
. markdown : not ( code ) { font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif }
h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif }
. home . hero h1 , . home . hero h2 { font-family : 'PT Sans Narrow' , Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif }
. ui . accordion . title : not ( . ui ) , . ui . button , . ui . card > . content > . header . ui . card > . content > . header , . ui . category . search > . results . category > . name , . ui . form input : not ( [ type ] ) , . ui . form input [ type = date ] , . ui . form input [ type = datetime-local ] , . ui . form input [ type = email ] , . ui . form input [ type = file ] , . ui . form input [ type = number ] , . ui . form input [ type = password ] , . ui . form input [ type = search ] , . ui . form input [ type = tel ] , . ui . form input [ type = text ] , . ui . form input [ type = time ] , . ui . form input [ type = url ] , . ui . header , . ui . input input , . ui . input > input , . ui . items > . item > . content > . header , . ui . language > . menu > . item , . ui . list . list > . item . header , . ui . list > . item . header , . ui . menu , . ui . message . header , . ui . modal > . header , . ui . popup > . header , . ui . search > . results . result . title , . ui . search > . results > . message . header , . ui . statistic > . label , . ui . statistic > . value , . ui . statistics . statistic > . label , . ui . statistics . statistic > . value , . ui . steps . step . title , . ui . text . container , body { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif }
body { background-color : #fff ; overflow-y : auto ; -webkit- font-smoothing : antialiased ; display : flex ; flex-direction : column }
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: lang ( ja ) . markdown : not ( code ) { font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN' , 'Yu Gothic' , 'Source Han Sans JP' , 'Noto Sans CJK JP' , 'Droid Sans Japanese' , Meiryo , 'MS PGothic' , sans-serif }
: lang ( ja ) h1 , : lang ( ja ) h2 , : lang ( ja ) h3 , : lang ( ja ) h4 , : lang ( ja ) h5 { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN' , 'Yu Gothic' , 'Source Han Sans JP' , 'Noto Sans CJK JP' , 'Droid Sans Japanese' , Meiryo , 'MS PGothic' , sans-serif }
: lang ( ja ) . home . hero h1 , : lang ( ja ) . home . hero h2 { font-family : 'PT Sans Narrow' , Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN' , 'Yu Gothic' , 'Source Han Sans JP' , 'Noto Sans CJK JP' , 'Droid Sans Japanese' , Meiryo , 'MS PGothic' , sans-serif }
. ui . language > . menu > . item : lang ( ja ) , : lang ( ja ) . ui . accordion . title : not ( . ui ) , : lang ( ja ) . ui . button , : lang ( ja ) . ui . card > . content > . header . ui . card > . content > . header , : lang ( ja ) . ui . category . search > . results . category > . name , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input : not ( [ type ] ) , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input [ type = date ] , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input [ type = datetime-local ] , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input [ type = email ] , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input [ type = file ] , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input [ type = number ] , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input [ type = password ] , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input [ type = search ] , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input [ type = tel ] , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input [ type = text ] , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input [ type = time ] , : lang ( ja ) . ui . form input [ type = url ] , : lang ( ja ) . ui . header , : lang ( ja ) . ui . input input , : lang ( ja ) . ui . input > input , : lang ( ja ) . ui . items > . item > . content > . header , : lang ( ja ) . ui . list . list > . item . header , : lang ( ja ) . ui . list > . item . header , : lang ( ja ) . ui . menu , : lang ( ja ) . ui . message . header , : lang ( ja ) . ui . modal > . header , : lang ( ja ) . ui . popup > . header , : lang ( ja ) . ui . search > . results . result . title , : lang ( ja ) . ui . search > . results > . message . header , : lang ( ja ) . ui . statistic > . label , : lang ( ja ) . ui . statistic > . value , : lang ( ja ) . ui . statistics . statistic > . label , : lang ( ja ) . ui . statistics . statistic > . value , : lang ( ja ) . ui . steps . step . title , : lang ( ja ) . ui . text . container , : lang ( ja ) body { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN' , 'Yu Gothic' , 'Source Han Sans JP' , 'Noto Sans CJK JP' , 'Droid Sans Japanese' , Meiryo , 'MS PGothic' , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-CN ) textarea { font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang SC' , 'Hiragino Sans GB' , 'Source Han Sans CN' , 'Source Han Sans SC' , 'Noto Sans CJK SC' , 'Microsoft YaHei' , 'Heiti SC' , SimHei , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-CN ) . markdown : not ( code ) { font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang SC' , 'Hiragino Sans GB' , 'Source Han Sans CN' , 'Source Han Sans SC' , 'Noto Sans CJK SC' , 'Microsoft YaHei' , 'Heiti SC' , SimHei , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-CN ) h1 , : lang ( zh-CN ) h2 , : lang ( zh-CN ) h3 , : lang ( zh-CN ) h4 , : lang ( zh-CN ) h5 { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang SC' , 'Hiragino Sans GB' , 'Source Han Sans CN' , 'Source Han Sans SC' , 'Noto Sans CJK SC' , 'Microsoft YaHei' , 'Heiti SC' , SimHei , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-CN ) . home . hero h1 , : lang ( zh-CN ) . home . hero h2 { font-family : 'PT Sans Narrow' , Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang SC' , 'Hiragino Sans GB' , 'Source Han Sans CN' , 'Source Han Sans SC' , 'Noto Sans CJK SC' , 'Microsoft YaHei' , 'Heiti SC' , SimHei , sans-serif }
. ui . language > . menu > . item : lang ( zh-CN ) , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . accordion . title : not ( . ui ) , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . button , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . card > . content > . header . ui . card > . content > . header , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . category . search > . results . category > . name , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input : not ( [ type ] ) , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input [ type = date ] , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input [ type = datetime-local ] , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input [ type = email ] , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input [ type = file ] , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input [ type = number ] , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input [ type = password ] , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input [ type = search ] , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input [ type = tel ] , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input [ type = text ] , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input [ type = time ] , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . form input [ type = url ] , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . header , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . input input , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . input > input , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . items > . item > . content > . header , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . list . list > . item . header , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . list > . item . header , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . menu , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . message . header , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . modal > . header , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . popup > . header , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . search > . results . result . title , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . search > . results > . message . header , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . statistic > . label , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . statistic > . value , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . statistics . statistic > . label , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . statistics . statistic > . value , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . steps . step . title , : lang ( zh-CN ) . ui . text . container , : lang ( zh-CN ) body { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang SC' , 'Hiragino Sans GB' , 'Source Han Sans CN' , 'Source Han Sans SC' , 'Noto Sans CJK SC' , 'Microsoft YaHei' , 'Heiti SC' , SimHei , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-TW ) textarea { font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang TC' , 'Hiragino Sans TC' , 'Source Han Sans TW' , 'Source Han Sans TC' , 'Noto Sans CJK TC' , 'Microsoft JhengHei' , 'Heiti TC' , PMingLiU , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-TW ) . markdown : not ( code ) { font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang TC' , 'Hiragino Sans TC' , 'Source Han Sans TW' , 'Source Han Sans TC' , 'Noto Sans CJK TC' , 'Microsoft JhengHei' , 'Heiti TC' , PMingLiU , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-TW ) h1 , : lang ( zh-TW ) h2 , : lang ( zh-TW ) h3 , : lang ( zh-TW ) h4 , : lang ( zh-TW ) h5 { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang TC' , 'Hiragino Sans TC' , 'Source Han Sans TW' , 'Source Han Sans TC' , 'Noto Sans CJK TC' , 'Microsoft JhengHei' , 'Heiti TC' , PMingLiU , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-TW ) . home . hero h1 , : lang ( zh-TW ) . home . hero h2 { font-family : 'PT Sans Narrow' , Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang TC' , 'Hiragino Sans TC' , 'Source Han Sans TW' , 'Source Han Sans TC' , 'Noto Sans CJK TC' , 'Microsoft JhengHei' , 'Heiti TC' , PMingLiU , sans-serif }
. ui . language > . menu > . item : lang ( zh-TW ) , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . accordion . title : not ( . ui ) , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . button , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . card > . content > . header . ui . card > . content > . header , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . category . search > . results . category > . name , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input : not ( [ type ] ) , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input [ type = date ] , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input [ type = datetime-local ] , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input [ type = email ] , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input [ type = file ] , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input [ type = number ] , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input [ type = password ] , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input [ type = search ] , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input [ type = tel ] , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input [ type = text ] , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input [ type = time ] , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . form input [ type = url ] , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . header , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . input input , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . input > input , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . items > . item > . content > . header , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . list . list > . item . header , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . list > . item . header , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . menu , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . message . header , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . modal > . header , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . popup > . header , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . search > . results . result . title , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . search > . results > . message . header , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . statistic > . label , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . statistic > . value , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . statistics . statistic > . label , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . statistics . statistic > . value , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . steps . step . title , : lang ( zh-TW ) . ui . text . container , : lang ( zh-TW ) body { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang TC' , 'Hiragino Sans TC' , 'Source Han Sans TW' , 'Source Han Sans TC' , 'Noto Sans CJK TC' , 'Microsoft JhengHei' , 'Heiti TC' , PMingLiU , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-HK ) textarea { font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang HK' , 'Hiragino Sans TC' , 'Source Han Sans HK' , 'Source Han Sans TC' , 'Noto Sans CJK TC' , 'Microsoft JhengHei' , 'Heiti TC' , PMingLiU_HKSCS , PMingLiU , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-HK ) . markdown : not ( code ) { font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang HK' , 'Hiragino Sans TC' , 'Source Han Sans HK' , 'Source Han Sans TC' , 'Noto Sans CJK TC' , 'Microsoft JhengHei' , 'Heiti TC' , PMingLiU_HKSCS , PMingLiU , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-HK ) h1 , : lang ( zh-HK ) h2 , : lang ( zh-HK ) h3 , : lang ( zh-HK ) h4 , : lang ( zh-HK ) h5 { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang HK' , 'Hiragino Sans TC' , 'Source Han Sans HK' , 'Source Han Sans TC' , 'Noto Sans CJK TC' , 'Microsoft JhengHei' , 'Heiti TC' , PMingLiU_HKSCS , PMingLiU , sans-serif }
: lang ( zh-HK ) . home . hero h1 , : lang ( zh-HK ) . home . hero h2 { font-family : 'PT Sans Narrow' , Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang HK' , 'Hiragino Sans TC' , 'Source Han Sans HK' , 'Source Han Sans TC' , 'Noto Sans CJK TC' , 'Microsoft JhengHei' , 'Heiti TC' , PMingLiU_HKSCS , PMingLiU , sans-serif }
. ui . language > . menu > . item : lang ( zh-HK ) , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . accordion . title : not ( . ui ) , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . button , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . card > . content > . header . ui . card > . content > . header , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . category . search > . results . category > . name , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input : not ( [ type ] ) , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input [ type = date ] , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input [ type = datetime-local ] , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input [ type = email ] , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input [ type = file ] , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input [ type = number ] , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input [ type = password ] , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input [ type = search ] , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input [ type = tel ] , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input [ type = text ] , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input [ type = time ] , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . form input [ type = url ] , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . header , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . input input , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . input > input , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . items > . item > . content > . header , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . list . list > . item . header , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . list > . item . header , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . menu , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . message . header , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . modal > . header , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . popup > . header , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . search > . results . result . title , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . search > . results > . message . header , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . statistic > . label , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . statistic > . value , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . statistics . statistic > . label , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . statistics . statistic > . value , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . steps . step . title , : lang ( zh-HK ) . ui . text . container , : lang ( zh-HK ) body { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'PingFang HK' , 'Hiragino Sans TC' , 'Source Han Sans HK' , 'Source Han Sans TC' , 'Noto Sans CJK TC' , 'Microsoft JhengHei' , 'Heiti TC' , PMingLiU_HKSCS , PMingLiU , sans-serif }
: lang ( ko ) textarea { font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'Apple SD Gothic Neo' , NanumBarunGothic , 'Malgun Gothic' , Gulim , Dotum , 'Nanum Gothic' , 'Source Han Sans KR' , 'Noto Sans CJK KR' , sans-serif }
: lang ( ko ) . markdown : not ( code ) { font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'Apple SD Gothic Neo' , NanumBarunGothic , 'Malgun Gothic' , Gulim , Dotum , 'Nanum Gothic' , 'Source Han Sans KR' , 'Noto Sans CJK KR' , sans-serif }
: lang ( ko ) h1 , : lang ( ko ) h2 , : lang ( ko ) h3 , : lang ( ko ) h4 , : lang ( ko ) h5 { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'Apple SD Gothic Neo' , NanumBarunGothic , 'Malgun Gothic' , Gulim , Dotum , 'Nanum Gothic' , 'Source Han Sans KR' , 'Noto Sans CJK KR' , sans-serif }
: lang ( ko ) . home . hero h1 , : lang ( ko ) . home . hero h2 { font-family : 'PT Sans Narrow' , Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'Apple SD Gothic Neo' , NanumBarunGothic , 'Malgun Gothic' , Gulim , Dotum , 'Nanum Gothic' , 'Source Han Sans KR' , 'Noto Sans CJK KR' , sans-serif }
. ui . language > . menu > . item : lang ( ko ) , : lang ( ko ) . ui . accordion . title : not ( . ui ) , : lang ( ko ) . ui . button , : lang ( ko ) . ui . card > . content > . header . ui . card > . content > . header , : lang ( ko ) . ui . category . search > . results . category > . name , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input : not ( [ type ] ) , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input [ type = date ] , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input [ type = datetime-local ] , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input [ type = email ] , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input [ type = file ] , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input [ type = number ] , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input [ type = password ] , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input [ type = search ] , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input [ type = tel ] , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input [ type = text ] , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input [ type = time ] , : lang ( ko ) . ui . form input [ type = url ] , : lang ( ko ) . ui . header , : lang ( ko ) . ui . input input , : lang ( ko ) . ui . input > input , : lang ( ko ) . ui . items > . item > . content > . header , : lang ( ko ) . ui . list . list > . item . header , : lang ( ko ) . ui . list > . item . header , : lang ( ko ) . ui . menu , : lang ( ko ) . ui . message . header , : lang ( ko ) . ui . modal > . header , : lang ( ko ) . ui . popup > . header , : lang ( ko ) . ui . search > . results . result . title , : lang ( ko ) . ui . search > . results > . message . header , : lang ( ko ) . ui . statistic > . label , : lang ( ko ) . ui . statistic > . value , : lang ( ko ) . ui . statistics . statistic > . label , : lang ( ko ) . ui . statistics . statistic > . value , : lang ( ko ) . ui . steps . step . title , : lang ( ko ) . ui . text . container , : lang ( ko ) body { font-family : Lato , - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial , 'Apple SD Gothic Neo' , NanumBarunGothic , 'Malgun Gothic' , Gulim , Dotum , 'Nanum Gothic' , 'Source Han Sans KR' , 'Noto Sans CJK KR' , sans-serif }
img { border-radius : 3 px }
table { border-collapse : collapse }
a { cursor : pointer }
. rounded { border-radius : .28571429 rem !important }
2019-07-01 03:56:26 +02:00
. wrap { word-wrap : break-word ; word-break : break-all }
2019-06-26 23:35:07 +02:00
. mono , code , pre { font : 12 px 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace }
. mono . raw , code . raw , pre . raw { padding : 7 px 12 px ; margin : 10 px 0 ; background-color : #f8f8f8 ; border : 1 px solid #ddd ; border-radius : 3 px ; font-size : 13 px ; line-height : 1.5 ; overflow : auto }
. mono . wrap , code . wrap , pre . wrap { white-space : pre-wrap ; word-break : break-all ; overflow-wrap : break-word ; word-wrap : break-word }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. dont-break-out { overflow-wrap : break-word ; word-wrap : break-word ; word-break : break-all ; -webkit- hyphens : auto ; -ms- hyphens : auto ; hyphens : auto }
. full . height { flex-grow : 1 ; padding-bottom : 80 px }
. following . bar { z-index : 900 ; left : 0 ; margin : 0 !important }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. following . bar . light { background-color : #fff ; border-bottom : 1 px solid #ddd ; box-shadow : 0 2 px 3 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .04 ) }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. following . bar . column . menu { margin-top : 0 }
. following . bar . top . menu a . item . brand { padding-left : 0 }
. following . bar . brand . ui . mini . image { width : 30 px }
. following . bar . top . menu . dropdown . item . active , . following . bar . top . menu . dropdown . item : hover , . following . bar . top . menu a . item : hover { background-color : transparent }
. following . bar . top . menu a . item : hover { color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .45 ) }
. following . bar . top . menu . menu { z-index : 900 }
. following . bar . octicon { margin-right : .75 em }
. following . bar . octicon . fitted { margin-right : 0 }
. following . bar . searchbox { background-color : #f4f4f4 !important }
. following . bar . searchbox : focus { background-color : #e9e9e9 !important }
. following . bar . text . octicon { width : 16 px ; text-align : center }
. following . bar # navbar { width : 100 vw ; min-height : 52 px ; padding : 0 .5 rem }
. following . bar # navbar . brand { margin : 0 }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 767px ) { . following . bar # navbar : not ( . shown ) > : not ( : first-child ) { display : none }
. right . stackable . menu { margin-left : auto ; display : flex ; align-items : inherit ; flex-direction : inherit }
. ui . left { float : left }
. ui . right { float : right }
2019-11-14 22:39:51 +01:00
. ui . button , . ui . menu . item { -webkit- user-select : auto ; -ms- user-select : auto ; user-select : auto }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . container . fluid . padded { padding : 0 10 px 0 10 px }
. ui . form . ui . button { font-weight : 400 }
. ui . floating . label { z-index : 10 }
. ui . transparent . label { background-color : transparent }
Allow cross-repository dependencies on issues (#7901)
* in progress changes for #7405, added ability to add cross-repo dependencies
* removed unused repolink var
* fixed query that was breaking ci tests; fixed check in issue dependency add so that the id of the issue and dependency is checked rather than the indexes
* reverted removal of string in local files becasue these are done via crowdin, not updated manually
* removed 'Select("issue.*")' from getBlockedByDependencies and getBlockingDependencies based on comments in PR review
* changed getBlockedByDependencies and getBlockingDependencies to use a more xorm-like query, also updated the sidebar as a result
* simplified the getBlockingDependencies and getBlockedByDependencies methods; changed the sidebar to show the dependencies in a different format where you can see the name of the repository
* made some changes to the issue view in the dependencies (issue name on top, repo full name on separate line). Change view of issue in the dependency search results (also showing the full repo name on separate line)
* replace call to FindUserAccessibleRepoIDs with SearchRepositoryByName. The former was hardcoded to use isPrivate = false on the repo search, but this code needed it to be true. The SearchRepositoryByName method is used more in the code including on the user's dashboard
* some more tweaks to the layout of the issues when showing dependencies and in the search box when you add new dependencies
* added Name to the RepositoryMeta struct
* updated swagger doc
* fixed total count for link header on SearchIssues
* fixed indentation
* fixed aligment of remove icon on dependencies in issue sidebar
* removed unnecessary nil check (unnecessary because issue.loadRepo is called prior to this block)
* reverting .css change, somehow missed or forgot that less is used
* updated less file and generated css; updated sidebar template with styles to line up delete and issue index
* added ordering to the blocked by/depends on queries
* fixed sorting in issue dependency search and the depends on/blocks views to show issues from the current repo first, then by created date descending; added a "all cross repository dependencies" setting to allow this feature to be turned off, if turned off, the issue dependency search will work the way it did before (restricted to the current repository)
* re-applied my swagger changes after merge
* fixed split string condition in issue search
* changed ALLOW_CROSS_REPOSITORY_DEPENDENCIES description to sound more global than just the issue dependency search; returning 400 in the cross repo issue search api method if not enabled; fixed bug where the issue count did not respect the state parameter
* when adding a dependency to an issue, added a check to make sure the issue and dependency are in the same repo if cross repo dependencies is not enabled
* updated sortIssuesSession call in PullRequests, another commit moved this method from pull.go to pull_list.go so I had to re-apply my change here
* fixed incorrect setting of user id parameter in search repos call
2019-10-31 00:06:10 -05:00
. ui . nopadding { padding : 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . menu , . ui . segment , . ui . vertical . menu { box-shadow : none }
. ui . menu : not ( . vertical ) . item > . button . compact { padding : .58928571 em 1.125 em }
. ui . menu : not ( . vertical ) . item > . button . small { font-size : .92857143 rem }
2019-08-01 22:06:34 +02:00
. ui . menu . ui . dropdown . item . menu . item { width : 100 % }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . dropdown . menu > . item > . floating . label { z-index : 11 }
. ui . dropdown . menu . menu > . item > . floating . label { z-index : 21 }
. ui . text . red { color : #d95c5c !important }
. ui . text . red a { color : #d95c5c !important }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. ui . text . red a : hover { color : #e67777 !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . text . blue { color : #428bca !important }
. ui . text . blue a { color : #15c !important }
. ui . text . blue a : hover { color : #428bca !important }
. ui . text . black { color : #444 }
. ui . text . black : hover { color : #000 }
. ui . text . grey { color : #767676 !important }
. ui . text . grey a { color : #444 !important }
. ui . text . grey a : hover { color : #000 !important }
. ui . text . light . grey { color : #888 !important }
. ui . text . green { color : #6cc644 !important }
. ui . text . purple { color : #6e5494 !important }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. ui . text . yellow { color : #fbbd08 !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . text . gold { color : #a1882b !important }
. ui . text . left { text-align : left !important }
. ui . text . right { text-align : right !important }
. ui . text . small { font-size : .75 em }
. ui . text . normal { font-weight : 400 }
. ui . text . bold { font-weight : 700 }
. ui . text . italic { font-style : italic }
. ui . text . truncate { overflow : hidden ; text-overflow : ellipsis ; white-space : nowrap ; display : inline-block }
. ui . text . thin { font-weight : 400 }
. ui . text . middle { vertical-align : middle }
Allow cross-repository dependencies on issues (#7901)
* in progress changes for #7405, added ability to add cross-repo dependencies
* removed unused repolink var
* fixed query that was breaking ci tests; fixed check in issue dependency add so that the id of the issue and dependency is checked rather than the indexes
* reverted removal of string in local files becasue these are done via crowdin, not updated manually
* removed 'Select("issue.*")' from getBlockedByDependencies and getBlockingDependencies based on comments in PR review
* changed getBlockedByDependencies and getBlockingDependencies to use a more xorm-like query, also updated the sidebar as a result
* simplified the getBlockingDependencies and getBlockedByDependencies methods; changed the sidebar to show the dependencies in a different format where you can see the name of the repository
* made some changes to the issue view in the dependencies (issue name on top, repo full name on separate line). Change view of issue in the dependency search results (also showing the full repo name on separate line)
* replace call to FindUserAccessibleRepoIDs with SearchRepositoryByName. The former was hardcoded to use isPrivate = false on the repo search, but this code needed it to be true. The SearchRepositoryByName method is used more in the code including on the user's dashboard
* some more tweaks to the layout of the issues when showing dependencies and in the search box when you add new dependencies
* added Name to the RepositoryMeta struct
* updated swagger doc
* fixed total count for link header on SearchIssues
* fixed indentation
* fixed aligment of remove icon on dependencies in issue sidebar
* removed unnecessary nil check (unnecessary because issue.loadRepo is called prior to this block)
* reverting .css change, somehow missed or forgot that less is used
* updated less file and generated css; updated sidebar template with styles to line up delete and issue index
* added ordering to the blocked by/depends on queries
* fixed sorting in issue dependency search and the depends on/blocks views to show issues from the current repo first, then by created date descending; added a "all cross repository dependencies" setting to allow this feature to be turned off, if turned off, the issue dependency search will work the way it did before (restricted to the current repository)
* re-applied my swagger changes after merge
* fixed split string condition in issue search
* changed ALLOW_CROSS_REPOSITORY_DEPENDENCIES description to sound more global than just the issue dependency search; returning 400 in the cross repo issue search api method if not enabled; fixed bug where the issue count did not respect the state parameter
* when adding a dependency to an issue, added a check to make sure the issue and dependency are in the same repo if cross repo dependencies is not enabled
* updated sortIssuesSession call in PullRequests, another commit moved this method from pull.go to pull_list.go so I had to re-apply my change here
* fixed incorrect setting of user id parameter in search repos call
2019-10-31 00:06:10 -05:00
. ui . text . nopadding { padding : 0 }
. ui . text . nomargin { margin : 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . message { text-align : center }
. ui . bottom . attached . message { font-weight : 700 ; text-align : left ; color : #000 }
. ui . bottom . attached . message . pull-right { color : #000 }
. ui . bottom . attached . message . pull-right > span , . ui . bottom . attached . message > span { color : #21ba45 }
. ui . header > i + . content { padding-left : .75 rem ; vertical-align : middle }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. ui . warning . header { background-color : #f9edbe !important ; border-color : #efc16b }
. ui . warning . segment { border-color : #efc16b }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . info . segment { border : 1 px solid #c5d5dd }
. ui . info . segment . top { background-color : #e6f1f6 !important }
. ui . info . segment . top h3 , . ui . info . segment . top h4 { margin-top : 0 }
. ui . info . segment . top h3 : last-child { margin-top : 4 px }
. ui . info . segment . top > : last-child { margin-bottom : 0 }
. ui . normal . header { font-weight : 400 }
. ui . avatar . image { border-radius : 3 px }
. ui . form . fake { display : none !important }
. ui . form . sub . field { margin-left : 25 px }
. ui . sha . label { font-family : 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace ; font-size : 13 px ; padding : 6 px 10 px 4 px 10 px ; font-weight : 400 ; margin : 0 6 px }
2019-10-28 18:31:55 +00:00
. ui . button . truncate { display : inline-block ; max-width : 100 % ; overflow : hidden ; text-overflow : ellipsis ; vertical-align : top ; white-space : nowrap ; margin-right : 6 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . status . buttons . octicon { margin-right : 4 px }
. ui . inline . delete-button { padding : 8 px 15 px ; font-weight : 400 }
. ui . background . red { background-color : #d95c5c !important }
. ui . background . blue { background-color : #428bca !important }
. ui . background . black { background-color : #444 }
. ui . background . grey { background-color : #767676 !important }
. ui . background . light . grey { background-color : #888 !important }
. ui . background . green { background-color : #6cc644 !important }
. ui . background . purple { background-color : #6e5494 !important }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. ui . background . yellow { background-color : #fbbf09 !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . background . gold { background-color : #a1882b !important }
2019-07-07 22:14:12 -04:00
. ui . migrate { color : #888 !important ; opacity : .5 }
. ui . migrate a { color : #444 !important }
. ui . migrate a : hover { color : #000 !important }
2019-09-16 11:03:22 +02:00
. ui . border { border : 1 px solid }
. ui . border . red { border-color : #d95c5c !important }
. ui . border . blue { border-color : #428bca !important }
. ui . border . black { border-color : #444 }
. ui . border . grey { border-color : #767676 !important }
. ui . border . light . grey { border-color : #888 !important }
. ui . border . green { border-color : #6cc644 !important }
. ui . border . purple { border-color : #6e5494 !important }
. ui . border . yellow { border-color : #fbbd08 !important }
. ui . border . gold { border-color : #a1882b !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . branch-tag-choice { line-height : 20 px }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 767px ) { . ui . pagination . menu . item . navigation span . navigation_label , . ui . pagination . menu . item : not ( . active ) : not ( . navigation ) { display : none }
. file-comment { font : 12 px 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace ; color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .87 ) }
. ui . floating . dropdown . overflow . menu . scrolling . menu . items { border-radius : 0 !important ; box-shadow : none !important ; border-bottom : 1 px solid rgba ( 34 , 36 , 38 , .15 ) }
. user-menu > . item { width : 100 % ; border-radius : 0 !important }
. scrolling . menu . item . selected { font-weight : 700 !important }
footer { background-color : #fff ; border-top : 1 px solid #d6d6d6 ; width : 100 % ; flex-basis : 40 px ; color : #888 }
footer . container { width : 100 vw !important ; padding : 0 .5 rem }
footer . container . fa { width : 16 px ; text-align : center ; color : #428bca }
footer . container . links > * { border-left : 1 px solid #d6d6d6 ; padding-left : 8 px ; margin-left : 5 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
footer . container . links > : first-child { border-left : 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
footer . ui . language . menu { max-height : 500 px ; overflow-y : auto ; margin-bottom : 7 px }
footer . ui . left , footer . ui . right { line-height : 40 px }
. hide { display : none }
. hide . show-outdated { display : none !important }
. hide . hide-outdated { display : none !important }
. center { text-align : center }
. img-1 { width : 2 px !important ; height : 2 px !important }
. img-2 { width : 4 px !important ; height : 4 px !important }
. img-3 { width : 6 px !important ; height : 6 px !important }
. img-4 { width : 8 px !important ; height : 8 px !important }
. img-5 { width : 10 px !important ; height : 10 px !important }
. img-6 { width : 12 px !important ; height : 12 px !important }
. img-7 { width : 14 px !important ; height : 14 px !important }
. img-8 { width : 16 px !important ; height : 16 px !important }
. img-9 { width : 18 px !important ; height : 18 px !important }
. img-10 { width : 20 px !important ; height : 20 px !important }
. img-11 { width : 22 px !important ; height : 22 px !important }
. img-12 { width : 24 px !important ; height : 24 px !important }
. img-13 { width : 26 px !important ; height : 26 px !important }
. img-14 { width : 28 px !important ; height : 28 px !important }
. img-15 { width : 30 px !important ; height : 30 px !important }
. img-16 { width : 32 px !important ; height : 32 px !important }
@ media only screen and ( min-width : 768px ) { . mobile-only , . ui . button . mobile-only { display : none }
. sr-mobile-only { position : absolute ; width : 1 px ; height : 1 px ; padding : 0 ; margin : -1 px ; overflow : hidden ; clip : rect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; border : 0 }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 767px ) { . not-mobile { display : none }
. sr-only { position : absolute ; width : 1 px ; height : 1 px ; padding : 0 ; margin : -1 px ; overflow : hidden ; clip : rect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; border : 0 }
. sr-only-focusable : active , . sr-only-focusable : focus { position : static ; width : auto ; height : auto ; margin : 0 ; overflow : visible ; clip : auto }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 991px ) and ( min-width : 768px ) { . ui . container { width : 95 % }
. hljs { background : inherit !important ; padding : 0 !important }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. ui . menu . new-menu { justify-content : center !important ; padding-top : 15 px !important ; margin-top : -15 px !important ; margin-bottom : 15 px !important ; background-color : #fafafa !important ; border-width : 1 px !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 1200px ) { . ui . menu . new-menu { overflow-x : auto !important ; justify-content : left !important ; padding-bottom : 5 px }
. ui . menu . new-menu :: -webkit-scrollbar { height : 8 px ; display : none }
. ui . menu . new-menu : hover :: -webkit-scrollbar { display : block }
. ui . menu . new-menu :: -webkit-scrollbar-track { background : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .01 ) }
. ui . menu . new-menu :: -webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .2 ) }
. ui . menu . new-menu : after { position : absolute ; margin-top : -15 px ; display : block ; background-image : linear-gradient ( to right , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) , #fff 100 % ) ; content : ' ' ; right : 0 ; height : 53 px ; z-index : 1000 ; width : 60 px ; clear : none ; visibility : visible }
. ui . menu . new-menu a . item : last-child { padding-right : 30 px !important }
[ v-cloak ] { display : none !important }
. repos-search { padding-bottom : 0 !important }
. repos-filter { margin-top : 0 !important ; border-bottom-width : 0 !important ; margin-bottom : 2 px !important }
# user-heatmap { width : 107 % ; text-align : center }
# user-heatmap svg : not ( : root ) { overflow : inherit ; padding : 0 !important }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 1200px ) { # user-heatmap { display : none }
2019-07-18 19:04:28 +02:00
# user-heatmap . total-contributions { text-align : left ; font-weight : 500 ; margin-top : 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. heatmap-color-0 { background-color : #f4f4f4 }
2019-10-28 07:47:54 +01:00
. heatmap-color-1 { background-color : #d8efbf }
. heatmap-color-2 { background-color : #9fdb81 }
. heatmap-color-3 { background-color : #66c74b }
. heatmap-color-4 { background-color : #609926 }
. heatmap-color-5 { background-color : #025900 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. archived-icon { color : #b3b3b3 !important }
. oauth2-authorize-application-box { margin-top : 3 em !important }
. ui . tabular . menu . item { color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .5 ) }
. ui . tabular . menu . item : hover { color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .8 ) }
. ui . tabular . menu . item . active { color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .9 ) }
2019-07-12 19:44:28 +02:00
. inline-grouped-list { display : inline-block ; vertical-align : top }
. inline-grouped-list > . ui { display : block ; margin-top : 5 px ; margin-bottom : 10 px }
. inline-grouped-list > . ui : first-child { margin-top : 1 px }
2019-10-16 14:42:42 +01:00
i . icons . icon : first-child { margin-right : 0 }
i . icon . centerlock { top : 1.5 em }
. ui . label > . detail . icons { margin-right : .25 em }
. ui . label > . detail . icons . icon { margin-right : 0 }
2019-11-14 22:39:51 +01:00
. lines-num { vertical-align : top ; text-align : right !important ; color : #999 ; background : #f5f5f5 ; width : 1 % ; -webkit- user-select : none ; -ms- user-select : none ; user-select : none }
2019-08-28 01:59:05 +03:00
. lines-num span : before { content : attr ( data - line - number ) ; line-height : 20 px !important ; padding : 0 10 px ; cursor : pointer ; display : block }
2019-08-08 16:46:03 +02:00
. lines-code , . lines-num { padding : 0 !important }
. lines-code . hljs , . lines-code ol , . lines-code pre , . lines-num . hljs , . lines-num ol , . lines-num pre { background-color : #fff ; margin : 0 ; padding : 0 !important }
. lines-code . hljs li , . lines-code ol li , . lines-code pre li , . lines-num . hljs li , . lines-num ol li , . lines-num pre li { display : block ; width : 100 % }
. lines-code . hljs li : before , . lines-code ol li : before , . lines-code pre li : before , . lines-num . hljs li : before , . lines-num ol li : before , . lines-num pre li : before { content : ' ' }
2019-11-14 22:39:51 +01:00
. lines-commit { vertical-align : top ; color : #999 ; padding : 0 !important ; background : #f5f5f5 ; width : 1 % ; -ms- user-select : none ; -webkit- user-select : none ; user-select : none }
. lines-commit . blame-info { width : 350 px ; max-width : 350 px ; display : block ; -webkit- user-select : none ; -ms- user-select : none ; user-select : none ; padding : 0 0 0 10 px }
2019-08-08 16:46:03 +02:00
. lines-commit . blame-info . blame-data { display : flex ; font-family : - apple-system , BlinkMacSystemFont , system-ui , 'Segoe UI' , Roboto , Helvetica , Arial }
. lines-commit . blame-info . blame-data . blame-message { flex-grow : 2 ; overflow : hidden ; white-space : nowrap ; text-overflow : ellipsis ; line-height : 20 px }
. lines-commit . blame-info . blame-data . blame-avatar , . lines-commit . blame-info . blame-data . blame-time { flex-shrink : 0 }
. lines-commit . ui . avatar . image { height : 18 px ; width : 18 px }
. lines-code . bottom-line , . lines-commit . bottom-line , . lines-num . bottom-line { border-bottom : 1 px solid #eaecef }
. code-view { overflow : auto ; overflow-x : auto ; overflow-y : hidden }
2019-10-21 23:23:35 +01:00
. code-view : not ( . fa ) : not ( . octicon ) : not ( . icon ) { font-size : 12 px ; font-family : 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace ; line-height : 20 px }
2019-08-08 16:46:03 +02:00
. code-view table { width : 100 % }
. code-view . active { background : #fff866 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. markdown : not ( code ) { overflow : hidden ; font-size : 16 px ; line-height : 1.6 !important ; word-wrap : break-word }
. markdown : not ( code ) . ui . segment { padding : 3 em }
. markdown : not ( code ) . file-view { padding : 2 em 2 em 2 em !important }
. markdown : not ( code ) > : first-child { margin-top : 0 !important }
. markdown : not ( code ) > : last-child { margin-bottom : 0 !important }
. markdown : not ( code ) a : not ( [ href ] ) { color : inherit ; text-decoration : none }
. markdown : not ( code ) . absent { color : #c00 }
. markdown : not ( code ) . anchor { position : absolute ; top : 0 ; left : 0 ; display : block ; padding-right : 6 px ; padding-left : 30 px ; margin-left : -30 px }
. markdown : not ( code ) . anchor : focus { outline : 0 }
. markdown : not ( code ) h1 , . markdown : not ( code ) h2 , . markdown : not ( code ) h3 , . markdown : not ( code ) h4 , . markdown : not ( code ) h5 , . markdown : not ( code ) h6 { position : relative ; margin-top : 1 em ; margin-bottom : 16 px ; font-weight : 700 ; line-height : 1.4 }
. markdown : not ( code ) h1 : first-of-type , . markdown : not ( code ) h2 : first-of-type , . markdown : not ( code ) h3 : first-of-type , . markdown : not ( code ) h4 : first-of-type , . markdown : not ( code ) h5 : first-of-type , . markdown : not ( code ) h6 : first-of-type { margin-top : 0 !important }
. markdown : not ( code ) h1 . octicon-link , . markdown : not ( code ) h2 . octicon-link , . markdown : not ( code ) h3 . octicon-link , . markdown : not ( code ) h4 . octicon-link , . markdown : not ( code ) h5 . octicon-link , . markdown : not ( code ) h6 . octicon-link { display : none ; color : #000 ; vertical-align : middle }
. markdown : not ( code ) h1 : hover . anchor , . markdown : not ( code ) h2 : hover . anchor , . markdown : not ( code ) h3 : hover . anchor , . markdown : not ( code ) h4 : hover . anchor , . markdown : not ( code ) h5 : hover . anchor , . markdown : not ( code ) h6 : hover . anchor { padding-left : 8 px ; margin-left : -30 px ; text-decoration : none }
. markdown : not ( code ) h1 : hover . anchor . octicon-link , . markdown : not ( code ) h2 : hover . anchor . octicon-link , . markdown : not ( code ) h3 : hover . anchor . octicon-link , . markdown : not ( code ) h4 : hover . anchor . octicon-link , . markdown : not ( code ) h5 : hover . anchor . octicon-link , . markdown : not ( code ) h6 : hover . anchor . octicon-link { display : inline-block }
. markdown : not ( code ) h1 code , . markdown : not ( code ) h1 tt , . markdown : not ( code ) h2 code , . markdown : not ( code ) h2 tt , . markdown : not ( code ) h3 code , . markdown : not ( code ) h3 tt , . markdown : not ( code ) h4 code , . markdown : not ( code ) h4 tt , . markdown : not ( code ) h5 code , . markdown : not ( code ) h5 tt , . markdown : not ( code ) h6 code , . markdown : not ( code ) h6 tt { font-size : inherit }
. markdown : not ( code ) h1 { padding-bottom : .3 em ; font-size : 2.25 em ; line-height : 1.2 ; border-bottom : 1 px solid #eee }
. markdown : not ( code ) h1 . anchor { line-height : 1 }
. markdown : not ( code ) h2 { padding-bottom : .3 em ; font-size : 1.75 em ; line-height : 1.225 ; border-bottom : 1 px solid #eee }
. markdown : not ( code ) h2 . anchor { line-height : 1 }
. markdown : not ( code ) h3 { font-size : 1.5 em ; line-height : 1.43 }
. markdown : not ( code ) h3 . anchor { line-height : 1.2 }
. markdown : not ( code ) h4 { font-size : 1.25 em }
. markdown : not ( code ) h4 . anchor { line-height : 1.2 }
. markdown : not ( code ) h5 { font-size : 1 em }
. markdown : not ( code ) h5 . anchor { line-height : 1.1 }
. markdown : not ( code ) h6 { font-size : 1 em ; color : #777 }
. markdown : not ( code ) h6 . anchor { line-height : 1.1 }
. markdown : not ( code ) blockquote , . markdown : not ( code ) dl , . markdown : not ( code ) ol , . markdown : not ( code ) p , . markdown : not ( code ) pre , . markdown : not ( code ) table , . markdown : not ( code ) ul { margin-top : 0 ; margin-bottom : 16 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. markdown : not ( code ) hr { height : 4 px ; padding : 0 ; margin : 16 px 0 ; background-color : #e7e7e7 ; border : 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. markdown : not ( code ) ol , . markdown : not ( code ) ul { padding-left : 2 em }
. markdown : not ( code ) ol . no-list , . markdown : not ( code ) ul . no-list { padding : 0 ; list-style-type : none }
. markdown : not ( code ) ol ol , . markdown : not ( code ) ol ul , . markdown : not ( code ) ul ol , . markdown : not ( code ) ul ul { margin-top : 0 ; margin-bottom : 0 }
. markdown : not ( code ) ol ol , . markdown : not ( code ) ul ol { list-style-type : lower-roman }
. markdown : not ( code ) li > p { margin-top : 0 }
. markdown : not ( code ) dl { padding : 0 }
. markdown : not ( code ) dl dt { padding : 0 ; margin-top : 16 px ; font-size : 1 em ; font-style : italic ; font-weight : 700 }
. markdown : not ( code ) dl dd { padding : 0 16 px ; margin-bottom : 16 px }
2019-06-27 08:36:37 +02:00
. markdown : not ( code ) blockquote { margin-left : 0 ; padding : 0 15 px ; color : #777 ; border-left : 4 px solid #ddd }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. markdown : not ( code ) blockquote > : first-child { margin-top : 0 }
. markdown : not ( code ) blockquote > : last-child { margin-bottom : 0 }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. markdown : not ( code ) table { width : auto ; overflow : auto ; word-break : keep-all ; display : block }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. markdown : not ( code ) table th { font-weight : 700 }
. markdown : not ( code ) table td , . markdown : not ( code ) table th { padding : 6 px 13 px !important ; border : 1 px solid #ddd !important }
. markdown : not ( code ) table tr { background-color : #fff ; border-top : 1 px solid #ccc }
. markdown : not ( code ) table tr : nth-child ( 2n ) { background-color : #f8f8f8 }
. markdown : not ( code ) img { max-width : 100 % ; box-sizing : border-box }
. markdown : not ( code ) . emoji { max-width : none }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . frame { display : block ; overflow : hidden }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . frame > span { display : block ; float : left ; width : auto ; padding : 7 px ; margin : 13 px 0 0 ; overflow : hidden ; border : 1 px solid #ddd }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . frame span img { display : block ; float : left }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . frame span span { display : block ; padding : 5 px 0 0 ; clear : both ; color : #333 }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . align-center { display : block ; overflow : hidden ; clear : both }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . align-center > span { display : block ; margin : 13 px auto 0 ; overflow : hidden ; text-align : center }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . align-center span img { margin : 0 auto ; text-align : center }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . align-right { display : block ; overflow : hidden ; clear : both }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . align-right > span { display : block ; margin : 13 px 0 0 ; overflow : hidden ; text-align : right }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . align-right span img { margin : 0 ; text-align : right }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . float-left { display : block ; float : left ; margin-right : 13 px ; overflow : hidden }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . float-left span { margin : 13 px 0 0 }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . float-right { display : block ; float : right ; margin-left : 13 px ; overflow : hidden }
. markdown : not ( code ) span . float-right > span { display : block ; margin : 13 px auto 0 ; overflow : hidden ; text-align : right }
. markdown : not ( code ) code , . markdown : not ( code ) tt { padding : .2 em 0 ; margin : 0 ; font-size : 85 % ; background-color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .04 ) ; border-radius : 3 px }
. markdown : not ( code ) code : after , . markdown : not ( code ) code : before , . markdown : not ( code ) tt : after , . markdown : not ( code ) tt : before { letter-spacing : -.2 em ; content : "\00a0" }
. markdown : not ( code ) code br , . markdown : not ( code ) tt br { display : none }
. markdown : not ( code ) del code { text-decoration : inherit }
. markdown : not ( code ) pre > code { padding : 0 ; margin : 0 ; font-size : 100 % ; word-break : normal ; white-space : pre ; background : 0 0 ; border : 0 }
. markdown : not ( code ) . highlight { margin-bottom : 16 px }
. markdown : not ( code ) . highlight pre , . markdown : not ( code ) pre { padding : 16 px ; overflow : auto ; font-size : 85 % ; line-height : 1.45 ; background-color : #f7f7f7 ; border-radius : 3 px }
. markdown : not ( code ) . highlight pre { margin-bottom : 0 ; word-break : normal }
. markdown : not ( code ) pre { word-wrap : normal }
. markdown : not ( code ) pre code , . markdown : not ( code ) pre tt { display : inline ; max-width : initial ; padding : 0 ; margin : 0 ; overflow : initial ; line-height : inherit ; word-wrap : normal ; background-color : transparent ; border : 0 }
. markdown : not ( code ) pre code : after , . markdown : not ( code ) pre code : before , . markdown : not ( code ) pre tt : after , . markdown : not ( code ) pre tt : before { content : normal }
. markdown : not ( code ) kbd { display : inline-block ; padding : 3 px 5 px ; font-size : 11 px ; line-height : 10 px ; color : #555 ; vertical-align : middle ; background-color : #fcfcfc ; border : solid 1 px #ccc ; border-bottom-color : #bbb ; border-radius : 3 px ; box-shadow : inset 0 -1 px 0 #bbb }
. markdown : not ( code ) input [ type = checkbox ] { vertical-align : middle !important }
. markdown : not ( code ) . csv-data td , . markdown : not ( code ) . csv-data th { padding : 5 px ; overflow : hidden ; font-size : 12 px ; line-height : 1 ; text-align : left ; white-space : nowrap }
. markdown : not ( code ) . csv-data . blob-num { padding : 10 px 8 px 9 px ; text-align : right ; background : #fff ; border : 0 }
. markdown : not ( code ) . csv-data tr { border-top : 0 }
. markdown : not ( code ) . csv-data th { font-weight : 700 ; background : #f8f8f8 ; border-top : 0 }
. markdown : not ( code ) . ui . list . list , . markdown : not ( code ) ol . ui . list ol , . markdown : not ( code ) ul . ui . list ul { padding-left : 2 em }
2019-07-08 10:20:22 +02:00
. repository . wiki . revisions . ui . container > . ui . stackable . grid { flex-direction : row-reverse }
. repository . wiki . revisions . ui . container > . ui . stackable . grid > . header { margin-top : 0 }
2019-07-11 16:45:10 +02:00
. repository . wiki . revisions . ui . container > . ui . stackable . grid > . header . sub . header { padding-left : 52 px ; word-break : break-word }
2019-07-08 10:20:22 +02:00
. file-revisions-btn { display : block ; float : left ; margin-bottom : 2 px !important ; padding : 11 px !important ; margin-right : 10 px !important }
2019-11-14 22:39:51 +01:00
. file-revisions-btn i { -webkit- touch-callout : none ; -webkit- user-select : none ; -ms- user-select : none ; user-select : none }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. home . logo { max-width : 220 px }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 767px ) { . home . hero h1 { font-size : 3.5 em }
. home . hero h2 { font-size : 2 em }
@ media only screen and ( min-width : 768px ) { . home . hero h1 { font-size : 5.5 em }
. home . hero h2 { font-size : 3 em }
. home . hero . octicon { color : #5aa509 ; font-size : 40 px ; width : 50 px }
. home . hero . header { font-size : 20 px }
. home p . large { font-size : 16 px }
. home . stackable { padding-top : 30 px }
. home a { color : #5aa509 }
. signup { padding-top : 15 px }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 880px ) { footer . ui . container . left , footer . ui . container . right { display : block ; text-align : center ; float : none }
. install { padding-top : 45 px }
. install form label { text-align : right ; width : 320 px !important }
. install form input { width : 35 % !important }
. install form . field { text-align : left }
. install form . field . help { margin-left : 335 px !important }
. install form . field . optional . title { margin-left : 38 % }
. install . ui . checkbox { margin-left : 40 % !important }
. install . ui . checkbox label { width : auto !important }
. form . help { color : #999 ; padding-top : .6 em ; padding-bottom : .6 em ; display : inline-block }
. ui . attached . header { background : #f0f0f0 }
. ui . attached . header . right { margin-top : -5 px }
. ui . attached . header . right . button { padding : 8 px 10 px ; font-weight : 400 }
# create-page-form form { margin : auto }
# create-page-form form . ui . message { text-align : center }
@ media only screen and ( min-width : 768px ) { # create-page-form form { width : 800 px !important }
# create-page-form form . header { padding-left : 280 px !important }
# create-page-form form . inline . field > label { text-align : right ; width : 250 px !important ; word-wrap : break-word }
# create-page-form form . help { margin-left : 265 px !important }
# create-page-form form . optional . title { margin-left : 250 px !important }
# create-page-form form input , # create-page-form form textarea { width : 50 % !important }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 767px ) { # create-page-form form . optional . title { margin-left : 15 px }
# create-page-form form . inline . field > label { display : block }
. signin . oauth2 div { display : inline-block }
. signin . oauth2 div p { margin : 10 px 5 px 0 0 ; float : left }
. signin . oauth2 a { margin-right : 3 px }
. signin . oauth2 a : last-child { margin-right : 0 }
. signin . oauth2 img { width : 32 px ; height : 32 px }
. signin . oauth2 img . openidConnect { width : auto }
@ media only screen and ( min-width : 768px ) { . g-recaptcha { margin : 0 auto !important ; width : 304 px ; padding-left : 30 px }
@ media screen and ( max-height : 575px ) { # rc-imageselect , . g-recaptcha { transform : scale ( .77 ) ; transform-origin : 0 0 }
. user . activate form , . user . forgot . password form , . user . reset . password form , . user . signin form , . user . signup form { margin : auto }
. user . activate form . ui . message , . user . forgot . password form . ui . message , . user . reset . password form . ui . message , . user . signin form . ui . message , . user . signup form . ui . message { text-align : center }
@ media only screen and ( min-width : 768px ) { . user . activate form , . user . forgot . password form , . user . reset . password form , . user . signin form , . user . signup form { width : 800 px !important }
. user . activate form . header , . user . forgot . password form . header , . user . reset . password form . header , . user . signin form . header , . user . signup form . header { padding-left : 280 px !important }
. user . activate form . inline . field > label , . user . forgot . password form . inline . field > label , . user . reset . password form . inline . field > label , . user . signin form . inline . field > label , . user . signup form . inline . field > label { text-align : right ; width : 250 px !important ; word-wrap : break-word }
. user . activate form . help , . user . forgot . password form . help , . user . reset . password form . help , . user . signin form . help , . user . signup form . help { margin-left : 265 px !important }
. user . activate form . optional . title , . user . forgot . password form . optional . title , . user . reset . password form . optional . title , . user . signin form . optional . title , . user . signup form . optional . title { margin-left : 250 px !important }
. user . activate form input , . user . activate form textarea , . user . forgot . password form input , . user . forgot . password form textarea , . user . reset . password form input , . user . reset . password form textarea , . user . signin form input , . user . signin form textarea , . user . signup form input , . user . signup form textarea { width : 50 % !important }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 767px ) { . user . activate form . optional . title , . user . forgot . password form . optional . title , . user . reset . password form . optional . title , . user . signin form . optional . title , . user . signup form . optional . title { margin-left : 15 px }
. user . activate form . inline . field > label , . user . forgot . password form . inline . field > label , . user . reset . password form . inline . field > label , . user . signin form . inline . field > label , . user . signup form . inline . field > label { display : block }
. user . activate form , . user . forgot . password form , . user . reset . password form , . user . signin form , . user . signup form { width : 700 px !important }
. user . activate form . header , . user . forgot . password form . header , . user . reset . password form . header , . user . signin form . header , . user . signup form . header { padding-left : 0 !important ; text-align : center }
. user . activate form . inline . field > label , . user . forgot . password form . inline . field > label , . user . reset . password form . inline . field > label , . user . signin form . inline . field > label , . user . signup form . inline . field > label { width : 200 px }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 768px ) { . user . activate form . inline . field > label , . user . activate form input , . user . forgot . password form . inline . field > label , . user . forgot . password form input , . user . reset . password form . inline . field > label , . user . reset . password form input , . user . signin form . inline . field > label , . user . signin form input , . user . signup form . inline . field > label , . user . signup form input { width : 100 % !important }
2019-10-18 11:26:13 -05:00
. user . activate form input [ type = number ] , . user . forgot . password form input [ type = number ] , . user . reset . password form input [ type = number ] , . user . signin form input [ type = number ] , . user . signup form input [ type = number ] { -moz- appearance : textfield }
. user . activate form input :: -webkit-inner-spin-button , . user . activate form input :: -webkit-outer-spin-button , . user . forgot . password form input :: -webkit-inner-spin-button , . user . forgot . password form input :: -webkit-outer-spin-button , . user . reset . password form input :: -webkit-inner-spin-button , . user . reset . password form input :: -webkit-outer-spin-button , . user . signin form input :: -webkit-inner-spin-button , . user . signin form input :: -webkit-outer-spin-button , . user . signup form input :: -webkit-inner-spin-button , . user . signup form input :: -webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit- appearance : none ; margin : 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . new . fork form , . repository . new . migrate form , . repository . new . repo form { margin : auto }
. repository . new . fork form . ui . message , . repository . new . migrate form . ui . message , . repository . new . repo form . ui . message { text-align : center }
@ media only screen and ( min-width : 768px ) { . repository . new . fork form , . repository . new . migrate form , . repository . new . repo form { width : 800 px !important }
. repository . new . fork form . header , . repository . new . migrate form . header , . repository . new . repo form . header { padding-left : 280 px !important }
. repository . new . fork form . inline . field > label , . repository . new . migrate form . inline . field > label , . repository . new . repo form . inline . field > label { text-align : right ; width : 250 px !important ; word-wrap : break-word }
. repository . new . fork form . help , . repository . new . migrate form . help , . repository . new . repo form . help { margin-left : 265 px !important }
. repository . new . fork form . optional . title , . repository . new . migrate form . optional . title , . repository . new . repo form . optional . title { margin-left : 250 px !important }
. repository . new . fork form input , . repository . new . fork form textarea , . repository . new . migrate form input , . repository . new . migrate form textarea , . repository . new . repo form input , . repository . new . repo form textarea { width : 50 % !important }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 767px ) { . repository . new . fork form . optional . title , . repository . new . migrate form . optional . title , . repository . new . repo form . optional . title { margin-left : 15 px }
. repository . new . fork form . inline . field > label , . repository . new . migrate form . inline . field > label , . repository . new . repo form . inline . field > label { display : block }
. repository . new . fork form . dropdown . dropdown . icon , . repository . new . migrate form . dropdown . dropdown . icon , . repository . new . repo form . dropdown . dropdown . icon { margin-top : -7 px !important ; padding-bottom : 5 px }
. repository . new . fork form . dropdown . text , . repository . new . migrate form . dropdown . text , . repository . new . repo form . dropdown . text { margin-right : 0 !important }
. repository . new . fork form . dropdown . text i , . repository . new . migrate form . dropdown . text i , . repository . new . repo form . dropdown . text i { margin-right : 0 !important }
. repository . new . fork form . header , . repository . new . migrate form . header , . repository . new . repo form . header { padding-left : 0 !important ; text-align : center }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 768px ) { . repository . new . fork form . selection . dropdown , . repository . new . fork form input , . repository . new . fork form label , . repository . new . migrate form . selection . dropdown , . repository . new . migrate form input , . repository . new . migrate form label , . repository . new . repo form . selection . dropdown , . repository . new . repo form input , . repository . new . repo form label { width : 100 % !important }
. repository . new . fork form . field a , . repository . new . fork form . field button , . repository . new . migrate form . field a , . repository . new . migrate form . field button , . repository . new . repo form . field a , . repository . new . repo form . field button { margin-bottom : 1 em ; width : 100 % }
@ media only screen and ( min-width : 768px ) { . repository . new . repo . ui . form # auto-init { margin-left : 265 px !important }
. repository . new . repo . ui . form . selection . dropdown : not ( . owner ) { width : 50 % !important }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 768px ) { . repository . new . repo . ui . form . selection . dropdown : not ( . owner ) { width : 100 % !important }
. new . webhook form . help { margin-left : 25 px }
. new . webhook . events . fields . column { padding-left : 40 px }
. githook textarea { font-family : 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 768px ) { . new . org . ui . form . field a , . new . org . ui . form . field button { margin-bottom : 1 em ; width : 100 % }
. new . org . ui . form . field input { width : 100 % !important }
. repository { padding-top : 15 px }
. repository . repo-header . ui . compact . menu { margin-left : 1 rem }
. repository . repo-header . ui . header { margin-top : 0 }
. repository . repo-header . mega-octicon { width : 30 px ; font-size : 30 px }
. repository . repo-header . ui . huge . breadcrumb { font-weight : 400 ; font-size : 1.5 rem }
2019-09-13 07:15:26 +03:00
. repository . repo-header . ui . huge . breadcrumb i . mega-octicon { position : relative ; top : 5 px }
. repository . repo-header . ui . huge . breadcrumb i . octicon-lock { margin-left : 5 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . repo-header . fork-flag { margin-left : 36 px ; margin-top : 3 px ; display : block ; font-size : 12 px ; white-space : nowrap }
. repository . repo-header . octicon . octicon-repo-forked { margin-top : -1 px ; font-size : 15 px }
. repository . repo-header . button { margin-top : 2 px ; margin-bottom : 2 px }
. repository . tabs . navbar { justify-content : initial }
. repository . navbar { display : flex ; justify-content : space-between }
. repository . navbar . ui . label { margin-left : 7 px ; padding : 3 px 5 px }
. repository . owner . dropdown { min-width : 40 % !important }
. repository # file-buttons { margin-left : auto !important ; font-weight : 400 }
. repository # file-buttons . ui . button { padding : 8 px 10 px ; font-weight : 400 }
. repository . metas . menu { max-height : 300 px ; overflow-x : auto }
. repository . metas . ui . list . hide { display : none !important }
. repository . metas . ui . list . item { padding : 0 }
. repository . metas . ui . list . label . color { padding : 0 8 px ; margin-right : 5 px }
. repository . metas . ui . list a { margin : 2 px 0 }
. repository . metas . ui . list a . text { color : #444 }
. repository . metas . ui . list a . text : hover { color : #000 }
. repository . metas # deadlineForm input { width : 12.8 rem ; border-radius : 4 px 0 0 4 px ; border-right : 0 ; white-space : nowrap }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . header-wrapper { background-color : #fafafa ; margin-top : -15 px ; padding-top : 15 px }
. repository . header-wrapper . ui . tabs . divider { border-bottom : 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . header-wrapper . ui . tabular . octicon { margin-right : 5 px }
. repository . filter . menu . label . color { border-radius : 3 px ; margin-left : 15 px ; padding : 0 8 px }
. repository . filter . menu . octicon { float : left ; margin : 5 px -7 px 0 -5 px ; width : 16 px }
. repository . filter . menu . labels . octicon { margin : -2 px -7 px 0 -5 px }
2019-10-23 19:29:14 +03:00
. repository . filter . menu . labels . label-filter . menu . info { display : inline-block ; padding : 9 px 7 px 7 px 7 px ; text-align : center ; border-bottom : 1 px solid #ccc ; font-size : 12 px }
. repository . filter . menu . labels . label-filter . menu . info code { border : 1 px solid #ccc ; border-radius : 3 px ; padding : 3 px 2 px 1 px 2 px ; font-size : 11 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . filter . menu . text { margin-left : .9 em }
. repository . filter . menu . menu { max-height : 300 px ; overflow-x : auto ; right : 0 !important ; left : auto !important }
. repository . filter . menu . dropdown . item { margin : 1 px ; padding-right : 0 }
. repository . select-label . item { max-width : 250 px ; overflow : hidden ; text-overflow : ellipsis }
. repository . select-label . desc { padding-left : 16 px }
. repository . ui . tabs . container { margin-top : 14 px ; margin-bottom : 0 }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . ui . tabs . container . ui . menu { border-bottom : 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . ui . tabs . divider { margin-top : 0 ; margin-bottom : 20 px }
. repository # clone-panel { width : 350 px }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 768px ) { . repository # clone-panel { width : 100 % }
. repository # clone-panel input { border-radius : 0 ; padding : 5 px 10 px ; width : 50 % }
. repository # clone-panel . clone . button { font-size : 13 px ; padding : 0 5 px }
. repository # clone-panel . clone . button : first-child { border-radius : .28571429 rem 0 0 .28571429 rem }
. repository # clone-panel . icon . button { padding : 0 10 px }
. repository # clone-panel . dropdown . menu { right : 0 !important ; left : auto !important }
. repository . file . list . repo-description { display : flex ; justify-content : space-between ; align-items : center }
. repository . file . list # repo-desc { font-size : 1.2 em }
. repository . file . list . choose . reference . header . icon { font-size : 1.4 em }
. repository . file . list . repo-path . divider , . repository . file . list . repo-path . section { display : inline }
. repository . file . list # file-buttons { font-weight : 400 }
. repository . file . list # file-buttons . ui . button { padding : 8 px 10 px ; font-weight : 400 }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 768px ) { . repository . file . list # file-buttons . ui . tiny . blue . buttons { width : 100 % }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table thead th { padding-top : 8 px ; padding-bottom : 5 px ; font-weight : 400 }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table thead . ui . avatar { margin-bottom : 5 px }
2019-09-10 12:03:30 +03:00
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table thead . commit-summary a { text-decoration : underline ; -webkit- text-decoration-style : dashed ; text-decoration-style : dashed }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table thead . commit-summary a : hover { -webkit- text-decoration-style : solid ; text-decoration-style : solid }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table thead . commit-summary a . default-link { text-decoration : none }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table thead . commit-summary a . default-link : hover { text-decoration : underline ; -webkit- text-decoration-style : solid ; text-decoration-style : solid }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table tbody . octicon { margin-left : 3 px ; margin-right : 5 px ; color : #777 }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table tbody . octicon . octicon-mail-reply { margin-right : 10 px }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table tbody . octicon . octicon-file-directory , . repository . file . list # repo-files-table tbody . octicon . octicon-file-submodule , . repository . file . list # repo-files-table tbody . octicon . octicon-file-symlink-directory { color : #1e70bf }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table td { padding-top : 8 px ; padding-bottom : 8 px ; overflow : initial }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table td . name { max-width : 150 px }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table td . message { max-width : 400 px }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table td . age { width : 120 px }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table td . truncate { display : inline-block ; max-width : 100 % ; overflow : hidden ; text-overflow : ellipsis ; vertical-align : top ; white-space : nowrap }
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table td . message . isSigned { cursor : default }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table tr : hover { background-color : #ffe }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . file . list # repo-files-table . jumpable-path { color : #888 }
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . header . icon { font-size : 1 em }
2019-10-07 06:59:17 +02:00
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . header . file-actions { margin-bottom : -5 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . header . file-actions . btn-octicon { display : inline-block ; padding : 5 px ; margin-left : 5 px ; line-height : 1 ; color : #767676 ; vertical-align : middle ; background : 0 0 ; border : 0 ; outline : 0 }
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . header . file-actions . btn-octicon : hover { color : #4078c0 }
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . header . file-actions . btn-octicon-danger : hover { color : #bd2c00 }
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . header . file-actions . btn-octicon . disabled { color : #bbb ; cursor : default }
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . header . file-actions # delete-file-form { display : inline-block }
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . view-raw { padding : 5 px }
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . view-raw * { max-width : 100 % }
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . view-raw img { padding : 5 px 5 px 0 5 px }
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . plain-text { padding : 1 em 2 em 1 em 2 em }
2019-05-14 06:11:22 +02:00
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . plain-text pre { word-break : break-word ; white-space : pre-wrap }
2019-10-03 16:54:33 +00:00
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content . csv { overflow-x : auto ; padding : 0 !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . file . list . non-diff-file-content pre { overflow : auto }
. repository . file . list . sidebar { padding-left : 0 }
. repository . file . list . sidebar . octicon { width : 16 px }
. repository . file . editor . treepath { width : 100 % }
. repository . file . editor . treepath input { vertical-align : middle ; box-shadow : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .0745098 ) 0 1 px 2 px inset ; width : inherit ; padding : 7 px 8 px ; margin-right : 5 px }
. repository . file . editor . tabular . menu . octicon { margin-right : 5 px }
. repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper { padding-left : 64 px }
. repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper . commit-avatar { float : left ; margin-left : -64 px ; width : 3 em ; height : auto }
. repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper . commit-form { position : relative ; padding : 15 px ; margin-bottom : 10 px ; border : 1 px solid #ddd ; border-radius : 3 px }
. repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper . commit-form : after , . repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper . commit-form : before { right : 100 % ; top : 20 px ; border : solid transparent ; content : " " ; height : 0 ; width : 0 ; position : absolute ; pointer-events : none }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper . commit-form : before { border-right-color : #d3d3d4 ; border-width : 9 px ; margin-top : -9 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper . commit-form : after { border-right-color : #f7f7f7 ; border-width : 8 px ; margin-top : -8 px }
. repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper . commit-form : after { border-right-color : #fff }
. repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper . commit-form . quick-pull-choice . branch-name { display : inline-block ; padding : 3 px 6 px ; font : 12 px 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace ; color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .65 ) ; background-color : rgba ( 209 , 227 , 237 , .45 ) ; border-radius : 3 px }
. repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper . commit-form . quick-pull-choice . new-branch-name-input { position : relative ; margin-left : 25 px }
. repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper . commit-form . quick-pull-choice . new-branch-name-input input { width : 240 px !important ; padding-left : 26 px !important }
. repository . file . editor . commit-form-wrapper . commit-form . quick-pull-choice . octicon-git-branch { position : absolute ; top : 9 px ; left : 10 px ; color : #b0c4ce }
. repository . options # interval { width : 100 px !important ; min-width : 100 px }
. repository . options . danger . item { padding : 20 px 15 px }
. repository . options . danger . ui . divider { margin : 0 }
2019-09-17 18:54:35 +03:00
. repository . comment textarea { max-height : none !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . new . issue . comment . form . comment . avatar { width : 3 em }
. repository . new . issue . comment . form . content { margin-left : 4 em }
. repository . new . issue . comment . form . content : after , . repository . new . issue . comment . form . content : before { right : 100 % ; top : 20 px ; border : solid transparent ; content : " " ; height : 0 ; width : 0 ; position : absolute ; pointer-events : none }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . new . issue . comment . form . content : before { border-right-color : #d3d3d4 ; border-width : 9 px ; margin-top : -9 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . new . issue . comment . form . content : after { border-right-color : #f7f7f7 ; border-width : 8 px ; margin-top : -8 px }
. repository . new . issue . comment . form . content : after { border-right-color : #fff }
. repository . new . issue . comment . form . content . markdown { font-size : 14 px }
. repository . new . issue . comment . form . metas { min-width : 220 px }
. repository . new . issue . comment . form . metas . filter . menu { max-height : 300 px ; overflow-x : auto }
. repository . view . issue . title { padding-bottom : 0 !important }
. repository . view . issue . title h1 { font-weight : 300 ; font-size : 2.3 rem ; margin-bottom : 5 px }
. repository . view . issue . title h1 . ui . input { font-size : .5 em ; vertical-align : top ; width : 50 % ; min-width : 600 px }
. repository . view . issue . title h1 . ui . input input { font-size : 1.5 em ; padding : 6 px 10 px }
. repository . view . issue . title . index { font-weight : 300 ; color : #aaa ; letter-spacing : -1 px }
. repository . view . issue . title . label { margin-right : 10 px }
. repository . view . issue . title . edit-zone { margin-top : 10 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . pull-desc code { color : #0166e6 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . pull . tabular . menu { margin-bottom : 10 px }
. repository . view . issue . pull . tabular . menu . octicon { margin-right : 5 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . pull . tab . segment { border : 0 ; padding : 10 px 0 0 ; box-shadow : none ; background-color : inherit }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . pull . merge . box . avatar { margin-left : 10 px ; margin-top : 10 px }
. repository . view . issue . pull . review-item . avatar , . repository . view . issue . pull . review-item . type-icon { float : none ; display : inline-block ; text-align : center ; vertical-align : middle }
. repository . view . issue . pull . review-item . avatar . octicon , . repository . view . issue . pull . review-item . type-icon . octicon { width : 23 px ; font-size : 23 px ; margin-top : .45 em }
. repository . view . issue . pull . review-item . text { margin : .3 em 0 .5 em .5 em }
. repository . view . issue . pull . review-item . type-icon { float : right ; margin-right : 1 em }
. repository . view . issue . pull . review-item . divider { margin : .5 rem 0 }
. repository . view . issue . pull . review-item . review-content { padding : 1 em 0 1 em 3.8 em }
2019-07-06 23:37:46 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list : not ( . prevent-before-timeline ) : before { display : block ; content : "" ; position : absolute ; margin-top : 12 px ; margin-bottom : 14 px ; top : 0 ; bottom : 0 ; left : 96 px ; width : 2 px ; background-color : #f3f3f3 ; z-index : -1 }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . timeline-line { position : relative ; display : block ; width : 100 % ; max-width : 100 % }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . timeline-line : before { display : block ; content : "" ; position : absolute ; margin-top : 12 px ; margin-bottom : 14 px ; top : 0 ; bottom : 0 ; left : 82 px ; width : 2 px ; background-color : #f3f3f3 ; z-index : -1 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . avatar { width : 3 em }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . tag { color : #767676 ; margin-top : 3 px ; padding : 2 px 5 px ; font-size : 12 px ; border : 1 px solid rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .1 ) ; border-radius : 3 px }
2019-10-25 21:43:38 -03:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . tag . pending { color : #000 ; background-color : #fffbb2 ; margin-left : 5 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . actions . item { float : left }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . actions . item . tag { margin-right : 5 px }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . actions . item . action { margin-top : 6 px ; margin-left : 10 px }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content { margin-left : 4 em }
2019-05-27 00:55:53 +08:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . header { font-weight : 400 ; padding : auto 15 px ; position : relative ; color : #767676 ; background-color : #f7f7f7 ; border-bottom : 1 px solid #eee ; border-top-left-radius : 3 px ; border-top-right-radius : 3 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . header : after , . repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . header : before { right : 100 % ; top : 20 px ; border : solid transparent ; content : " " ; height : 0 ; width : 0 ; position : absolute ; pointer-events : none }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . header : before { border-right-color : #d3d3d4 ; border-width : 9 px ; margin-top : -9 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . header : after { border-right-color : #f7f7f7 ; border-width : 8 px ; margin-top : -8 px }
2019-05-27 00:55:53 +08:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . header . text { max-width : 78 % ; padding-top : 10 px ; padding-bottom : 10 px }
2019-06-30 15:57:59 +08:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . merge-section { border-top : 1 px solid #d4d4d5 ; background-color : #f7f7f7 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content . markdown { font-size : 14 px }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content . no-content { color : #767676 ; font-style : italic }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . bottom . segment { background : #f3f4f5 }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . bottom . segment . ui . images :: after { clear : both ; content : ' ' ; display : block }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . bottom . segment a { display : block ; float : left ; margin : 5 px ; padding : 5 px ; height : 150 px ; border : solid 1 px #eee ; border-radius : 3 px ; max-width : 150 px ; background-color : #fff }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . bottom . segment a : before { content : ' ' ; display : inline-block ; height : 100 % ; vertical-align : middle }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . bottom . segment . ui . image { max-height : 100 % ; width : auto ; margin : 0 ; vertical-align : middle }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . bottom . segment span . ui . image { font-size : 128 px ; color : #000 }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . content > . bottom . segment span . ui . image : hover { color : #000 }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . ui . form . field : first-child { clear : none }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . ui . form . tab . segment { border : 0 ; padding : 10 px 0 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . ui . form textarea { height : 200 px ; font-family : 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . comment . edit . buttons { margin-top : 10 px }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event { position : relative ; margin : 15 px 0 15 px 79 px ; padding-left : 25 px }
2019-07-07 00:03:00 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event > . octicon : not ( . issue-symbol ) { text-shadow : -2 px 0 #fff , 0 2 px #fff , 2 px 0 #fff , 0 -2 px #fff }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event > . octicon . issue-symbol { font-size : 20 px ; margin-left : -35 px ; margin-right : -1 px ; margin-top : 0 !important ; height : 28 px ; width : 28 px ; border-radius : 50 % ; text-align : center ; line-height : 28 px ; background : #eee }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event > . octicon . issue-symbol :: before { width : 15 px ; display : inline-block }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event > . octicon . issue-symbol . octicon-key :: before { width : 18 px }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event > . octicon . issue-symbol . octicon-circle-slash :: before { width : 17 px }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event > . octicon . issue-symbol . octicon-comment { font-size : 21 px ; line-height : 33 px }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event > . octicon . issue-symbol . octicon-comment :: before { width : 20 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event . octicon { width : 30 px ; float : left ; text-align : center }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event . octicon . octicon-circle-slash { margin-top : 5 px ; margin-left : -34.5 px ; font-size : 20 px ; color : #bd2c00 }
2019-07-07 00:03:00 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event . octicon . octicon-primitive-dot { margin-top : -1 px ; margin-left : -28.5 px ; margin-right : -1 px ; font-size : 30 px ; color : #6cc644 }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event . octicon . octicon-bookmark { margin-top : 2 px ; margin-left : -31 px ; margin-right : -1 px ; font-size : 25 px }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event . octicon . octicon-eye { margin-top : 3 px ; margin-left : -36 px ; margin-right : 0 ; font-size : 22 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event . octicon . octicon-x { margin-left : -33 px ; font-size : 25 px }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event . detail { font-size : .9 rem ; margin-top : 5 px ; margin-left : 35 px }
. repository . view . issue . comment-list . event . detail . octicon . octicon-git-commit { margin-top : 2 px }
. repository . view . issue . ui . segment . metas { margin-top : -3 px }
. repository . view . issue . ui . participants img { margin-top : 5 px ; margin-right : 5 px }
. repository . view . issue . ui . depending . item . is-closed . title { text-decoration : line-through }
. repository . comment . form . ui . comments { margin-top : -12 px ; max-width : 100 % }
. repository . comment . form . content . field : first-child { clear : none }
. repository . comment . form . content . form : after , . repository . comment . form . content . form : before { right : 100 % ; top : 20 px ; border : solid transparent ; content : " " ; height : 0 ; width : 0 ; position : absolute ; pointer-events : none }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . comment . form . content . form : before { border-right-color : #d3d3d4 ; border-width : 9 px ; margin-top : -9 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . comment . form . content . form : after { border-right-color : #f7f7f7 ; border-width : 8 px ; margin-top : -8 px }
. repository . comment . form . content . form : after { border-right-color : #fff }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . comment . form . content . tab . segment { border : 0 ; padding : 10 px 0 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . comment . form . content textarea { height : 200 px ; font-family : 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace }
. repository . label . list { list-style : none ; padding-top : 15 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . label . list . item { padding-top : 10 px ; padding-bottom : 10 px ; border-bottom : 1 px dashed #aaa }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . label . list . item a { font-size : 15 px ; padding-top : 5 px ; padding-right : 10 px ; color : #666 }
. repository . label . list . item a : hover { color : #000 }
. repository . label . list . item a . open-issues { margin-right : 30 px }
. repository . label . list . item . ui . label { font-size : 1 em }
. repository . milestone . list { list-style : none ; padding-top : 15 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . milestone . list > . item { padding-top : 10 px ; padding-bottom : 10 px ; border-bottom : 1 px dashed #aaa }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . milestone . list > . item > a { padding-top : 5 px ; padding-right : 10 px ; color : #000 }
. repository . milestone . list > . item > a : hover { color : #4078c0 }
. repository . milestone . list > . item . ui . progress { width : 40 % ; padding : 0 ; border : 0 ; margin : 0 }
. repository . milestone . list > . item . ui . progress . bar { height : 20 px }
. repository . milestone . list > . item . meta { color : #999 ; padding-top : 5 px }
. repository . milestone . list > . item . meta . issue-stats . octicon { padding-left : 5 px }
. repository . milestone . list > . item . meta . overdue { color : red }
. repository . milestone . list > . item . operate { margin-top : -15 px }
. repository . milestone . list > . item . operate > a { font-size : 15 px ; padding-top : 5 px ; padding-right : 10 px ; color : #666 }
. repository . milestone . list > . item . operate > a : hover { color : #000 }
. repository . milestone . list > . item . content { padding-top : 10 px }
. repository . new . milestone textarea { height : 200 px }
. repository . new . milestone # deadline { width : 150 px }
2019-06-07 22:29:29 +02:00
. repository . compare . pull . show-form-container { text-align : left }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . compare . pull . choose . branch . octicon { padding-right : 10 px }
. repository . compare . pull . comment . form . content : after , . repository . compare . pull . comment . form . content : before { right : 100 % ; top : 20 px ; border : solid transparent ; content : " " ; height : 0 ; width : 0 ; position : absolute ; pointer-events : none }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . compare . pull . comment . form . content : before { border-right-color : #d3d3d4 ; border-width : 9 px ; margin-top : -9 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . compare . pull . comment . form . content : after { border-right-color : #f7f7f7 ; border-width : 8 px ; margin-top : -8 px }
. repository . compare . pull . comment . form . content : after { border-right-color : #fff }
. repository . filter . dropdown . menu { margin-top : 1 px !important }
. repository . branches . commit-divergence . bar-group { position : relative ; float : left ; padding-bottom : 6 px ; width : 90 px }
. repository . branches . commit-divergence . bar-group : last-child { border-left : 1 px solid #b4b4b4 }
. repository . branches . commit-divergence . count { margin : 0 3 px }
. repository . branches . commit-divergence . count . count-ahead { text-align : left }
. repository . branches . commit-divergence . count . count-behind { text-align : right }
. repository . branches . commit-divergence . bar { height : 4 px ; position : absolute ; background-color : #d4d4d5 }
. repository . branches . commit-divergence . bar . bar-behind { right : 0 }
. repository . branches . commit-divergence . bar . bar-ahead { left : 0 }
. repository . commits . header . search input { font-weight : 400 ; padding : 5 px 10 px }
. repository # commits-table thead th : first-of-type { padding-left : 15 px }
. repository # commits-table thead . sha { width : 140 px }
. repository # commits-table thead . shatd { text-align : center }
. repository # commits-table td . sha . sha . label { margin : 0 }
2019-08-09 12:57:29 +00:00
. repository # commits-table td . message { text-overflow : unset }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository # commits-table . ui . basic . striped . table tbody tr : nth-child ( 2n ) { background-color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .02 ) !important }
2019-08-04 14:55:20 +02:00
. repository # commits-table td . sha . sha . label , . repository # repo-files-table . sha . label { border : 1 px solid #bbb }
. repository # commits-table td . sha . sha . label . detail . icon , . repository # repo-files-table . sha . label . detail . icon { background : #fafafa ; margin : -6 px -10 px -4 px 0 ; padding : 5 px 3 px 5 px 6 px ; border-left : 1 px solid #bbb ; border-top-left-radius : 0 ; border-bottom-left-radius : 0 }
2019-10-16 14:42:42 +01:00
. repository # commits-table td . sha . sha . label . isSigned . isWarning , . repository # repo-files-table . sha . label . isSigned . isWarning { border : 1 px solid #db2828 ; background : rgba ( 219 , 40 , 40 , .1 ) }
. repository # commits-table td . sha . sha . label . isSigned . isWarning . detail . icon , . repository # repo-files-table . sha . label . isSigned . isWarning . detail . icon { border-left : 1 px solid rgba ( 219 , 40 , 40 , .5 ) }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository # commits-table td . sha . sha . label . isSigned . isVerified , . repository # repo-files-table . sha . label . isSigned . isVerified { border : 1 px solid #21ba45 ; background : rgba ( 33 , 186 , 69 , .1 ) }
2019-08-04 14:55:20 +02:00
. repository # commits-table td . sha . sha . label . isSigned . isVerified . detail . icon , . repository # repo-files-table . sha . label . isSigned . isVerified . detail . icon { border-left : 1 px solid #21ba45 }
. repository # commits-table td . sha . sha . label . isSigned . isVerified : hover , . repository # repo-files-table . sha . label . isSigned . isVerified : hover { background : rgba ( 33 , 186 , 69 , .3 ) !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . diff-detail-box { padding : 7 px 0 ; background : #fff ; line-height : 30 px }
. repository . diff-detail-box > div : after { clear : both ; content : "" ; display : block }
. repository . diff-detail-box span . status { display : inline-block ; width : 12 px ; height : 12 px ; margin-right : 8 px ; vertical-align : middle }
. repository . diff-detail-box span . status . modify { background-color : #f0db88 }
. repository . diff-detail-box span . status . add { background-color : #b4e2b4 }
. repository . diff-detail-box span . status . del { background-color : #e9aeae }
. repository . diff-detail-box span . status . rename { background-color : #dad8ff }
. repository . diff-detail-box . detail-files { background : #fff ; margin : 0 }
. repository . diff-box . header { display : flex ; align-items : center }
. repository . diff-box . header . count { margin-right : 12 px ; font-size : 13 px ; flex : 0 0 auto }
. repository . diff-box . header . count . bar { background-color : #bd2c00 ; height : 12 px ; width : 40 px ; display : inline-block ; margin : 2 px 4 px 0 4 px ; vertical-align : text - top }
. repository . diff-box . header . count . bar . add { background-color : #55a532 ; height : 12 px }
. repository . diff-box . header . file { flex : 1 ; color : #888 ; word-break : break-all }
. repository . diff-box . header . button { margin : -5 px 0 -5 px 12 px ; padding : 8 px 10 px ; flex : 0 0 auto }
. repository . diff-file-box . header { background-color : #f7f7f7 }
2019-11-14 22:39:51 +01:00
. repository . diff-file-box . file-body . file-code . lines-num { text-align : right ; color : #a6a6a6 ; background : #fafafa ; width : 1 % ; min-width : 50 px ; -webkit- user-select : none ; -ms- user-select : none ; user-select : none ; vertical-align : top }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . file-body . file-code . lines-num span . fold { display : block ; text-align : center }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . file-body . file-code . lines-num-old { border-right : 1 px solid #ddd }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff { font-size : 12 px }
2019-08-08 16:46:03 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff td { padding : 0 0 0 10 px !important ; border-top : 0 }
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff . lines-num { border-color : #d4d4d5 ; border-right-width : 1 px ; border-right-style : solid ; padding : 0 5 px !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff tbody tr td . halfwidth { width : 49 % }
2019-09-16 11:03:22 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff tbody tr td . center { text-align : center }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff tbody tr . removed-code { background-color : #f99 }
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff tbody tr . added-code { background-color : #9f9 }
2019-06-26 23:35:07 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff tbody tr [ data-line-num ] :: before { content : attr ( data - line - num ) ; text-align : right }
2019-11-14 22:39:51 +01:00
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff tbody tr . lines-type-marker { width : 10 px ; min-width : 10 px ; -webkit- user-select : none ; -ms- user-select : none ; user-select : none }
2019-06-26 23:35:07 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff tbody tr [ data-type-marker ] :: before { content : attr ( data - type - marker ) ; text-align : right ; display : inline-block }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-unified tbody tr . del-code td { background-color : #ffe0e0 !important ; border-color : #f1c0c0 !important }
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-unified tbody tr . add-code td { background-color : #d6fcd6 !important ; border-color : #c1e9c1 !important }
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split table , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody { width : 100 % }
2019-06-26 23:35:07 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . add-code td : nth-child ( 1 ) , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . add-code td : nth-child ( 2 ) , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . add-code td : nth-child ( 3 ) , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . del-code td : nth-child ( 4 ) , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . del-code td : nth-child ( 5 ) , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . del-code td : nth-child ( 6 ) { background-color : #fafafa }
2019-06-24 21:23:52 +01:00
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr td . del-code , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . del-code td : nth-child ( 1 ) , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . del-code td : nth-child ( 2 ) , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . del-code td : nth-child ( 3 ) { background-color : #ffe0e0 !important ; border-color : #f1c0c0 !important }
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr td . add-code , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . add-code td : nth-child ( 4 ) , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . add-code td : nth-child ( 5 ) , . repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr . add-code td : nth-child ( 6 ) { background-color : #d6fcd6 !important ; border-color : #c1e9c1 !important }
. repository . diff-file-box . code-diff-split tbody tr td : nth-child ( 4 ) { border-left-width : 1 px ; border-left-style : solid }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . file-content { clear : right }
. repository . diff-file-box . file-content img { max-width : 100 % ; padding : 5 px 5 px 0 5 px }
2019-09-03 19:08:30 +02:00
. repository . diff-file-box . file-content img . emoji { padding : 0 }
2019-10-21 09:51:24 +02:00
. repository . diff-stats { clear : both ; margin-bottom : 5 px ; max-height : 400 px ; overflow : auto ; padding-left : 0 }
. repository . diff-stats li { list-style : none ; padding-bottom : 4 px ; margin-bottom : 4 px ; border-bottom : 1 px dashed #ddd ; padding-left : 6 px }
. repository . diff-stats . diff-counter { margin-right : 15 px }
. repository . diff-stats . diff-counter . del { color : red }
. repository . diff-stats . diff-counter . add { color : green }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . repo-search-result { padding-top : 10 px ; padding-bottom : 10 px }
. repository . repo-search-result . lines-num a { color : inherit }
. repository . quickstart . guide . item { padding : 1 em }
. repository . quickstart . guide . item small { font-weight : 400 }
. repository . quickstart . guide . clone . button : first-child { border-radius : .28571429 rem 0 0 .28571429 rem }
. repository . quickstart . guide . ui . action . small . input { width : 100 % }
. repository . quickstart . guide # repo-clone-url { border-radius : 0 ; padding : 5 px 10 px ; font-size : 1.2 em }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . release # release-list { border-top : 1 px solid #ddd ; margin-top : 20 px ; padding-top : 15 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . release # release-list > li { list-style : none }
. repository . release # release-list > li . detail , . repository . release # release-list > li . meta { padding-top : 30 px ; padding-bottom : 40 px }
. repository . release # release-list > li . meta { text-align : right ; position : relative }
. repository . release # release-list > li . meta . tag : not ( . icon ) { display : block ; margin-top : 15 px }
. repository . release # release-list > li . meta . commit { display : block ; margin-top : 10 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . release # release-list > li . detail { border-left : 1 px solid #ddd }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . release # release-list > li . detail . author img { margin-bottom : -3 px }
. repository . release # release-list > li . detail . download { margin-top : 20 px }
. repository . release # release-list > li . detail . download > a . octicon { margin-left : 5 px ; margin-right : 5 px }
. repository . release # release-list > li . detail . download . list { padding-left : 0 ; border-top : 1 px solid #eee }
. repository . release # release-list > li . detail . download . list li { list-style : none ; display : block ; padding-top : 8 px ; padding-bottom : 8 px ; border-bottom : 1 px solid #eee }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . release # release-list > li . detail . dot { width : 9 px ; height : 9 px ; background-color : #ccc ; z-index : 999 ; position : absolute ; display : block ; left : -5 px ; top : 40 px ; border-radius : 6 px ; border : 1 px solid #fff }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . new . release . target { min-width : 500 px }
. repository . new . release . target # tag-name { margin-top : -4 px }
. repository . new . release . target . at { margin-left : -5 px ; margin-right : 5 px }
. repository . new . release . target . dropdown . icon { margin : 0 ; padding-top : 3 px }
. repository . new . release . target . selection . dropdown { padding-top : 10 px ; padding-bottom : 10 px }
. repository . new . release . prerelease . field { margin-bottom : 0 }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 438px ) { . repository . new . release . field button , . repository . new . release . field input { width : 100 % }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 768px ) { . repository . new . release . field button { margin-bottom : 1 em }
. repository . forks . list { margin-top : 0 }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . forks . list . item { padding-top : 10 px ; padding-bottom : 10 px ; border-bottom : 1 px solid #ddd }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . forks . list . item . ui . avatar { float : left ; margin-right : 5 px }
. repository . forks . list . item . link { padding-top : 5 px }
. repository . wiki . start . ui . segment { padding-top : 70 px ; padding-bottom : 100 px }
. repository . wiki . start . ui . segment . mega-octicon { font-size : 48 px }
. repository . wiki . new . CodeMirror . CodeMirror-code { font-family : 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace }
. repository . wiki . new . CodeMirror . CodeMirror-code . cm-comment { background : inherit }
. repository . wiki . new . editor-preview { background-color : #fff }
2019-11-17 20:42:44 +01:00
. repository . wiki . new . ui . attached . tabular . menu . previewtabs { margin-bottom : 15 px }
. repository . wiki . new . ui . attached . tabular . menu . previewtabs + . field . editor-toolbar : not ( . fullscreen ) a . fa-eye { display : none }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . wiki . view . choose . page { margin-top : -5 px }
. repository . wiki . view . ui . sub . header { text-transform : none }
. repository . wiki . view > . markdown { padding : 15 px 30 px }
. repository . wiki . view > . markdown h1 : first-of-type , . repository . wiki . view > . markdown h2 : first-of-type , . repository . wiki . view > . markdown h3 : first-of-type , . repository . wiki . view > . markdown h4 : first-of-type , . repository . wiki . view > . markdown h5 : first-of-type , . repository . wiki . view > . markdown h6 : first-of-type { margin-top : 0 }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 767px ) { . repository . wiki . dividing . header . stackable . grid . button { margin-top : 2 px ; margin-bottom : 2 px }
. repository . settings . collaboration . collaborator . list { padding : 0 }
. repository . settings . collaboration . collaborator . list > . item { margin : 0 ; line-height : 2 em }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . settings . collaboration . collaborator . list > . item : not ( : last-child ) { border-bottom : 1 px solid #ddd }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . settings . collaboration # repo-collab-form # search-user-box . results { left : 7 px }
. repository . settings . collaboration # repo-collab-form . ui . button { margin-left : 5 px ; margin-top : -3 px }
2019-09-23 22:08:03 +02:00
. repository . settings . collaboration # repo-collab-team-form # search-team-box . results { left : 7 px }
. repository . settings . collaboration # repo-collab-team-form . ui . button { margin-left : 5 px ; margin-top : -3 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . settings . branches . protected-branches . selection . dropdown { width : 300 px }
. repository . settings . branches . protected-branches . item { border : 1 px solid #eaeaea ; padding : 10 px 15 px }
. repository . settings . branches . protected-branches . item : not ( : last-child ) { border-bottom : 0 }
. repository . settings . branches . branch-protection . help { margin-left : 26 px ; padding-top : 0 }
. repository . settings . branches . branch-protection . fields { margin-left : 20 px ; display : block }
. repository . settings . branches . branch-protection . whitelist { margin-left : 26 px }
. repository . settings . branches . branch-protection . whitelist . dropdown img { display : inline-block }
. repository . settings . webhook . events . column { padding-bottom : 0 }
. repository . settings . webhook . events . help { font-size : 13 px ; margin-left : 26 px ; padding-top : 0 }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . ui . attached . isSigned . isVerified : not ( . positive ) { border-left : 1 px solid #a3c293 ; border-right : 1 px solid #a3c293 }
. repository . ui . attached . isSigned . isVerified . top : not ( . positive ) { border-top : 1 px solid #a3c293 }
. repository . ui . attached . isSigned . isVerified : not ( . positive ) : last-child { border-bottom : 1 px solid #a3c293 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . ui . segment . sub-menu { padding : 7 px ; line-height : 0 }
. repository . ui . segment . sub-menu . list { width : 100 % ; display : flex }
. repository . ui . segment . sub-menu . list . item { width : 100 % ; border-radius : 3 px }
. repository . ui . segment . sub-menu . list . item a { color : #000 }
. repository . ui . segment . sub-menu . list . item a : hover { color : #666 }
. repository . ui . segment . sub-menu . list . item . active { background : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .05 ) }
. repository . segment . reactions . dropdown . menu , . repository . select-reaction . dropdown . menu { right : 0 !important ; left : auto !important }
. repository . segment . reactions . dropdown . menu > . header , . repository . select-reaction . dropdown . menu > . header { margin : .75 rem 0 .5 rem }
. repository . segment . reactions . dropdown . menu > . item , . repository . select-reaction . dropdown . menu > . item { float : left ; padding : .5 rem .5 rem !important }
. repository . segment . reactions . dropdown . menu > . item img . emoji , . repository . select-reaction . dropdown . menu > . item img . emoji { margin-right : 0 }
2019-11-15 16:47:04 -05:00
. repository . segment . reactions { padding : 0 ; display : flex }
. repository . segment . reactions . ui . label { padding : .4 em ; padding-right : 1 em ; padding-left : 1 em ; border : 0 ; border-right : 1 px solid ; border-radius : 0 ; margin : 0 ; font-size : 14 px ; border-color : inherit !important }
. repository . segment . reactions . ui . label . disabled { cursor : default ; opacity : .5 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . segment . reactions . ui . label > img { height : 1.5 em !important }
2019-11-15 16:47:04 -05:00
. repository . segment . reactions . ui . label . basic . blue { background-color : #f1f8ff !important ; border-color : inherit !important }
. repository . segment . reactions . select-reaction { float : left ; padding : .5 em ; padding-left : 1 em }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. repository . segment . reactions . select-reaction : not ( . active ) a { display : none }
. repository . segment . reactions : hover . select-reaction a { display : block }
2019-10-29 03:19:18 +03:00
. repository . ui . fluid . action . input . ui . search . action . input { flex : auto }
2019-07-29 08:14:56 +02:00
. user-cards . list { padding : 0 ; display : flex ; flex-wrap : wrap }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. user-cards . list . item { list-style : none ; width : 32 % ; margin : 10 px 10 px 10 px 0 ; padding-bottom : 14 px ; float : left }
. user-cards . list . item . avatar { width : 48 px ; height : 48 px ; float : left ; display : block ; margin-right : 10 px }
. user-cards . list . item . name { margin-top : 0 ; margin-bottom : 0 ; font-weight : 400 }
. user-cards . list . item . meta { margin-top : 5 px }
# search-repo-box . results . result . image , # search-user-box . results . result . image { float : left ; margin-right : 8 px ; width : 2 em ; height : 2 em }
# search-repo-box . results . result . content , # search-user-box . results . result . content { margin : 6 px 0 }
2019-09-23 22:08:03 +02:00
# search-team-box . results . result . content { margin : 6 px 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
# issue-filters . hide { display : none }
# issue-actions { margin-top : -1 rem !important }
# issue-actions . hide { display : none }
. ui . checkbox . issue-checkbox { vertical-align : middle }
. issue . list { list-style : none }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. issue . list > . item { padding-top : 15 px ; padding-bottom : 10 px ; border-bottom : 1 px dashed #aaa }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. issue . list > . item . title { color : #444 ; font-size : 15 px ; font-weight : 700 ; margin : 0 6 px }
. issue . list > . item . title : hover { color : #000 }
. issue . list > . item . comment { padding-right : 10 px ; color : #666 }
. issue . list > . item . desc { padding-top : 5 px ; color : #999 }
. issue . list > . item . desc . checklist { padding-left : 5 px }
. issue . list > . item . desc . checklist . progress-bar { margin-left : 2 px ; width : 80 px ; height : 6 px ; display : inline-block ; background-color : #eee ; overflow : hidden ; border-radius : 3 px ; vertical-align : 2 px !important }
. issue . list > . item . desc . checklist . progress-bar . progress { background-color : #ccc ; display : block ; height : 100 % }
2019-11-07 15:12:23 -05:00
. issue . list > . item . desc . due-date { padding-left : 5 px }
2019-09-12 12:31:36 +03:00
. issue . list > . item . desc a . milestone { margin-left : 5 px ; color : #999 !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. issue . list > . item . desc a . milestone : hover { color : #000 !important }
2019-09-12 12:31:36 +03:00
. issue . list > . item . desc a . ref { margin-left : 8 px ; color : #999 !important }
. issue . list > . item . desc a . ref : hover { color : #000 !important }
. issue . list > . item . desc a . ref span { margin-right : -4 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. issue . list > . item . desc . assignee { margin-top : -5 px ; margin-right : 5 px }
. issue . list > . item . desc . overdue { color : red }
. page . buttons { padding-top : 15 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. ui . form . dropzone { width : 100 % ; margin-bottom : 10 px ; border : 2 px dashed #0087f5 ; box-shadow : none !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . form . dropzone . dz-error-message { top : 140 px }
. settings . content { margin-top : 2 px }
. settings . content . segment , . settings . content > . header { box-shadow : 0 1 px 2 px 0 rgba ( 34 , 36 , 38 , .15 ) }
2019-08-29 14:05:42 +00:00
. settings . list > . item . green : not ( . ui . button ) { color : #21ba45 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. settings . list > . item : not ( : first-child ) { border-top : 1 px solid #eaeaea ; padding : 1 rem ; margin : 15 px -1 rem -1 rem -1 rem }
. settings . list > . item > . mega-octicon { display : table-cell }
. settings . list > . item > . mega-octicon + . content { display : table-cell ; padding : 0 0 0 .5 em ; vertical-align : top }
. settings . list > . item . info { margin-top : 10 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. settings . list > . item . info . tab . segment { border : 0 ; padding : 10 px 0 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. settings . list . key . meta { padding-top : 5 px ; color : #666 }
. settings . list . email > . item : not ( : first-child ) { min-height : 60 px }
. settings . list . collaborator > . item { padding : 0 }
. ui . vertical . menu . header . item { font-size : 1.1 em ; background : #f0f0f0 }
. edit-label . modal . form . column , . new-label . segment . form . column { padding-right : 0 }
. edit-label . modal . form . buttons , . new-label . segment . form . buttons { margin-left : auto ; padding-top : 15 px }
. edit-label . modal . form . color . picker . column , . new-label . segment . form . color . picker . column { width : auto }
. edit-label . modal . form . color . picker . column . color-picker , . new-label . segment . form . color . picker . column . color-picker { height : 35 px ; width : auto ; padding-left : 30 px }
. edit-label . modal . form . minicolors-swatch . minicolors-sprite , . new-label . segment . form . minicolors-swatch . minicolors-sprite { top : 10 px ; left : 10 px ; width : 15 px ; height : 15 px }
. edit-label . modal . form . precolors , . new-label . segment . form . precolors { padding-left : 0 ; padding-right : 0 ; margin : 3 px 10 px auto 10 px ; width : 120 px }
. edit-label . modal . form . precolors . color , . new-label . segment . form . precolors . color { float : left ; width : 15 px ; height : 15 px }
# avatar-arrow : after , # avatar-arrow : before { right : 100 % ; top : 20 px ; border : solid transparent ; content : " " ; height : 0 ; width : 0 ; position : absolute ; pointer-events : none }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
# avatar-arrow : before { border-right-color : #d3d3d4 ; border-width : 9 px ; margin-top : -9 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
# avatar-arrow : after { border-right-color : #f7f7f7 ; border-width : 8 px ; margin-top : -8 px }
# delete-repo-modal . ui . message , # transfer-repo-modal . ui . message { width : 100 % !important }
2019-07-02 21:11:24 +02:00
. tab-size-1 { -moz- tab-size : 1 !important ; -o- tab-size : 1 !important ; tab-size : 1 !important }
. tab-size-2 { -moz- tab-size : 2 !important ; -o- tab-size : 2 !important ; tab-size : 2 !important }
. tab-size-3 { -moz- tab-size : 3 !important ; -o- tab-size : 3 !important ; tab-size : 3 !important }
. tab-size-4 { -moz- tab-size : 4 !important ; -o- tab-size : 4 !important ; tab-size : 4 !important }
. tab-size-5 { -moz- tab-size : 5 !important ; -o- tab-size : 5 !important ; tab-size : 5 !important }
. tab-size-6 { -moz- tab-size : 6 !important ; -o- tab-size : 6 !important ; tab-size : 6 !important }
. tab-size-7 { -moz- tab-size : 7 !important ; -o- tab-size : 7 !important ; tab-size : 7 !important }
. tab-size-8 { -moz- tab-size : 8 !important ; -o- tab-size : 8 !important ; tab-size : 8 !important }
. tab-size-9 { -moz- tab-size : 9 !important ; -o- tab-size : 9 !important ; tab-size : 9 !important }
. tab-size-10 { -moz- tab-size : 10 !important ; -o- tab-size : 10 !important ; tab-size : 10 !important }
. tab-size-11 { -moz- tab-size : 11 !important ; -o- tab-size : 11 !important ; tab-size : 11 !important }
. tab-size-12 { -moz- tab-size : 12 !important ; -o- tab-size : 12 !important ; tab-size : 12 !important }
. tab-size-13 { -moz- tab-size : 13 !important ; -o- tab-size : 13 !important ; tab-size : 13 !important }
. tab-size-14 { -moz- tab-size : 14 !important ; -o- tab-size : 14 !important ; tab-size : 14 !important }
. tab-size-15 { -moz- tab-size : 15 !important ; -o- tab-size : 15 !important ; tab-size : 15 !important }
. tab-size-16 { -moz- tab-size : 16 !important ; -o- tab-size : 16 !important ; tab-size : 16 !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. stats-table { display : table ; width : 100 % }
. stats-table . table-cell { display : table-cell }
. stats-table . table-cell . tiny { height : .5 em }
tbody . commit-list { vertical-align : baseline }
2019-08-09 12:57:29 +00:00
. commit-list . message-wrapper { overflow : hidden ; text-overflow : ellipsis ; max-width : calc ( 100 % - 50 px ) ; display : inline-block ; vertical-align : middle }
2019-09-10 12:03:30 +03:00
. commit-list . commit-summary a { text-decoration : underline ; -webkit- text-decoration-style : dashed ; text-decoration-style : dashed }
. commit-list . commit-summary a : hover { -webkit- text-decoration-style : solid ; text-decoration-style : solid }
. commit-list . commit-summary a . default-link { text-decoration : none }
. commit-list . commit-summary a . default-link : hover { text-decoration : underline ; -webkit- text-decoration-style : solid ; text-decoration-style : solid }
2019-08-09 12:57:29 +00:00
. commit-list . commit-status-link { display : inline-block ; vertical-align : middle }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. commit-body { white-space : pre-wrap }
2019-05-24 10:52:05 +03:00
. git-notes . top { text-align : left }
. git-notes . commit-body { margin : 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 767px ) { . ui . stackable . menu . mobile--margin-between-items > . item { margin-top : 5 px ; margin-bottom : 5 px }
. ui . stackable . menu . mobile--no-negative-margins { margin-left : 0 ; margin-right : 0 }
# topic_edit { margin-top : 5 px }
# repo-topics { margin-top : 5 px }
. repo-topic { cursor : pointer }
# new-dependency-drop-list . ui . selection . dropdown { min-width : 0 ; width : 100 % ; border-radius : 4 px 0 0 4 px ; border-right : 0 ; white-space : nowrap }
# new-dependency-drop-list . text { width : 100 % ; overflow : hidden }
# manage_topic { font-size : 12 px }
. label + # manage_topic { margin-left : 5 px }
. repo-header { display : flex ; align-items : center ; justify-content : space-between ; flex-wrap : wrap }
. repo-header . repo-buttons { display : flex ; align-items : center }
. repo-buttons . disabled-repo-button . label { opacity : .5 }
. repo-buttons . disabled-repo-button a . button { opacity : .5 ; cursor : not-allowed }
. repo-buttons . disabled-repo-button a . button : hover { background : 0 0 !important ; color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .6 ) !important ; box-shadow : 0 0 0 1 px rgba ( 34 , 36 , 38 , .15 ) inset !important }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repo-buttons . ui . labeled . button > . label { border-left : 0 !important ; margin : 0 !important }
2019-08-08 16:46:03 +02:00
. tag-code , . tag-code td { background-color : #f0f0f0 !important ; border-color : #d3cfcf !important ; padding-top : 8 px ; padding-bottom : 8 px }
2019-11-15 10:52:59 +08:00
td . blob-excerpt { background-color : #fafafa }
2019-10-13 19:29:10 -03:00
. issue-keyword { border-bottom : 1 px dotted #959da5 ; display : inline-block }
2019-10-07 06:59:17 +02:00
. file-header { display : flex ; justify-content : space-between ; align-items : center ; padding : 8 px 12 px !important }
. file-info { display : flex ; align-items : center }
. file-info-entry + . file-info-entry { border-left : 1 px solid currentColor ; margin-left : 8 px ; padding-left : 8 px }
2019-10-29 15:29:39 +01:00
. title_wip_desc { margin-top : 1 em }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. CodeMirror { font : 14 px 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace }
. CodeMirror . cm-s-default { border-radius : 3 px ; padding : 0 !important }
. CodeMirror . cm-comment { background : inherit !important }
. repository . file . editor . tab [ data-tab = write ] { padding : 0 !important }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. repository . file . editor . tab [ data-tab = write ] . editor-toolbar { border : 0 !important }
. repository . file . editor . tab [ data-tab = write ] . CodeMirror { border-left : 0 ; border-right : 0 ; border-bottom : 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. organization { padding-top : 15 px }
. organization . head . ui . header . text { vertical-align : middle ; font-size : 1.6 rem ; margin-left : 15 px }
. organization . head . ui . header . ui . right { margin-top : 5 px }
. organization . new . org form { margin : auto }
. organization . new . org form . ui . message { text-align : center }
@ media only screen and ( min-width : 768px ) { . organization . new . org form { width : 800 px !important }
. organization . new . org form . header { padding-left : 280 px !important }
. organization . new . org form . inline . field > label { text-align : right ; width : 250 px !important ; word-wrap : break-word }
. organization . new . org form . help { margin-left : 265 px !important }
. organization . new . org form . optional . title { margin-left : 250 px !important }
. organization . new . org form input , . organization . new . org form textarea { width : 50 % !important }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 767px ) { . organization . new . org form . optional . title { margin-left : 15 px }
. organization . new . org form . inline . field > label { display : block }
. organization . new . org form . header { padding-left : 0 !important ; text-align : center }
. organization . options input { min-width : 300 px }
. organization . profile # org-avatar { width : 100 px ; height : 100 px ; margin-right : 15 px }
. organization . profile # org-info . ui . header { font-size : 36 px ; margin-bottom : 0 }
. organization . profile # org-info . desc { font-size : 16 px ; margin-bottom : 10 px }
. organization . profile # org-info . meta . item { display : inline-block ; margin-right : 10 px }
. organization . profile # org-info . meta . item . icon { margin-right : 5 px }
. organization . profile . ui . top . header . ui . right { margin-top : 0 }
. organization . profile . teams . item { padding : 10 px 15 px }
. organization . profile . members . ui . avatar , . organization . teams . members . ui . avatar { width : 48 px ; height : 48 px ; margin-right : 5 px }
. organization . invite # invite-box { margin : 50 px auto auto ; width : 500 px !important }
. organization . invite # invite-box # search-user-box input { margin-left : 0 ; width : 300 px }
. organization . invite # invite-box . ui . button { margin-left : 5 px ; margin-top : -3 px }
. organization . members . list . item { margin-left : 0 ; margin-right : 0 ; border-bottom : 1 px solid #eee }
. organization . members . list . item . ui . avatar { width : 48 px ; height : 48 px }
. organization . members . list . item . meta { line-height : 24 px }
. organization . teams . detail . item { padding : 10 px 15 px }
. organization . teams . detail . item : not ( : last-child ) { border-bottom : 1 px solid #eee }
. organization . teams . members . item , . organization . teams . repositories . item { padding : 10 px 20 px ; line-height : 32 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. organization . teams . members . item : not ( : last-child ) , . organization . teams . repositories . item : not ( : last-child ) { border-bottom : 1 px solid #ddd }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. organization . teams . members . item . button , . organization . teams . repositories . item . button { padding : 9 px 10 px }
2019-11-09 01:39:37 +01:00
. organization . teams # add-member-form input , . organization . teams # add-repo-form input , . organization . teams # repo-multiple-form input { margin-left : 0 }
. organization . teams # add-member-form . ui . button , . organization . teams # add-repo-form . ui . button , . organization . teams # repo-multiple-form . ui . button { margin-left : 5 px ; margin-top : -3 px }
. organization . teams # repo-top-segment { height : 60 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. user : not ( . icon ) { padding-top : 15 px }
. user . profile . ui . card . username { display : block }
. user . profile . ui . card . extra . content { padding : 0 }
. user . profile . ui . card . extra . content ul { margin : 0 ; padding : 0 }
. user . profile . ui . card . extra . content ul li { padding : 10 px ; list-style : none }
. user . profile . ui . card . extra . content ul li : not ( : last-child ) { border-bottom : 1 px solid #eaeaea }
2019-06-20 09:16:01 +02:00
. user . profile . ui . card . extra . content ul li . fa , . user . profile . ui . card . extra . content ul li . octicon { margin-left : 1 px ; margin-right : 5 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. user . profile . ui . card . extra . content ul li . follow . ui . button { width : 100 % }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 768px ) { . user . profile . ui . card # profile-avatar { height : 250 px ; overflow : hidden }
. user . profile . ui . card # profile-avatar img { max-height : 768 px ; max-width : 768 px }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 768px ) { . user . profile . ui . card { width : 100 % }
. user . profile . ui . repository . list { margin-top : 25 px }
. user . profile # loading-heatmap { margin-bottom : 1 em }
. user . followers . header . name { font-size : 20 px ; line-height : 24 px ; vertical-align : middle }
. user . followers . follow . ui . button { padding : 8 px 15 px }
. user . notification . octicon { float : left ; font-size : 2 em }
. user . notification . octicon . green { color : #21ba45 }
. user . notification . octicon . red { color : #d01919 }
. user . notification . octicon . purple { color : #a333c8 }
. user . notification . octicon . blue { color : #2185d0 }
2019-06-27 08:36:37 +02:00
. user . notification . content { float : left ; margin-left : 7 px }
. user . notification table form { display : inline-block }
. user . notification table button { padding : 3 px 3 px 3 px 5 px }
. user . notification table tr { cursor : pointer }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. user . link-account : not ( . icon ) { padding-top : 15 px ; padding-bottom : 5 px }
. user . settings . iconFloat { float : left }
2019-05-13 22:52:59 +02:00
. user-orgs { display : flex ; flex-flow : row wrap ; padding : 0 ; margin : -3 px !important }
. user-orgs li { display : flex ; border-bottom : 0 !important ; padding : 3 px !important ; width : 20 % ; max-width : 60 px }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. dashboard { padding-top : 15 px }
. dashboard . feeds . context . user . menu , . dashboard . issues . context . user . menu { z-index : 101 ; min-width : 200 px }
. dashboard . feeds . context . user . menu . ui . header , . dashboard . issues . context . user . menu . ui . header { font-size : 1 rem ; text-transform : none }
2019-10-04 10:18:46 +03:00
. dashboard . feeds . filter . menu , . dashboard . issues . filter . menu { width : initial }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. dashboard . feeds . filter . menu . item , . dashboard . issues . filter . menu . item { text-align : left }
. dashboard . feeds . filter . menu . item . text , . dashboard . issues . filter . menu . item . text { height : 16 px ; vertical-align : middle }
. dashboard . feeds . filter . menu . item . text . truncate , . dashboard . issues . filter . menu . item . text . truncate { width : 85 % }
. dashboard . feeds . filter . menu . item . floating . label , . dashboard . issues . filter . menu . item . floating . label { top : 7 px ; left : 90 % ; width : 15 % }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 768px ) { . dashboard . feeds . filter . menu . item . floating . label , . dashboard . issues . filter . menu . item . floating . label { top : 10 px ; left : auto ; width : auto ; right : 13 px }
. dashboard . feeds . filter . menu . jump . item , . dashboard . issues . filter . menu . jump . item { margin : 1 px ; padding-right : 0 }
. dashboard . feeds . filter . menu . menu , . dashboard . issues . filter . menu . menu { max-height : 300 px ; overflow-x : auto ; right : 0 !important ; left : auto !important }
@ media only screen and ( max-width : 768px ) { . dashboard . feeds . filter . menu , . dashboard . issues . filter . menu { width : 100 % }
. dashboard . feeds . right . stackable . menu > . item . active , . dashboard . issues . right . stackable . menu > . item . active { color : #d9453d }
. dashboard . dashboard-repos { margin : 0 1 px }
. dashboard . dashboard-navbar { width : 100 vw ; padding : 0 .5 rem }
. feeds . news > . ui . grid { margin-left : auto ; margin-right : auto }
. feeds . news . ui . avatar { margin-top : 13 px }
. feeds . news . time-since { font-size : 13 px }
. feeds . news . issue . title { width : 80 % }
. feeds . news . push . news . content ul { font-size : 13 px ; list-style : none ; padding-left : 10 px }
. feeds . news . push . news . content ul img { margin-bottom : -2 px }
. feeds . news . push . news . content ul . text . truncate { width : 80 % ; margin-bottom : -5 px }
. feeds . news . commit-id { font-family : 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace }
. feeds . news code { padding : 1 px ; font-size : 85 % ; background-color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .04 ) ; border-radius : 3 px ; word-break : break-all }
. feeds . list . header . ui . label { margin-top : -4 px ; padding : 4 px 5 px ; font-weight : 400 }
. feeds . list . header . plus . icon { margin-top : 5 px }
. feeds . list ul { list-style : none ; margin : 0 ; padding-left : 0 }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. feeds . list ul li : not ( : last-child ) { border-bottom : 1 px solid #ebebeb }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. feeds . list ul li . private { background-color : #fcf8e9 }
. feeds . list ul li a { padding : 6 px 1.2 em ; display : block }
. feeds . list ul li a . octicon { color : #888 }
. feeds . list ul li a . octicon . rear { font-size : 15 px }
. feeds . list ul li a . star-num { font-size : 12 px }
. feeds . list . repo-owner-name-list . item-name { max-width : 70 % ; margin-bottom : -4 px }
. feeds . list # collaborative-repo-list . owner-and-repo { max-width : 80 % ; margin-bottom : -5 px }
. feeds . list # collaborative-repo-list . owner-name { max-width : 120 px ; margin-bottom : -5 px }
. admin { padding-top : 15 px }
. admin . table . segment { padding : 0 ; font-size : 13 px }
. admin . table . segment : not ( . striped ) { padding-top : 5 px }
. admin . table . segment : not ( . striped ) thead th : last-child { padding-right : 5 px !important }
. admin . table . segment th { padding-top : 5 px ; padding-bottom : 5 px }
. admin . table . segment : not ( . select ) td : first-of-type , . admin . table . segment : not ( . select ) th : first-of-type { padding-left : 15 px !important }
. admin . ui . header , . admin . ui . segment { box-shadow : 0 1 px 2 px 0 rgba ( 34 , 36 , 38 , .15 ) }
. admin . user . email { max-width : 200 px }
. admin dl . admin-dl-horizontal { padding : 20 px ; margin : 0 }
. admin dl . admin-dl-horizontal dd { margin-left : 275 px }
. admin dl . admin-dl-horizontal dt { font-weight : bolder ; float : left ; width : 285 px ; clear : left ; overflow : hidden ; text-overflow : ellipsis ; white-space : nowrap }
. admin . config # test-mail-btn { margin-left : 5 px }
2019-05-14 18:02:59 +02:00
. admin code , . admin pre { white-space : pre-wrap ; word-wrap : break-word }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. explore { padding-top : 15 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. explore . navbar { justify-content : center ; padding-top : 15 px !important ; margin-top : -15 px !important ; margin-bottom : 15 px !important ; background-color : #fafafa !important ; border-width : 1 px !important }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. explore . navbar . octicon { width : 16 px ; text-align : center ; margin-right : 5 px }
. ui . repository . list . item { padding-bottom : 25 px }
. ui . repository . list . item : not ( : first-child ) { border-top : 1 px solid #eee ; padding-top : 25 px }
. ui . repository . list . item . ui . header { font-size : 1.5 rem ; padding-bottom : 10 px }
. ui . repository . list . item . ui . header . name { word-break : break-all }
. ui . repository . list . item . ui . header . metas { color : #888 ; font-size : 14 px ; font-weight : 400 }
. ui . repository . list . item . ui . header . metas span : not ( : last-child ) { margin-right : 5 px }
. ui . repository . list . item . time { font-size : 12 px ; color : grey }
. ui . repository . list . item . ui . tags { margin-bottom : 1 em }
2019-05-30 05:22:26 +03:00
. ui . repository . list . item . ui . avatar . image { width : 24 px ; height : 24 px }
2019-07-17 20:02:41 +00:00
. ui . repository . branches . info { font-size : 12 px ; color : grey ; display : flex ; white-space : pre }
. ui . repository . branches . info . commit-message { max-width : 72 em ; overflow : hidden ; text-overflow : ellipsis }
2019-07-29 04:27:05 +02:00
. ui . repository . branches . overflow-visible { overflow : visible }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. ui . user . list . item { padding-bottom : 25 px }
. ui . user . list . item : not ( : first-child ) { border-top : 1 px solid #eee ; padding-top : 25 px }
. ui . user . list . item . ui . avatar . image { width : 40 px ; height : 40 px }
. ui . user . list . item . description { margin-top : 5 px }
. ui . user . list . item . description . octicon : not ( : first-child ) { margin-left : 5 px }
. ui . user . list . item . description a { color : #333 }
. ui . user . list . item . description a : hover { text-decoration : underline }
. ui . button . add-code-comment { font-size : 14 px ; height : 16 px ; padding : 2 px 0 0 ; position : relative ; width : 16 px ; z-index : 5 ; float : left ; margin : -2 px -10 px -2 px -20 px ; opacity : 0 ; transition : transform .1 s ease-in-out ; transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) }
. ui . button . add-code-comment : hover { transform : scale ( 1.2 , 1.2 ) }
. focus-lines-new . ui . button . add-code-comment . add-code-comment-right , . focus-lines-old . ui . button . add-code-comment . add-code-comment-left { opacity : 1 }
. comment-code-cloud { padding : 4 px ; position : relative ; border : 1 px solid #f1f1f1 ; margin : 13 px 10 px 5 px auto }
. comment-code-cloud : before { content : " " ; width : 0 ; height : 0 ; border-left : 13 px solid transparent ; border-right : 13 px solid transparent ; border-bottom : 13 px solid #f1f1f1 ; left : 20 px ; position : absolute ; top : -13 px }
2019-05-14 02:54:23 +02:00
. comment-code-cloud . attached . tab { border : 0 ; padding : 0 ; margin : 0 }
2019-05-13 21:25:21 +02:00
. comment-code-cloud . attached . tab . markdown { padding : 1 em ; min-height : 168 px }
. comment-code-cloud . attached . header { padding : .1 rem 1 rem }
. comment-code-cloud . right . menu . options . item { padding : .85714286 em .442857 em ; cursor : pointer }
. comment-code-cloud . ui . form textarea { border : 0 }
. comment-code-cloud . ui . attached . tabular . menu { background : #f7f7f7 ; border : 1 px solid #d4d4d5 ; padding-top : 5 px ; padding-left : 5 px ; margin-top : 0 }
. comment-code-cloud . footer { border-top : 1 px solid #f1f1f1 ; margin-top : 10 px }
. comment-code-cloud . footer . markdown-info { display : inline-block ; margin : 5 px 0 ; font-size : 12 px ; color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .6 ) }
. comment-code-cloud . footer . ui . right . floated { padding-top : 6 px }
. comment-code-cloud . footer : after { clear : both ; content : "" ; display : block }
. comment-code-cloud button . comment-form-reply { margin : .5 em .5 em .5 em 4.5 em }
. comment-code-cloud form . comment-form-reply { margin : 0 0 0 4 em }
2019-11-15 10:52:59 +08:00
. file-comment { font : 12 px 'SF Mono' , Consolas , Menlo , 'Liberation Mono' , Monaco , 'Lucida Console' , monospace ; color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , .87 ) }
. ui . fold-code { margin-right : 1 em ; padding-left : 5 px ; cursor : pointer ; width : 22 px ; font-size : 12 px }
. ui . fold-code : hover { color : #428bca }
. ui . blob-excerpt { display : block ; line-height : 20 px ; font-size : 16 px ; cursor : pointer }
. ui . blob-excerpt : hover { color : #428bca }