{ // settings "passfail" : false, // Stop on first error. "maxerr" : 100, // Maximum error before stopping. // dev "debug" : false, // Allow debugger statements e.g. browser breakpoints. "devel" : true, // Allow developments statements e.g. `console.log();`. // ECMAScript 5 "es5" : false, // Allow ECMAScript 5 syntax. "strict" : false, // Require `use strict` pragma in every file. "globalstrict" : false, // Allow global "use strict" (also enables 'strict'). // options "laxbreak" : true, // Tolerate unsafe line breaks e.g. `return [\n] x` without semicolons. "loopfunc" : true, // Allow functions in loops (e.g. for async closures) // style "newcap" : true, // Require capitalization of all constructor functions e.g. `new F()`. "noempty" : true, // Prohibit use of empty blocks. "nonew" : true, // Prohibit use of constructors for side-effects. "onevar" : false, // Allow only one `var` statement per function. "plusplus" : false, // Prohibit use of `++` & `--`. "sub" : false, // Tolerate all forms of subscript notation besides dot notation e.g. `dict['key']` instead of `dict.key`. "trailing" : false, // Prohibit trailing whitespaces. "white" : false, // Check against strict whitespace and indentation rules. "indent" : 4, // Specify indentation spacing // variables "undef": true, "-W079": true, // Silence redefinition errors (they are false positives). "predef": [ "Matter", "window", "document", "Element", "MatterTools", "phantom", "process", "HTMLElement", "require", "PIXI", "$", "Image", "navigator", "setTimeout", "decomp", "module", "Body", "Composite", "World", "Contact", "Detector", "Grid", "Pairs", "Pair", "Resolver", "SAT", "Constraint", "MouseConstraint", "Common", "Engine", "Mouse", "Sleeping", "Bodies", "Composites", "Axes", "Bounds", "Vector", "Vertices", "Render", "RenderPixi", "Events", "Query", "Runner", "Svg", "Metrics" ] }