2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
(function() {
2015-08-15 20:39:13 +01:00
var _isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined',
Matter = _isBrowser ? window.Matter : require('../../build/matter-dev.js');
var Demo = {};
Matter.Demo = Demo;
if (!_isBrowser) {
module.exports = Demo;
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
// Matter aliases
var Engine = Matter.Engine,
World = Matter.World,
Bodies = Matter.Bodies,
Body = Matter.Body,
Composite = Matter.Composite,
Composites = Matter.Composites,
Common = Matter.Common,
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
Constraint = Matter.Constraint,
2014-03-24 19:57:50 +00:00
Events = Matter.Events,
Bounds = Matter.Bounds,
Vector = Matter.Vector,
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
Vertices = Matter.Vertices,
2014-04-24 12:23:44 +01:00
MouseConstraint = Matter.MouseConstraint,
2014-05-04 12:43:29 +01:00
Mouse = Matter.Mouse,
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
Query = Matter.Query,
Svg = Matter.Svg;
2014-05-01 23:13:42 +01:00
// MatterTools aliases
2015-08-15 20:39:13 +01:00
if (_isBrowser && window.MatterTools) {
2014-05-05 18:18:15 +01:00
var Gui = MatterTools.Gui,
Inspector = MatterTools.Inspector;
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var _engine,
2015-07-29 20:27:45 +01:00
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-04-25 17:00:42 +01:00
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
2014-03-26 11:53:41 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
_sceneEvents = [],
2015-08-15 20:39:13 +01:00
_useInspector = _isBrowser && window.location.hash.indexOf('-inspect') !== -1,
_isMobile = _isBrowser && /(ipad|iphone|ipod|android)/gi.test(navigator.userAgent),
_isAutomatedTest = _isBrowser ? false : true;
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
// initialise the demo
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.init = function() {
2014-03-26 11:53:41 +00:00
// some example engine options
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var options = {
positionIterations: 6,
velocityIterations: 4,
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
enableSleeping: false,
metrics: { extended: true }
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
// create a Matter engine
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
// NOTE: this is actually Matter.Engine.create(), see the aliases at top of this file
2015-08-15 20:39:13 +01:00
if (_isBrowser) {
var container = document.getElementById('canvas-container');
_engine = Engine.create(container, options);
// add a mouse controlled constraint
_mouseConstraint = MouseConstraint.create(_engine);
World.add(_engine.world, _mouseConstraint);
} else {
_engine = Engine.create(options);
_engine.render = {};
_engine.render.options = {};
2014-03-26 11:53:41 +00:00
2015-08-04 21:20:20 +01:00
// engine reference for external use
Matter.Demo._engine = _engine;
// skip runner when performing automated tests
if (_isAutomatedTest) return;
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
// run the engine
2015-07-29 20:27:45 +01:00
_runner = Engine.run(_engine);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
// default scene function name
_sceneName = 'mixed';
// get the scene function name from hash
if (window.location.hash.length !== 0)
2014-05-04 22:41:39 +01:00
_sceneName = window.location.hash.replace('#', '').replace('-inspect', '');
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
// set up a scene with bodies
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
// set up demo interface (see end of this file)
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
// call init when the page has loaded fully
2015-08-15 20:39:13 +01:00
if (_isBrowser) {
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('load', Demo.init);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('load', Demo.init);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
// each demo scene is set up in its own function, see below
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.mixed = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
2014-03-13 00:24:49 +00:00
var stack = Composites.stack(20, 20, 15, 4, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
var sides = Math.round(Common.random(1, 8));
// triangles can be a little unstable, so avoid until fixed
sides = (sides === 3) ? 4 : sides;
// round the edges of some bodies
var chamfer = null;
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
if (sides > 2 && Common.random() > 0.7) {
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
chamfer = {
radius: 10
2014-03-13 00:24:49 +00:00
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
switch (Math.round(Common.random(0, 1))) {
2014-03-20 15:10:48 +00:00
case 0:
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
if (Common.random() < 0.8) {
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(25, 50), Common.random(25, 50), { chamfer: chamfer });
2014-03-20 15:10:48 +00:00
} else {
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(80, 120), Common.random(25, 30), { chamfer: chamfer });
2014-03-20 15:10:48 +00:00
case 1:
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
return Bodies.polygon(x, y, sides, Common.random(25, 50), { chamfer: chamfer });
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2015-01-29 23:25:58 +00:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
2015-01-31 23:57:31 +00:00
Demo.compound = function() {
2015-01-29 23:25:58 +00:00
var _world = _engine.world;
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
var size = 200,
x = 200,
y = 200,
partA = Bodies.rectangle(x, y, size, size / 5),
partB = Bodies.rectangle(x, y, size / 5, size, { render: partA.render });
2015-01-29 23:25:58 +00:00
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
var compoundBodyA = Body.create({
2015-01-31 23:57:31 +00:00
parts: [partA, partB]
2015-01-29 23:25:58 +00:00
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
size = 150;
x = 400;
2015-04-21 21:17:38 +01:00
y = 300;
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
var partC = Bodies.circle(x, y, 30),
partD = Bodies.circle(x + size, y, 30),
partE = Bodies.circle(x + size, y + size, 30),
partF = Bodies.circle(x, y + size, 30);
var compoundBodyB = Body.create({
parts: [partC, partD, partE, partF]
2015-04-21 21:17:38 +01:00
var constraint = Constraint.create({
pointA: { x: 400, y: 100 },
bodyB: compoundBodyB,
pointB: { x: 0, y: -50 }
World.add(_world, [compoundBodyA, compoundBodyB, constraint]);
2015-01-29 23:25:58 +00:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
2015-01-31 23:57:31 +00:00
renderOptions.showAxes = true;
renderOptions.showPositions = true;
renderOptions.showConvexHulls = true;
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
Demo.compoundStack = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var size = 50;
var stack = Composites.stack(100, 220, 12, 6, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
var partA = Bodies.rectangle(x, y, size, size / 5),
partB = Bodies.rectangle(x, y, size / 5, size, { render: partA.render });
return Body.create({
parts: [partA, partB]
World.add(_world, stack);
2015-02-01 22:55:24 +00:00
Demo.concave = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
var arrow = Vertices.fromPath('40 0 40 20 100 20 100 80 40 80 40 100 0 50'),
chevron = Vertices.fromPath('100 0 75 50 100 100 25 100 0 50 25 0'),
star = Vertices.fromPath('50 0 63 38 100 38 69 59 82 100 50 75 18 100 31 59 0 38 37 38'),
horseShoe = Vertices.fromPath('35 7 19 17 14 38 14 58 25 79 45 85 65 84 65 66 46 67 34 59 30 44 33 29 45 23 66 23 66 7 53 7');
var stack = Composites.stack(50, 50, 6, 4, 10, 10, function(x, y, column, row) {
var color = Common.choose(['#556270', '#4ECDC4', '#C7F464', '#FF6B6B', '#C44D58']);
return Bodies.fromVertices(x, y, Common.choose([arrow, chevron, star, horseShoe]), {
render: {
fillStyle: color,
strokeStyle: color
}, true);
2015-02-01 23:14:59 +00:00
2015-02-01 22:55:24 +00:00
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2015-04-22 01:08:10 +01:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
2015-02-01 22:55:24 +00:00
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
Demo.svg = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var svgs = [
for (var i = 0; i < svgs.length; i += 1) {
(function(i) {
$.get('./svg/' + svgs[i] + '.svg').done(function(data) {
var vertexSets = [],
color = Common.choose(['#556270', '#4ECDC4', '#C7F464', '#FF6B6B', '#C44D58']);
$(data).find('path').each(function(i, path) {
var points = Svg.pathToVertices(path, 30);
vertexSets.push(Vertices.scale(points, 0.4, 0.4));
World.add(_world, Bodies.fromVertices(100 + i * 150, 200 + i * 50, vertexSets, {
render: {
fillStyle: color,
strokeStyle: color
}, true));
$.get('./svg/svg.svg').done(function(data) {
var vertexSets = [],
color = Common.choose(['#556270', '#4ECDC4', '#C7F464', '#FF6B6B', '#C44D58']);
$(data).find('path').each(function(i, path) {
vertexSets.push(Svg.pathToVertices(path, 30));
World.add(_world, Bodies.fromVertices(400, 80, vertexSets, {
render: {
fillStyle: color,
strokeStyle: color
}, true));
2015-04-22 01:08:10 +01:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
2015-02-01 22:55:24 +00:00
2015-04-21 21:19:46 +01:00
Demo.terrain = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
_world.bodies = [];
var terrain;
$.get('./svg/terrain.svg').done(function(data) {
var vertexSets = [],
color = Common.choose(['#556270', '#4ECDC4', '#C7F464', '#FF6B6B', '#C44D58']);
$(data).find('path').each(function(i, path) {
vertexSets.push(Svg.pathToVertices(path, 30));
terrain = Bodies.fromVertices(400, 350, vertexSets, {
isStatic: true,
render: {
fillStyle: color,
strokeStyle: color
}, true);
World.add(_world, terrain);
var bodyOptions = {
frictionAir: 0,
friction: 0.0001,
restitution: 0.6
World.add(_world, Composites.stack(80, 100, 20, 20, 10, 10, function(x, y, column, row) {
if (Query.point([terrain], { x: x, y: y }).length === 0) {
return Bodies.polygon(x, y, 5, 12, bodyOptions);
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
renderOptions.showVelocity = true;
2014-05-09 11:00:07 +01:00
Demo.slingshot = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
_world.bodies = [];
var ground = Bodies.rectangle(395, 600, 815, 50, { isStatic: true, render: { visible: false } }),
rockOptions = { density: 0.004, render: { sprite: { texture: './img/rock.png' } } },
rock = Bodies.polygon(170, 450, 8, 20, rockOptions),
anchor = { x: 170, y: 450 },
elastic = Constraint.create({
pointA: anchor,
bodyB: rock,
stiffness: 0.05,
render: {
lineWidth: 5,
strokeStyle: '#dfa417'
var pyramid = Composites.pyramid(500, 300, 9, 10, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
var texture = column % 2 === 0 ? './img/block.png' : './img/block-2.png';
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 25, 40, { render: { sprite: { texture: texture } } });
var ground2 = Bodies.rectangle(610, 250, 200, 20, {
isStatic: true,
render: {
fillStyle: '#edc51e',
strokeStyle: '#b5a91c'
var pyramid2 = Composites.pyramid(550, 0, 5, 10, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
var texture = column % 2 === 0 ? './img/block.png' : './img/block-2.png';
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 25, 40, { render: { sprite: { texture: texture } } });
World.add(_engine.world, [ground, pyramid, ground2, pyramid2, rock, elastic]);
2015-07-29 20:27:45 +01:00
Events.on(_engine, 'afterUpdate', function() {
2014-06-21 17:44:25 +01:00
if (_mouseConstraint.mouse.button === -1 && (rock.position.x > 190 || rock.position.y < 430)) {
2014-05-09 11:00:07 +01:00
rock = Bodies.polygon(170, 450, 7, 20, rockOptions);
World.add(_engine.world, rock);
elastic.bodyB = rock;
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.wireframes = false;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
renderOptions.background = './img/background.png';
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
Demo.rounded = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.rectangle(200, 200, 100, 100, {
2015-01-01 17:52:18 +00:00
chamfer: { radius: 20 }
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
Bodies.rectangle(300, 200, 100, 100, {
2015-01-01 17:52:18 +00:00
chamfer: { radius: [90, 0, 0, 0] }
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
Bodies.rectangle(400, 200, 200, 200, {
2015-01-01 17:52:18 +00:00
chamfer: { radius: [150, 20, 40, 20] }
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
Bodies.rectangle(200, 200, 200, 200, {
2015-01-01 17:52:18 +00:00
chamfer: { radius: [150, 20, 150, 20] }
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
Bodies.rectangle(300, 200, 200, 50, {
2015-01-01 17:52:18 +00:00
chamfer: { radius: [25, 25, 0, 0] }
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
Bodies.polygon(200, 100, 8, 80, {
2015-01-01 17:52:18 +00:00
chamfer: { radius: 30 }
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
Bodies.polygon(300, 100, 5, 80, {
2015-01-01 17:52:18 +00:00
chamfer: { radius: [10, 40, 20, 40, 10] }
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
Bodies.polygon(400, 200, 3, 50, {
2015-01-01 17:52:18 +00:00
chamfer: { radius: [20, 0, 20] }
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
2014-06-03 17:32:46 +01:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showAxes = true;
renderOptions.showCollisions = true;
Demo.manipulation = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2015-02-01 13:57:56 +00:00
var bodyA = Bodies.rectangle(100, 200, 50, 50, { isStatic: true }),
2014-06-03 17:32:46 +01:00
bodyB = Bodies.rectangle(200, 200, 50, 50),
bodyC = Bodies.rectangle(300, 200, 50, 50),
bodyD = Bodies.rectangle(400, 200, 50, 50),
bodyE = Bodies.rectangle(550, 200, 50, 50),
2014-06-04 15:41:17 +01:00
bodyF = Bodies.rectangle(700, 200, 50, 50),
2015-02-01 13:57:56 +00:00
bodyG = Bodies.circle(400, 100, 25),
partA = Bodies.rectangle(600, 200, 120, 50),
partB = Bodies.rectangle(660, 200, 50, 190),
compound = Body.create({
parts: [partA, partB],
isStatic: true
2014-06-03 17:32:46 +01:00
2015-02-01 13:57:56 +00:00
World.add(_world, [bodyA, bodyB, bodyC, bodyD, bodyE, bodyF, bodyG, compound]);
2014-06-03 17:32:46 +01:00
var counter = 0,
scaleFactor = 1.01;
2015-02-01 13:57:56 +00:00
Events.on(_engine, 'beforeUpdate', function(event) {
2014-06-03 17:32:46 +01:00
counter += 1;
2014-06-04 15:41:17 +01:00
if (counter === 40)
Body.setStatic(bodyG, true);
2014-06-03 17:32:46 +01:00
if (scaleFactor > 1) {
Body.scale(bodyF, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
2015-02-01 13:57:56 +00:00
Body.scale(compound, 0.995, 0.995);
2014-06-03 17:32:46 +01:00
2014-06-04 15:41:17 +01:00
// modify bodyE vertices
2014-06-03 17:32:46 +01:00
bodyE.vertices[0].x -= 0.2;
bodyE.vertices[0].y -= 0.2;
bodyE.vertices[1].x += 0.2;
bodyE.vertices[1].y -= 0.2;
Body.setVertices(bodyE, bodyE.vertices);
2015-05-09 21:25:01 +01:00
// make bodyA move up and down
// body is static so must manually update velocity for friction to work
var py = 300 + 100 * Math.sin(_engine.timing.timestamp * 0.002);
Body.setVelocity(bodyA, { x: 0, y: py - bodyA.position.y });
Body.setPosition(bodyA, { x: 100, y: py });
2015-02-01 13:57:56 +00:00
// make compound body move up and down and rotate constantly
2015-05-09 21:25:01 +01:00
Body.setVelocity(compound, { x: 0, y: py - compound.position.y });
Body.setAngularVelocity(compound, 0.02);
Body.setPosition(compound, { x: 600, y: py });
2015-02-01 13:57:56 +00:00
Body.rotate(compound, 0.02);
2014-06-04 15:41:17 +01:00
2014-06-03 17:32:46 +01:00
// every 1.5 sec
if (counter >= 60 * 1.5) {
Body.setVelocity(bodyB, { x: 0, y: -10 });
Body.setAngle(bodyC, -Math.PI * 0.26);
Body.setAngularVelocity(bodyD, 0.2);
// reset counter
counter = 0;
scaleFactor = 1;
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showAxes = true;
renderOptions.showCollisions = true;
2015-02-01 13:57:56 +00:00
renderOptions.showPositions = true;
renderOptions.showConvexHulls = true;
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
2014-07-30 17:27:42 +01:00
Demo.compositeManipulation = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(200, 200, 4, 4, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 40, 40);
World.add(_world, stack);
_world.gravity.y = 0;
2015-07-29 20:27:45 +01:00
Events.on(_engine, 'afterUpdate', function(event) {
2014-07-30 17:27:42 +01:00
var time = _engine.timing.timestamp;
Composite.translate(stack, {
x: Math.sin(time * 0.001) * 2,
y: 0
Composite.rotate(stack, Math.sin(time * 0.001) * 0.01, {
x: 300,
y: 300
var scale = 1 + (Math.sin(time * 0.001) * 0.01);
Composite.scale(stack, scale, scale, {
x: 300,
y: 300
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.wireframes = false;
renderOptions.showAxes = true;
renderOptions.showCollisions = true;
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
Demo.views = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(20, 20, 15, 4, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
switch (Math.round(Common.random(0, 1))) {
case 0:
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
if (Common.random() < 0.8) {
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(20, 50), Common.random(20, 50));
} else {
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(80, 120), Common.random(20, 30));
case 1:
var sides = Math.round(Common.random(1, 8));
sides = (sides === 3) ? 4 : sides;
return Bodies.polygon(x, y, sides, Common.random(20, 50));
World.add(_world, stack);
// get the centre of the viewport
2014-05-04 12:43:29 +01:00
var viewportCentre = {
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
x: _engine.render.options.width * 0.5,
y: _engine.render.options.height * 0.5
// make the world bounds a little bigger than the render bounds
_world.bounds.min.x = -300;
_world.bounds.min.y = -300;
_world.bounds.max.x = 1100;
_world.bounds.max.y = 900;
2014-05-04 12:43:29 +01:00
// keep track of current bounds scale (view zoom)
var boundsScaleTarget = 1,
boundsScale = {
x: 1,
y: 1
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
// use the engine tick event to control our view
2015-08-12 23:27:39 +01:00
Events.on(_engine, 'beforeTick', function() {
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
var world = _engine.world,
2014-06-21 17:44:25 +01:00
mouse = _mouseConstraint.mouse,
2014-05-04 12:43:29 +01:00
render = _engine.render,
// mouse wheel controls zoom
var scaleFactor = mouse.wheelDelta * -0.1;
if (scaleFactor !== 0) {
if ((scaleFactor < 0 && boundsScale.x >= 0.6) || (scaleFactor > 0 && boundsScale.x <= 1.4)) {
boundsScaleTarget += scaleFactor;
// if scale has changed
if (Math.abs(boundsScale.x - boundsScaleTarget) > 0.01) {
// smoothly tween scale factor
scaleFactor = (boundsScaleTarget - boundsScale.x) * 0.2;
boundsScale.x += scaleFactor;
boundsScale.y += scaleFactor;
// scale the render bounds
render.bounds.max.x = render.bounds.min.x + render.options.width * boundsScale.x;
render.bounds.max.y = render.bounds.min.y + render.options.height * boundsScale.y;
// translate so zoom is from centre of view
translate = {
x: render.options.width * scaleFactor * -0.5,
y: render.options.height * scaleFactor * -0.5
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
2014-05-04 12:43:29 +01:00
Bounds.translate(render.bounds, translate);
// update mouse
Mouse.setScale(mouse, boundsScale);
Mouse.setOffset(mouse, render.bounds.min);
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
2014-05-04 12:43:29 +01:00
// get vector from mouse relative to centre of viewport
var deltaCentre = Vector.sub(mouse.absolute, viewportCentre),
centreDist = Vector.magnitude(deltaCentre);
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
2014-05-04 12:43:29 +01:00
// translate the view if mouse has moved over 50px from the centre of viewport
if (centreDist > 50) {
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
// create a vector to translate the view, allowing the user to control view speed
2014-05-04 12:43:29 +01:00
var direction = Vector.normalise(deltaCentre),
speed = Math.min(10, Math.pow(centreDist - 50, 2) * 0.0002);
translate = Vector.mult(direction, speed);
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
// prevent the view moving outside the world bounds
if (render.bounds.min.x + translate.x < world.bounds.min.x)
translate.x = world.bounds.min.x - render.bounds.min.x;
if (render.bounds.max.x + translate.x > world.bounds.max.x)
translate.x = world.bounds.max.x - render.bounds.max.x;
if (render.bounds.min.y + translate.y < world.bounds.min.y)
translate.y = world.bounds.min.y - render.bounds.min.y;
if (render.bounds.max.y + translate.y > world.bounds.max.y)
translate.y = world.bounds.max.y - render.bounds.max.y;
2014-05-04 12:43:29 +01:00
// move the view
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
Bounds.translate(render.bounds, translate);
2014-05-04 12:43:29 +01:00
// we must update the mouse too
Mouse.setOffset(mouse, render.bounds.min);
2014-05-01 13:41:15 +01:00
// must enable renderOptions.hasBounds for views to work
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.hasBounds = true;
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.mixedSolid = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(50, 50, 12, 3, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
switch (Math.round(Common.random(0, 1))) {
2014-03-20 15:10:48 +00:00
case 0:
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
if (Common.random() < 0.8) {
2014-03-20 15:10:48 +00:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(20, 50), Common.random(20, 50));
} else {
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(80, 120), Common.random(20, 30));
case 1:
return Bodies.polygon(x, y, Math.round(Common.random(1, 8)), Common.random(20, 50));
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.wireframes = false;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
2014-03-13 00:24:49 +00:00
if (window.chrome)
renderOptions.showShadows = true;
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.chains = function() {
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
var _world = _engine.world,
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
group = Body.nextGroup(true);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var ropeA = Composites.stack(200, 100, 5, 2, 10, 10, function(x, y, column, row) {
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 50, 20, { collisionFilter: { group: group } });
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Composites.chain(ropeA, 0.5, 0, -0.5, 0, { stiffness: 0.8, length: 2 });
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
Composite.add(ropeA, Constraint.create({
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
bodyB: ropeA.bodies[0],
pointB: { x: -25, y: 0 },
pointA: { x: 200, y: 100 },
stiffness: 0.5
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, ropeA);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
group = Body.nextGroup(true);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var ropeB = Composites.stack(500, 100, 5, 2, 10, 10, function(x, y, column, row) {
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
return Bodies.circle(x, y, 20, { collisionFilter: { group: group } });
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Composites.chain(ropeB, 0.5, 0, -0.5, 0, { stiffness: 0.8, length: 2 });
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
Composite.add(ropeB, Constraint.create({
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
bodyB: ropeB.bodies[0],
pointB: { x: -20, y: 0 },
pointA: { x: 500, y: 100 },
stiffness: 0.5
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, ropeB);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-30 19:44:31 +01:00
Demo.bridge = function() {
var _world = _engine.world,
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
group = Body.nextGroup(true);
2014-03-30 19:44:31 +01:00
var bridge = Composites.stack(150, 300, 9, 1, 10, 10, function(x, y, column, row) {
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 50, 20, { collisionFilter: { group: group } });
2014-03-30 19:44:31 +01:00
Composites.chain(bridge, 0.5, 0, -0.5, 0, { stiffness: 0.9 });
var stack = Composites.stack(200, 40, 6, 3, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
return Bodies.polygon(x, y, Math.round(Common.random(1, 8)), Common.random(20, 40));
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.rectangle(80, 440, 120, 280, { isStatic: true }),
Bodies.rectangle(720, 440, 120, 280, { isStatic: true }),
Constraint.create({ pointA: { x: 140, y: 300 }, bodyB: bridge.bodies[0], pointB: { x: -25, y: 0 } }),
Constraint.create({ pointA: { x: 660, y: 300 }, bodyB: bridge.bodies[8], pointB: { x: 25, y: 0 } }),
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.car = function() {
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
var _world = _engine.world,
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
scale = 0.9;
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, Composites.car(150, 100, 100 * scale, 40 * scale, 30 * scale));
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
scale = 0.8;
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, Composites.car(350, 300, 100 * scale, 40 * scale, 30 * scale));
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, [
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
Bodies.rectangle(200, 150, 650, 20, { isStatic: true, angle: Math.PI * 0.06 }),
Bodies.rectangle(500, 350, 650, 20, { isStatic: true, angle: -Math.PI * 0.06 }),
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
Bodies.rectangle(340, 580, 700, 20, { isStatic: true, angle: Math.PI * 0.04 })
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = true;
renderOptions.showCollisions = true;
Demo.friction = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.rectangle(300, 180, 700, 20, { isStatic: true, angle: Math.PI * 0.06 }),
Bodies.rectangle(300, 70, 40, 40, { friction: 0.001 })
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.rectangle(300, 350, 700, 20, { isStatic: true, angle: Math.PI * 0.06 }),
Bodies.rectangle(300, 250, 40, 40, { friction: 0.0005 })
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.rectangle(300, 520, 700, 20, { isStatic: true, angle: Math.PI * 0.06 }),
Bodies.rectangle(300, 430, 40, 40, { friction: 0 })
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
2015-05-09 21:05:07 +01:00
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
renderOptions.showVelocity = true;
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.airFriction = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.rectangle(200, 100, 60, 60, { frictionAir: 0.001 }),
Bodies.rectangle(400, 100, 60, 60, { frictionAir: 0.05 }),
Bodies.rectangle(600, 100, 60, 60, { frictionAir: 0.1 })
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
2015-05-09 21:05:07 +01:00
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
renderOptions.showVelocity = true;
Demo.staticFriction = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var body = Bodies.rectangle(400, 500, 200, 60, { isStatic: true, chamfer: 10 }),
size = 50,
counter = -1;
var stack = Composites.stack(350, 470 - 6 * size, 1, 6, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, size * 2, size, {
slop: 0.5,
friction: 1,
frictionStatic: Infinity
World.add(_world, [body, stack]);
Events.on(_engine, 'beforeUpdate', function(event) {
counter += 0.014;
if (counter < 0) {
var px = 400 + 100 * Math.sin(counter);
// body is static so must manually update velocity for friction to work
Body.setVelocity(body, { x: px - body.position.x, y: 0 });
Body.setPosition(body, { x: px, y: body.position.y });
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
renderOptions.showVelocity = true;
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.sleeping = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(50, 50, 12, 3, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
switch (Math.round(Common.random(0, 1))) {
2014-03-20 15:10:48 +00:00
case 0:
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
if (Common.random() < 0.8) {
2014-03-20 15:10:48 +00:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(20, 50), Common.random(20, 50));
} else {
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(80, 120), Common.random(20, 30));
case 1:
return Bodies.polygon(x, y, Math.round(Common.random(1, 8)), Common.random(20, 50));
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2015-05-24 15:56:54 +01:00
for (var i = 0; i < stack.bodies.length; i++) {
Events.on(stack.bodies[i], 'sleepStart sleepEnd', function(event) {
var body = this;
console.log('body id', body.id, 'sleeping:', body.isSleeping);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
_engine.enableSleeping = true;
Demo.broadphase = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(20, 20, 20, 5, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
switch (Math.round(Common.random(0, 1))) {
2014-03-20 15:10:48 +00:00
case 0:
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
if (Common.random() < 0.8) {
2014-03-20 15:10:48 +00:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(20, 50), Common.random(20, 50));
} else {
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(80, 120), Common.random(20, 30));
case 1:
return Bodies.polygon(x, y, Math.round(Common.random(1, 8)), Common.random(20, 50));
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showBroadphase = true;
Demo.gravity = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
_engine.world.gravity.y = -1;
var stack = Composites.stack(20, 20, 20, 5, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
switch (Math.round(Common.random(0, 1))) {
2014-03-20 15:10:48 +00:00
case 0:
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
if (Common.random() < 0.8) {
2014-03-20 15:10:48 +00:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(20, 50), Common.random(20, 50));
} else {
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(80, 120), Common.random(20, 30));
case 1:
return Bodies.polygon(x, y, Math.round(Common.random(1, 8)), Common.random(20, 50));
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.avalanche = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(20, 20, 20, 5, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
2014-03-24 20:06:00 +00:00
return Bodies.circle(x, y, Common.random(10, 20), { friction: 0.00001, restitution: 0.5, density: 0.001 });
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.rectangle(200, 150, 700, 20, { isStatic: true, angle: Math.PI * 0.06 }),
Bodies.rectangle(500, 350, 700, 20, { isStatic: true, angle: -Math.PI * 0.06 }),
Bodies.rectangle(340, 580, 700, 20, { isStatic: true, angle: Math.PI * 0.04 })
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.newtonsCradle = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2014-03-30 19:44:31 +01:00
var cradle = Composites.newtonsCradle(280, 100, 5, 30, 200);
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, cradle);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Body.translate(cradle.bodies[0], { x: -180, y: -100 });
2014-03-30 19:44:31 +01:00
cradle = Composites.newtonsCradle(280, 380, 7, 20, 140);
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, cradle);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Body.translate(cradle.bodies[0], { x: -140, y: -100 });
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showVelocity = true;
2014-05-04 16:57:27 +01:00
Demo.timescale = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var explosion = function(engine) {
var bodies = Composite.allBodies(engine.world);
for (var i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) {
var body = bodies[i];
if (!body.isStatic && body.position.y >= 500) {
var forceMagnitude = 0.04 * body.mass;
Body.applyForce(body, { x: 0, y: 0 }, {
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
x: (forceMagnitude + Common.random() * forceMagnitude) * Common.choose([1, -1]),
y: -forceMagnitude + Common.random() * -forceMagnitude
2014-05-04 16:57:27 +01:00
var timeScaleTarget = 1,
counter = 0;
2015-07-29 20:27:45 +01:00
Events.on(_engine, 'afterUpdate', function(event) {
2014-05-04 16:57:27 +01:00
// tween the timescale for bullet time slow-mo
_engine.timing.timeScale += (timeScaleTarget - _engine.timing.timeScale) * 0.05;
counter += 1;
// every 1.5 sec
if (counter >= 60 * 1.5) {
// flip the timescale
if (timeScaleTarget < 1) {
timeScaleTarget = 1;
} else {
timeScaleTarget = 0.05;
// create some random forces
// reset counter
counter = 0;
var bodyOptions = {
frictionAir: 0,
friction: 0.0001,
restitution: 0.8
// add some small bouncy circles... remember Swordfish?
World.add(_world, Composites.stack(20, 100, 15, 3, 20, 40, function(x, y, column, row) {
return Bodies.circle(x, y, Common.random(10, 20), bodyOptions);
// add some larger random bouncy objects
World.add(_world, Composites.stack(50, 50, 8, 3, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
switch (Math.round(Common.random(0, 1))) {
case 0:
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
if (Common.random() < 0.8) {
2014-05-04 16:57:27 +01:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(20, 50), Common.random(20, 50), bodyOptions);
} else {
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(80, 120), Common.random(20, 30), bodyOptions);
case 1:
return Bodies.polygon(x, y, Math.round(Common.random(4, 8)), Common.random(20, 50), bodyOptions);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.stack = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2015-05-03 18:03:26 +01:00
var stack = Composites.stack(100, 300, 10, 5, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 40, 40);
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.circleStack = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(100, 100, 10, 10, 20, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
return Bodies.circle(x, y, 20);
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.wreckingBall = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var rows = 10,
yy = 600 - 21 - 40 * rows;
var stack = Composites.stack(400, yy, 5, rows, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
2015-05-03 18:03:26 +01:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 40, 40);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2015-05-03 18:03:26 +01:00
var ball = Bodies.circle(100, 400, 50, { density: 0.04, frictionAir: 0.005});
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, ball);
World.add(_world, Constraint.create({
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
pointA: { x: 300, y: 100 },
bodyB: ball
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
if (!_isMobile) {
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showCollisions = true;
renderOptions.showVelocity = true;
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.ballPool = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(100, 50, 10, 15, 10, 10, function(x, y, column, row) {
return Bodies.circle(x, y, Common.random(15, 30), { restitution: 0.6, friction: 0.1 });
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.polygon(200, 560, 3, 60),
Bodies.polygon(400, 560, 5, 60),
Bodies.rectangle(600, 560, 80, 80)
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.stress = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2015-04-09 00:01:33 +01:00
var stack = Composites.stack(90, 50, 18, 15, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 35, 35);
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
Demo.stress2 = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(100, 120, 25, 18, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 25, 25);
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
Demo.pyramid = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2015-05-03 18:03:26 +01:00
var stack = Composites.pyramid(100, 258, 15, 10, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 40, 40);
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.restitution = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var rest = 0.9,
space = 600 / 5;
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.rectangle(100 + space * 0, 150, 50, 50, { restitution: rest }),
Bodies.rectangle(100 + space * 1, 150, 50, 50, { restitution: rest, angle: -Math.PI * 0.15 }),
Bodies.rectangle(100 + space * 2, 150, 50, 50, { restitution: rest, angle: -Math.PI * 0.25 }),
Bodies.circle(100 + space * 3, 150, 25, { restitution: rest }),
Bodies.rectangle(100 + space * 5, 150, 180, 20, { restitution: rest, angle: -Math.PI * 0.5 })
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showCollisions = true;
renderOptions.showVelocity = true;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = true;
2014-03-30 19:44:31 +01:00
Demo.softBody = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2015-05-03 17:47:52 +01:00
var particleOptions = {
friction: 0.05,
frictionStatic: 0.1,
render: { visible: true }
2014-03-30 19:44:31 +01:00
World.add(_world, [
Composites.softBody(250, 100, 5, 5, 0, 0, true, 18, particleOptions),
Composites.softBody(250, 300, 8, 3, 0, 0, true, 15, particleOptions),
Composites.softBody(250, 400, 4, 4, 0, 0, true, 15, particleOptions)
2014-04-01 13:45:15 +01:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
2014-03-30 19:44:31 +01:00
Demo.cloth = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
var group = Body.nextGroup(true),
particleOptions = { friction: 0.00001, collisionFilter: { group: group }, render: { visible: false }},
2014-03-30 19:44:31 +01:00
cloth = Composites.softBody(200, 200, 20, 12, 5, 5, false, 8, particleOptions);
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
cloth.bodies[i].isStatic = true;
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.circle(300, 500, 80, { isStatic: true }),
Bodies.rectangle(500, 480, 80, 80, { isStatic: true })
2014-03-28 23:52:51 +00:00
Demo.catapult = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(250, 255, 1, 6, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 30, 30);
var catapult = Bodies.rectangle(400, 520, 320, 20, { });
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.rectangle(250, 555, 20, 50, { isStatic: true }),
Bodies.circle(560, 100, 50, { density: 0.005 }),
Constraint.create({ bodyA: catapult, pointB: { x: 390, y: 580 } }),
Constraint.create({ bodyA: catapult, pointB: { x: 410, y: 580 } })
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.showCollisions = true;
renderOptions.showVelocity = true;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = true;
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
Demo.beachBalls = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(0, 100, 5, 1, 20, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
return Bodies.circle(x, y, 75, { restitution: 0.9 });
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-02-19 14:15:05 +00:00
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
Demo.events = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2014-07-12 17:35:28 +01:00
// bind events (_sceneEvents is only used for this demo)
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
2014-07-12 17:35:28 +01:00
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
2014-07-12 17:35:28 +01:00
// an example of using composite events on the world
Events.on(_world, 'afterAdd', function(event) {
console.log('added to world:', event.object);
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
2014-07-12 17:35:28 +01:00
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
// an example of using beforeUpdate event on an engine
Events.on(_engine, 'beforeUpdate', function(event) {
var engine = event.source;
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
// apply random forces every 5 secs
if (event.timestamp % 5000 < 50)
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
// an example of using collisionStart event on an engine
Events.on(_engine, 'collisionStart', function(event) {
var pairs = event.pairs;
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
// change object colours to show those starting a collision
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var pair = pairs[i];
pair.bodyA.render.fillStyle = '#bbbbbb';
pair.bodyB.render.fillStyle = '#bbbbbb';
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
// an example of using collisionActive event on an engine
Events.on(_engine, 'collisionActive', function(event) {
var pairs = event.pairs;
// change object colours to show those in an active collision (e.g. resting contact)
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var pair = pairs[i];
pair.bodyA.render.fillStyle = '#aaaaaa';
pair.bodyB.render.fillStyle = '#aaaaaa';
// an example of using collisionEnd event on an engine
Events.on(_engine, 'collisionEnd', function(event) {
var pairs = event.pairs;
// change object colours to show those ending a collision
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var pair = pairs[i];
pair.bodyA.render.fillStyle = '#999999';
pair.bodyB.render.fillStyle = '#999999';
2014-07-12 17:35:28 +01:00
// an example of using mouse events on a mouse
2014-06-21 17:44:25 +01:00
Events.on(_mouseConstraint, 'mousedown', function(event) {
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
var mousePosition = event.mouse.position;
console.log('mousedown at ' + mousePosition.x + ' ' + mousePosition.y);
_engine.render.options.background = 'cornsilk';
2014-07-12 17:35:28 +01:00
// an example of using mouse events on a mouse
2014-06-21 17:44:25 +01:00
Events.on(_mouseConstraint, 'mouseup', function(event) {
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
var mousePosition = event.mouse.position;
_engine.render.options.background = "white";
console.log('mouseup at ' + mousePosition.x + ' ' + mousePosition.y);
2014-07-12 17:35:28 +01:00
2014-12-02 21:38:02 +00:00
// an example of using mouse events on a mouse
Events.on(_mouseConstraint, 'startdrag', function(event) {
console.log('startdrag', event);
// an example of using mouse events on a mouse
Events.on(_mouseConstraint, 'enddrag', function(event) {
console.log('enddrag', event);
2014-07-12 17:35:28 +01:00
// scene code
var stack = Composites.stack(50, 100, 8, 4, 50, 50, function(x, y, column, row) {
return Bodies.circle(x, y, 15, { restitution: 1, render: { strokeStyle: '#777' } });
World.add(_world, stack);
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.wireframes = false;
var shakeScene = function(engine) {
var bodies = Composite.allBodies(engine.world);
for (var i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) {
var body = bodies[i];
if (!body.isStatic && body.position.y >= 500) {
var forceMagnitude = 0.01 * body.mass;
Body.applyForce(body, { x: 0, y: 0 }, {
x: (forceMagnitude + Common.random() * forceMagnitude) * Common.choose([1, -1]),
y: -forceMagnitude + Common.random() * -forceMagnitude
2014-03-10 21:56:31 +00:00
2014-03-13 00:24:49 +00:00
Demo.sprites = function() {
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
var _world = _engine.world,
offset = 10,
options = {
isStatic: true,
render: {
visible: false
2014-03-13 00:24:49 +00:00
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
2014-03-13 00:24:49 +00:00
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
_world.bodies = [];
2014-03-13 00:24:49 +00:00
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
// these static walls will not be rendered in this sprites example, see options
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.rectangle(400, -offset, 800.5 + 2 * offset, 50.5, options),
Bodies.rectangle(400, 600 + offset, 800.5 + 2 * offset, 50.5, options),
Bodies.rectangle(800 + offset, 300, 50.5, 600.5 + 2 * offset, options),
Bodies.rectangle(-offset, 300, 50.5, 600.5 + 2 * offset, options)
2014-03-13 00:24:49 +00:00
2015-04-13 00:27:14 +01:00
var stack = Composites.stack(20, 20, 10, 4, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
if (Common.random() > 0.35) {
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 64, 64, {
render: {
strokeStyle: '#ffffff',
sprite: {
2014-03-27 14:38:59 +00:00
texture: './img/box.png'
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
} else {
return Bodies.circle(x, y, 46, {
density: 0.0005,
frictionAir: 0.06,
restitution: 0.3,
friction: 0.01,
render: {
sprite: {
2014-03-27 14:38:59 +00:00
texture: './img/ball.png'
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
2014-03-13 00:24:49 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:23:22 +00:00
World.add(_world, stack);
2014-03-13 00:24:49 +00:00
2014-03-20 15:05:42 +00:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.background = './img/wall-bg.jpg';
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
renderOptions.wireframes = false;
2014-03-13 00:24:49 +00:00
2014-04-24 12:23:44 +01:00
Demo.raycasting = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
var stack = Composites.stack(20, 20, 15, 4, 0, 0, function(x, y, column, row) {
switch (Math.round(Common.random(0, 1))) {
case 0:
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
if (Common.random() < 0.8) {
2014-04-24 12:23:44 +01:00
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(20, 50), Common.random(20, 50));
} else {
return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(80, 120), Common.random(20, 30));
case 1:
var sides = Math.round(Common.random(1, 8));
sides = (sides === 3) ? 4 : sides;
return Bodies.polygon(x, y, sides, Common.random(20, 50));
2015-02-01 23:59:14 +00:00
2015-05-03 17:47:52 +01:00
var star = Vertices.fromPath('50 0 63 38 100 38 69 59 82 100 50 75 18 100 31 59 0 38 37 38'),
concave = Bodies.fromVertices(200, 200, star);
2014-04-24 12:23:44 +01:00
2015-02-01 23:59:14 +00:00
World.add(_world, [stack, concave]);
2014-04-24 12:23:44 +01:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
2015-07-29 20:27:45 +01:00
Events.on(_engine.render, 'afterRender', function() {
2014-06-21 17:44:25 +01:00
var mouse = _mouseConstraint.mouse,
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
context = _engine.render.context,
bodies = Composite.allBodies(_engine.world),
startPoint = { x: 400, y: 100 },
endPoint = mouse.position;
var collisions = Query.ray(bodies, startPoint, endPoint);
context.moveTo(startPoint.x, startPoint.y);
context.lineTo(endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
if (collisions.length > 0) {
context.strokeStyle = '#fff';
} else {
context.strokeStyle = '#555';
context.lineWidth = 0.5;
2014-04-24 12:23:44 +01:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
for (var i = 0; i < collisions.length; i++) {
var collision = collisions[i];
context.rect(collision.bodyA.position.x - 4.5, collision.bodyA.position.y - 4.5, 8, 8);
2014-04-24 12:23:44 +01:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,165,0,0.7)';
2014-04-24 12:23:44 +01:00
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00
Demo.collisionFiltering = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
// define our categories (as bit fields, there are up to 32 available)
var defaultCategory = 0x0001,
redCategory = 0x0002,
greenCategory = 0x0004,
blueCategory = 0x0008;
var redColor = '#C44D58',
blueColor = '#4ECDC4',
greenColor = '#C7F464';
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
// create a stack with varying body categories (but these bodies can all collide with each other)
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00
Composites.stack(275, 150, 5, 10, 10, 10, function(x, y, column, row) {
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
var category = redCategory,
color = redColor;
if (row > 5) {
category = blueCategory;
color = blueColor;
} else if (row > 2) {
category = greenCategory;
color = greenColor;
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00
return Bodies.circle(x, y, 20, {
collisionFilter: {
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
category: category
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00
render: {
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
strokeStyle: color,
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00
fillStyle: 'transparent'
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
// this body will only collide with the walls and the green bodies
Bodies.circle(310, 40, 30, {
collisionFilter: {
mask: defaultCategory | greenCategory
render: {
strokeStyle: Common.shadeColor(greenColor, -20),
fillStyle: greenColor
// this body will only collide with the walls and the red bodies
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00
Bodies.circle(400, 40, 30, {
collisionFilter: {
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
mask: defaultCategory | redCategory
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00
render: {
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
strokeStyle: Common.shadeColor(redColor, -20),
fillStyle: redColor
// this body will only collide with the walls and the blue bodies
Bodies.circle(480, 40, 30, {
collisionFilter: {
mask: defaultCategory | blueCategory
render: {
strokeStyle: Common.shadeColor(blueColor, -20),
fillStyle: blueColor
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00
2014-11-27 23:23:19 +00:00
// red category objects should not be draggable with the mouse
_mouseConstraint.collisionFilter.mask = defaultCategory | blueCategory | greenCategory;
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.wireframes = false;
2014-07-29 13:14:31 +01:00
renderOptions.background = '#222';
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = false;
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
// the functions for the demo interface and controls below
Demo.initControls = function() {
var demoSelect = document.getElementById('demo-select'),
demoReset = document.getElementById('demo-reset');
2014-04-29 13:07:53 +01:00
// create a Matter.Gui
if (!_isMobile && Gui) {
2015-07-29 20:27:45 +01:00
_gui = Gui.create(_engine, _runner);
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
2014-03-26 11:53:41 +00:00
// need to add mouse constraint back in after gui clear or load is pressed
Events.on(_gui, 'clear load', function() {
_mouseConstraint = MouseConstraint.create(_engine);
World.add(_engine.world, _mouseConstraint);
2015-05-24 14:21:24 +01:00
// need to rebind mouse on render change
Events.on(_gui, 'setRenderer', function() {
Mouse.setElement(_mouseConstraint.mouse, _engine.render.canvas);
2014-04-29 13:07:53 +01:00
// create a Matter.Inspector
2014-05-01 23:13:42 +01:00
if (!_isMobile && Inspector && _useInspector) {
2015-07-29 20:27:45 +01:00
_inspector = Inspector.create(_engine, _runner);
2014-04-28 12:50:56 +01:00
Events.on(_inspector, 'import', function() {
_mouseConstraint = MouseConstraint.create(_engine);
World.add(_engine.world, _mouseConstraint);
2014-05-03 16:54:22 +01:00
Events.on(_inspector, 'play', function() {
_mouseConstraint = MouseConstraint.create(_engine);
World.add(_engine.world, _mouseConstraint);
2014-04-28 12:50:56 +01:00
Events.on(_inspector, 'selectStart', function() {
_mouseConstraint.constraint.render.visible = false;
Events.on(_inspector, 'selectEnd', function() {
_mouseConstraint.constraint.render.visible = true;
2014-03-26 11:53:41 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
// go fullscreen when using a mobile device
if (_isMobile) {
var body = document.body;
body.className += ' is-mobile';
_engine.render.canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', Demo.fullscreen);
var fullscreenChange = function() {
var fullscreenEnabled = document.fullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled;
// delay fullscreen styles until fullscreen has finished changing
setTimeout(function() {
if (fullscreenEnabled) {
body.className += ' is-fullscreen';
} else {
body.className = body.className.replace('is-fullscreen', '');
}, 2000);
document.addEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', fullscreenChange);
document.addEventListener('mozfullscreenchange', fullscreenChange);
document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', fullscreenChange);
// initialise demo selector
demoSelect.value = _sceneName;
demoSelect.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
Demo[_sceneName = e.target.value]();
var scrollY = window.scrollY;
window.location.hash = _sceneName;
window.scrollY = scrollY;
demoReset.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
Demo.fullscreen = function(){
var _fullscreenElement = _engine.render.canvas;
if (!document.fullscreenElement && !document.mozFullScreenElement && !document.webkitFullscreenElement) {
if (_fullscreenElement.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (_fullscreenElement.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else if (_fullscreenElement.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
Demo.reset = function() {
var _world = _engine.world;
// clear scene graph (if defined in controller)
2015-08-15 20:39:13 +01:00
if (_engine.render) {
var renderController = _engine.render.controller;
if (renderController && renderController.clear)
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
// clear all scene events
for (var i = 0; i < _sceneEvents.length; i++)
Events.off(_engine, _sceneEvents[i]);
2014-06-21 17:44:25 +01:00
2015-08-15 20:39:13 +01:00
if (_mouseConstraint && _mouseConstraint.events) {
2014-06-21 23:23:41 +01:00
for (i = 0; i < _sceneEvents.length; i++)
2014-06-21 17:44:25 +01:00
Events.off(_mouseConstraint, _sceneEvents[i]);
2014-07-12 17:35:28 +01:00
if (_world.events) {
for (i = 0; i < _sceneEvents.length; i++)
Events.off(_world, _sceneEvents[i]);
2015-08-12 23:27:39 +01:00
if (_runner && _runner.events) {
2015-07-29 20:27:45 +01:00
for (i = 0; i < _sceneEvents.length; i++)
Events.off(_runner, _sceneEvents[i]);
2015-08-15 20:39:13 +01:00
if (_engine.render && _engine.render.events) {
2015-07-29 20:27:45 +01:00
for (i = 0; i < _sceneEvents.length; i++)
Events.off(_engine.render, _sceneEvents[i]);
2014-04-30 10:33:37 +01:00
_sceneEvents = [];
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
2014-04-29 17:35:27 +01:00
// reset id pool
Common._nextId = 0;
2014-05-10 15:01:35 +01:00
// reset random seed
Common._seed = 0;
2014-05-04 12:43:29 +01:00
// reset mouse offset and scale (only required for Demo.views)
2015-08-15 20:39:13 +01:00
if (_mouseConstraint) {
Mouse.setScale(_mouseConstraint.mouse, { x: 1, y: 1 });
Mouse.setOffset(_mouseConstraint.mouse, { x: 0, y: 0 });
2014-05-01 13:44:44 +01:00
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
_engine.enableSleeping = false;
_engine.world.gravity.y = 1;
2014-05-04 22:41:39 +01:00
_engine.world.gravity.x = 0;
_engine.timing.timeScale = 1;
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
var offset = 5;
World.add(_world, [
Bodies.rectangle(400, -offset, 800.5 + 2 * offset, 50.5, { isStatic: true }),
Bodies.rectangle(400, 600 + offset, 800.5 + 2 * offset, 50.5, { isStatic: true }),
Bodies.rectangle(800 + offset, 300, 50.5, 600.5 + 2 * offset, { isStatic: true }),
Bodies.rectangle(-offset, 300, 50.5, 600.5 + 2 * offset, { isStatic: true })
2014-03-26 11:53:41 +00:00
2015-08-15 20:39:13 +01:00
if (_mouseConstraint) {
World.add(_world, _mouseConstraint);
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
2015-08-15 20:39:13 +01:00
if (_engine.render) {
var renderOptions = _engine.render.options;
renderOptions.wireframes = true;
renderOptions.hasBounds = false;
renderOptions.showDebug = false;
renderOptions.showBroadphase = false;
renderOptions.showBounds = false;
renderOptions.showVelocity = false;
renderOptions.showCollisions = false;
renderOptions.showAxes = false;
renderOptions.showPositions = false;
renderOptions.showAngleIndicator = true;
renderOptions.showIds = false;
renderOptions.showShadows = false;
renderOptions.showVertexNumbers = false;
renderOptions.showConvexHulls = false;
renderOptions.showInternalEdges = false;
renderOptions.showSeparations = false;
renderOptions.background = '#fff';
2014-03-25 15:31:05 +00:00
if (_isMobile)
renderOptions.showDebug = true;
2014-07-22 14:44:09 +02:00