var Example = Example || {}; Example.concave = function() { var Engine = Matter.Engine, Render = Matter.Render, Runner = Matter.Runner, Body = Matter.Body, Events = Matter.Events, Composite = Matter.Composite, Composites = Matter.Composites, Common = Matter.Common, Constraint = Matter.Constraint, MouseConstraint = Matter.MouseConstraint, Mouse = Matter.Mouse, World = Matter.World, Vertices = Matter.Vertices, Bodies = Matter.Bodies; // create engine var engine = Engine.create(), world =; // create renderer var render = Render.create({ element: document.body, engine: engine, options: { width: Math.min(document.body.clientWidth, 1024), height: Math.min(document.body.clientHeight, 1024) } });; // create runner var runner = Runner.create();, engine); // add bodies World.add(world, [ Bodies.rectangle(400, 600, 800, 50.5, { isStatic: true }), Bodies.rectangle(800, 300, 50, 600, { isStatic: true }), Bodies.rectangle(0, 300, 50, 600, { isStatic: true }) ]); var arrow = Vertices.fromPath('40 0 40 20 100 20 100 80 40 80 40 100 0 50'), chevron = Vertices.fromPath('100 0 75 50 100 100 25 100 0 50 25 0'), star = Vertices.fromPath('50 0 63 38 100 38 69 59 82 100 50 75 18 100 31 59 0 38 37 38'), horseShoe = Vertices.fromPath('35 7 19 17 14 38 14 58 25 79 45 85 65 84 65 66 46 67 34 59 30 44 33 29 45 23 66 23 66 7 53 7'); var stack = Composites.stack(50, 50, 6, 4, 10, 10, function(x, y) { var color = Common.choose(['#556270', '#4ECDC4', '#C7F464', '#FF6B6B', '#C44D58']); return Bodies.fromVertices(x, y, Common.choose([arrow, chevron, star, horseShoe]), { render: { fillStyle: color, strokeStyle: color } }, true); }); World.add(world, stack); // add mouse control var mouse = Mouse.create(render.canvas), mouseConstraint = MouseConstraint.create(engine, { mouse: mouse, constraint: { stiffness: 0.2, render: { visible: false } } }); World.add(world, mouseConstraint); // keep the mouse in sync with rendering render.mouse = mouse; // fit the render viewport to the scene Render.lookAt(render, Composite.allBodies(world)); // context for MatterTools.Demo return { engine: engine, runner: runner, render: render, canvas: render.canvas, stop: function() { Matter.Render.stop(render); Matter.Runner.stop(runner); } }; };