/** * The Matter.js demo page controller and example runner. * * NOTE: For the actual example code, refer to the source files in `/examples/`. * * @class Demo */ (function() { var sourceLinkRoot = 'https://github.com/liabru/matter-js/blob/master/examples'; var demo = MatterTools.Demo.create({ toolbar: { title: 'matter-js', url: 'https://github.com/liabru/matter-js', reset: true, source: true, inspector: true, tools: true, fullscreen: true, exampleSelect: true }, tools: { inspector: true, gui: true }, inline: false, resetOnOrientation: true, examples: [ { name: 'Air Friction', id: 'airFriction', init: Example.airFriction, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/airFriction.js' }, { name: 'Attractors', id: 'attractors', init: Example.attractors, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/attractors.js' }, { name: 'Avalanche', id: 'avalanche', init: Example.avalanche, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/avalanche.js' }, { name: 'Ball Pool', id: 'ballPool', init: Example.ballPool, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/ballPool.js' }, { name: 'Bridge', id: 'bridge', init: Example.bridge, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/bridge.js' }, { name: 'Broadphase', id: 'broadphase', init: Example.broadphase, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/broadphase.js' }, { name: 'Car', id: 'car', init: Example.car, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/car.js' }, { name: 'Catapult', id: 'catapult', init: Example.catapult, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/catapult.js' }, { name: 'Chains', id: 'chains', init: Example.chains, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/chains.js' }, { name: 'Circle Stack', id: 'circleStack', init: Example.circleStack, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/circleStack.js' }, { name: 'Cloth', id: 'cloth', init: Example.cloth, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/cloth.js' }, { name: 'Collision Filtering', id: 'collisionFiltering', init: Example.collisionFiltering, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/collisionFiltering.js' }, { name: 'Composite Manipulation', id: 'compositeManipulation', init: Example.compositeManipulation, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/compositeManipulation.js' }, { name: 'Compound Bodies', id: 'compound', init: Example.compound, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/compound.js' }, { name: 'Compound Stack', id: 'compoundStack', init: Example.compoundStack, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/compoundStack.js' }, { name: 'Concave', id: 'concave', init: Example.concave, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/concave.js' }, { name: 'Events', id: 'events', init: Example.events, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/events.js' }, { name: 'Friction', id: 'friction', init: Example.friction, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/friction.js' }, { name: 'Reverse Gravity', id: 'gravity', init: Example.gravity, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/gravity.js' }, { name: 'Gyroscope', id: 'gyro', init: Example.gyro, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/gyro.js' }, { name: 'Manipulation', id: 'manipulation', init: Example.manipulation, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/manipulation.js' }, { name: 'Mixed Shapes', id: 'mixed', init: Example.mixed, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/mixed.js' }, { name: 'Newton\'s Cradle', id: 'newtonsCradle', init: Example.newtonsCradle, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/newtonsCradle.js' }, { name: 'Pyramid', id: 'pyramid', init: Example.pyramid, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/pyramid.js' }, { name: 'Raycasting', id: 'raycasting', init: Example.raycasting, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/raycasting.js' }, { name: 'Restitution', id: 'restitution', init: Example.restitution, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/restitution.js' }, { name: 'Rounded Corners (Chamfering)', id: 'rounded', init: Example.rounded, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/rounded.js' }, { name: 'Sensors', id: 'sensors', init: Example.sensors, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/sensors.js' }, { name: 'Sleeping', id: 'sleeping', init: Example.sleeping, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/sleeping.js' }, { name: 'Slingshot', id: 'slingshot', init: Example.slingshot, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/slingshot.js' }, { name: 'Soft Body', id: 'softBody', init: Example.softBody, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/softBody.js' }, { name: 'Sprites', id: 'sprites', init: Example.sprites, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/sprites.js' }, { name: 'Stack', id: 'stack', init: Example.stack, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/stack.js' }, { name: 'Static Friction', id: 'staticFriction', init: Example.staticFriction, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/staticFriction.js' }, { name: 'Stress', id: 'stress', init: Example.stress, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/stress.js' }, { name: 'Stress 2', id: 'stress2', init: Example.stress2, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/stress2.js' }, { name: 'Concave SVG Paths', id: 'svg', init: Example.svg, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/svg.js' }, { name: 'Terrain', id: 'terrain', init: Example.terrain, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/terraing.js' }, { name: 'Time Scaling', id: 'timescale', init: Example.timescale, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/timescale.js' }, { name: 'Views', id: 'views', init: Example.views, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/views.js' }, { name: 'Wrecking Ball', id: 'wreckingBall', init: Example.wreckingBall, sourceLink: sourceLinkRoot + '/wreckingBall.js' } ] }); document.body.appendChild(demo.dom.root); MatterTools.Demo.start(demo); })();