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* The `Matter.Runner` module is an optional utility which provides a game loop,
* that handles updating and rendering a `Matter.Engine` for you within a browser.
* Note that the method `Engine.run` is an alias for `Runner.run`.
* See [Demo.js](https://github.com/liabru/matter-js/blob/master/demo/js/Demo.js)
* and [DemoMobile.js](https://github.com/liabru/matter-js/blob/master/demo/js/DemoMobile.js) for usage examples.
* @class Runner
var Runner = {};
(function() {
var _fps = 60,
_deltaSampleSize = _fps,
_delta = 1000 / _fps;
var _requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame
|| function(callback){ window.setTimeout(function() { callback(Common.now()); }, _delta); };
var _cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame
|| window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.msCancelAnimationFrame;
* Provides a basic game loop that handles updating the engine for you.
* Calls `Engine.update` and `Engine.render` on the `requestAnimationFrame` event automatically.
* Handles time correction and non-fixed dynamic timing (if enabled).
* Triggers `beforeTick`, `tick` and `afterTick` events.
* @method run
* @param {engine} engine
Runner.run = function(engine) {
var runner = Engine.runner(engine);
(function callback(time){
engine.timing.frameRequestId = _requestAnimationFrame(callback);
Runner.runner = function(engine) {
var counterTimestamp = 0,
frameCounter = 0,
deltaHistory = [],
timeScalePrev = 1;
return (function(time){
var timing = engine.timing,
correction = 1;
if (!engine.enabled)
// create an event object
var event = {
timestamp: time
Events.trigger(engine, 'beforeTick', event);
if (timing.isFixed) {
// fixed timestep
delta = timing.delta;
} else {
// dynamic timestep based on wall clock between calls
delta = (time - timePrev) || timing.delta;
timePrev = time;
// optimistically filter delta over a few frames, to improve stability
deltaHistory = deltaHistory.slice(-_deltaSampleSize);
delta = Math.min.apply(null, deltaHistory);
// limit delta
delta = delta < timing.deltaMin ? timing.deltaMin : delta;
delta = delta > timing.deltaMax ? timing.deltaMax : delta;
// time correction for delta
correction = delta / timing.delta;
// update engine timing object
timing.delta = delta;
// time correction for time scaling
if (timeScalePrev !== 0)
correction *= timing.timeScale / timeScalePrev;
if (timing.timeScale === 0)
correction = 0;
timeScalePrev = timing.timeScale;
// fps counter
frameCounter += 1;
if (time - counterTimestamp >= 1000) {
timing.fps = frameCounter * ((time - counterTimestamp) / 1000);
counterTimestamp = time;
frameCounter = 0;
Events.trigger(engine, 'tick', event);
// if world has been modified, clear the render scene graph
if (engine.world.isModified && engine.render.controller.clear)
// update
Engine.update(engine, delta, correction);
// render
Events.trigger(engine, 'afterTick', event);
* Ends execution of `Runner.run` on the given `engine`, by canceling the animation frame request event loop.
* If you wish to only temporarily pause the engine, see `engine.enabled` instead.
* @method stop
* @param {engine} engine
Runner.stop = function(engine) {