mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 13:38:51 -04:00
Client binding + clean-ups
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 307 additions and 191 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"C_Cpp.clang_format_style": "Chromium",
"files.associations": {
"memory": "cpp"
"memory": "cpp",
"vector": "cpp"
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::size_of;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
pub use std::os::raw::c_int as int;
pub type Opaque = [usize; 0];
pub trait Delete
@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
#include <utility>
#include "../goog/v8/include/v8-inspector.h"
namespace v8_inspector {
using Channel = V8Inspector::Channel;
template <class T>
using uninit_t = typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), alignof(T)>::type;
@ -21,4 +18,5 @@ auto launder(T ptr) {
#include "v8_inspector/channel.h"
#include "v8_inspector/client.h"
#include "v8_inspector/string_buffer.h"
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ mod example {
fn sendNotification(&mut self, message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>) {}
fn sendNotification(&mut self, _message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>) {}
fn flushProtocolNotifications(&mut self) {}
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
extern "C" {
using namespace v8_inspector;
using Channel = V8Inspector::Channel;
extern "C" {
void v8_inspector__Channel__EXTENDER__sendResponse(Channel& self,
int callId,
StringBuffer* message);
@ -33,8 +34,6 @@ struct Channel__EXTENDER : public Channel {
} // namespace v8_inspector
extern "C" {
using namespace v8_inspector;
void v8_inspector__Channel__EXTENDER__CTOR(uninit_t<Channel__EXTENDER>& buf) {
new (launder(&buf)) Channel__EXTENDER();
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
use std::os::raw::c_int;
use crate::cxx_util::int;
use crate::cxx_util::CxxVTable;
use crate::cxx_util::FieldOffset;
use crate::cxx_util::Opaque;
@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ extern "C" {
fn v8_inspector__Channel__sendResponse(
this: &mut Channel,
callId: c_int,
callId: int,
message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>,
) -> ();
fn v8_inspector__Channel__sendNotification(
@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ extern "C" {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn v8_inspector__Channel__EXTENDER__sendResponse(
this: &mut Channel,
callId: c_int,
callId: int,
message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>,
) -> () {
ChannelExtender::dispatch_mut(this).sendResponse(callId, message)
@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ pub struct Channel {
impl Channel {
pub fn sendResponse(
&mut self,
callId: c_int,
callId: int,
message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>,
) -> () {
unsafe { v8_inspector__Channel__sendResponse(self, callId, message) }
@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ pub trait ChannelOverrides: AsChannel {
fn sendResponse(
&mut self,
callId: i32,
callId: int,
message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>,
) -> ();
fn sendNotification(&mut self, message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>) -> ();
@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
use crate::cxx_util::FieldOffset;
use crate::cxx_util::Opaque;
use crate::cxx_util::RustVTable;
extern "C" {
// Call a method/destructor; virtual methods use C++ dynamic dispatch.
fn v8_inspector__Channel__DTOR(this: &mut Channel) -> ();
fn v8_inspector__Channel__method1(this: &mut Channel, arg: i32) -> ();
fn v8_inspector__Channel__method2(this: &Channel) -> i32;
// Call a method of a specific class implementation, bypassing dynamic
// dispatch. C++ equivalent: `my_channel.Channel::a()`.
fn v8_inspector__Channel__Channel__method1(
this: &mut Channel,
arg: i32,
) -> ();
// Constructs a special class derived from Channel that forwards all
// virtual method invocations to rust. It is assumed that this subclass
// has the same size and memory layout as the class it's deriving from.
fn v8_inspector__Channel__EXTENDER__CTOR(
buf: &mut std::mem::MaybeUninit<Channel>,
) -> ();
pub unsafe extern "C" fn v8_inspector__Channel__EXTENDER__method1(
this: &mut Channel,
arg: i32,
) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn v8_inspector__Channel__EXTENDER__method2(
this: &Channel,
) -> i32 {
pub struct Channel {
_cxx_vtable: *const Opaque,
impl Channel {
pub fn method1(&mut self, arg: i32) {
unsafe { v8_inspector__Channel__method1(self, arg) }
pub fn method2(&self) -> i32 {
unsafe { v8_inspector__Channel__method2(self) }
impl Drop for Channel {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { v8_inspector__Channel__DTOR(self) }
pub trait AsChannel {
fn as_channel(&self) -> &Channel;
fn as_channel_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Channel;
impl AsChannel for Channel {
fn as_channel(&self) -> &Channel {
fn as_channel_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Channel {
impl<T> AsChannel for T
T: ChannelOverrides,
fn as_channel(&self) -> &Channel {
fn as_channel_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Channel {
&mut self.extender_mut().cxx_channel
pub struct ChannelDefaults;
impl ChannelDefaults {
pub fn method1(channel: &mut Channel, arg: i32) {
unsafe { v8_inspector__Channel__Channel__method1(channel, arg) }
pub trait ChannelOverrides: AsChannel {
fn extender(&self) -> &ChannelExtender;
fn extender_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ChannelExtender;
fn method1(&mut self, arg: i32) {
ChannelDefaults::method1(self.as_channel_mut(), arg)
fn method2(&self) -> i32;
pub struct ChannelExtender {
cxx_channel: Channel,
extender_offset: FieldOffset<Self>,
rust_vtable: RustVTable<&'static dyn ChannelOverrides>,
impl ChannelExtender {
fn construct_cxx_channel() -> Channel {
unsafe {
let mut buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<Channel>::uninit();
v8_inspector__Channel__EXTENDER__CTOR(&mut buf);
fn get_extender_offset<T>() -> FieldOffset<Self>
T: ChannelOverrides,
let buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<T>::uninit();
let embedder_ptr: *const T = buf.as_ptr();
let self_ptr: *const Self = unsafe { (*embedder_ptr).extender() };
FieldOffset::from_ptrs(embedder_ptr, self_ptr)
fn get_rust_vtable<T>() -> RustVTable<&'static dyn ChannelOverrides>
T: ChannelOverrides,
let buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<T>::uninit();
let embedder_ptr = buf.as_ptr();
let trait_object: *const dyn ChannelOverrides = embedder_ptr;
let (data_ptr, vtable): (*const T, RustVTable<_>) =
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(trait_object) };
assert_eq!(data_ptr, embedder_ptr);
pub fn new<T>() -> Self
T: ChannelOverrides,
Self {
cxx_channel: Self::construct_cxx_channel(),
extender_offset: Self::get_extender_offset::<T>(),
rust_vtable: Self::get_rust_vtable::<T>(),
fn get_channel_offset() -> FieldOffset<Channel> {
let buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::uninit();
FieldOffset::from_ptrs(buf.as_ptr(), unsafe {
pub unsafe fn dispatch(channel: &Channel) -> &dyn ChannelOverrides {
let this = Self::get_channel_offset().to_embedder::<Self>(channel);
let embedder = this.extender_offset.to_embedder::<Opaque>(this);
std::mem::transmute((embedder, this.rust_vtable))
pub unsafe fn dispatch_mut(
channel: &mut Channel,
) -> &mut dyn ChannelOverrides {
let this = Self::get_channel_offset().to_embedder_mut::<Self>(channel);
let vtable = this.rust_vtable;
let embedder = this.extender_offset.to_embedder_mut::<Opaque>(this);
std::mem::transmute((embedder, vtable))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
using namespace v8_inspector;
using Client = V8InspectorClient;
extern "C" {
void v8_inspector__Client__EXTENDER__runMessageLoopOnPause(Client& self,
int contextGroupId);
void v8_inspector__Client__EXTENDER__quitMessageLoopOnPause(Client& self);
void v8_inspector__Client__EXTENDER__runIfWaitingForDebugger(
Client& self,
int contextGroupId);
} // extern "C"
namespace v8_inspector {
struct Client__EXTENDER : public Client {
using Client::Client;
void runMessageLoopOnPause(int contextGroupId) override {
void quitMessageLoopOnPause() override {
void runIfWaitingForDebugger(int contextGroupId) override {
} // namespace v8_inspector
extern "C" {
void v8_inspector__Client__EXTENDER__CTOR(uninit_t<Client__EXTENDER>& buf) {
new (launder(&buf)) Client__EXTENDER();
void v8_inspector__Client__DTOR(Client& self) {
void v8_inspector__Client__runMessageLoopOnPause(Client& self,
int contextGroupId) {
void v8_inspector__Client__quitMessageLoopOnPause(Client& self) {
void v8_inspector__Client__runIfWaitingForDebugger(Client& self,
int contextGroupId) {
} // extern "C"
@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
use crate::cxx_util::int;
use crate::cxx_util::CxxVTable;
use crate::cxx_util::FieldOffset;
use crate::cxx_util::Opaque;
use crate::cxx_util::RustVTable;
// class V8InspectorClient {
// public:
// virtual ~V8InspectorClient() = default;
// virtual void runMessageLoopOnPause(int contextGroupId) {}
// virtual void quitMessageLoopOnPause() {}
// virtual void runIfWaitingForDebugger(int contextGroupId) {}
// virtual void muteMetrics(int contextGroupId) {}
// virtual void unmuteMetrics(int contextGroupId) {}
// virtual void beginUserGesture() {}
// virtual void endUserGesture() {}
// virtual std::unique_ptr<StringBuffer> valueSubtype(v8::Local<v8::Value>) {
// return nullptr;
// }
// virtual bool formatAccessorsAsProperties(v8::Local<v8::Value>) {
// return false;
// }
// virtual bool isInspectableHeapObject(v8::Local<v8::Object>) {
// return true;
// }
// virtual v8::Local<v8::Context> ensureDefaultContextInGroup(
// int contextGroupId) {
// return v8::Local<v8::Context>();
// }
// virtual void beginEnsureAllContextsInGroup(int contextGroupId) {}
// virtual void endEnsureAllContextsInGroup(int contextGroupId) {}
// virtual void installAdditionalCommandLineAPI(v8::Local<v8::Context>,
// v8::Local<v8::Object>) {}
// virtual void consoleAPIMessage(int contextGroupId,
// v8::Isolate::MessageErrorLevel level,
// const StringView& message,
// const StringView& url, unsigned lineNumber,
// unsigned columnNumber, V8StackTrace*) {}
// virtual v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> memoryInfo(v8::Isolate*,
// v8::Local<v8::Context>) {
// return v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value>();
// }
// virtual void consoleTime(const StringView& title) {}
// virtual void consoleTimeEnd(const StringView& title) {}
// virtual void consoleTimeStamp(const StringView& title) {}
// virtual void consoleClear(int contextGroupId) {}
// virtual double currentTimeMS() { return 0; }
// typedef void (*TimerCallback)(void*);
// virtual void startRepeatingTimer(double, TimerCallback, void* data) {}
// virtual void cancelTimer(void* data) {}
// virtual bool canExecuteScripts(int contextGroupId) { return true; }
// virtual void maxAsyncCallStackDepthChanged(int depth) {}
// virtual std::unique_ptr<StringBuffer> resourceNameToUrl(
// const StringView& resourceName) {
// return nullptr;
// }
// };
extern "C" {
fn v8_inspector__Client__EXTENDER__CTOR(
buf: &mut std::mem::MaybeUninit<Client>,
) -> ();
fn v8_inspector__Client__DTOR(this: &mut Client) -> ();
fn v8_inspector__Client__runMessageLoopOnPause(
this: &mut Client,
contextGroupId: int,
) -> ();
fn v8_inspector__Client__quitMessageLoopOnPause(this: &mut Client) -> ();
fn v8_inspector__Client__runIfWaitingForDebugger(
this: &mut Client,
contextGroupId: int,
) -> ();
pub unsafe extern "C" fn v8_inspector__Client__EXTENDER__runMessageLoopOnPause(
this: &mut Client,
contextGroupId: int,
) -> () {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn v8_inspector__Client__EXTENDER__quitMessageLoopOnPause(
this: &mut Client,
) -> () {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn v8_inspector__Client__EXTENDER__runIfWaitingForDebugger(
this: &mut Client,
contextGroupId: int,
) -> () {
pub struct Client {
_cxx_vtable: CxxVTable,
impl Client {
pub fn runMessageLoopOnPause(&mut self, contextGroupId: int) -> () {
unsafe { v8_inspector__Client__runMessageLoopOnPause(self, contextGroupId) }
pub fn quitMessageLoopOnPause(&mut self) -> () {
unsafe { v8_inspector__Client__quitMessageLoopOnPause(self) }
pub fn runIfWaitingForDebugger(&mut self, contextGroupId: int) -> () {
unsafe {
v8_inspector__Client__runIfWaitingForDebugger(self, contextGroupId)
impl Drop for Client {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { v8_inspector__Client__DTOR(self) }
pub trait AsClient {
fn as_client(&self) -> &Client;
fn as_client_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Client;
impl AsClient for Client {
fn as_client(&self) -> &Client {
fn as_client_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Client {
impl<T> AsClient for T
T: ClientOverrides,
fn as_client(&self) -> &Client {
fn as_client_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Client {
&mut self.extender_mut().cxx_client
pub trait ClientOverrides: AsClient {
fn extender(&self) -> &ClientExtender;
fn extender_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ClientExtender;
fn runMessageLoopOnPause(&mut self, contextGroupId: int) -> () {}
fn quitMessageLoopOnPause(&mut self) -> () {}
fn runIfWaitingForDebugger(&mut self, contextGroupId: int) -> () {}
pub struct ClientExtender {
cxx_client: Client,
extender_offset: FieldOffset<Self>,
rust_vtable: RustVTable<&'static dyn ClientOverrides>,
impl ClientExtender {
fn construct_cxx_client() -> Client {
unsafe {
let mut buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<Client>::uninit();
v8_inspector__Client__EXTENDER__CTOR(&mut buf);
fn get_extender_offset<T>() -> FieldOffset<Self>
T: ClientOverrides,
let buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<T>::uninit();
let embedder_ptr: *const T = buf.as_ptr();
let self_ptr: *const Self = unsafe { (*embedder_ptr).extender() };
FieldOffset::from_ptrs(embedder_ptr, self_ptr)
fn get_rust_vtable<T>() -> RustVTable<&'static dyn ClientOverrides>
T: ClientOverrides,
let buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<T>::uninit();
let embedder_ptr = buf.as_ptr();
let trait_object: *const dyn ClientOverrides = embedder_ptr;
let (data_ptr, vtable): (*const T, RustVTable<_>) =
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(trait_object) };
assert_eq!(data_ptr, embedder_ptr);
pub fn new<T>() -> Self
T: ClientOverrides,
Self {
cxx_client: Self::construct_cxx_client(),
extender_offset: Self::get_extender_offset::<T>(),
rust_vtable: Self::get_rust_vtable::<T>(),
fn get_client_offset() -> FieldOffset<Client> {
let buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::uninit();
FieldOffset::from_ptrs(buf.as_ptr(), unsafe { &(*buf.as_ptr()).cxx_client })
pub unsafe fn dispatch(client: &Client) -> &dyn ClientOverrides {
let this = Self::get_client_offset().to_embedder::<Self>(client);
let embedder = this.extender_offset.to_embedder::<Opaque>(this);
std::mem::transmute((embedder, this.rust_vtable))
pub unsafe fn dispatch_mut(client: &mut Client) -> &mut dyn ClientOverrides {
let this = Self::get_client_offset().to_embedder_mut::<Self>(client);
let vtable = this.rust_vtable;
let embedder = this.extender_offset.to_embedder_mut::<Opaque>(this);
std::mem::transmute((embedder, vtable))
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
pub mod channel;
pub mod client;
pub mod string_buffer;
pub mod string_view;
pub use channel::Channel;
pub use client::Client;
pub use string_buffer::StringBuffer;
pub use string_view::StringView;
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ pub struct StringBuffer {
impl StringBuffer {
// The C++ class definition does not declare `string()` to be a const method,
// therefore we declare self as mutable here.
pub fn string(&mut self) -> &StringView {
unsafe { v8_inspector__StringBuffer__string(self) }
Add table
Reference in a new issue