// Copyright 2019-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // // This sample program shows how to set up a stand-alone cppgc heap. // Simple string rope to illustrate allocation and garbage collection below. // The rope keeps the next parts alive via regular managed reference. struct Rope { part: String, next: v8::cppgc::Member, } impl std::fmt::Display for Rope { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.part)?; if let Some(next) = self.next.borrow() { write!(f, "{next}")?; } Ok(()) } } impl Rope { pub fn new(part: String, next: Option>) -> Rope { let next = match next { Some(p) => v8::cppgc::Member::new(&p), None => v8::cppgc::Member::empty(), }; Self { part, next } } } impl v8::cppgc::GarbageCollected for Rope { fn trace(&self, visitor: &v8::cppgc::Visitor) { visitor.trace(&self.next); } } impl Drop for Rope { fn drop(&mut self) { println!("Dropping: {}", self.part); } } fn main() { let platform = v8::new_default_platform(0, false).make_shared(); v8::V8::initialize_platform(platform.clone()); v8::V8::initialize(); v8::cppgc::initialize_process(platform.clone()); { // Create a managed heap. let heap = v8::cppgc::Heap::create(platform, v8::cppgc::HeapCreateParams::default()); // Allocate a string rope on the managed heap. let rope = unsafe { v8::cppgc::make_garbage_collected( &heap, Rope::new( String::from("Hello "), Some(v8::cppgc::make_garbage_collected( &heap, Rope::new(String::from("World!"), None), )), ), ) }; println!("{rope}"); // Manually trigger garbage collection. heap.enable_detached_garbage_collections_for_testing(); println!("Collect: MayContainHeapPointers"); unsafe { heap.collect_garbage_for_testing( v8::cppgc::EmbedderStackState::MayContainHeapPointers, ); } // Should still be live here: println!("{rope}"); println!("Collect: NoHeapPointers"); unsafe { heap.collect_garbage_for_testing( v8::cppgc::EmbedderStackState::NoHeapPointers, ); } // Should be dead now. } // Gracefully shutdown the process. unsafe { v8::cppgc::shutdown_process(); v8::V8::dispose(); } v8::V8::dispose_platform(); }