use cargo_gn; use std::env; use std::path::Path; use std::process::Command; use which::which; fn main() { if !Path::new("third_party/v8/src").is_dir() || env::var_os("GCLIENT_SYNC").is_some() { gclient_sync(); } let mut gn_args = if cargo_gn::is_debug() { vec!["is_debug=true".to_string()] } else { vec!["is_debug=false".to_string()] }; if let Some(p) = env::var_os("SCCACHE") { cc_wrapper(&mut gn_args, &Path::new(&p)); } else if let Ok(p) = which("sccache") { cc_wrapper(&mut gn_args, &p); } else { println!("cargo:warning=Not using sccache"); } let gn_out = cargo_gn::maybe_gen(".", gn_args); assert!(gn_out.exists()); assert!(gn_out.join("").exists()); cargo_gn::build("rusty_v8"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=rusty_v8"); if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib=winmm"); } } fn disable_depot_tools_update() { Command::new("python") .arg("third_party/depot_tools/") .arg("--disable") .status() .expect(" failed"); } fn git_submodule_update() { println!("cargo:warning=Running git submodule update"); Command::new("git") .arg("submodule") .arg("update") .status() .expect("git submodule update failed"); } // ./depot_tools/gclient sync fn gclient_sync() { if !Path::new("third_party/depot_tools/gclient").is_file() { // Need to run git submodule update. git_submodule_update(); } disable_depot_tools_update(); println!("cargo:warning=Running gcient sync to download V8. This could take a while."); let mut cmd = Command::new("./depot_tools/gclient"); cmd.arg("sync"); cmd.arg(""); cmd.current_dir("third_party"); let status = cmd.status().expect("gclient sync failed"); assert!(status.success()); } fn cc_wrapper(gn_args: &mut Vec, sccache_path: &Path) { gn_args.push(format!("cc_wrapper={:?}", sccache_path)); // Disable treat_warnings_as_errors until this sccache bug is fixed: // if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { gn_args.push("treat_warnings_as_errors=false".to_string()); } }