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mirror of https://github.com/denoland/rusty_v8.git synced 2025-03-10 14:06:53 -04:00
2019-12-31 02:43:27 +01:00

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// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use crate::array_buffer::Allocator;
use crate::external_references::ExternalReferences;
use crate::promise::PromiseRejectMessage;
use crate::support::intptr_t;
use crate::support::Delete;
use crate::support::Opaque;
use crate::support::UniqueRef;
use crate::Context;
use crate::Local;
use crate::Message;
use crate::Module;
use crate::Object;
use crate::Promise;
use crate::ScriptOrModule;
use crate::StartupData;
use crate::String;
use crate::Value;
use std::ffi::c_void;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ops::DerefMut;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
pub type MessageCallback = extern "C" fn(Local<Message>, Local<Value>);
pub type PromiseRejectCallback = extern "C" fn(PromiseRejectMessage);
/// HostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback is called the first time import.meta
/// is accessed for a module. Subsequent access will reuse the same value.
/// The method combines two implementation-defined abstract operations into one:
/// HostGetImportMetaProperties and HostFinalizeImportMeta.
/// The embedder should use v8::Object::CreateDataProperty to add properties on
/// the meta object.
pub type HostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback =
extern "C" fn(Local<Context>, Local<Module>, Local<Object>);
/// HostImportModuleDynamicallyCallback is called when we require the
/// embedder to load a module. This is used as part of the dynamic
/// import syntax.
/// The referrer contains metadata about the script/module that calls
/// import.
/// The specifier is the name of the module that should be imported.
/// The embedder must compile, instantiate, evaluate the Module, and
/// obtain it's namespace object.
/// The Promise returned from this function is forwarded to userland
/// JavaScript. The embedder must resolve this promise with the module
/// namespace object. In case of an exception, the embedder must reject
/// this promise with the exception. If the promise creation itself
/// fails (e.g. due to stack overflow), the embedder must propagate
/// that exception by returning an empty MaybeLocal.
pub type HostImportModuleDynamicallyCallback = extern "C" fn(
) -> *mut Promise;
extern "C" {
fn v8__Isolate__New(params: *mut CreateParams) -> *mut Isolate;
fn v8__Isolate__Dispose(this: *mut Isolate);
fn v8__Isolate__SetData(this: *mut Isolate, slot: u32, data: *mut c_void);
fn v8__Isolate__GetData(this: *const Isolate, slot: u32) -> *mut c_void;
fn v8__Isolate__GetNumberOfDataSlots(this: *const Isolate) -> u32;
fn v8__Isolate__Enter(this: *mut Isolate);
fn v8__Isolate__Exit(this: *mut Isolate);
fn v8__Isolate__SetCaptureStackTraceForUncaughtExceptions(
this: *mut Isolate,
caputre: bool,
frame_limit: i32,
fn v8__Isolate__AddMessageListener(
this: &mut Isolate,
callback: MessageCallback,
) -> bool;
fn v8__Isolate__SetPromiseRejectCallback(
isolate: *mut Isolate,
callback: PromiseRejectCallback,
fn v8__Isolate__SetHostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback(
isolate: *mut Isolate,
callback: HostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback,
fn v8__Isolate__SetHostImportModuleDynamicallyCallback(
isolate: *mut Isolate,
callback: HostImportModuleDynamicallyCallback,
fn v8__Isolate__ThrowException(
isolate: &Isolate,
exception: &Value,
) -> *mut Value;
fn v8__Isolate__CreateParams__NEW() -> *mut CreateParams;
fn v8__Isolate__CreateParams__DELETE(this: &mut CreateParams);
fn v8__Isolate__CreateParams__SET__array_buffer_allocator(
this: &mut CreateParams,
value: *mut Allocator,
fn v8__Isolate__CreateParams__SET__external_references(
this: &mut CreateParams,
value: *const intptr_t,
fn v8__Isolate__CreateParams__SET__snapshot_blob(
this: &mut CreateParams,
snapshot_blob: *mut StartupData,
/// Isolate represents an isolated instance of the V8 engine. V8 isolates have
/// completely separate states. Objects from one isolate must not be used in
/// other isolates. The embedder can create multiple isolates and use them in
/// parallel in multiple threads. An isolate can be entered by at most one
/// thread at any given time. The Locker/Unlocker API must be used to
/// synchronize.
pub struct Isolate(Opaque);
impl Isolate {
/// Creates a new isolate. Does not change the currently entered
/// isolate.
/// When an isolate is no longer used its resources should be freed
/// by calling V8::dispose(). Using the delete operator is not allowed.
/// V8::initialize() must have run prior to this.
pub fn new(params: UniqueRef<CreateParams>) -> OwnedIsolate {
// TODO: support CreateParams.
let isolate_ptr = unsafe { v8__Isolate__New(params.into_raw()) };
/// Initial configuration parameters for a new Isolate.
pub fn create_params() -> UniqueRef<CreateParams> {
/// Associate embedder-specific data with the isolate. |slot| has to be
/// between 0 and GetNumberOfDataSlots() - 1.
pub unsafe fn set_data(&mut self, slot: u32, ptr: *mut c_void) {
v8__Isolate__SetData(self, slot, ptr)
/// Retrieve embedder-specific data from the isolate.
/// Returns NULL if SetData has never been called for the given |slot|.
pub fn get_data(&self, slot: u32) -> *mut c_void {
unsafe { v8__Isolate__GetData(self, slot) }
/// Returns the maximum number of available embedder data slots. Valid slots
/// are in the range of 0 - GetNumberOfDataSlots() - 1.
pub fn get_number_of_data_slots(&self) -> u32 {
unsafe { v8__Isolate__GetNumberOfDataSlots(self) }
/// Sets this isolate as the entered one for the current thread.
/// Saves the previously entered one (if any), so that it can be
/// restored when exiting. Re-entering an isolate is allowed.
pub fn enter(&mut self) {
unsafe { v8__Isolate__Enter(self) }
/// Exits this isolate by restoring the previously entered one in the
/// current thread. The isolate may still stay the same, if it was
/// entered more than once.
/// Requires: self == Isolate::GetCurrent().
pub fn exit(&mut self) {
unsafe { v8__Isolate__Exit(self) }
/// Tells V8 to capture current stack trace when uncaught exception occurs
/// and report it to the message listeners. The option is off by default.
pub fn set_capture_stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions(
&mut self,
capture: bool,
frame_limit: i32,
) {
unsafe {
/// Adds a message listener (errors only).
/// The same message listener can be added more than once and in that
/// case it will be called more than once for each message.
/// The exception object will be passed to the callback.
pub fn add_message_listener(&mut self, callback: MessageCallback) -> bool {
unsafe { v8__Isolate__AddMessageListener(self, callback) }
/// Set callback to notify about promise reject with no handler, or
/// revocation of such a previous notification once the handler is added.
pub fn set_promise_reject_callback(
&mut self,
callback: PromiseRejectCallback,
) {
unsafe { v8__Isolate__SetPromiseRejectCallback(self, callback) }
/// This specifies the callback called by the upcoming importa.meta
/// language feature to retrieve host-defined meta data for a module.
pub fn set_host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback(
&mut self,
callback: HostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback,
) {
unsafe {
v8__Isolate__SetHostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback(self, callback)
/// This specifies the callback called by the upcoming dynamic
/// import() language feature to load modules.
pub fn set_host_import_module_dynamically_callback(
&mut self,
callback: HostImportModuleDynamicallyCallback,
) {
unsafe {
v8__Isolate__SetHostImportModuleDynamicallyCallback(self, callback)
/// Schedules an exception to be thrown when returning to JavaScript. When an
/// exception has been scheduled it is illegal to invoke any JavaScript
/// operation; the caller must return immediately and only after the exception
/// has been handled does it become legal to invoke JavaScript operations.
pub fn throw_exception<'sc>(
exception: Local<'_, Value>,
) -> Local<'sc, Value> {
unsafe {
let ptr = v8__Isolate__ThrowException(self, &exception);
/// Disposes the isolate. The isolate must not be entered by any
/// thread to be disposable.
pub unsafe fn dispose(&mut self) {
/// Same as Isolate but gets disposed when it goes out of scope.
pub struct OwnedIsolate(NonNull<Isolate>);
impl Drop for OwnedIsolate {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { self.0.as_mut().dispose() }
impl Deref for OwnedIsolate {
type Target = Isolate;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
unsafe { self.0.as_ref() }
impl DerefMut for OwnedIsolate {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
unsafe { self.0.as_mut() }
/// Trait for retrieving the current isolate from a scope object.
pub trait InIsolate {
// Do not implement this trait on unscoped Isolate references
// (e.g. OwnedIsolate).
fn isolate(&mut self) -> &mut Isolate;
/// Initial configuration parameters for a new Isolate.
pub struct CreateParams(Opaque);
impl CreateParams {
pub fn new() -> UniqueRef<CreateParams> {
unsafe { UniqueRef::from_raw(v8__Isolate__CreateParams__NEW()) }
/// The ArrayBuffer::Allocator to use for allocating and freeing the backing
/// store of ArrayBuffers.
/// If the shared_ptr version is used, the Isolate instance and every
/// |BackingStore| allocated using this allocator hold a std::shared_ptr
/// to the allocator, in order to facilitate lifetime
/// management for the allocator instance.
pub fn set_array_buffer_allocator(&mut self, value: UniqueRef<Allocator>) {
unsafe {
/// Specifies an optional nullptr-terminated array of raw addresses in the
/// embedder that V8 can match against during serialization and use for
/// deserialization. This array and its content must stay valid for the
/// entire lifetime of the isolate.
pub fn set_external_references(
&mut self,
external_references: &'static ExternalReferences,
) {
unsafe {
/// Hand startup data to V8, in case the embedder has chosen to build
/// V8 with external startup data.
/// Note:
/// - By default the startup data is linked into the V8 library, in which
/// case this function is not meaningful.
/// - If this needs to be called, it needs to be called before V8
/// tries to make use of its built-ins.
/// - To avoid unnecessary copies of data, V8 will point directly into the
/// given data blob, so pretty please keep it around until V8 exit.
/// - Compression of the startup blob might be useful, but needs to
/// handled entirely on the embedders' side.
/// - The call will abort if the data is invalid.
pub fn set_snapshot_blob(&mut self, snapshot_blob: &mut StartupData) {
unsafe {
v8__Isolate__CreateParams__SET__snapshot_blob(self, snapshot_blob)
impl Delete for CreateParams {
fn delete(&'static mut self) {
unsafe { v8__Isolate__CreateParams__DELETE(self) }