#+title: Foster Hangdaan's Personal Website #+author: Foster Hangdaan #+email: foster@hangdaan.email * About This is the source code of [[https://www.foster.hangdaan.com][foster.hangdaan.com]]. It is made with a static site generator called [[https://lume.land/][Lume]]. * Repository In case you have received this code from another source, the repository can be found online at [[https://code.hangdaan.com/foster/website]]. * Getting Started #+begin_quote *IMPORTANT:* This repository uses [[https://git-lfs.com][Git LFS]] for large files. Install and set it up before cloning this repository. #+end_quote Run the development server: #+begin_example deno task serve #+end_example To build: #+begin_example deno task build #+end_example To deploy: #+begin_example deno task deploy #+end_example * Assets Sources for assets used in the site: - The icons are from [[https://tabler-icons.io/][Tabler Icons]] and [[https://simpleicons.org/][Simple Icons]]. - The colour palette of both the light theme and the dark theme is from [[https://github.com/enkia/tokyo-night-vscode-theme][Tokyo Night]]. - The sans-serif fonts are [[https://github.com/mona-sans][Mona Sans and Hubot Sans]]. - The monospace fonts are from the [[https://monaspace.githubnext.com][Monaspace]] font superfamily. * My Contact Information - Email: [[mailto:foster@hangdaan.email][foster@hangdaan.email]] - GPG Public Key: [[https://s3.hangdaan.com/public/foster-pubkey.asc][DBD3 8E38 4B9E 1F4F 19F9 5BAE E48D 7F49 A852 F112]] * License This work is licensed under the [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/][Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License]]. You should have received a copy of this license along with this work. * Copyright Copyright \copy 2023 Foster Hangdaan