devices: ({
    name: "Wireless Mouse MX Master 3";
    // A lower threshold number makes the wheel switch to free-spin mode
    // quicker when scrolling fast.
    smartshift: { on: true; threshold: 15; };
    hiresscroll: { hires: true; invert: false; target: false; };
    dpi: 1000;

    buttons: ({
            cid: 0xc3;
            action = {
                type: "Gestures";
                gestures: ({
                        direction: "None";
                        mode: "OnRelease";
                        action = {
                            type: "Keypress";
                            keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA", "KEY_LEFTSHIFT", "KEY_T"];
                    }, {
                        direction: "Up";
                        mode: "OnRelease";
                        action =
                            type: "Keypress";
                            keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA", "KEY_F"];
                    }, {
                        direction: "Down";
                        mode: "OnRelease";
                        action =
                            type: "Keypress";
                            keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA", "KEY_LEFTSHIFT", "KEY_Q"];
                    }, {
                        direction: "Left";
                        mode: "OnRelease";
                        action =
                            type: "Keypress";
                            keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA", "KEY_LEFTSHIFT", "KEY_ESC"];
                    }, {
                        direction: "Right";
                        mode: "OnRelease";
                        action =
                            type: "Keypress";
                            keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA", "KEY_LEFTSHIFT", "KEY_ESC"];
        }, {
            cid: 0xc4;
            action = {
                    type: "Gestures";
                    gestures: ({
                        direction: "None";
                        mode: "OnRelease";
                        action = {
                            type: "Keypress";
                            keys: ["KEY_ESC"];
                    }, {
                        direction: "Up";
                        mode: "OnRelease";
                        action = {
                            type: "Keypress";
                            keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA", "KEY_LEFTSHIFT", "KEY_J"];
                    }, {
                        direction: "Down";
                        mode: "OnRelease";
                        action = {
                            type: "Keypress";
                            keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA", "KEY_LEFTSHIFT", "KEY_K"];
                    }, {
                        direction: "Left";
                        mode: "OnRelease";
                        action = {
                            type: "Keypress";
                            keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA", "KEY_LEFTSHIFT", "KEY_O"];
                    }, {
                        direction: "Right";
                        mode: "OnRelease";
                        action = {
                            type: "Keypress";
                            keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA", "KEY_LEFTSHIFT", "KEY_P"];
        }, {
            cid: 0x52;
            action = {
                type: "Keypress";
                keys: ["BTN_MIDDLE"];