Nobody is pushing direct to guix.sigs, nor should they, as that bypasses CI. Use a newer example for the testing issue. Don't duplicate the bitcoincore.org doc instructions.
16 KiB
Release Process
Branch updates
Before every release candidate
- Update translations see translation_process.md.
- Update release candidate version in
). - Update manpages (after rebuilding the binaries), see gen-manpages.py.
- Update bitcoin.conf and commit, see gen-bitcoin-conf.sh.
Before every major and minor release
- Update bips.md to account for changes since the last release.
- Update version in
(don't forget to setCLIENT_VERSION_RC
). - Update manpages (see previous section)
- Write release notes (see "Write the release notes" below).
Before every major release
- On both the master branch and the new release branch:
- update
- update
- On the new release branch in
(see this commit):- set
- set
- set
- set
Before branch-off
- Update hardcoded seeds, see this pull request for an example.
- Update the following variables in
for mainnet, testnet, and signet:m_assumed_blockchain_size
with the current size plus some overhead (see this for information on how to calculate them).- The following updates should be reviewed with
to catch any defect that causes rejection of blocks in the past history. chainTxData
with statistics about the transaction count and rate. Use the output of thegetchaintxstats
RPC with annBlocks
of 4096 (28 days) and abestblockhash
of RPCgetbestblockhash
; see this pull request for an example. Reviewers can verify the results by runninggetchaintxstats <window_block_count> <window_final_block_hash>
with thewindow_block_count
from your output.defaultAssumeValid
with the output of RPCgetblockhash
using theheight
above (and update the block height comment with that height), taking into account the following:- On mainnet, the selected value must not be orphaned, so it may be useful to set the height two blocks back from the tip.
- Testnet should be set with a height some tens of thousands back from the tip, due to reorgs there.
with the "chainwork" value of RPCgetblockheader
using the same height as that selected for the previous step.
- Clear the release notes and move them to the wiki (see "Write the release notes" below).
- Translations on Transifex:
- Pull translations from Transifex into the master branch.
- Create a new resource named after the major version with the slug
, whereRRR
is the major branch number padded with zeros. Usesrc/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.xlf
to create it. - In the project workflow settings, ensure that Translation Memory Fill-up is enabled and that Translation Memory Context Matching is disabled.
- Update the Transifex slug in
to the slug of the resource created in the first step. This identifies which resource the translations will be synchronized from. - Make an announcement that translators can start translating for the new version. You can use one of the previous announcements as a template.
- Change the auto-update URL for the resource to
, e.g.https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/master/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.xlf
. (Do this only after the previous steps, to prevent an auto-update from interfering.)
After branch-off (on the major release branch)
- Update the versions.
- Create the draft, named "version Release Notes Draft", as a collaborative wiki.
- Clear the release notes:
cp doc/release-notes-empty-template.md doc/release-notes.md
- Create a pinned meta-issue for testing the release candidate (see this issue for an example) and provide a link to it in the release announcements where useful.
- Translations on Transifex
- Change the auto-update URL for the new major version's resource away from
and to the branch, e.g.https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/<branch>/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.xlf
. Do not forget this or it will keep tracking the translations on master instead, drifting away from the specific major release.
- Change the auto-update URL for the new major version's resource away from
- Prune inputs from the qa-assets repo (See pruning inputs).
Before final release
- Merge the release notes from the wiki into the branch.
- Ensure the "Needs release note" label is removed from all relevant pull requests and issues.
Tagging a release (candidate)
To tag the version (or release candidate) in git, use the make-tag.py
script from bitcoin-maintainer-tools. From the root of the repository run:
../bitcoin-maintainer-tools/make-tag.py v(new version, e.g. 25.0)
This will perform a few last-minute consistency checks in the build system files, and if they pass, create a signed tag.
First time / New builders
Install Guix using one of the installation methods detailed in contrib/guix/INSTALL.md.
Check out the source code in the following directory hierarchy.
cd /path/to/your/toplevel/build
git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/guix.sigs.git
git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-detached-sigs.git
git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git
Write the release notes
Open a draft of the release notes for collaborative editing at https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-devwiki/wiki.
For the period during which the notes are being edited on the wiki, the version on the branch should be wiped and replaced with a link to the wiki which should be used for all announcements until -final
Generate list of authors:
git log --format='- %aN' v(current version, e.g. 25.0)..v(new version, e.g. 25.1) | grep -v 'merge-script' | sort -fiu
Setup and perform Guix builds
Checkout the Bitcoin Core version you'd like to build:
pushd ./bitcoin
SIGNER='(your builder key, ie bluematt, sipa, etc)'
VERSION='(new version without v-prefix, e.g. 25.0)'
git fetch origin "v${VERSION}"
git checkout "v${VERSION}"
Ensure your guix.sigs are up-to-date if you wish to guix-verify
your builds
against other guix-attest
git -C ./guix.sigs pull
Create the macOS SDK tarball (first time, or when SDK version changes)
Create the macOS SDK tarball, see the macdeploy instructions for details.
Build and attest to build outputs
Follow the relevant Guix README.md sections:
Verify other builders' signatures to your own (optional)
Commit your non codesigned signature to guix.sigs
pushd ./guix.sigs
git add "${VERSION}/${SIGNER}"/noncodesigned.SHA256SUMS{,.asc}
git commit -m "Add attestations by ${SIGNER} for ${VERSION} non-codesigned"
Then open a Pull Request to the guix.sigs repository.
macOS codesigner only: Create detached macOS signatures (assuming signapple is installed and up to date with master branch)
tar xf bitcoin-osx-unsigned.tar.gz
./detached-sig-create.sh /path/to/codesign.p12
Enter the keychain password and authorize the signature
signature-osx.tar.gz will be created
Windows codesigner only: Create detached Windows signatures
tar xf bitcoin-win-unsigned.tar.gz
./detached-sig-create.sh -key /path/to/codesign.key
Enter the passphrase for the key when prompted
signature-win.tar.gz will be created
Windows and macOS codesigners only: test code signatures
It is advised to test that the code signature attaches properly prior to tagging by performing the guix-codesign
However if this is done, once the release has been tagged in the bitcoin-detached-sigs repo, the guix-codesign
step must be performed again in order for the guix attestation to be valid when compared against the attestations of non-codesigner builds.
Windows and macOS codesigners only: Commit the detached codesign payloads
pushd ./bitcoin-detached-sigs
# checkout the appropriate branch for this release series
rm -rf ./*
tar xf signature-osx.tar.gz
tar xf signature-win.tar.gz
git add -A
git commit -m "point to ${VERSION}"
git tag -s "v${VERSION}" HEAD
git push the current branch and new tag
Non-codesigners: wait for Windows and macOS detached signatures
- Once the Windows and macOS builds each have 3 matching signatures, they will be signed with their respective release keys.
- Detached signatures will then be committed to the bitcoin-detached-sigs repository, which can be combined with the unsigned apps to create signed binaries.
Create the codesigned build outputs
Verify other builders' signatures to your own (optional)
Commit your codesigned signature to guix.sigs (for the signed macOS/Windows binaries)
pushd ./guix.sigs
git add "${VERSION}/${SIGNER}"/all.SHA256SUMS{,.asc}
git commit -m "Add attestations by ${SIGNER} for ${VERSION} codesigned"
Then open a Pull Request to the guix.sigs repository.
After 3 or more people have guix-built and their results match
Combine the all.SHA256SUMS.asc
file from all signers into SHA256SUMS.asc
cat "$VERSION"/*/all.SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.asc
Upload to the bitcoincore.org server (
The contents of each
directory, except for*-debug*
files.Guix will output all of the results into host subdirectories, but the SHA256SUMS file does not include these subdirectories. In order for downloads via torrent to verify without directory structure modification, all of the uploaded files need to be in the same directory as the SHA256SUMS file.
files generated by the guix build contain debug symbols for troubleshooting by developers. It is assumed that anyone that is interested in debugging can run guix to generate the files for themselves. To avoid end-user confusion about which file to pick, as well as save storage space do not upload these to the bitcoincore.org server, nor put them in the torrent.find guix-build-${VERSION}/output/ -maxdepth 2 -type f -not -name "SHA256SUMS.part" -and -not -name "*debug*" -exec scp {} user@bitcoincore.org:/var/www/bin/bitcoin-core-${VERSION} \;
file -
combined signature file you just created
Create a torrent of the
directory such that at the top level there is only one file: thebitcoin-core-${VERSION}
directory containing everything else. Name the torrentbitcoin-${VERSION}.torrent
(note that there is no-core-
in this name).Optionally help seed this torrent. To get the
URI use:transmission-show -m <torrent file>
Insert the magnet URI into the announcement sent to mailing lists. This permits people without access to
to download the binary distribution. Also put it into theoptional_magnetlink:
slot in the YAML file for bitcoincore.org. -
Update other repositories and websites for new version
bitcoincore.org blog post
bitcoincore.org maintained versions update: table
Delete post-EOL release branches and create a tag
. -
Delete "Needs backport" labels for non-existing branches.
bitcoincore.org RPC documentation update
Update packaging repo
Push the flatpak to flathub, e.g. https://github.com/flathub/org.bitcoincore.bitcoin-qt/pull/2
Push the snap, see https://github.com/bitcoin-core/packaging/blob/main/snap/local/build.md
This repo
Archive the release notes for the new version to
and branch of the release) -
Create a new GitHub release with a link to the archived release notes
Announce the release:
bitcoin-dev and bitcoin-core-dev mailing list
Bitcoin Core announcements list https://bitcoincore.org/en/list/announcements/join/
Bitcoin Core Twitter https://twitter.com/bitcoincoreorg
Additional information
How to calculate m_assumed_blockchain_size
and m_assumed_chain_state_size
Both variables are used as a guideline for how much space the user needs on their drive in total, not just strictly for the blockchain. Note that all values should be taken from a fully synced node and have an overhead of 5-10% added on top of its base value.
To calculate m_assumed_blockchain_size
, take the size in GiB of these directories:
- For
-> the data directory, excluding the/testnet3
, and/regtest
directories and any overly large files, e.g. a hugedebug.log
- For
- For
To calculate m_assumed_chain_state_size
, take the size in GiB of these directories:
- For
- For
- For
- When taking the size for
, there's no need to exclude the/chainstate
directory since it's a guideline value and an overhead will be added anyway. - The expected overhead for growth may change over time. Consider whether the percentage needs to be changed in response; if so, update it here in this section.