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Deno Manual
A word of caution: Deno is very much under development. We encourage brave early adopters, but expect bugs large and small. The API is subject to change without notice. Bug reports do help!
Deno aims to be a productive and secure scripting environment for the modern programmer.
It will always be distributed as a single executable - and that executable will be sufficient software to run any deno program. Given a URL to a deno program, you should be able to execute it with nothing more than the 50 megabyte deno executable.
Deno explicitly takes on the role of both runtime and package manager. It uses a standard browser-compatible protocol for loading modules: URLs.
Deno provides security guarantees about how programs can access your system with the default being the most restrictive secure sandbox.
Deno provides a set of reviewed (audited) standard modules that are guaranteed to work with Deno.
Support TypeScript out of the box.
Like the browser, allows imports from URLs:
import * as log from "https://deno.land/x/std/log/mod.ts";
Remote code is fetched and cached on first execution, and never updated until the code is run with the
flag. (So, this will still work on an airplane. See~/.deno/src
for details on the cache.) -
Uses "ES Modules" and does not support
. -
File system and network access can be controlled in order to run sandboxed code. Access between V8 (unprivileged) and Rust (privileged) is only done via serialized messages defined in this flatbuffer. This makes it easy to audit. For example, to enable write access use the flag
or for network access--allow-net
. -
Only ship a single executable.
Always dies on uncaught errors.
Browser compatible: The subset of Deno programs which are written completely in JavaScript and do not use the global
namespace (or feature test for it), ought to also be able to be run in a modern web browser without change.
. -
No npm.
Not explicitly compatible with Node.
Binary Install
Deno works on OSX, Linux, and Windows. Deno is a single binary executable. It has no external dependencies.
deno_install provides convenience scripts to download and install the binary.
Using Shell:
curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh
Or using PowerShell:
iwr https://deno.land/x/install/install.ps1 | iex
Deno can also be installed manually, by downloading a tarball or zip file at github.com/denoland/deno/releases. These packages contain just a single executable file. You will have to set the executable bit on Mac and Linux.
Once it's installed and in your $PATH, try it:
deno https://deno.land/welcome.ts
Build from source
# Fetch deps.
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/denoland/deno.git
cd deno
# You may need to ensure that sccache is running.
# (TODO it's unclear if this is necessary or not.)
# prebuilt/mac/sccache --start-server
# Build.
# Run.
./target/debug/deno tests/002_hello.ts
# Test.
# Format code.
To ensure reproducible builds, deno has most of its dependencies in a git submodule. However, you need to install separately:
Extra steps for Mac users:
- XCode
- Openssl 1.1:
brew install openssl@1.1
(TODO: shouldn't be necessary)
Extra steps for Windows users:
- Add
(e.g.set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python27\python.exe
) - Get VS Community 2017 with
Desktop development with C++
toolkit and make sure to select the following required tools listed below along with all C++ tools.- Windows 10 SDK >= 10.0.17134
- Visual C++ ATL for x86 and x64
- Visual C++ MFC for x86 and x64
- C++ profiling tools
- Enable
Debugging Tools for Windows
. Go toControl Panel
→Programs and Features
→ SelectWindows Software Development Kit - Windows 10
→ CheckDebugging Tools For Windows
Other useful commands
# Call ninja manually.
./third_party/depot_tools/ninja -C target/debug
# Build a release binary.
DENO_BUILD_MODE=release ./tools/build.py :deno
# List executable targets.
./third_party/depot_tools/gn ls target/debug //:* --as=output --type=executable
# List build configuration.
./third_party/depot_tools/gn args target/debug/ --list
# Edit build configuration.
./third_party/depot_tools/gn args target/debug/
# Describe a target.
./third_party/depot_tools/gn desc target/debug/ :deno
./third_party/depot_tools/gn help
# Update third_party modules
git submodule update
Environment variables: DENO_BUILD_MODE
API reference
deno --types
To get an exact reference of deno's runtime API, run the following in the command line:
deno --types
This is what the output looks like.
Reference websites
If you are embedding deno in a Rust program, see Rust Deno API.
An implementation of the unix "cat" program
In this program each command-line argument is assumed to be a filename, the file is opened, and printed to stdout.
(async () => {
for (let i = 1; i < Deno.args.length; i++) {
let filename = Deno.args[i];
let file = await Deno.open(filename);
await Deno.copy(Deno.stdout, file);
The copy()
function here actually makes no more than the necessary kernel ->
userspace -> kernel copies. That is, the same memory from which data is read
from the file, is written to stdout. This illustrates a general design goal for
I/O streams in Deno.
Try the program:
> deno https://deno.land/x/examples/cat.ts /etc/passwd
TCP echo server
This is an example of a simple server which accepts connections on port 8080, and returns to the client anything it sends.
const { listen, copy } = Deno;
(async () => {
const addr = "";
const listener = listen("tcp", addr);
console.log("listening on", addr);
while (true) {
const conn = await listener.accept();
copy(conn, conn);
When this program is started, the user is prompted for permission to listen on the network:
> deno https://deno.land/x/examples/echo_server.ts
⚠️ Deno requests network access to "listen". Grant? [yN] y
listening on
For security reasons, deno does not allow programs to access the network without explicit permission. To avoid the console prompt, use a command-line flag:
> deno https://deno.land/x/examples/echo_server.ts --allow-net
To test it, try sending a HTTP request to it by using curl. The request gets written directly back to the client.
> curl http://localhost:8080/
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
Accept: */*
It's worth noting that like the cat.ts
example, the copy()
function here
also does not make unnecessary memory copies. It receives a packet from the
kernel and sends back, without further complexity.
File server
This one serves a local directory in HTTP.
alias file_server="deno --allow-net --allow-read \
Run it:
% file_server .
Downloading https://deno.land/x/http/file_server.ts...
HTTP server listening on
And if you ever want to upgrade to the latest published version:
file_server --reload
Run subprocess
async function main() {
// create subprocess
const p = Deno.run({
args: ["echo", "hello"]
// await its completion
await p.status();
Run it:
> deno --allow-run ./subprocess_simple.ts
By default when you use deno.run()
subprocess inherits stdin
, stdout
of parent process. If you want to communicate with started subprocess
you can use "piped"
async function main() {
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const fileNames = Deno.args.slice(1);
const p = Deno.run({
args: [
stdout: "piped",
stderr: "piped"
const { code } = await p.status();
const rawOutput = await p.output();
When you run it:
> deno ./subprocess.ts --allow-run <somefile>
[file content]
> deno ./subprocess.ts --allow-run non_existent_file.md
Uncaught NotFound: No such file or directory (os error 2)
at DenoError (deno/js/errors.ts:19:5)
at maybeError (deno/js/errors.ts:38:12)
at handleAsyncMsgFromRust (deno/js/dispatch.ts:27:17)
Linking to third party code
In the above examples, we saw that Deno could execute scripts from URLs. Like browser JavaScript, Deno can import libraries directly from URLs. This example uses a URL to import a test runner library:
import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/testing/mod.ts";
test(function t1() {
assertEqual("hello", "hello");
test(function t2() {
assertEqual("world", "world");
Try running this:
> deno test.ts --reload
running 2 tests
test t1 ... ok
test t2 ... ok
test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
Note that we did not have to provide the --allow-net
flag for this program,
and yet it accessed the network. The runtime has special access to download
imports and cache them to disk.
Deno caches remote imports in a special directory specified by the $DENO_DIR
environmental variable. It defaults to the system's cache directory if
is not specified. The next time you run the program, no downloads
will be made. If the program hasn't changed, it won't be recompiled either. The
default directory is:
- On Linux/Redox:
- On Windows:
) - On macOS:
- If something fails, it falls back to
But what if https://deno.land/
goes down? Relying on external servers is
convenient for development but brittle in production. Production software should
always bundle its dependencies. In Deno this is done by checking the $DENO_DIR
into your source control system, and specifying that path as the $DENO_DIR
environmental variable at runtime.
How do you import to a specific version? Simply specify the version in the
URL. For example, this URL fully specifies the code being run:
. Combined with the
aforementioned technique of setting $DENO_DIR
in production to stored code,
one can fully specify the exact code being run, and execute the code without
network access.
It seems unwieldy to import URLs everywhere. What if one of the URLs links to
a subtly different version of a library? Isn't it error prone to maintain URLs
everywhere in a large project? The solution is to import and re-export your
external libraries in a central package.ts
file (which serves the same purpose
as Node's package.json
file). For example, let's say you were using the above
testing library across a large project. Rather than importing
everywhere, you could create a
file the exports the third-party code:
export { test, assertEqual } from "https://deno.land/x/testing/mod.ts";
And throughout project one can import from the package.ts
and avoid having
many references to the same URL:
import { test, assertEqual } from "./package.ts";
This design circumvents a plethora of complexity spawned by package management software, centralized code repositories, and superfluous file formats.
Testing if current file is the main program
To test if the current script has been executed as the main input to the program
check import.meta.main
if (import.meta.main) {
Command line interface
> deno -h
Usage: deno script.ts
--allow-read Allow file system read access
--allow-write Allow file system write access
--allow-net Allow network access
--allow-env Allow environment access
--allow-run Allow running subprocesses
-A, --allow-all Allow all permissions
--recompile Force recompilation of TypeScript code
-h, --help Print this message
-D, --log-debug Log debug output
-v, --version Print the version
-r, --reload Reload cached remote resources
--v8-options Print V8 command line options
--types Print runtime TypeScript declarations
--prefetch Prefetch the dependencies
--info Show source file related info
--fmt Format code
Environment variables:
DENO_DIR Set deno's base directory
NO_COLOR Set to disable color
Environmental variables
There are several env vars that control how Deno behaves:
defaults to $HOME/.deno
but can be set to any path to control where
generated and cached source code is written and read to.
will turn off color output if set. See https://no-color.org/. User
code can test if NO_COLOR
was set without having --allow-env
by using the
boolean constant deno.noColor
V8 flags
V8 has many many internal command-line flags, that you can see with
It looks like this.
Particularly useful ones:
Internal details
Deno and Linux analogy
Linux | Deno |
Processes | Web Workers |
Syscalls | Ops |
File descriptors (fd) | Resource ids (rid) |
Scheduler | Tokio |
Userland: libc++ / glib / boost | deno_std |
/proc/$$/stat | deno.metrics() |
man pages | deno --types |
Resources (AKA rid
) are Deno's version of file descriptors. They are integer
values used to refer to open files, sockets, and other concepts. For testing it
would be good to be able to query the system for how many open resources there
import { resources, close } from "deno";
// output like: { 0: "stdin", 1: "stdout", 2: "stderr", 3: "repl" }
// close resource by rid
Metrics is deno's internal counters for various statics.
import { metrics } from "deno";
// output like: { opsDispatched: 1, opsCompleted: 1, bytesSentControl: 40, bytesSentData: 0, bytesReceived: 176 }
Schematic diagram

To start profiling,
# Make sure we're only building release.
export DENO_BUILD_MODE=release
# Build deno and V8's d8.
./tools/build.py d8 deno
# Start the program we want to benchmark with --prof
./target/release/deno tests/http_bench.ts --allow-net --prof &
# Exercise it.
third_party/wrk/linux/wrk http://localhost:4500/
kill `pgrep deno`
V8 will write a file in the current directory that looks like this:
. To examine this file:
D8_PATH=target/release/ ./third_party/v8/tools/linux-tick-processor
isolate-0x7fad98242400-v8.log > prof.log
# on macOS, use ./third_party/v8/tools/mac-tick-processor instead
will contain information about tick distribution of different calls.
To view the log with Web UI, generate JSON file of the log:
D8_PATH=target/release/ ./third_party/v8/tools/linux-tick-processor
isolate-0x7fad98242400-v8.log --preprocess > prof.json
Open third_party/v8/tools/profview/index.html
in your brower, and select
to view the distribution graphically.
To learn more about d8
and profiling, check out the following links:
Debugging with LLDB
We can use LLDB to debug deno.
lldb -- target/debug/deno tests/worker.js
> run
> bt
> up
> up
> l
To debug Rust code, we can use rust-lldb
. It should come with rustc
and is a
wrapper around LLDB.
rust-lldb -- ./target/debug/deno tests/http_bench.ts --allow-net
# On macOS, you might get warnings like
# `ImportError: cannot import name _remove_dead_weakref`
# In that case, use system python by setting PATH, e.g.
# PATH=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin:$PATH
(lldb) command script import "/Users/kevinqian/.rustup/toolchains/1.30.0-x86_64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/etc/lldb_rust_formatters.py"
(lldb) type summary add --no-value --python-function lldb_rust_formatters.print_val -x ".*" --category Rust
(lldb) type category enable Rust
(lldb) target create "../deno/target/debug/deno"
Current executable set to '../deno/target/debug/deno' (x86_64).
(lldb) settings set -- target.run-args "tests/http_bench.ts" "--allow-net"
(lldb) b op_start
(lldb) r
deno's privileged side will primarily be programmed in Rust. However there will be a small C API that wraps V8 to 1) define the low-level message passing semantics, 2) provide a low-level test target, 3) provide an ANSI C API binding interface for Rust. V8 plus this C API is called "libdeno" and the important bits of the API is specified here: deno.h libdeno.ts
We use Flatbuffers to define common structs and enums between TypeScript and Rust. These common data structures are defined in msg.fbs
Updating prebuilt binaries
./third_party/depot_tools/upload_to_google_storage.py -b denoland \
-e ~/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/ry@tinyclouds.org/.boto `which sccache`
mv `which sccache`.sha1 prebuilt/linux64/
gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://denoland/608be47bf01004aa11d4ed06955414e93934516e
Continuous Benchmarks
The benchmark chart supposes //website/data.json
has the type
where BenchmarkData
is defined like the below:
interface ExecTimeData {
mean: number;
stddev: number;
user: number;
system: number;
min: number;
max: number;
interface BenchmarkData {
created_at: string;
sha1: string;
benchmark: {
[key: string]: ExecTimeData;
binarySizeData: {
[key: string]: number;
threadCountData: {
[key: string]: number;
syscallCountData: {
[key: string]: number;
These Deno logos, like the Deno software, are distributed under the MIT license (public domain and free for use)
Progress towards future releases is tracked here.
Please don't make the benchmarks worse.
Ask for help in the community chat room.
If you are going to work on an issue, mention so in the issue comments before you start working on the issue.
Submitting a pull request
Before submitting, please make sure the following is done:
- That there is a related issue and it is referenced in the PR text.
- There are tests that cover the changes.
- Ensure
passes. - Format your code with
- Make sure
Changes to third_party
contains most
of the external code that Deno depends on, so that we know exactly what we are
executing at any given time. It is carefully mantained with a mixture of manual
labor and private scripts. It's likely you will need help from @ry or
@piscisaureus to make changes.
Adding Ops (aka bindings)
We are very concerned about making mistakes when adding new APIs. When adding an Op to Deno, the counterpart interfaces on other platforms should be researched. Please list how this functionality is done in Go, Node, Rust, and Python.
As an example, see how deno.rename()
was proposed and added in
PR #671.
Documenting APIs
It is important to document public APIs and we want to do that inline with the code. This helps ensure that code and documentation are tightly coupled together.
Utilize JSDoc
All publicly exposed APIs and types, both via the deno
module as well as the
namespace should have JSDoc documentation. This documentation is
parsed and available to the TypeScript compiler, and therefore easy to provide
further downstream. JSDoc blocks come just prior to the statement they apply to
and are denoted by a leading /**
before terminating with a */
. For example:
/** A simple JSDoc comment */
export const FOO = "foo";